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@BounceBy the way, did you purposefully leave so many clues to Damian's existence in your post, or not?

Not sure what you mean.

Damian was wearing gloves prior to loading the pistol, so the spent magazine wouldn't have his fingerprints. And the magazines were loaded in the case, so he didn't handle the bullets. So, forensically, the ballistics won't yield any evidence other than type of gun and maybe size of the shooter if they could triangulate -- except Damian's jumping around will present challenges for that.

If you meant in term of Damian being isolated and alone, then yes. I love when the writers allow Damian to be vulnerable, such as the first two pages of Robin #9.

"On His Demon Head's Secret Service" // Part 04 // [ Dami's iPod ]

Avalon Hills

He walked out the front door like he owned the place.

A plastic Target bag swung back and forth as he walked, the outline of a man's face pressed against the translucent walls. The faint hum of police sirens was on the wind, still a distance away as the boy approached the rented Volvo that was parked on the street in front of the home. Walking around to the back of the car, the child threw open the trunk to reveal a large Coleman ice chest inside the boot. Popping the top on the ice box, the boy slung the head down into the chilled chest before shutting the lid and then dropping the trunk.

♪...I'm a devious degenerate defender of the devil shut down all the trash compactors on the detention level.... My backpack's got jets... I'm Boba the Fett...♪

Head swaying from side to side, the boy mouthed in time to the rhythmn of MC Chris' rapping the chorus as he pulled open the passenger door and hopped into the back of the car.

His head snapped to the right sharply.

Good job, Damian... Well done, Damian... Excellent work, Mister al Ghul.

Yeah, that shit wasn't happening.

The stinging sensation didn't kick in for a few seconds after he'd been slapped. Defiantly, the boy brought his seething green eyes -- emeralds aglow with the baleful light of hell's fire -- up at the woman in the niqab who sat in the driver's seat. In many cultures, looking someone in the eye was a sign of aggression.

The boy's head snapped to the left with the backhand, the taste of blood hitting his tongue. She was yelling at him in Arabic. About how he took too long. About how he was lazy. Undisciplined. About the difference between a killer and an assassin. Or something about finesse, whatever. He really couldn't have said at that point. He was just staring up at the roof of the car and not really listening anymore.

As the car rolled away from the house, the boy slid over until he'd flopped over across the back seat. Watching the lights as they passed through the windows. His lips moving as he mouthed the question, Am I alive?

Reaching into his pocket, the boy pulled out the small MP3 player that supplied music to the ear buds propped into his ears. With a flick of his thumb, the child turned up the music until the world just seemed to drown out behind the noise.
Though really people are rarely defined as one alignment, people are three dimensional and nuanced.

This is why I almost always classify my characters as Chaotic Neutral, because they could be any of the alignments at any time depending on the particular stress and circumstances.

The exception is someone like Billy Batson or Kai-ro, where you'd have to Break the Cutie in order to get them to be anything other than Lawful Good. Hell, with Billy, you'd probably have to Break the Cutie to get him to swear worse than "Golly gee, Mister."1

Though I do miss my Red Lantern version of Kai-ro. You guys should fear my ever introducing Atrocitus, because I think my Red Kai-ro was a stroke of brilliance.

1 Note: I refer to the pre-New 52 Billy here. I managed half an issue of New 52 Billy and haven't been back since. He's probably Neutral Evil from what I saw.
@FacePunch This is actually how I think it ought to go.

@Sep I think it would be even better given that Billy is so famously good-hearted. If @Bounce ever picked up the Big Red Cheese again I think there'd be a lot of potential there.

@Gowi and I actually discussed Billy, when I was developing the sheet that eventually developed into Kai-ro. It's difficult for me to not 'ulimate-ize' him though, because I find Billy Batson a thousand times more interesting than I do Captain Marvel/Shazaam and so my portrayals of Billy typically reflect that.
Not all of us enjoy the idea of grown men forcing children to wear tights and hang out with them.

To be fair, Dick and Jason wore Underwear of Power in lieu of tights. So I'm guessing Bruce is more of a leg man.
Grandson of Ra's, but I like it.

I shall ponder this over in the Doghouse of Solitude.

Also, Zod and God are interchangeable terms.
Bounce, if you ever have a take on an Aqualad, I'd love to read it.

Hmmmm... Which Aqualad we talking here?

Arthur Curry/Orin of Atlantis/Aquaman

Aw sheeeeeeeet

Aquaman's back, baby!

All I know is this conversation is making me seriously consider applying for Zod.


*Lor-Zod comeback plan intensifies*
Almost as if Batman were vulnerable and profoundly beatable he would less interesting. When the opposite is actually true.

To be fair, this is something a lot of comic adaptations get wrong. And on both sides of the ocean at that.
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