Avatar of booksmusicanime
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 7589 (1.89 / day)
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    1. booksmusicanime 11 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current i'm here, creating angst for others.
5 yrs ago
Still around. Always around.
6 yrs ago
If anyone needs me just send me a PM or something and I'll get you a more reliable way to contact me.
7 yrs ago
I love that I've wasted almost 5 years of my life on this website.
7 yrs ago
Saw a recent status. Those people who have messed up in past RPs, especially if it's been a recent RP likely haven't changed. If it's been a bit then maybe they have.
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Heyo, if you ended up here then let me introduce myself! I'm Books (I also go by Musi or Mel). I've been here for a while and still occasionally return to lurk and see what's up. I've graduated with my bachelor's degree! So sorry if you've known me for years, I am firmly cementing the fact we are old now.
If you wanna see more of me in a more active capacity I stream on twitch as MelodyMusica!

Most Recent Posts

Mecca decided to sit closer to the back, more as to keep away from the Master for the reason that she didn't want to be close to anyone who angered him. She let her blond hair fall to cover her face as she leaned back into her seat.
Sorry I'm really busy. Holiday time so I have several Christmasy things plus I also am working a few nights of a play and cookie dough, cookie dough, and more cookie dough.
"Pretty much. I guess you could help out around the restaurant if you felt bad about not paying rent." Wy said, walking backwards to look at everyone and answer questions. "If you want to make some money a few of the stores around here hire supernatural beings. For example I work at the bookstore just a block away."
Mecca sat quieyly, against one the the canyon walls. Her chest lifted up and down as she let her body relax from the running. Long tendrils of her golden hair fell into her face. "Now's one of those points I wished I brought a hair tie...." She mumbled, almost to herself.
"Yea there are a fee recreational rooms and actual rooms are pretty sound proof so you can always blast music." Wy said answering one of the two questions. She turned her blue gaze to the other question asker. "Honestly if there is a payment system for having a room I have yet to see it, and I've been living here most of my life. So safe to say money isn't an issue."
Sorry! I've been really busy the past two days. I'm going to try and get a post up tomorrow because I'm really tired right now.
I hate that I think this way..... but.

anyway, i should be able to post tomarrow night if yall want to go ahead and post again.

*pats head* I honestly have my doubts...a lot.
Cilia had stopped in front of a small, run-down cottage and she hit the door. "I know you're there. Let me in." She growled out, her golden eyes flashing with anger, and a slight bit of fear. The door opened a fair amount and a black gloved hand shot out of the darkness and grabbed Cilia, dragging her into the dark abyss.
@YamiCuoreLaroux@Cuddle Pot
Wy ignored the guy who had insulted her with just a small twitch of her eye. "Good to know you're okay dude." She said with a small grin. "I think you should check him over just to be sure." And with that said she turned back to the new arrivals.

@Slendy@MonsieurShade@Eviledd1984@olcharlieboi@Cheshire Cat@Sentele@l0ck0n
"Okay so let's get this tour started and when we get back I'll get you all a room!" Wy said grinning again, her blue eyes glittering slightly as she took off down a hallway, best to show them the first floor.
Mecca's lips pulled up into a slight grin. She had lost track of her laps but she kept herself evenly paced to the point that she wasn't gasping for breath. "You know what I can deal with the laps. I'm just glad there's no math." Mecca breathed out, a large grin spreading across her face.
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