Entering the city streets
"...Yeah, well I don't actively try to kill people. The whole thing with Hel was an accident, and I was perfectly happy with Jakobsen taking credit for that one mainly, since I personally wanted nothing to do with that insanity. Honestly I still don't," Thalia responded with a bit of an eye roll towards Jade. She didn't hide the fact that she preferred to distance herself from anything that had happened in Coventry, being the person to burn the Goddess of Death at the stake included.
Personally, she really wanted to be a normal person, but unfortunately that was never going to happen with her life. Her attention turned to look back at Abyss, and she started getting a really sinking feeling, as if something truly bad was likely going to happen. Thalia was trying to shake that feeling away, considering the fact that she had that feeling a lot, but that sort of feeling wasn't exactly going away. Great, this was just what she needed. Though nothing seemed to be happening, at least at first, aside from the bandages around Abyss that Jade had hit had continued to unravel. And just kept going...And soon revealed exactly
why Abyss kept the tendrils around him like that.
It was a hole, a black hole type of thing, and it started pulling with a rather large force, trying to drag all of them in.
"You have no idea what you are dealing with," Abyss said rather calmly, though it was a bit obvious he wasn't fully on board with them getting dragged into the black hole. He also wasn't entirely surprised though, however it would be highly recommended that maybe they all might want to grab onto something.
Thalia was having a bit of a problem, considering the fact that she was in the air, and didn't really have anything to grab a hold of. If she went to the ground, she'd risk getting dragged through and not being able to grab something. Her wings were beating a bit as she was more or less fighting against the wind. Not seeing much else to do, she let out a breath of fire, however the fireball went straight into the black hole and disappeared entirely.
"Guessing this is why he's called Abyss..." she managed to mutter.
Pile of Rubble
Lance was coughing a bit from the rubble and dust that was all around him. It did not help that he not only got hit by rubble from the floors above, but he also ended up falling from the second story, and he had landed fairly hard on the ground. On top of the rubble pushing down. He had no idea where in the rubble he was compared to others, though he (and Carolina as well) could hear some voices above them, likely the others moving about the rubble.
However, he definitely heard someone a lot closer and not coming from up above him. This voice was a lot closer and sounded like it had said his name. It took a moment to realize that it was Carolina's voice, meaning odds were she hadn't gotten out in time either.
"Carolina?" he responded, though it sort of hurt to breathe or talk really, but even still, she'd be able to hear him. Of course, the thought occurred to him to see about maybe shining a bright light or something to act as a bit of a signal to show where he was to those above the rubble. Unfortunately, the light that he did manage to send off wasn't strong enough to really reach the surface, however Carolina would be close enough to where he was, that she'd be able to see it barely shining through the rubble near her.
Back up top, Mary instantly started moving rubble using vines to more quickly move the rubble. Cass would be able to move a lot of the rubble herself, but moving rubble by hand unfortunately wasn't very easy, especially when some of the rocks were incredibly heavy ones, mixed in with smaller more easily moveable ones. That sort of hindered the progress a bit. However, Mary instantly went over towards the area that Guin indicated, looking at the rocks.
"I'm alright Guina, don't worry about it, how about you?" Pietro responded to her as he walked over now to the area that Guin had seen movement. Going rather quickly, he started moving the boulders at super speed, and eventually it was revealed to be....
"Oops, uh wrong person, sorry about that," Pietro commented, before instantly starting to rebury Sabretooth in the rubble. Which hopefully would slow him down a bit right?
Nope, Sabretooth instantly started popping back up from the rubble, and after a few moments, he had unburied himself and was standing up at his full height. A bit battered from the building, but he was fairly alright, considering the fact that he had a bit of a healing factor himself.
This was not a good situation, and Mary instantly used the vines that were moving bits of rubble to throw rocks at him, and she managed to land a few hits, but it wasn't seemingly able to do too much damage.
"Alright, now knock him down, hopefully... And then get them out, since pretty sure we're not going to have much time to unbury them with him still here." Sabretooth meanwhile, started grabbing a few chunks of rubble, and threw them, seeming to aim at Cass. The first rock landed on the ground by her with a bit of a thud, missing her completely. The second one though hit its mark, and slammed into Cass' stomach, knocking her completely to the ground, and actually pinning her underneath it at the moment. Well this was going to be a fun fight now wasn't it.