Warehouse Is now really the best time to be complaining about not being able to see the Hulk? Since if we can't see him, he also can't see us, that's a good thing right? "...Runa honestly sometimes trying to reason with the Hulk is probably the worst option..." he said to her with a shrug. Honestly he was currently going through the best possible ways to deal with the situation.
"...I mean the ways I know of people stopping him from going on a rampage comes down to three things... One, as Guin stated, magic. Two, honestly the dumbest thing of all, summoning a swarm of puppies or something, since the Hulk for some reason loves puppies, and three, the obvious thing that people do, try to beat him to a pulp." "That last one tends to be the most popular option. Can't you do something or whatever so he doesn't try to kill us???" Pietro asked, the Hulk was currently pounding on the wall, trying to get through to where Guin and Pietro were.
"I will be blunt, pretty sure in a fight I'd lose, especially since usually whenever the Hulk went crazy in the past it ended badly for me, whereas now, yeah, I probably could go a few rounds but I'd still likely lose cause I've never fought him before since I ended up with a Hulk form of my own, never thought to try to figure that out since he kind of disappeared right after all of that popped up!" Lance also didn't really want to potentially find that out, even though he was still positive that he'd lose no matter what happened.
"What are you going on about?" Lana asked, she was still incredibly confused as to what had happened while she had been out of it.
"How about less talking and more actually figuring out what the hell to do?" Klara interjected, having moved away from Thor and was now focused on the entire situation in front of her. She instantly drew out her sword, more then ready to potentially fight the Hulk.
"I did try to warn him to keep his anger down, but of course he didn't listen," Strange commented.
The wall that Lance and Runa had created seemed to be holding up to the Hulk's attacks, however cracks were starting to form, meaning that Pietro and Guin likely weren't going to be able to stay behind it for much longer. Especially since the Hulk seemed to be focusing almost entirely on them and ignoring everyone else in the room.
"Dad stop and calm down!" Lance more or less yelled at him, though he did hear Lana saying the exact same thing at the same time as him too. The Hulk more or less let out a bit of a roar, before picking up a piece of furniture that was in the room and throwing it at the group, before going back to trying to tear down the wall separating him from the pair. Lance threw a rather large ball of light at the Hulk, hitting him in the head, but it wasn't strong enough to do damage, or to even really annoy him at all.
Sooooo Guina... Have any suggestions for what to do? Because at this point my only suggestion is to dodge, and to keep dodging no matter what... Until he maybe tires himself out. Since obviously Strange isn't going to help at all.Frost International Building "Hm?" she said, looking over towards Bethany as she asked if she was alright.
"Yeah, I'm fine, why?" Of course, she wasn't going to bluntly start saying what was currently going through her head really, but she figured that she'd see about just telling her essentially the truth, that she was fine. Well, she couldn't really say the same for the other person in her head or whatever who was still being oddly quiet currently, but who really cared about that?
"The obvious question of course is why does it seem like it is only effecting one of you, and why are your memories becoming entangled with hers, so that both exist inside your mind? That is a rather peculiar thing now isn't it?" Emma mused, thinking a bit about what might be the issue.
"Well that is just another mystery to add onto..." Klara commented, before there was a bit of an alarm that started going off in the building, and Emma seemed to be scanning the building using her powers..
"What the hell is that?" "It seems we have some uninvited guests in the building, the Brotherhood again, as usual," Emma mused a bit, before there was a loud crash that could be heard from elsewhere in the lower floors of the building. Though whatever sort of crashing was going on seemed to be getting louder as whatever was causing it seemed to be getting closer.
"I'll go get the pair of wizards, need to go grab something anyway," Klara said instantly, before she raced off down the hallway.
"You guys really need to up the security in this place..." Mary commented, creating vines that were seemingly creeping up along her arm.
Back in the other room with Ed and his counterpart, they'd hear the alarm sounding off, as well as the crashes coming from the levels below. Klara would zip into the room, "Hey, soooooo the Brotherhood decided to send a few people to cause a few issues, so you two might want to finish up whatever it was you were doing and get back out there," she said, before she walked over to where the pile of somewhat broken armor was in the room and just sort of kicked it with a loud clang, "Honestly, how useful is armor supposed to be if it's broken before you actually remember it being in one piece?" With those words, she picked up what had been underneath the armor, revealing a scabbard. With it in hand she instantly drew forth her sword. "Haven't actually gotten to be in a good fight since I ended up coming here, so this will be fun." With those last words, she raced back out of the room.
Back in the main room, the crashing had seemingly stopped, until there was a ding as the elevator reached the top floor. Klara returned to the room just in time for the elevator door to suddenly get a rather large dent, before being forced open, revealing three people, one of them was obvious, as it was Quicksilver! The next one through was a bit surprising that apparently the elevator could hold
him as he came into the area, the ground shaking with every step he took.
Another man just casually walked out behind them both.
"Well isn't this an interesting place ya got here? Mind if we break a few things?" Quicksilver commented with a bit of a laugh, looking around.
""...Is that Juggernaut and Black Tom Cassidy?" she commented. This was not a match up that she would have expected. Of course, she had vague ideas of their powers, and it wasn't Quicksilver, or even Juggernaut she was worried about. Quicksilver was fairly simple to deal with if you could deal with his speed, Juggernaut you needed to get his helmet off and attack him telepathically, or use powerful magic, and they just so happened to have a few wizards around for that. Black Tom's powers were similar in a way to hers, and that was the thing she was worried about. She didn't actually typically deal with people whose powers were like hers. Then again, Chrysi was currently in control, and Mary wasn't saying a word in her head at all. The only real way to describe the difference between the two is that while Chrysi had more of the brute strength and no holding back with how strong their powers could get, Mary had the more tactical mind and could easily think of ways around this sort of situation. This was not going to end well probably, but maybe brute force will work out in her favor?
Juggernaut instantly smashed a chunk of the wall out, before picking it up and throwing it directly at the group. The piece of rubble would just barely miss hitting Bethany as it slammed into the wall and hit the large window showing the outdoors.
"Huh, am I just seeing double today? Cause earlier I saw another version of me running around, and now two of another person? This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder, but oh well," he added, before he raced around and flipped the couch over sending Nightlock to the ground, before he paused for a moment next to Mary,
"Haven't I killed you before?" he asked, before shrugging, and going back to racing around and destroying everything in the room.
Tom meanwhile sent a blast of energy from his club, which ended up being strong enough to knock Mary down to the ground. She instantly sprung back up, and was clearly a bit annoyed, as she sent vines flying back at him, but he managed to easily dodge out of the way of her attack.
"You are so annoying..."