Jack, Miranda, and Zari
Location: Omega Building: Renegade's Apartment
Skills: Technopathy
Zari personally didn't even really notice the random change in clothing, after all, she was more of just happy that she had one of her two robots, even though she was still pissed off at the fact that the robot was covered in some weird sticky goo. Right now she just wanted to find where the other robot was, where Mr. Jaws could have gone off to. The poor thing didn't have much of a power source, something she knew that she needed to fix. It was the reason why the robot unless she was around giving him a bit of a boost. Mr. Eyeball was different, but that's because her mom had helped her build a better power source for him, which is why he could do a bunch of things without her.
Jack didn't even really seem surprised at all by Sunshine's declaration about her getting engaged and all. He hadn't really been keeping track of what it was that she was up to on the island. Before all of the insanity Sunshine had made clear that she wanted nothing to do with him, which is why he's been keeping his distance for the most part. It made sense for him to just not know, and honestly? It was her life, so he didn't really much care what it was that she did.
Miranda smiled simply at Sunshine when she mentioned that she was currently engaged to someone. "Weddings don't have to be very big," she said rather calmly to Waverly when she started more of less bombarding Sunshine with a million questions about the potential wedding. "All that matters is if you are going to end up sharing the moment with the one you love most... Or potentially the people you care most about... Whether it just be the person you are marrying or whether that includes numerous family and friends..."
"Been to a lot of weddings?" Jack asked, finally breaking his silence on the whole thing.
"I... Attended, my daughter's wedding a few months back... It was a rather small wedding, only those she considered close were there, and some well, that didn't she didn't care much for either..."
"Sounds like more then a bit of a fun wedding."
"You could say that..." she was purposefully being vague with regards to the whole situation. Miranda had hesitated with regards to saying the word attended for a reason. After all, she had sort of just actually crashed the wedding, even though she technically had been invited, just by a family member of the couple and not the actual couple. Of course, Ellie knew all about that, she was her best friend after all, so it was sort of difficult to keep that sort of secret from her.
When the group reached his mother's apartment, Jack sort of rolled his eyes slightly when Callie commented about the pictures of him and Casper as kids. They didn't exactly have much of a stable home life, at least not really when they were kids, since his mother moved around, and well life at Xavier's was not ideal. "Hahaha, very funny whatever you say Callie." There wasn't a whole lot else he said as the others quickly started grabbing their things from the trunk.
Reaching the trunk, Zari grabbed her bag and started going through everything that was there. Everything seemed okay... Except for one thing. WHERE THE HELL WAS HER OTHER ROBOT???? She stood straight up now and started scanning around and almost looked like she was panicking, like something scared her because it was gone. Frantically looking around the apartment, she seemed to calm down slightly after a moment, when she saw Mr. Jaws sitting on the counter, with a flower crown? Using her powers, the robotic head flew straight to her and she caught him, the crown flying off of it. Mr. Eyeball was still floating around her, covered in goo. Looking at her two robotic friends, she ended up drawing her sword, and hitting it against the nearest object. Good news was that it wasn't a person! Bad news was that a poor table was the unfortunate recipient of her fury as her sword swung down and smash it.
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"Who messed with them? Why is Mr. Eyeball covered in goo? Why is it that they both weren't in the damn box with literally everything else???? That would have made me feel a whole lot better then some weirdos who I don't know messing with and potentially breaking them. NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO TOUCH THEM EVER!!!!!!" she more or less screamed out. But based on how she had been acting when she saw that Mr. Jaws wasn't in the trunk made it more then plainly obvious that she'd probably cut her own arm off first then to have something happen to them. It was beyond the fact that she tended to treat them like people, it was more of like there was something that made her freak out over them getting busted. When the X-Cutioner had broken Mr. Eyeball, she repaired him in an instant and more or less went berserk trying to take him down over it.