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In the interstellar justice system, the people are represented by two sides; the Green Lanterns who investigate crimes and the Guardians who prosecute the offenders. The call came in at seventeen forty-seven, Oa Standard Time. A suspicious death in Sector 2814. That made it my problem. My name is Kai-ro. I carry a ring.

"Miami Vice" // Part 01 // [ Post Theme ]


"Aren't you a little short to be a 'ringer?"

Hildabrant von Buron was, among many other things, an autopsy technician and a qualified coroner. She was also something of a legend in the medical community. During the Kree-Xandar War, the fiery red head had been a medic enlisted into the Nova Corps who had been among the first responders to the Scylla III massacre. Images of her running the battlefield and dragging injured back with her had made her something of a poster girl of the war and earned her the name 'Hot Ice Hilda,' a moniker that had stuck with her through the decades -- even though few today knew of the famous Scylla images of a red headed girl sprinting under fire with a Xandar twice her size over her shoulders.

Today, Hilda's red hair had hints of steel gray at the temples. The Kree-Xandar War had ended decades before the young monk had been born, and had lasted decades of hostilities broken up by intermittent ceasefires. Even today, with both government signatory to the Oa Accords, attitudes persisted from the Cold War era.

Holding up his right hand, a holographic representation of police credentials flashed into existence; created through the green energy resonating from the ring on the boy's middle finger. "The facts, if you would, please, ma'am." The young monk wasn't actually speaking English. He spoke in the Lahsa dialect of Tibet. Even still, for all her educational accomplishments, Hilda didn't speak or understand any Earth language. Hell, she'd never even heard of Earth and had no idea what species the short, bald alien before her represented. What he said, and what she'd heard, hadn't been entirely the same. He was speaking Tibetan and she was hearing the Xandar language.

It was another facet of the ring on the boy's hand.

Forged from the battery of green energy on the planet Oa, the ring had served the cosmos for generations. It had first belonged to Starkaðr. Like him, a Green Lantern. One of many, part of an organization dedicated to preserving peace and order through the rule of law. After Starkaðr's death, the ring had chosen a member of this planet, an Ungaran, named Abin Sur. Like the Green Lantern before him, Abin Sur had put his life on the line to serve and protect the people of an expanding universe. But everything that had a beginning must also have an end.

The search for a successor to such legendary heroes as Starkaðr and Abin Sur had brought the ring to the most unlikely of places, a world whose people had yet to reach beyond the atmosphere of their own planet and whose society and technology were not yet ready to join the galactic community. There, in a Buddhist monastery atop the Himalayas, it had found a boy. A young monk of Tibet, humble in demeanor and meek in speech. Such qualities could be quickly dismissed as weakness, yet the ring had seen something else. Something deeper.

It had chosen him, and by so doing brought him into a larger universe. One in which the Green Lanterns functioned to try and maintain the laws laid out to keep spacefaring civilizations functioning as populations bloomed across worlds seeded throughout the 3,600 sectors of known space.

"Male Grund, age thirty-five," the former Nova Corps medic stated, pulling back the sheet that had covered the body of a squat, rotund alien. The yellow pigmentation of his skin had faded to an off white.

A green light leapt from the boy's hand, sweeping across the body a moment before a muted chirping noise emitted from the device on his finger. "Cause of death was a myocardial infarction, likely triggered by the toxins in his digestive tract prompting sudden organ failure."

The woman looked surprised, momentarily speechless, before she postulated, "Synaptic interface?"

The ring was connected to his mind, like a monitor connected to a computer. "Correct," the boy answered simply. "Which does not account for how the toxins came to be there."

"Sometimes medical scanners are no match for an old fashioned postmortem," Hilda opined aloud, gesturing to several trays containing a series of organs, fluids, and other unattractive facets of biological life better kept on the inside of a body. "He was body packing narcotics. Glitter, it's a..."

"...psychotropic compound, from the pollen of the genus lyca suplentae found on the planet Nok," the boy supplied seamlessly. "First developed as a pharmaceutical for the treatment of disassociative disorders in Quists, until further testing revealed strong addictive effects and organ damage in most humanoid races. It is banned in forty-seven jurisdictions, considered a class-IV biotoxin on Lotaria, and..."

"Fancy ring. Expansive database. Got it," the doctor said, holding up her hands in defeat. "The bag burst, and the drug was absorbed through the intestinal tract into the bloodstream."

"Lyca suplentae is incapable of growing in the environment on Ungara," the young Lantern noted aloud, brooding as he tucked his chin down and tapped the side of his face with one hand. So the narcotic had to originate from somewhere off world. The Ungarans had a respectable system for screening passengers arriving to their world so, logically, the Grund had been working as a courier.

So who on this world had the narcotics been intended for?

And who had gotten packed the drugs inside of the Grund?

Questions. Neither of which he was going to answer here. Glancing back up, the boy merely gave a nod of his head in respect as he said, "Thank you for your assistance."
I'm rusty and it's late.

GL post coming tomorrow.

"On His Demon Head's Secret Service" // Part 01

Gotham City
Archie Goodwin International Airport

The Gulfsteam V was privately owned.

The tail number, G-V137N, was registered out of the Kingdom of Bahrain to a bank holding company in Manama with assets and accounts that formed a financial spiderweb from Saudi Arabia to Copenhagen and Berlin to Hong Kong, before disappearing into Swiss Geneva. The flight plan had taken the private jet from Bahrain to London, where it had enjoyed some time in Heathrow before journeying from the United Kingdom to the United States.

A lady in a niqab held the passports. Aside from the four air crew -- two pilots, two attendants -- there was just the lady in the mask and a kid. Boy still in elementary school, not even ten years old by the date on his passport. Obaydullah ibn Mustafa Shayat. Kid was light for an Arab, with a pair of green eyes that made the immigration officer wonder at what point the Irish had gone to the Middle East. It caught the immigration officer's eye, but the paperwork was all in order and other people's kids weren't any of his business. So he stamped the visa and welcomed them to the United States.

"...London authorities still urging calm this morning, after gunshots were heard outside of the Palace of Westminster yesterday. Scotland Yard has yet to comment, though sources close to the investigation say that the leader of the House of Lords may have been taken to the hospital."

The televisions overhead in the airport were tuned to CNN, the broadcast showing London's bobbys in their signature yellow slickers blocking the view behind where yellow crime scene tape cordoned off a significant area outside of Parliament. The iconic image of Big Ben looming in the backdrop of England's capital. A smile crept like a shadow across the face of the small boy, a self-satisfied smirk as he walked underneath the news cast.

A limousine was waiting when the woman and the boy stepped outside of the terminal. They hadn't stopped to pick up any luggage, instead walking straight through the airport to get into the back of the car. Airport security cameras captured only a few fleeting glimpses of the car and the passengers before they'd rolled out of sight. Anyone running the plates would come up with a private taxi service and a lot of blank entries.

The woman in the veil took the seat opposite the driver, next to a squat man who was balding gray and with small, round spectacles drooping low on the bridge of his nose. As the boy settled down on the bench seat at the back by himself, he reached across to help himself to a Coke from the fridge and then opened the briefcase that was resting on the seat beside him.

"What the hell is this?" the child blurted rudely. Seated inside of the briefcase, atop a manila folder, was a German made Walther PPS. Subcompact, .40S&W, with a 6+1 standard magazine. A spare clip and a box of ammo were resting beside it. Popping the top on the Coke, the youth reached down with his spare hand to hoist up the small pistol and declare, "I asked for a P239 SAS."

The fat man just seemed amused by the child's ire. "Walther PPs are the gun of choice for James Bond," the man noted, pulling a handkerchief from his pocket and removing his glasses. Cleaning them, the man nonchalantly added, "It was that or a Czech-75, which would you prefer?"

"I prefer the SiG."

Blowing on his lenses, the man paused his cleaning to look up. "And I prefer bigger tits," he cracked snidely, with a glance over at the lady in the veil.

Faster than the eye could follow, a rather pointed crochet needle was set against the man's carotid artery.

"...the point is, we don't always get what we want," the man stated flatly, even as a bead of sweat ran down his head.

The boy's expression transformed from confusion, to disgust, to frustration, and finally exasperation. "-tt-" he uttered in a huff, taking a sip of his Coke as he tossed the pistol back into the briefcase and shut the lid.

It should be awhile until I get there, but what I have in mind is basically the origin story behind Sentry-459, except with the GLC in lieu of the Fantastic Four. That being, the GLC gets wind of a Kree plot on Earth and uncover a "scientific expedition" for "research purposes" in which the Kree are using humans for live experimentation.

I'm open to however you'd like to have Carol be part, party, or otherwise related to that story. But bear in mind you may be otherwise engaged in Carol's story by the time I conclude Kai-ro's introductory arc.
For transparency and planning purposes, here is what to expect from me heading into the IC.

G R E E N   L A N T E R N
"Miami Vice"
Synopsis: When a drug courier dies in Sector 2814, rookie Green Lantern Kai-ro is brought in to investigate an interstellar drug and weapon trafficking operation linked to the Zyn'x (Snarks from Louise Simonson's Power Pack).

- This plot will introduce several concepts as "background noise" to help conceptualize the galaxy of a One Universe, including the Zyn'x/Snarks, the Nova Corps, and the Brood. Anyone who may have some vested interest in either specifically calling out one of those elements, or would prefer to not see one of those represented, please bring that to my attention.

- Green Lanterns Salaak, Ch'p, and Kilowog will be introduced as NPCs relative to the story. These will be straight stick representations of these characters. Anyone wanting one of these to be represented a particular way or omitted, please bring that to my attention.

- Tentatively, the second plot will be "Scientific Progress Goes Boink" and will bring Kai-ro to Earth. My rough draft of that would prospectively introduce the Kree, Ronan the Accuser, and Sentry-459. Still in the planning, but same note as above. If I'm stepping on your toes, reach out and smack me here or in PM.

D A M I A N   A L   G H U L
(tagging @Lord Wraith)
"On His Demon Head's Secret Service"
Synopsis: Damian arrives in Gotham. His target is Val Kaliban (Spook, a character canonically killed by Damian Wayne in the DCU), a former government agent who is now in business for himself who had worked as an information broker for the League of Shadows... then turned around and sold information ABOUT the League of Shadows. Damian's job is to plug the leak.

- First out the chute: Any issue with me continuing with Dami killing Val Kaliban? (tagging @Morden Man and @Byrd Man on that as well)

- This plot would introduce several minor characters from Batman/Detective Comics; specifically: Eivol Ekdal (weapons dealer), Key (the Pre-Crisis Key, a crime syndicate boss), and Sal Maroni. It will also reference Bludhaven. Anyone who may have some vested interest in either specifically calling out one of those elements, or would prefer to not see one of those represented, please bring that to my attention.

Right now, I don't have a second plot in mind for Damian, as I'm open to how the League of Shadows presence and/or success (or failure) of a hit in Gotham would lead into interaction with Batman or others.
- tt -

D A M I A N   A L   G H U L

| NAME |
Damian al Ghul, Ibn al Xu'ffasch (Son of the Demon)

Chaotic Neutral. Might shoot you in the back. Might save your life. Might get a cheeseburger.

The League of Shadows

Continuing South, Bruce found himself recruited into a band of mercenaries in Egpyt. It was here he learned the tactics of guerrilla warfare as Bruce was taught how to strike back against insurgent forces. During one penultimate firefight, Bruce and his allies found themselves ambushed leading to Bruce taking a bullet for his associate Marc Spector1. The two forged a friendship as they survived the ambush and helped patched one another up while Marc headed further into Egypt and Bruce made his way to Wakanda.

And now, the rest of the story.

Marc Spector hadn’t been the only one learning guerrilla tactics. Brought in to help finance the operation and supply weapons, Talia al Ghul was honing her craft in preparation for leading insurgents and directing political discord across the globe. What no one had planned for was Bruce Wayne. And long nights with dark knights.

Damian was born nine years ago in Bahrain. Raised as the grandson of Ra’s al Ghul, he knows only death -- nothing of love, very little about life, and even less about his father.

Rationally, he must have a biological sperm donor but all that he’s been told is that his mother is Talia al Ghul and he is the heir to the League of Shadows. As his ninth birthday approached, the boy was set upon a path that will complete his training as an assassin. The brutal slaying of the rival assassin Morgan Ducard was the first murder on this quest chosen for him by Talia, this Year of Blood.

One thing is very clear: Someone won’t live to see his tenth birthday. Possibly him.

Ra’s al Ghul – The Demon’s Head, leader of the League of Shadows. He is like a GOD to Damian.

Talia al Ghul – Daugher of Ra’s al Ghul and Damian’s mother. Serves as his ‘life coach.’

Goliath – A demon from an unearthly realm, recovered as a man-bat cub during the Year of Blood. A familiar.

Nobody (Maya Ducard) – The daughter of the original Nobody (Morgan Ducard). Seeks revenge for her father’s vicious killing.

Actually, no. This is pretty straight stick and I wouldn’t see need to complicate it with needless intersections or cross-overs prior to the actual roleplay.
<Snipped quote by Bounce>

It's a pleasant surprise and I'd be happy to work a 'Son of the Bat' plot into my plans if you are interested in actually playing the character.

In that case, we'll talk again in 24 hours.

Unless it's denied. Then we'll agree never to speak of this again.
@Byrd Man

The misspelling of his name nails it.

I yield to your pony awesomeness of +5 Twilight Sparkle.
I was hoping to get into a voting war with @Byrd Man just to see which of us would come out on top, but not with the idea of playing him. Just to see how my writing stacked against the Byrdtastic Man-Whore (or is it Whore-Man? I forget...)

That being said, if Damian is workable with the construct that @Morden Man and @Lord Wraith have in mind for the game and Batman in particular, then I'd be happy to roll with it.
<Snipped quote by Byrd Man>

<Snipped quote by Bounce>

I'd be willing to entertain this.

Oh well then...

Calling @Byrd Man out.

You were talkin’ that good shit a minute ago. Where your sheet at? Where your balls at, son?

Game recognize game, and you lookin’ kinda unfamiliar right now!

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