Avatar of BlueSky44


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5 yrs ago
Current Congrats to my X-Men peeps! 2 years and over a 1000 posts later and we are heading into our 5th story arc!
6 yrs ago
RIP Stan Lee... You will forever be missed. As someone whose grown up reading Marvel comics, you've always have kind of been a part of my life. Thank you for making most of the Marvel heroes we know.


Name: BlueSky44
Aliases: Blue
Age: Mid 20s
Birthday: October 27
Gender: Female
Occupation: Dog Groomer
Languages: English
Current Bio Theme: Five/Emily Kolburn
Previous Themes: Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Years Rping: Too many
Preferred Rp Section: Casual

Rp's Currently Gming:
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Most Recent Posts

Klara, Daughter of Thor

Location: Limbo - Maze
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

That did not end well at all for her, as the pain soon left and the Green Eyed One basically ate her soul, "Well wasn't that rude," she said with a bit of a laugh. Of course now someone else decided to just basically tell the thing to drop her, and she rolled her eyes a bit at the new person. "You know telling someone to just drop another person is not the greatest idea since that isn't specific!" she said towards him. Klara didn't overly care about it either way though, it was a bit of an odd cold feeling really at this point for her she didn't very much care anyway for everything.

Though she needed to really get out of this weirdo's grip. And no one else was helping her, that much was very apparent since Carolina wasn't doing anything but kind of restating the obvious and Max had ditched them both. She had no idea who this guy was, but she didn't need to know, as she figured she'd get down herself. Took her a bit of moving around, but eventually she was able to get free, though there was a bit of the sound of a crack when she landed as her arm snapped, getting broken from falling down, but she didn't seem to really react to it. Instead she just got back up onto her feet as if nothing had happened.

Rosalia Rider

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Rosalia was only slightly paying attention to what was going on, but she did manage to get the jist of what the plan was. Namely two groups, the direct attack on the front, and the sneaky sneaky group going into the area. However the one thing that caught her attention was that the two annoying guys who decided to show up late to the party were wanting to go on the sneaking group. Hell no to that. Which basically cemented her choice as to which group she wanted to go with.

"I was going to say I wanted to go with the stealth group anyway, however you two are the last people who should be going on a stealth mission," she snapped, pointing at the pair, "You caused us issues by being stupid the instant we got here or did someone forget the whole incident with someone disturbing the dead when they were told specifically not to and all of us getting attacked by skeletons? Plus the best thing you two would be for a stealth mission would be as bait to distract anyone from disturbing us. Not to mention anyone whose read a fairy tale could tell you that genie magic is different then normal magic, and probably a hell of a lot better then anything you could come up with. So yeah no, especially if you are deciding to be on that group I'd be going because it's the group I'd genuinely do better with, but also to keep you idiots from getting us all killed within two seconds."

Jack Gold

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

The plan was certainly an interesting one to say the least. Not sure how it was really a good one in his mind, and it certainly was a bit of an odd one to say the least. Others were starting to say which group they were wanting to go with, and Jack was wondering what was going on with the people who were even wanting to go with the stealth group. Over all of it, he heard Megan mention going with the front assaulting group.

Jack wasn't exactly the best in combat, however he could throw fireballs which could prove effective if he figured out how to properly throw them to not roast anyone else. "I'll go with the group attacking the front gates too," he answered Belle with a shrug. It was probably for the best that not a million people went with the stealth group anyway, made things a hell of a lot easier for them that way. He was wondering a bit how this was all going to play out though with everyone trying to figure out who was going with who.

Janelle Gauger

Location: Las Vegas
Skills: N/A

Well, sounded like they weren't going to be heading straight into the lion's den of this quest without so much as a hesitation. It sounded like Nancy and Zeke had gotten to Las Vegas pretty easily, so they would be able to meet up with them there. Though she very much was enjoying the idea of not having Zeke around. Seemed like there was less drama to worry about that way. Now if only Demetri wasn't around things would definitely be a lot better.

Of course she didn't know where they were going specifically or what the hotel they were going to even really looked like. So Janelle remained quiet as she ended up following the group that direction, listening to their footsteps to try and guide her way through the street. It didn't sound too surprising that the hotel would be located in Las Vegas based on what she had heard about it, but this wasn't exactly a part of the country she had expected to wander into at all.

Jason Gauger

Location: The Train Station
Skills: N/A

"I might 'ave some mahney if we're strapped fahr cash ahn dings too..." Jason added, remembering the bank card that he had with him. Though he typically wasn't one to use the funds in that account considering how he and his sister had gotten the money, but he had it in the case of an emergency. Since he never used the money, he had actually forgotten about it entirely. He did feel a bit bad for not using it potentially earlier to make it easier for them to get the train tickets, but he did sort of ignore that feeling now.

Jason followed along after the other two as Niah lead the way to the area they could catch a cab. Since this was still a very unfamiliar area to him (and country honestly) so he just let them do the talking for the most part. The driver didn't seem too bad, so he got in the cab, not entirely sure what else to do right now really.

Marygold Isley

Location: The Labyrinth
Skills: N/A

Well things seemed to be going okay for them at the moment, which was a good thing really. However they still had monsters hot on their trail, and from the looks of things, Andy's illusions were only going to last so long. They had to get moving again otherwise they'd run into more problems rather shortly. Mary opened up the map again and looked at the area around them, before see the direction that the arrow was pointing to. Somewhere up some stairs, well that wasn't ominous or anything like that.

"Follow me, up these stairs over here according to the map, and hopefully it leads us to the quickest way out of this place, especially since those illusions won't last forever," she said, before starting to hurry up the stairs. Mary wasn't entirely sure where everything was going to lead, but considering the fact that the map had led them this far, she only really was able to put her trust into it yet again.

Zelda Flynn

Location: Training Room B
Skills: N/A

Zelda was still just sort of staying back with regards to the entire situation as everyone started going off on each other for a variety of reasons. Firestar was going off on Nemo about the whole bomb situation. And Sabine was going off on just about everyone in the room about the whole situation. Namely the fact that they weren't really acting like much of a team, that they were not going to be able to win if they kept this sort of thing up. Made her almost want to laugh at her outburst a bit really, but she didn't say anything.

Her attention shifted over to Percy as he asked if she was alright and she just sort of nodded. "Yeah... The whole situation kind of got blown up way too big... I get overwhelmed easily so I took off to try and calm down for a few minutes... I was going to come back I just needed a minute but they decided to follow me and kind of yelled at me about that which made everything else spiral a bit and sort of a not so great situation... And also a lot of very much unwanted hugging... They really need to learn boundaries..." she replied kind of quietly to Percy, not talking very loudly as she responded to him. Of course there still was the whole team thing, since in her opinion the group wasn't even really a team at this rate.

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: Framework
Skills: N/A

Zari was having the time of her life with the whole simulation. She was never able to actually use her powers this much in any sort of combat situation. It wasn't exactly something she could do unless the combatants were using tech like how Victoria used it. Well, not exactly like her, but that was a whole different story. They were just down to her and Leah, and personally, Zari didn't really want to fight Leah. She had proven herself to be a worthy opponent in her mind, and helped with going against both Calamity Ganon and Arcade.

When Leah approached her, Zari figured that she was going to fight her, but was pleasantly surprised when Leah offered a draw, basically they both win and everyone else lost. She was about to respond when she heard Diana's voice over the mic and she couldn't help but giggle a bit. "Sounds like someone's just mad that they were taken out of the fight before all of the chaos!" she called out in response to Diana, before turning to look at Leah. [color=05794C]"I think that's a great idea, I don't really wanna fight you since you've proven to be a really good opponent and someone I'd want on my side in a fight. Also that transformation thing you did was so cool, but guessing you don't know what happened with that either. I'd happily help you out with learning what that was. Actually it was similar a bit to my grandpa a bit, but I thought that was cool even if you didn't know you could do it or anything like that. But let's get out of here then already and maybe do something a bit more fun. Though this was one of the only instances that I'll ever have been able to use my powers in any sort of way or whatever like that in a fight. Usually I use my sword since not everyone goes around surrounded all in tech and everything!" her words sort of just trailed off as she seemed to have gone of rambling again.

Klara, Daughter of Thor

Location: Limbo - Maze
Skills: N/A
Spells: Kjærlighetens Kraft

Things were definitely going from bad to worse as the thing's arm got chopped off dropping her to the ground, only for the thing to basically be recreated once again from said arm. She had no idea what was going on now as now the thing's leg got cut off, and somehow there were now two of them? "Okay, that is sooooooooo not fair!" she complained, before noticing the fact that Max had seemingly disappeared and left them behind. Which given their current situation was not a good thing. "Did he just leave us here????"

Klara wasn't sure if her magic would work on this thing. It didn't seem easy to defeat, so she doubted that her powers would work fully on it. But given the fact that she was still in the thing's grasp, she had to at least try. Her body started to glow slightly with a faint pink hue as she started to cast her spell, but as she casted it, she felt something slip. The pink glow was instantly changed into a dark shadowy look before it dissipated, and then the situation got worse. The Green Eyed One reached up with one of their long boney fingers, and ran into straight through her chest, starting to pull out her soul. This was not something she could hold back the pain from though as she let out a scream as the pain shot throughout her body, and she wasn't really able to do much of anything else to try and get free.

Lance Banner

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A

"I didn't know it was either, I was just really really hoping it was. So take it as a good thing or we'd really really be dead right now," Lance said as the group was now sort of just floating there in an empty corridor. Now they really needed to figure out something to do to fix this situation, since he had no idea how much air their actually was in the bubble that they were in. Apparently Guin did eventually manage to switch with Exodus, but that did now mean that Exodus was in Guin's body and was clearly not happy about that.

Exodus’ eyes widened. “Whore of Babylon!” He snarled. “The Messiah will slay you like the demon harlot you are!” Before he proceeded to try and injure Guin (well, her body at least). Though didn't seem to be succeeding in that regard for the most part, so that was a good thing at least.

When the ball of light they were in jolted to the side and they were suddenly seemingly getting thrown out farther into space, Lance was about to try and get it to go back, but Guin seemed to already be doing that as they got closer. Her next comment resulted in him shaking his head a bit, "That is a last resort, not to mention you kind of need the bubble currently to live, and not sure I'd be able to keep it if I shifted so nope. Plus pretty sure your husband would probably kill me."

Of course, that didn't seem to be the biggest potential issue that they had, as without Guin seemingly doing anything, the metal shards and everything around them were shifting around. All of them sort of got thrown back into the corridor as the wall was seemingly patched up and repaired. There was a sound coming from somewhere that seemed to be resulting in the entire corridor recovering and regaining oxygen so that it was seemingly habitable again. Lance didn't drop the bubble though, not yet anyway. He wasn't entirely sure whether or not to trust it. Then he glanced to see exactly who it was that had repaired everything.

And floating into the hallway was none other then Magneto himself.

This was not a good thing, though Lance partially wondered how it was that he got there so quickly, but then again, he could literally bend and create doors out of the rest of the place and corridors if he wanted to. So he could do just about anything. Magneto didn't say anything, at least not initially, but Guin eventually after another few moments would feel her hold slip, and she ended up switching back into her own body. Which was still insanely sore as before.

See bottom of update for the rest

Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A

She was trying to figure out how best to potentially figure out where that explosion had come from. Pulling out the map she had downloaded wondering if it was still connected in anyway to the mainframe system and hoping that maybe they'd find out at least what direction the blast had come from. Since that would make it so that they could avoid it as they headed for the hangar. Of course the continuing to run away thing seemed to be working out well enough so far.

Luck seemed to be on their side a bit with this one, as the map was connected into a few of the other systems. Including one thing, a sensor that showed where accidents seemed to occur. There was a big blinking dot on the map showing where the explosion was. Unfortunately for them, it was still a ways away to get to that potential place. "We lucked out, the map is still slightly connected to one of the sensors a little bit, so I can tell you roughly where that explosion was. Here's the thing, we have to go through the hangar and past it down a long sort of hallway area and a few turns to get there. Maybe we can meet up with some people and then head that way?" Mira suggested to the others.

Then she heard what Neil was saying, and she tilted her head to the side. How could he possibly be able to tell that sort of thing? Then again, because of his necromancy sort of powers he probably could sense stuff like that. "...Are you positive?" she asked him, unsure of what else to say aside from asking if he was a hundred percent certain of that. Since that would not spell anything good for the team at the moment.

Marygold Isley

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A

Mary was not doing okay. Not at all. The voice in the back of her head was starting to just get louder and louder, almost shouting really. She had to stop herself from physically covering her ears, since that definitely wouldn't help the situation at all. They were still surrounded by the ghosts, Cortez was most definitely not being helpful, and she was trying to figure out where to go from here. Everything was just so loud right now, and she was trying to calm down enough to fix it. And shove the voice in the back of her head back into the box that Fabian had unfortunately opened up.

Suddenly though for her, a calm seemed to surround her after a few moments, as she did end up responding to Guin's comment to her, Oh no worries, I'll just be over here without so much of a concern. Guessing the explosion was you guys?

"Sure, we'll keep going like this, but honestly we probably should think of a better solution then this," Flynn said as he knocked over the next one.

"Let's try heading out of here then. Oh, also sounds like the explosion was over where Guin and whoever she's with is, in case anyone was wondering. Figuring that considering I was talking to her and suddenly got a bit interrupted with it," she said to the others.

"Well, we were heading to meet up with the anyway," Flynn said, before turning his attention to Ed's suggestion as to how to get away from the ghosts, "I'm all for moving along and hoping that they don't follow us."

Speaking of which, the aliens seemed to have taken Ed's comment to them being considered incompetent to heart, as the decided to be much better in combat suddenly. On slammed a punch across Ed's face with a really loud crack that sent him down to the ground. Definitely seemed like the alien broke Ed's nose when it hit him and he'd just barely manage to prevent his head from hitting the ground to cause more damage. The next one turned their attention to Perry since she seemed to be at least in part, responsible for freezing the others that were gone, and it managed to knock her the wind out of her and off her feet. The third one decided to try and attack Mary, and to say that didn't seemingly end well would be an understatement.

It went to try and punch her, but with her hands seemingly wrapped in flames, she caught the arm as they went to attack her. The flames jumped from her hands and seemingly engulfed the ghost in flames, "Don't touch me," she said rather coldly, before the flames dispersed and the ghost was gone. "Let's go, and hope they disappear if we go along, you okay Ed? Do you need help healing or do you think you've got it?" she asked seeing the blood. She could try to use her powers to heal him if need be, and there only seemed to be two aliens left at the moment, but there could be more.

Robert, Carolina, Max, Pietro and Miranda
Well, Robert didn't seem to be getting anything for a response, however Pietro froze and very much didn't say anything as his eyes went wide. Of course the speedster didn't say anything, however there was a rather loud boom sound as the speedster took off in a rather large gust of wind. He hadn't said anything about where he was going or what was going on, he just took off and left, leaving the rest of the group there currently by themselves. No one seemed to be coming down their corridor currently, so there was that at least.

"I'm going to guess he's heading for whatever caused the explosion..." Miranda commented, "We might want to maybe head that way too. Especially since things could go rather poorly for him if he runs into anyone else... Plus we could see then what caused that explosion, and hope that no one got seriously injured..." she was a bit concerned as to what had happened to cause that explosion, and much like what Robert was saying, she also was insanely concerned about how that could cause issues throughout the rest of the place. They were in the middle of space, so a hole in the side of it was not exactly a welcoming thought. Though based on how quickly Pietro had left, she had a feeling which group was at the center of the explosion.

Lance, Guin and Jaclyn (again) but this time with Pietro there too
Well things definitely seemed to be going well for them, "What seems to have occurred here Exodus?" Magneto eventually said, turning his attention towards him.

"My lord! These heavens are responsible for the damage - how would you like them dealt with?" Exodus instantly said, pointing towards the trio before seemingly trying to restrain them. Luckily for them, at least at the moment, Exodus wasn't able to, partially because Lance was still keeping the bubble of light around them as at least a thin layer of protection.

Before Magneto could answer or give a response, there was a loud boom farther down the hallway accompanied by a gust of wind. Which meant the entrance of a certain speedster. Pietro skidded to a halt right in front of the trio (complete with leaving black skid marks on the ground) and looked right at the other two, "Uh... Hi dad," Pietro said a bit awkwardly, trying very hard to not make it apparent that he was really freaking out over everything. Guin would instantly be able to tell that he was trying really hard not to panic considering he was in front of his father and his attempted murderer.

Zelda Flynn

Location: Hallway
Skills: N/A

Well this wasn't exactly what she had been expecting to see or hear now that they were in the room. Sabine was talking to her about Danni and Dorian and how they needed to work together whether they wanted to or not. Personally, Zelda would prefer to be on the sidelines and making the stuff for the team to use instead of actually being in the fight. Percy was okay, she was fine being around him, the others though, not so much. And she hated that. "...Something like that," she ended up saying to Sabine.

Of course, now she was very much glad that she wasn't in the obstacle course, when there was the sound of an explosion and all that was courtesy of C4. Which was not a small explosive at all. If she had been in that course, she was almost positive she would have died instead or something. Instead of being insanely freaked out by it. Zelda figured she would have been blown up and there would be nothing left. This was the teacher they had as their coach? What the hell was with that?

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: Framework
Skills: Hacking,Computer Programming, Computer Hardware Engineering, Integrated Circuits, Computer Systems

Now the fight was getting interesting considering the fact that Arcade decided to also mess a bit with the programming an everything, turning the corpse now into a giant mech. That was definitely an interesting turn of events, but also, as Arcade would soon come to realize, a very foolish one. "Um... Question? Why would I use my sword when he's in a giant robotic mechanized suit? Seriously this whole fight and game has been the only time my powers are actually useful in combat. Technopathy is very much a niche sort of world all on it's own. Usually can't use them much in a fight unless under very specific circumstances. Like being in a computer generated world, but at least I have the decency to keep me messing with things small. Since anything much bigger then what I've been doing, just the quick jumps, could destabilize everything in the world around us. And also takes the fun out of everything. Otherwise I would have just blown up the entire arena at the start."

She was impressed by Arcade's thinking with the mech, but also he risked destabilizing the whole thing and making them all lose. So without moving her sword, she simply snapped her fingers. Without moving from her spot, Arcade lost control as the entire mech shut down, dropping like a sack of potatoes into the hole in the ground that Leah had made underneath him. "Well, that was more interesting to watch, now, whose next?" she asked, personally she was getting a little bored with the entire simulation at this point, so she turned her attention towards Victoria, and once more snapped her fingers. Well, Zari had only been trying to shut down the suit, but apparently Vicki now unceremoniously dropped to the ground, dead, and she disappeared from sight. "...Did her suit have a kill switch in it? I was just trying to turn the suit off..."

Rosalia Rider

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

She wasn't sure what all to do yet since they were still sort of waiting around for everyone else to show up in general. Right now they still had issues to deal with and no idea what to do in the first place. So that was fun, Rosalia just wanted this whole situation to be over with. That might take a while though still, so here she was hoping things turned out alright.

Her attention shifted towards Flynn when he walked over to her handing her a cup of coffee which she did accept. She took a sip of it, and sort of shrugged in response to his question. "Alright, wanting things to hurry up and get done already since sitting around doing nothing clearly tends to work out well for everyone," she responded, not really wanting to sit around doing nothing all day or anything.

Jack Gold

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

He was kind of glad that they seemed to sort of be hurrying to get everyone to the main area. Made it so they could actually get started with everything. Of course, he was still wondering what exactly was the plan going to be, hence why he was sort of wanting to rush everyone into the main area. Since that way they could finally figure out what Merlin's plan was going to be, whatever it is.

Turning to look towards Belle, he nodded his head, "Yup, kind of curious to hear what this big idea is going to end up being for how we do everything, but as ready as anyone could ever be really," he said to her. Jack looked to see the bright light that came from outside. However considering the fact that no one seemed to be overly concerned about it, it probably was an ally or something that had caused it.

Klara, Daughter of Thor

Location: Limbo - Maze
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

"Yaaaaaaaay," Klara said happily as she took the cup from Carolina and taking a really big drink from it. Her eyes grew wide as she looked at the cup in her hand now, "That is amaaaaaaaaazing!!!!!! Why did you want to keep it from me? That's rude and it tastes great and I'm wondering why you were wanting to keep it for yourself!" she then said, pointing her finger at Max since he hadn't wanted to share it with her at all. That had been so rude to do, so she wasn't exactly paying any sort of attention to what the Green Eyed One was saying.

"Also you didn't answer my question as to why you wanted the souls thing!" she added before the thing decided to pick her up. "Hey put me down! It's rude to pick people up without permission!" Klara complained. She wasn't stopping moving, unsure of what else to do as she started wiggling, really hoping that the thing would put her down now.

Janelle Gauger

Location: Train
Skills: N/A

She was sort of glad that they were reaching their destination. It had been a long trip for the most part, and not exactly one she wanted to repeat any time soon. The whole situation was messed up still to her, she was still kind of glad that the rest of the trip was way more relaxing. Even if things were a bit on edge, most of that of course surrounding one person on the train in the group. Janelle didn't think much about that though, since they had other things to worry about. Maybe she could stay away from both Zeke and Demetri, since currently being away from only one of them was possible.

Nodding her head, she just grabbed her things and followed along off the train, feeling along to ensure she didn't exactly bump into anyone else. Her mind did briefly go towards the glasses that Aphrodite had given to her, but she mentally kicked herself for thinking of that again. Janelle was not sure if she'd use them, at least not at the moment considering sometimes not being able to see anything could be beneficial at times. Made it easier to ignore people for one thing.

Jason Gauger

Location: The Train
Skills: N/A

He was glad that they had finally reached the end of the rails for the train. Since considering the chaos that had occurred during their initial day of travel, it seemed like they'd never get to the west coast. Made it seem like at times that they would end up dead from monster attacks or that the train would get derailed or whatever again. That was just insane, but they were finally in California. So now they had to deal with the second part of their journey.

Jason followed along after Niah as she spoke and explained the way to go in order to continue on their quest. The entire US was still a bit confusing to where everything was, so he wasn't even sure what place they were in in comparison to other parts of the state or where they were heading "Lead de way den Niah, you know dis area and 'ow to get to where we're 'eadin, so i'm joehst goin to fahllow you. Either o' de ahptions would make sahme sense, 'owever we do 'ave de issue o' quickest and all, ahr best fahr de cost. Sence taxi sence it is faster would lower de resk o' us runnin into mahnsters befahre we get to our destination, while busses sence dey take lahnger would make dat mahre likely to 'appen."

Marygold Isley

Location: The Labyrinth
Skills: N/A

Well, this was going amazingly well considering for them. Sure they were running from monsters now, but they were still alive, and thankfully they had the sword with them. So that at least was part of their mission accomplished! Now came what was probably going to be the hard part, that being the small little fact of them having to now get out of the Labyrinth, with the sword, with probably every monster now definitely going after them. Things were definitely going super well for them.

They were being chased, and the shouting behind them meant that they definitely were on Labyrinth's Most Wanted at this point. However Andy came up with an idea and a plan, as they followed after Damon. Mary was actually kind of impressed with her creating the copies of them, here was hoping that it would work out now. "Nice job, here's hoping that it keeps them distracted long enough for us to put more distance between us and them."
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