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Current Congrats to my X-Men peeps! 2 years and over a 1000 posts later and we are heading into our 5th story arc!
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RIP Stan Lee... You will forever be missed. As someone whose grown up reading Marvel comics, you've always have kind of been a part of my life. Thank you for making most of the Marvel heroes we know.


Name: BlueSky44
Aliases: Blue
Age: Mid 20s
Birthday: October 27
Gender: Female
Occupation: Dog Groomer
Languages: English
Current Bio Theme: Five/Emily Kolburn
Previous Themes: Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Years Rping: Too many
Preferred Rp Section: Casual

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In What If? 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade would be able to take out the remaining two in the doorway, their bodies dropping surprisingly slowly to the floor. Thalia lowered her hands for a moment now, thinking, "Okay... Now that that is dealt with... Um, guess we continue onwards then?" She wasn't entirely sure what to do, she was perfectly fine with following after Ed and Jade as opposed to leading the way on her own. This was not exactly the sort of thing she was really used to doing.

Out in the hallway, the coast seemed to be clear for the three of them now. Though they might want to consider hiding the bodies or something like that at this point. Since sooner or later, someone would likely show up and find them and raise some sort of alarm.

Over with the group of Cass, Guin and Mary, they'd be able to enter the room and seem to be able to do things without too much of an interruption. Hopefully anyway, that was the idea after all. However she wasn't sure how well this was going to work out. After all, she was creating something that hadn't actively been tested on any living thing. She also had messed with it to the point where in theory she had made it so that it wouldn't effect their group, but everyone else in the building. That was also something she wasn't entirely sure would actually work out.

"I'm still not entirely sure how well this is going to work out..." Mary muttered. It wasn't an exact science, she had been spending the majority of the time eyeballing everything, since what would have made the whole creating of things easier was if she had a genetics lab of sorts to more easily craft what she was doing since she was manipulating plant cells in order to create a plant a custom poison of sorts. It would be one thing if she had actually done that sort of thing before, but she hadn't. So she didn't have a baseline at all for it.

Mary went to over to the nearest vent and yanked it off the wall. "Should be a few minutes before this ends up actually working out... And as stated, this might not work, it wasn't exactly tested and I've never exactly made some weird plant pollen to do this sort of thing... It'll take a while for it to circulate the building. But if all works out well, we won't be effected, but everyone else in the building will... In theory..." Yeah, that's all it really was at that point, just a theory in general. They'd be able to hear what sounded like footsteps not too far away from them further down the hallway, heading their way.

Lance and Pietro weren't too sure whether or not Carolina was in control of any of the group out there. After all, they couldn't exactly see her. However one thing they did get clued in on, was that something was up with Avalanche giving his random comment of sorts. The others in the group turned to look, before shrugging slightly and continuing to wander off and around a corner out of sight.

Once they were gone, Lance dropped the invisibility, and walked over, "So, now we get moving on and eventually see about meeting up with the others upstairs? We should get going, since we are running a bit behind everyone else..."

"Shouldn't take too long to catch up, so let's get going already."

Location: the Carousel
Skills: Mixed Trivia Knowledge

Zari wasn't too sure if she was fully comfortable with Selene being around the group, since she was definitely a bit intimidating at times. Though the instant the word leman left Selene's mouth and how it was clearly referring to her made her face turn bright red blushing. Based on everyone else's reactions, she was the only one who seemed to even understand what the word meant. Or the way it was typically used really, and she was trying to calm down a bit to try to stop blushing, but that was not working out too well for her.

"Oh um... I just never um... Cared for it... There are better breakfast foods then um... That..." Zari typically never stuttered or stumbled over her words, so this was a bit strange for her, and for others. Maybe later she'd explain to Andy her reaction or whatever, but right now she was not going to just openly explain it in front of everyone given what the word means.

Location: the Carousel
Skills: N/A

Of course Casper was instantly interested in the whole outfit that Selene was wearing and all. That was definitely not surprising at all, given his brother's intense interest in clothing. Most everyone else seemed to act a bit wary of Selene, and honestly he usually tended to act that way before when he first met her, she wasn't so bad to be around. She definitely was an interesting person to be around. Those who had stayed at the table seemed to be asking her a few questions, Casper about the outfit, Echo seemed to be asking her the question that the kids had been talking about?

"Lovely as always to see you Selene, and beautiful as ever too," he said to Selene with a smile. At this point it was a bit obvious that something was up between him and Selene, though he very much was not going to explain anything away. He figured he might as well lean into the whole situation. People were going to ask questions anyway no matter what he did, so why honestly try to hide anything?

Location: the Carousel
Skills: N/A

She had gotten a lot off her chest in her overall rant to Magneto. Truthfully she had wanted to tell him more of her reasonings, particularly why she had given up her son, the one who also was his child. It wasn't just because of him or anything, it was also because of her, and more so really because of her and knowing she likely couldn't really provide a stable home for the kid at the time, and everything else that had been going on. No, there wasn't enough time in the world to explain that whole thing.

Miranda didn't look back, deciding to go see about getting a drink. Right now she wanted something strong, and was really wishing that Ellie was still at the party, since she right now could really use a friend to talk to or something. So many things were going through her head currently, and she didn't know what to think with everything going on. So now that she needed to figure out what it was that she was going to do, what better way then to find something strong to drink?

Location: Genosha
Skills: N/A

"Any number of things could probably have caused that thing that then ended up dragging us through once Sparky touched it, we can't say one way or another," Flynn added with a bit of a shrug. He had no idea what had caused the anomaly that Luminous and Doom had used, well, it also was the one they ended up using too. That whole situation was a bit strange to him to say the least, and how it worked went way over his head, but he did find it odd that Oliver seemed to think that one of them had created it.

After all, there were numerous things across the universe, anything could have potentially caused it to say the least, so who knew what actually caused it. They had no evidence one way or the other, so unless one of the two actually tells them how it appeared there and tell them the truth, they probably will never know. Everyone was starting to wind down and get ready to head off to sleep, so they'd deal more with that sort of thing in the morning.

Location: Genosha
Skills: N/A

"Yeah, not going to happen," she responded with an eye roll towards Maria about the whole Pikachu thing. It was a bit on the annoying side at times, and her attention turned towards the rest of the conversation which had turned towards the anomaly that had brought them here, and she rolled her eyes at Flynn. "How many times do I have to say sorry for touching the weird anomaly, how was I supposed to know it apparently was a rift in the fabric of reality."

The conversation about what potentially caused it was not going to end up giving any sort of answers. It was impossible, and they just had to deal with the fallout. This might have ended up for the best in some ways though. Since at least for her, things suddenly made more sense as to why she always felt extremely out of place with her family back home (well, adopted family apparently) and why she had felt like an outcast at times. "We can't do anything about the anomaly anyway, and there isn't a point in really talking about it until we catch Doom and Luminous."

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Oh great, more waiting around to go do something. She would really prefer to go do this recon journey or whatever now. The rain and the storm would probably provide them with a decent amount of cover to sneak around by the castle. That made some sense anyway, at least in her mind. Though she supposed if the entrance they'd be going to was on a cliffside, they would have to be more careful in the rain, so there were pros and cons to doing things both ways.

Rosalia was still wondering what all they were supposed to do while waiting out the storm. Though that was made apparent when Rapunzel came over and mentioned that there were rooms setup for them all upstairs. The others seemed to be more or less congregating together a bit, and she was perfectly fine with not being anywhere near them. This was definitely a weird place to be in, and she never expected to end up in the house (or well, tower) that she had more or less spent her very early childhood in, with her parents.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Jack wasn't sure what to expect given the fact that they were currently in a carriage underwater, with the King and Queen of Camelot. Yeah, this didn't sound insane or anything like that at all. Of course, now they were heading to deal with Captain Hook in order to get some help from merpeople. This definitely had been a strange adventure to say the least so far, and he still wasn't sure how it was all going to end.

He almost didn't hear what had been asked until the others were answering the question. "Not too much with actual weapons, I always tried to talk my way out of situations rather then fight. Unless you count when I sent a fireball by accident at my father's face and burned it pretty badly, then again it turned out to be a good thing that I did that," he responded with a bit of a shrug. Yup, he preferred not to use weapons, since to him violence was not exactly the answer to everything.

Janelle Gauger

Location: New York City
Skills: N/A

She was honestly a bit surprised with how bluntly she had more or less called him out for everything. It was a bit difficult for her not to, it did hurt a bit, she wasn't going to lie about that. Not to mention most people usually never saw past the fact that she was blind, ironically they never seemed to really see her for who she was. Hence, she never actually really ended up in a relationship with anyone, and that usually meant she never actually really had felt any real feelings like that toward everyone either. She thought that things with Zeke were a bit different, but apparently she was wrong. That's what happened when, as her brother would put it, she wouldn't be able to really tell a lie or anything even if it was right in front of her. That always was her major downfall, she always trusted what people said or how they acted, never easily thinking that they could be lying to her, at least not at first.

Janelle listened to Zeke's words, and once again, she wasn't entirely sure whether she could believe them or anything. It certainly didn't seem like he was lying, and him not saying anything or even really talking to her for most of the day didn't exactly add to his credibility in that regard. "If it seemed like you actually cared at all about anythin we'd be 'avin a defferent cahnversation... sence you clearly ahnly seem to care fahr yourself and no one else," she responded to him. She wasn't usually this mean or rude to anyone, ever. Generally she typically was a kind person, but even though her words seemed like they'd sting or bite, they didn't. Her voice was a bit shaky as she spoke those words, wavering a bit, and it actually looked like she might cry.

Her attention was drawn away from Zeke (as she heard him walk away) and towards the other bits of commotion that was going on, namely it was all surrounding Demetri, because of course it was. She had no idea what it was that he was going on about, but everyone was still heading along to the train station, so she just ensured that she didn't stray to far away from the group as they got there.

Jason Gauger

Location: Grand Central Station
Skills: N/A

The money was a nice bonus for defeating the Karen cyclops, so that was a nice thing. He also couldn't help but wonder why monsters were running around using credit cards for whatever reason. Then again, they had been a cyclops family of sorts, so maybe they had an apartment or whatever around? That still struck him as a bit weird to think about, made him wonder just how many monsters were living in plain sight, it was just strange to think about in his opinion, but oh well, not something he wanted to dwell on right now for very long.

The announcement about the train arriving was a good thing, since it meant they could hurry up and move along, get out of there and hopefully not have to deal with too much trouble, at least immediately anyway, from the cyclops family, or well, what was left of it. Jason followed along after the other two, heading onto the train, and following along until they came to a compartment, which made things better for them. They at least would have some privacy and all at least.

Marygold Isley

Location: The Labyrinth
Skills: N/A

"I mean true, but also this is just proving we might as well be in Dora the Explorer, anyone have a talking backpack to go along with the magical map that even seems to mark where we need to go?" Mary asked as a bit of a joke, as she watched the map swirl around and eventually saw it put a mark on the map, pointing somewhat to where exactly they wanted to go. This map was definitely oddly convenient, she wasn't entirely sure if they were just lucky, or if this was leading them into a trap.

She looked at the compass that appeared, wanting to have them go down the right pathway. The sounds of monsters coming closer was not exactly pleasant, and she instantly started walking that way. Her mind was racing, and she was keeping her eye out a bit, hoping that they wouldn't get jumped by monsters for any reason, or without there being some warning. Yeah, dying in this weird maze was not something that she felt like doing. Not now, not ever. She very much preferred living.

But the wizard is just going to keep talking about some other magical space rock that can mess with reality and is a bad thing in the hands of most people," Pietro complained mentally to Guin. This did seem to be their life currently, going after space rocks that could destroy everything. The last one they dealt with was the reality stone on Asgard, so who knew how anything was going to go with this situation/

Strange raised a bit of an eyebrow when Bethany spoke about how easy it sounded. "It may sound simple enough, however, that is going to be far from the case. Unfortunately, the most you can acquire about its location is a smaller general area with magic. The shard gives off such strong power, that it messes with most other forms of energy, including magic."

"Plus knowing our luck everything that could possibly go wrong, will go wrong," Mary added with a bit of a shrug. They didn't exactly have the best track record with that sort of thing in general. They always ended up having the worst luck when they actually needed it for something important.

"As for what you said," Strange continued, turning to look at Runa, "Was part of why it seemed like the best course of action to potentially use the shard to return you to your own home reality. I was going to ask for your aid in retrieving it anyway, as that much potential energy and power in the hands of most anyone can be devastating."

"So how about we get going then? You just said that you could get us somewhat close to where the shard is, then how about we get going."

"We shouldn't rush head first into the situation though, if we do something could happen to destroy the universe."

"But they have a headstart on us, so we should go there fast and get to it first obviously."

"There also is the whole everyone might run into some of their counterparts, so we might also want to pay attention to how we can tell the difference between everyone. Since that might come up a bit." that was a genuine problem that they had to worry about currently. Since she knew that at least Ed and Bethany had counterparts with the Hellfire Club, and that Pietro had a counterpart who was with the Brotherhood. Plus the whole other Klara who might actually be their Klara thing, and she also was with the Hellfire Club, which didn't help matters. Her attention turned towards Strange again, "We know a few of the counterparts we might easily run into... Any idea who all we might see while trying to get the shard?"

"Well obviously Quicksilver is with the Brotherhood, though he's not the only one, both the younger Stark and her," he said, nodding his head towards Annie, "Are with the group as well. As for the group with the Hellfire Club, considering the fact that you seemed to have encountered them before, you already know."

"Yeah, both Ed and Bethany's counterparts are there too... So we need to make sure to keep track of which ones are our version of everyone if we do run into them. No matter what we do, that is something to keep an eye on..." She had sort of left out the whole "other Klara" thing partially because she wasn't sure what to think of that situation. And secondly because of how that version of Klara was, it would be very difficult to get the two of them mixed up anyway.

They are just talking about how best to deal with everything and aren't talking about the fancy space rock specifically. So go now? This is kind of boring...

Location: Genosha
Skills: N/A

Flynn was just listening to the conversations around him, not entirely certain how to continue to talk to everyone or make comments about what all was going on. His head was still pounding a bit from what had happened with the entire psychic surgery thing. Not to mention, he wanted to talk to Bonnie in general. Since despite what he had been trying to convince himself, he did blame himself for a lot of things that were really out of his control. And he did want to admit and tell her more about those situations, but not right now.

The others were talking about what they should do now, and he thought about what best they could do currently. "We can't just leave those two here... They are our problem and have been since they stepped through that portal, so before we can even think about heading back to our reality, we need to basically drag them back with us..." Flynn eventually said, looking at the group. Though he was a bit curious as to what it was that Banner was suggesting on how they were supposed to get back home anyway.

Location: Genosha
Skills: N/A

"I mean it is fitting, and it works out. Makes things easier and never cared much for the name I had, the nickname always seemed like the way to go. It was sheer coincidence that it worked out to fit me so well really," Sparky said with an eye roll as everyone else made a few comments about her nickname. "Call me Pikachu again and you'll get zapped," she then added to Maria with a bit of a laugh.

The discussion went towards how they were supposed to get back home, and what to do about Doom and Luminous. "We still need to deal with those two whether you want to or not," she said towards Raynor, shaking her head in his direction. "As for us getting back... He has a machine that was used to send me over to that reality to begin with..." that was her explanation for the how they were getting back. Though she had a feeling that the whole going to New Asgard thing was more along the lines of how Raynor ended up in that reality.

Location: the Carousel
Skills: N/A

"Well, no wonder this group is so confusing, since no one really explains much of anything that's going on or answer questions," she said bluntly, before looking at Echo, as he actually acknowledged her question and explained things. His explanation wasn't exactly the greatest, and she tilted her head to the side, almost like she was trying to think about the best answer to what he had said to her. You practically could see the gears turning in her head.

Eventually, she decided to answer, "But... Why would you want to wonder if someone would want to do something like that or get rid of anything or something? It sounds weird to me. So why would you want to? Though my answer to your example is French Toast, that always was weird to me," Zari said, before her attention turned towards Selene, who was now talking to Andy. Currently, she still didn't know what to make about Selene, the woman weirded her out a bit that was for sure.

Location: the Carousel
Skills: N/A

"I mean I was perfectly fine not being a part of the conversation Casper, but that's just me. Since the game is a bit weird to me. And honestly I do not have an answer to those choices at all," Jack said towards Casper with a bit of an eye roll. It always was fun being the youngest in a family, since then everyone teased you for one thing or another. Personally he didn't want to answer the question partially because he figured that Casper would sit there and ask the full reasoning for why he made those choices.

His attention was drawn away now by Selene deciding to make her way to their table, and she seemed to refer to Andy as her daughter. Well now that wasn't something he expected to hear, of course, she then decided to refer to him of course. That was a bit unwelcome for the moment given no one knew about his interactions with Selene, or anything involving his father. That was just something he didn't want to discuss. He didn't say anything to Selene immediately, but he did give her a slight wave in response.

Location: the Carousel
Skills: N/A

She fully had expected his answer, but it didn't help to dampen the sting from his words. Miranda had been trying to talk to him for a while, and she figured that since he was avoiding her for the most part, now was the moment to just talk. Things were over, and that she easily knew, however, she figured since they had been together for so long, she might as well tell him the full truth. He only knew the basics of what had happened, not even close to enough to potentially create a full explanation, but that wasn't the only thing she was going to tell him.

"Well, I figured that would be your reaction. However I do believe I owe you something, after all this time... And that would be the truth behind what I did, or the reasons why I never told you. The main reason I never told you was because I knew that you would react poorly and not give me a chance to try and explain anything, which might I add you've proven my point. The reason why I helped shift things back... Well now that is an interesting question... And a bit of an explanation... It comes down to me wanting to protect my children, and before you say anything, yes, I said children in the sense of plural, as in I have more then one... I also did it for your kids, the twins? I know you care about Wanda but Pietro always was a lot more like you then you could possibly realize... But I did it for them, to help them too, since yes, Wanda created that false reality, she created it in hopes of bringing her family back together, something that let's be honest in the real world tends to not seem very likely as you and her brother don't tend to see eye to eye... You think you know everything, but you don't... And I helped fix everything because I actually cared about my kids, and yours who I sometimes tend to see as my own anyway..." she said to him.

Miranda did know that she at least owed him that sort of explanation. It didn't explain much about the alternate reality or anything like that, but it did explain her reasoning for why she did what she did, and why she kept quiet. "Good bye Erik," she said, before turning to walk away, but she hesitated for a moment, forgetting to fully explain one more thing. "Oh, and you have another son... He's older then the twins though, but I'm fairly certain you've actually met him once before..." she added, not explaining anything more as she walked away.
In What If? 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

"Guess we wait a moment for Carolina to come back or whatever?" Pietro asked Lance. Everyone else was starting to sneak along off elsewhere to try and get upstairs.

Lance rolled his eyes, before he started moving along slowly in the direction that Carolina had gone. There was a slight shimmer of light that surrounded the pair, before he managed to make them invisible. Considering the fact that Carolina was trying to take over a member of the group they were trying to stop, not being visible seemed like a good idea. He kept quiet as he sort of followed along after the group that was nearby, figuring that Carolina would go for them.

One member of the group where Carolina was seemed to notice something was off. "You okay Avalanche?" the guy asked, looking at her. Avalanche was still fighting to break free from her.

Mary followed along after Cass and Guin, since that was the group that she had ended up with, following along quietly up the stairs. Personally, she was fine with not being in charge, that sort of thing was overrated, and the last time that she was in charge of anyone it had ended with the situation that they currently were in. She still blamed herself for what had happened, so she was currently set to do whatever it took to try and fix everything.

Guin poked the door open at the top of the stairs, and Mary decided to do a bit more scouting. "Allow me..." she muttered, as a vine shot out from her pocket, and started almost acting like a snake out into the hallway, her eyes were glowing fairly faintly. "Farther along is clear for the moment, however there are a few voices coming from a door nearby, we need to be careful."

The other group that was going along, Thalia was right behind the other two, and Jade was leading the way up the stairs in general. She heard the voices, not to mention the door knob starting to turn before there was a brief flash of silver, her hands turning to appear covered in scales, as the door was halfway open, and those outside it were seemingly frozen in place.

"Uh... Sorry... I kind of panicked a bit, um... Anyone want to knock these guys out or stab them or something? Please? Not sure they will stay frozen for very long and figure this way we might be able to avoid any super loud noise... Probably..." she said, looking to Ed and Jade, figuring that one of them would do something, it was only 3 people in the doorway.

Janelle Gauger

Location: New York City
Skills: N/A

Everyone was talking about going off on history lessons on what has happened in the past. It was kind of sad really that the whole thing had to be explained more or less when they were in the country where it happened. She'd even heard about that sort of thing, and she'd been raised on a different continent. It was a bit strange, but she said nothing about it. Right now she wanted to go off somewhere else and not be around this group still, and she listened as some people mentioned heading to the train station or something to head off somewhere.

That was fine with her, but her attention was drawn away by Zeke, who decided to actually more or less acknowledge that she was around. Janelle shook her head when he asked about talking. "No, naht really. Why dahn't you talk to your boyfriend, you're so ahbvious you dahn't need to see sahmethin to be able to tell. Ahr was dat suppahsed to be sahme secret, you gettin yelled at earlier and fahr what reasahn was all anyone would talk about" she responded, before going back to ignoring his existence and hearing others chastise Demetri for talking about going sight seeing. "Grand Central Station wahrks fahr me let's go."

Jason Gauger

Location: Grand Central Station
Skills: N/A

"De lady drahpped 'er purse, so let's see if she 'ad anythin useful inside," he commented when Niah eventually rejoined them. It didn't surprise him too much that she ended up coming straight back, since it made no sense considering there was the chance of her missing the train entirely if she chose to continue going after him. So common sense dictated that she would come back to the pair of them. He actually wasn't sure what they would have done if Niah hadn't come back.

Taking a second, Jason opened up the purse to look inside of the bag, and he was not expecting as much as he did within it. There was enough to help them to get to their destination and probably even more. "'uh, dis seems like it'll be 'elpful to us in de lahng run... and let's 'ahpe dat de ahther cyclahps dahn't show up," he said, looking at the other two. This was going to definitely be a fun quest.

Marygold Isley

Location: The Labyrinth
Skills: N/A

Mary thought that the map looked interesting to say the least, she wasn't sure what all to really do at this point, since the Labyrinth was just that, a labyrinth. It was a maze, and it would not be an easy feat to get through the labyrinth and not get trapped or something like that within it. So a map, no matter how confusing it looked to be, was going to be incredibly useful in genera. That was a nice thing in general.

"So... What sort of question should I ask the magical map? What is this Dora the Explorer where we talk to inanimate objects and they talk back giving us the answers?" she said that last part with a bit of a laugh, looking at the map still. Mary didn't know what to really think of this whole thing. Eventually, she settled on asking the map a question, "Where is Hades' sword?" she asked the map.
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