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@Blue Demon

Any Shi’ar concept gets all the yes from the resident GL.
That is not dead which can @Gowi lie.
The Kai-ro plot has begun.

I'll be chillin' over on Omicron Ceti IV while I do the initial universe building, then get him over to Earth once I've set up the foundation for Space Cops.

Obligatory disclaimer for the legal department: Space Cops is filmed on location with the men and women of the Green Lantern Corps; all suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
"...so I said to Tm'i and... Oh! Get this. You won't believe this frackin' shit."

Jor P'lmbr settled into the co-pilot seat of the Durango. After coming up from Nok in the cramped confines of a Jast-1 cockpit, sitting in a Jast-2 felt like upgrading to first class. Eighteen hours down on Omicron Ceti IV in a hotel room though? Shit was like going to the damn casinos on Ungara.

While the pilot rambled on, Yim threw a headset on and said, "Flight control, flight control, flight control. This is..."

Frack. What was their callsign again?

The last one had been Delta Vega... something something something Dark Side. Digging through the glove compartment, he found the flimsiplast sheet he was looking for and read the designation. "...Coyote-Two-Nine. Repeat, this is Coyote-Two-Nine, outbound for Talkor. Request clearance to depart."

"So, Tm'i was talking to Dena. You know? The Ungaran chick in finance with the freakin' chest like to here," Jor was saying, with the absolutely obligatory gesture to help illustrate the questionably relevant point of the precise dimensions of that particular part of Dena's anatomical structure. "I swear to gaaaaaawd, she was wearin' this white thing the other day and it was like, the hills are alive, man!"

"Acknowledged, Coyote-Two-Nine. Please proceed out on heading two-one-one mark four until clear of all vessels, then you are free to manuever."

Yim reached up to toggle the comlink. "Coyote-Two-Nine. Roger. Out."

Jor turned his head and belched loudly, clearing his throat before he looked over at Yim and asked, "Where we going again? Talkor?"

Pulling up a datapad, Yim sketched out a quick flightpath and passed it over for review. "Yeah, take us up the Scylla Trade Route toward Asteroid Blue Heaven, then just drop back a parsec."

Jor started shaking his head. "Nah, man. Nah. Are you kidding?" With his finger, Jor swiped upward and then across. "Run up the Styggian Sector to the Milky Way and then it's a frackin' straight frackin' shot, man. Half the time, brah."

Leaning back in his seat, Jor reached over to pull the release on the docking clamp and started easing the freighter away from the landing bay. "So anyway, Tm'i was talkin' to Dena. And she said, get this, she was talkin' to her boss and he said the frackin' board was voting to kill our dental coverage."


"I know, right!" Jor exclaimed, as he guided the freighter up into the air. The starport fell out of view, as the freighter began easing overhead of a futuristic metropolis. "And I just put braces on my kid? Frack this, man. We get back from this, I'm doin' it. I'm callin' that MogulTech recruiter back." Pausing a moment, Jor leaning forward as he peered down and checked his instruments. "We good on your side?"

"Hang on a second, we got a light on engine three..."

There was a sudden explosion, but neither man heard the sound. Instead, the sudden drop in altitude was the only thing on the mind of either man, as both raced to try and perform emergency actions.

There merely wasn't time as a high rise apartment rushed toward them, as the orientation toward the ground began to spiral out of control...

In the greater cosmos, the people are protected by two sides in the interstellar justice system; the Lanterns who investigate crimes and the local authorities who prosecute the offenders. The call came in at five oh-eight, Oa Standard Time. A emergency call on a planet inside Sector 2814. That makes it my problem. My name is Kai-ro. I carry a ring.

The fire spread across five city blocks.

The Durango had struck a residential apartment building, before breaking apart and raining chaos and destruction on the surrounding buildings. The impact alone had caused structural damage and created debris that would have been problematic by itself.

Except the fuel in the Durango had ignited, several components erupting into metal fires that burned with an intensity that challenged a terrestrial fire department under the best conditions.

These were not the best conditions.

Then, to top it all off, the apartment building had collapsed, sowing further chaos and debris across a wide area. By the time that the Green Lanterns had arrived, city and spaceport emergency services were already overwhelmed. As other buildings within and around the crash site began catching fire, the situation was quickly getting out of hand. Omicron Ceti IV was burning.

For the residents in 8497-J, there was no where to go but up. The lower floors of their building had become quickly engulfed in flame, the installed fire retardant system overwhelmed by the intensity of the metal-based fires that was carving a swath across the city.

As their building began to disintegrate, there seemed no choice but to stand and die... and jump.

Some jumped.

...and were shocked when a large, green hand reached out toward them.

The large green construct was connected to a creature who was, for lack of better term, a flying squirrel. "What fresh hell is this?" Ch'p demanded, as the H'lven Green Lantern scooped people from out of the air.

A large green blanket spread through the streets, as a young Tibetan monk -- covered in soot and ash -- worked to try and smother the flames. "The middle of an inferno is sooooo not the time for hell metaphors," the boy muttered.

A sound overhead heralded the overflight of a white Sentinel-class patrol cruiser. Based on Kymellian SmartShip technology, the Green Lantern vessel was isolating and working to extinguish the fire with green energy constructs of its own.

They'd been at it now for over an hour.

Kai-ro couldn't even tell if they'd even managed to slow the fire yet.

Character You're Applying For:
Kai-ro (Green Lantern)

Powers And Abilities:
Kai-ro possesses a Green Lantern power ring, which allows Kai-ro to create green constructs from the sheer force of will and imagination. The ring also provides a protective aura around his body, enabling him to fly in atmosphere or the vacuum of space, and allows for faster-than-light travel in space. The ring has the ability to remotely access the Book of Oa, supplying Kai-ro with knowledge and information overlays that aid his investigations and activities on behalf of the GLC.

In addition, Kai-ro was trained in police tactics by Killowog and is proficient with both armed and unarmed combat.

Origin And Backstory (In A Maximum Of Four Paragraphs):
Well, you see, what happened was...

Born into an impoverished family living in the Tibetan region of Earth, Kai-ro became one of many boys orphaned into the various Buddhist temples throughout the Himalayas. As a result, Kai-ro is fluent in both Tibetan and Mandarin Chinese, being formally educated in the latter while more often speaking the former in normal conversation while 'growing up monk' in the mountains. Functioning like a boarding school and orphanage, the monastery saw to all of Kai-ro's basic needs while providing for his education in both the traditional schools of thought.

It was during Year 0 of our story's continuity that Kai-ro's life became something beyond that of a simple monk, living and learning in a temple in Tibet. For it was in that year that Kai-ro stumbled across a jade ring in the Buddhist Temple. The ring seemed to come to life, flying onto his hand as a voice suddenly echoed inside his head and said...

Kai-ro of Earth, you have the ability to overcome great fear.

Transported across the stars to the planet Oa, Kai-ro's unexpected arrival broke open the all-but-forgotten cold case surrounding the disappearance of the Green Lantern known as Abin Sur. Now, as he graduates from his training and joins the interstellar police force known as the Green Lantern Corps, Kai-ro returns to the planet of his birth and finds himself in the middle of a murder mystery.

What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'?:
To start, Kai-ro (the Green Lantern of the Beyond universe) takes the place of Hal Jordan as Abin Sur's successor. Second, this concept focuses on the Green Lantern Corps as a crime drama, while introducing aspects of a larger universe that includes both the GLC and the Nova Corps (for myself, I'm picturing the GLC as operating similar to the U.S. Coast Guard in its function as a primary law enforcement agency, whereas the Nova Corps is more akin to the U.S. Navy in its function as a military force...)

Supporting Characters:


Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5 • Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6
I shall get a GL post up in the morning, then.
Fair. I'm probably not going to go with a GL since Bounce has made an app for one.

I do have other ideas and concepts I can explore, so if my GL app is stepping on anyone's toes I can easily put Kai-ro back on a shelf and pull down one of any number of similarly bad ideas.

I could always sub Sam Alexander and approach the same universe from the Nova Corps side. And I also have a Justice League Dark concept I drafted up for a game that fell through I could pull from as well. And then there's always pulling out Garfield Logan for random green dancing cats.
Where is @Bounce?

Ultimate One Universe: Year One Application

Character You're Applying For:
Kai-ro (Green Lantern)

Powers And Abilities:
Kai-ro possesses a Green Lantern power ring, which allows Kai-ro to create green constructs from the sheer force of will and imagination. The ring also provides a protective aura around his body, enabling him to fly in atmosphere or the vacuum of space, and allows for faster-than-light travel in space. The ring has the ability to remotely access the Book of Oa, supplying Kai-ro with knowledge and information overlays that aid his investigations and activities on behalf of the GLC.

In addition, Kai-ro was trained in police tactics by Killowog and is proficient with both armed and unarmed combat.

Origin And Backstory (In A Maximum Of Four Paragraphs):
Well, you see, what happened was...

Born into an impoverished family living in the Tibetan region of Earth, Kai-ro became one of many boys orphaned into the various Buddhist temples throughout the Himalayas. As a result, Kai-ro is fluent in both Tibetan and Mandarin Chinese, being formally educated in the latter while more often speaking the former in normal conversation while 'growing up monk' in the mountains. Functioning like a boarding school and orphanage, the monastery saw to all of Kai-ro's basic needs while providing for his education in both the traditional schools of thought.

It was during Year 0 of our story's continuity that Kai-ro's life became something beyond that of a simple monk, living and learning in a temple in Tibet. For it was in that year that Kai-ro stumbled across a jade ring in the Buddhist Temple. The ring seemed to come to life, flying onto his hand as a voice suddenly echoed inside his head and said...

Kai-ro of Earth, you have the ability to overcome great fear.

Transported across the stars to the planet Oa, Kai-ro's unexpected arrival broke open the all-but-forgotten cold case surrounding the disappearance of the Green Lantern known as Abin Sur. Now, as he graduates from his training and joins the interstellar police force known as the Green Lantern Corps, Kai-ro returns to the planet of his birth and finds himself in the middle of a murder mystery.

What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'?:
To start, Kai-ro (the Green Lantern of the Beyond universe) takes the place of Hal Jordan as Abin Sur's successor. Second, this concept focuses on the Green Lantern Corps as a crime drama, while introducing aspects of a larger universe that includes both the GLC and the Nova Corps (for myself, I'm picturing the GLC as operating similar to the U.S. Coast Guard in its function as a primary law enforcement agency, whereas the Nova Corps is more akin to the U.S. Navy in its function as a military force...)

Supporting Characters:
Ch'p, a H'lven Green Lantern and Kai-ro's patrol partner for Sector 2814.

Killowog, a Bolovaxian Green Lantern and Kai'ro's supervisor in the field.

Aya, an artificial intelligence that controls Kai-ro and Ch'p's assigned patrol cruiser

Carter Ghazikhanian, a human mutate living in the lower east side of Hell's Kitchen on Earth, an area known as Mutant Town.

Green Dragon (Chang), a human empowered by a weapon of Qward and an enforcer for the Bak'sur Clan on Earth.

Tybalt Bak'sur, one of the crime bosses of the interstellar mafia known as the Weaponers of Qward, currently moving weapons and slaves through Sector 2814.

Bolphunga the Unrelenting, a rival crime boss within the Weaponers of Qward.

Ub'x the Conquerer (aka Ub'x the Bastard), a H'lven warlord who usurped political control of Sector 1014 and installed himself as dictator. The resulting civil war has largely devastated the region and caused a great deal of criticism within the interstellar community for the lack of a decisive response by either the Nova Corps or Green Lantern Corps.

Flicker, an intergalactic bounty hunter.

Jakul, a Z'nyx prince and interstellar mafioso wannabe.

Character Picture:

Sample Post:
In the greater cosmos, the people are protected by two sides in the interstellar justice system; the Lanterns who investigate crimes and the local authorities who prosecute the offenders. The call came in at seventeen forty-seven, Oa Standard Time. A domestic disturbance on an asteroid base out on the edge of space in Sector 2814. That makes it my problem. My name is Kai-ro. I carry a ring.

| A S T E R O I D • B L U E • H E A V E N |

The small spacecraft exited out of the singularity, a blue glow radiating from the ion drives as power was diverted to the sublight engines, the kinetic force combining with the resulting inertial to propel the pristine vessel toward the massive rock which hung like a rogue planet against the backdrop of space. Inside the space craft, a feminine voice echoed and said, "We have entered Sector 2814, quadrant Gamma-9. Adjusting vector for approach to space station Blue Heaven."

"Domestic disturbance," the squirrel-like creature growled, blowing smoke from a distinctly non-regulation cigar as he barked, "What are we now, marriage counselors?"

Bringing a hand up to his face, the young boy waved the smoke away from his face despite knowing all-too-well the futility of his actions. In such a confined environment, even with Aya's carbon scrubbers working at maximum efficiency to recycle the air quality, the noxious odors continued to burn at his nostrils everywhere in the ship. "Blue Heaven is a private enterprise. WIthout local government law enforcement, it is necessary for the Corps to provide for community police protection in order to prevent this quadrant becoming a..."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm not the Poozer here, kid," Ch'p growled, interrupting the young Green Lantern before blowing smoke in his face. "This is, what, third time we've been out?"

"Fourth," Kai-ro corrected, coughing as the smoke choked the back of his throat.

"Well, maybe if you'd busted some heads the first, second, or third time, we wouldn't be out here again," the H'lven chipmunk snapped.

"There was no criminal complaint alleged and therefore it would be unconscionable to impose..."

"I'll show you 'unconscionable' if you don't shut up and arrest something," the furry Lantern barked, waving with his cigar toward the back of the cockpit. "Now hit the beat, kid."

There were creatures in this world - in this universe - who tested the patience of even the most virtuous monk. With a sigh, the young Green Lantern hung his head as he resigned himself to the fact that Clarissi Salaak had, for whatever karmic slight Kai-ro may have caused in a prior life, partnered him with just such a creature. "Kao yao," the youth muttered in Chinese as he started toward the airlock.

"Yeah, moo goo gai pan to you too, kid."

The comment from the H'lven reached Kai-ro's ears just as he started through the exit of the cockpit, drawing his shoulders up in the only tangible display of irritation. Peace. Compassion. Peace... the boy repeated to himself, drawing in a deep breath which he let out slowly as he did the right thing and just walked away. As he stepped into the airlock, the boy brought his right hand up, adjusting the distinctive ring on his middle finger. A green aura enveloped his small form, as the exterior hatch was pulled away like a curtain to reveal the naked cosmos outside. Gently, the boy's foot drifted from off the deck as he floated freely into the vacuum awaiting him.

Space could be frightening the first time. There was no concept of up or down. No compass points with which to orient the mind. Some never overcame the vertigo. But Kai-ro? Kai-ro felt like this was true freedom. Putting his arms by his side, the child ducked and then pushed himself out through the void like a dolphin sliding through the sea. Gliding across the emptiness, the youth arced upward to arrive at an airlock that would give entry to the asteroid base. A pulse from his ring and the door parted for him, and Kai-ro stepped inside.

A century before, the asteroid had been cored out by a mining corporation. Left an empty shell, the remains of the mining station had been hastily converted into a port of call for people out on the fringe of this part of space. Pirates. Smugglers. Drug runners. The Green Lanterns knew that Blue Heaven, as it had come to be called, was nothing more than a waypoint from criminal elements drifting through the sector. But suspicion didn't amount to evidence, and so the Green Lanterns could do little more than keep an eye on the station. Still, it remained a lawless wonderland. A ghetto in space. Trash crunched under foot, along with something squishy that Kai-ro immediately tried not to think about as he made his way inside of the shoddy asteroid port.

B37T4-A, or Big Bertha, had originally been programmed as a lab assistant for a chemical company. Later advances in robotics and artificial intelligence design had led to Bertha being thrown out with the trash, but instead of being resigning herself to being reduced to scrap, the rusted automaton had wound up opening a bar out on Blue Heaven. There, she'd met up with a waste disposal unit that everyone called 'Marty' and the two had mixed like oil and water. Their passions for one another were, perhaps, impressive given the limitations of their designs, but that passion led to destructive behavior - usually by Bertha - which was of increasing concern to the residents of Blue Heaven.

That alone was concerning. It took a great deal for someone who lived on Blue Heaven to want to call the Lanterns.

As the young Green Lantern walked through the doors of the bar, an ion bolt buried itself into the wall about three feet to the left and two heads higher than he stood. The smell of residual gas coolant gave credence to the notion that such hadn't been the first shot fired, which would explain why someone would have been willing, if not eager, to call the Lanterns. In space, with the risk of the hull being compromised, no one won a gun fight.

Bertha was behind the bar, plugged into a voltage converted that had obviously made her onboard components drunk from the power surge. In one of her reedy, articulate limbs was a relic of the Kymellian Civil War, a gas-powered ion bolt caster that was little more than a high-tech slug thrower. "You whore," the robotic bar tender managed, loudly slurring her words as her servos were unable to precisely calibrate for motion. The rifle waved wildly toward a squat, dirty-looking robot. "I... I kill you and... and that automated hussy!"

"Perhaps we could begin by placing the weapon on the..."

"Bertha, my love! My binary blossom, it was nothing!" Marty's roughly synthesized voice interjected, as the squat box-like robot seemed to dance from side to side. "A thirty second upload in a parallel connection, I swear! She means nothing to me!"

Turning toward the squat machine, Kai-ro looked sternly over at the waste robot and offered, "I do not believe such protests will be effect..."

"Upload!?" Bertha echoed, drawing both Marty and Kai-ro's attention to the chemist-turned-barmaid at the distinctive sound of the caster bolt being drawn back. "UPLOAD!?"

"Upload? No, I didn't upload in her..." Marty uttered weakly.

This was, in the boy's mind, exactly what a train wreck in slow motion must look like. "Go se," the child swore under his breath, as a large green shield appeared between himself, Marty, and the bar as several ion bolts slammed into the willpower construct. This was not what he'd envisioned when he'd been chosen as Green Lantern.

"I had reconstructive surgery for you!" Bertha barked, pausing her barrage as she gestured toward what were obviously a new set of oscillating processor tubes across the front of her torso.

"Yes'm, those are nice," Kai-ro quipped vapidly, not entirely certain that made sense, and less so just what he was saying, but it made sense to say something as he gestured with both hands for her to put the caster down. "We can talk about this rationally and without the need for viol..."

"Bitch, you best recognize that's my man!"

There were very few times that Kai-ro would have offered the opinion that discussion was a useless endeavor. As the automated food processor came wheeling into the bar, however, the monk had to resign himself to the fact that this was one of those times.

"Oh, hell no!"

As Bertha roared and snapped up the rifle, the spry, young Green Lantern was already in motion. Quick as a snake, a sweep of the boy's leg had sent the rifle skidding across the bar top, as a series of green handcuffs snapped onto her reedy limbs. "Weapons discharge in an enclosed space environment is a class five misdemeanor," the youth asserted in a matter-of-fact tone. "I believe some time apart on Oa will help in alleviating this conflic..."


As he turned, Kai-ro saw Marty lunging for him, as the food processor came wheeling after. "That's my man!"

Had he mentioned that he hadn't signed up for this?
Matrix and Billy coming this weekend!

C H A P T E R O N E : W H A T M E A S U R E I S H U M A N ? / / P A R T I I
Matrix's Music Files//Sample 52B [Ace, 1974] [How Long]

The timeless image of a boy and his dog.

This particular pair was moving through the air. The peel of thunder echoing from the arctic the sonic boom generated when they had accelerated sufficiently to transcend the sound barrier.

Present speed over ground: 2,469.6444 kilometers per hour.

Calculating route to destination. At present velocity, arrival in three minutes, forty-eight seconds.

Overflight of inhabited human settlement on the neararctic plain, identified as Arctic Bay.

Just beyond the Inuit village on Canada's northern most frontier, an icebreaker had struck an uncharted undersea mound and become stuck in the arctic throes. The distress had been categorized as a Level 1 threat. The Canadian Coast Guard should be more than adequate in responding to the situation, but the mundane activity of responding to the ship in distress served the purpose of allowing Krypto exercise outside of the Fortress of Solitude.

Circling above the ship, the malleable figure shifted. Descending onto the deck, an entirely different form had replaced that of the boy. A cascade of blonde hair fell loose over the shoulders. Long, slender, shapely legs protruded from beneath a black skirt. The white cape framed the feminine figure, as the young woman arrived on deck.

An older demographic appearance would be appropriate for human interaction of this kind. Matrix had selected its present physical arrangement in order to suit.


An understandable mistake of identity, though their appearance was easily discerned. Kara was younger, and her hair and facial features were quite different. "My name is Matrix," the superwoman remarked. Follow on questions of note included inquiring as to the status of any injured, but the Matrix selected instead a line of questioning engineered to focus on the priority of getting the vessel re-floated again. "Are your engines functional?"

"Seems so," one of the men uttered, "Except the shafts won't turn."

One of the blades could be impacted against the surface. The shift shifted, to the port at first, but then listed and rolled sharply to the starboard. The alteration of axis did not appear to conform to the tidal flow. "This undersea mound may not be entirely stable," Matrix observed aloud.

Stepping up to the railing, the woman peered down into the dark water. "I will return momentarily," she offered, before rising up into the air and then plunging into the water below.
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