Janelle Gauger
Location: Train
Skills: N/A
The conversation now seemed to be shifting to them going along with the whole thing where they should have a watch cycle of sorts for the rest of their train ride, allowing others to potentially sleep or something in the meantime. Personally she wasn't entirely sure how helpful she'd be in that sort of thing, since the most she'd be able to really help out in general aside from noticing sounds that might be occurring nearby. She personally didn't seem to overly care who she got paired with, as long as she didn't actively have to deal with two certain people she'd be fine with whoever.
Hearing Cassian offer to more or less pair up with her, she just sort of shrugged a bit, "Sure, dat's fine wit me. It dedn't matter to me really who I was paired wit anyway," she ended up saying to the group. Janelle found a spot to sit in the train car, still sort of wanting to be alone, or well, as alone as possible during the entire situation. She just wanted this quest and all to be over with all ready.
Jason Gauger
Location: The Train
Skills: N/A
Well that whole situation was dealt with and all for now, leaving the three of them back where they started, in their train compartment sitting on the train, and getting a little bit bored honestly. Jason wasn't sure what to do at this point, since they sort of were stuck having to continue on the train ride, and wait for a long time before the next stop along their path to the other side of the country. Not to mention there was always the chance they might run into more monsters along the way.
Though... The harpies and what they had said before taking off, about having what they had gone there for. That was still the biggest question in his head that was probably going to bug him until they either were done with the quest or they ran into the harpies again and potentially discovered what it was that had happened. He was unsure of what to do, as the TV didn't have anything interesting going on in general, so he was unsure of what exactly to do at this point.
Marygold Isley
Location: The Labyrinth
Skills: N/A
"Well let's hope that works out in our favor and prevents them from potentially swarming us again, at least soonish or whatever," Mary commented, looking a bit at the trap door, and really really hoping that the birds didn't decide to try and break down the trap door that they were currently hanging around in and all. The room definitely was a bit strange and all in her opinion and still reminded her a bit too much of a doomsday prepper's bunker of sorts, but she decided against saying that part again.
Her attention shifted, but she stayed on guard a bit when Madalyne mentioned that she thought they were leaving the area or something, and she looked over at her, "I vote we stay in here a little while longer to just make sure that they are actually gone and not potentially just waiting for us to pop up again a few seconds later or something..." she added, before turning attention to the book that Andy had, "I mean maybe, it's the only interesting looking thing around here anyway really, so taking a look at it is not a bad idea."