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@Lucian @Saint Maxx

Per my earlier agreement with EE, the only villains from Billy's rogue's gallery that I'm intending to use are Darkling and Mister Atom. Otherwise, all the Fawcett/DC mythos belonged to EE.

Basically, I'm writing Marvel's Captain Marvel (only with Billy Batson in the role). Shazam is totally up for grabs.

Do we post our approved sheet in the character tab? (I've games where the players do that, and others where only the GMs post in the characters tab)


I'd offer, but I'm probably not the best for that. Part of why I made Naota so stupid-simple is that my knowledge of the Naruto-verse is limited to the first story arc of Naruto and Boruto.
Enter the ankle-biter.

Marvelous Monday to you.

Blessings and high favor.

The Andromeda Galaxy

The motley fleet was an assortment of vessels of all manner of size, shape, or configuration. The elegance of Galadorian Spaceknights. The vibrant colors of the Majesdanian Light Brigade. The utilitarian Okaaran design. The sophistication of the Kymellian Technomancy.

The Smartship Friday was moored in a berth alongside one of the Galadorian vessels -- a massive, floating cathedral in space. Banners of each of the star nations participating in the League of Non-Aligned Worlds streamed from parapets, denoting that the floating fortress was host to the interstellar council.

“The Skrull losses at Jagga IV constitutes the bulk of the XVth Legion.”

G’Kar stood in the center of the theater-in-the-round that had been re-purposed into a large assembly. Along one side, the various delegates representing Galador, Kymellia, Majesdane, and Okaara conferred in a raised balcony that afforded them a measure of privacy in their counsel. Meanwhile, the lower pit was stacked with resistance fighters composed of each of those nations, and still more worlds. Some of which, were unknown to the wider galaxy.

Such as the human from Earth.

The young Billy was seated behind where G’Kar was facing the assembled council delegates. The dark haired youth had changed into a Galadorian tunic that looked like it might have come from Earth’s own Medieval era, even being cinched at the waist with a double-wrap belt. The sleeves were rolled back, revealing the bronze-looking gauntlets that encircled his wrists.

Alora, the Majesdanian teen with the rainbow colored hair, was seated beside him. Her Majesdanian clothes loose and free-flowing, shimmering and sparkling as though infused with light and color. When they had met, Alora couldn’t believe that Billy had black hair. It seemed that Majesdane had next to no concept of ‘black’. The absence of color seemed the antithesis of Majesdanian culture.

G’Kar, the warrior-poet, was garbed in leather studded robes that added both a scholastic and a huntsman quality to the larger-than-life figure. A pair of small, wire-framed spectacles were continuously placed and removed from his face, as the Warlord commanded the strategic intelligence briefing that was now underway.

“Remaining forces are being incorporated into the XIVth and XVIIth,” the Okaaran remarked, as a holographic rendering of the Andromeda Galaxy was rotated to highlight a particular area. Gesturing to the highlighted section, G’Kar added, “The deployment suggests a possible vulnerability near Karankathara.”

Pausing there, the hologram faded as the Okaaran took a step closer toward where the council sat in judgment overhead. Removing his glasses and tucking them away, G’Kar offered, “If we are going to press for the liberation of the Makluans, we may never get a better opportunity.”

“Your counsel is appreciated, as always, G’Kar. But I am wary to commit further lives toward short-termed gains.”

Leaning forward, the head of a white stallion appeared. He looked like Billy imagined an older Kofi would appear, and with good reason. Aelfyre Whitemane was Kofi’s uncle.

As for Kofi, the young horse-boy was seated beside Aelfyre. A silent witness to the assembly so that he could learn from his uncle how to represent Kymellia and extend its influence over other races -- without resorting to military conquest. Like the Okaarans, the Kymellians were philosopher kings. Though, where the Okaarans had a martial philosophy, the Kymellian was more metaphysical. “We are fighting on the Skrull’s territory. They would only re-group and re-commit their forces knowing that we have spread ourselves thin.”

Crossing his arms before his chest, G’Kar craned his head back as he addressed Aelfyre. “Which is why cementing allies in this region remains of paramount importance to holding the Skrull Empire in check,” the warlord countered in a matter-of-fact tone. “We cannot do that without actions that reinforce our words.”

“A fair observation,” Aelfyre replied in kind. It sounded conciliatory, but Billy understood that the horse-lord was really just signaling that the debate was over. True to form, the Kymellian changed the subject. “The council will take your words under consideration, Warlord. In the meantime, we have another situation.”

Taking the hint, G’Kar withdrew to the audience -- taking a seat on the other side of Billy -- as a holographic image of a planet appeared in the center of the assembly room. “We have lost communication with Tolmeria,” Aelfyre announced.

Why did everyone just drop named like that? Did everybody in the universe have the planetary atlas memorized in grade school? “What’s a Tolmeria?” Billy muttered quietly.

The link clipped to Billy’s ear bleeped to life, as Friday’s voice whispered back, “Tolmeria is a Class-One planet in another part of the Andromeda Galaxy that is home to a civilization.”

“...data lends itself to no conclusions at present, but we cannot rule out the possibility of the Empire solidifying new gains here to reinforce their war efforts.”

So they were going to investigate why the Tolmerians weren’t picked up the phone? “Sounds like a trip for biscuits to me,” Billy offered, sitting forward as he gave a shrug of his shoulders. “I feel sorry for the poor joe they stick with that job.”


Blinking, the human boy looked up -- only to find that everyone in the room was now looking at him. “We’re assigning this task to you.”

As the assembly continued, Alora leaned over to whisper, “I’m sure its nothing.”

G’Kar gave a gruff sound. Without turning his head, the Okaaran merely said, “If they believed that, I doubt they’d be sending our most powerful weapon.”
Woot! One Academy Student coming right up!
Easy enough to adjust if that's the case.

I wasn't sure where on the spectrum that would involve (becoming Genin versus preparing to take the Chunin exams).
What kind of character is everyone thinking of? Maybe we could brainstorm while we wait.

My concept would have the character starting out as an Academy Student, with the character development aimed at the Genin Exam and becoming a Genin. Other than that, Nara Clan (originally from Bamboo Village), desiring to become a Medical-nin.
Since the Shazam mythos wasn't available, I'm taking elements of Mar-Vell and Carol along with thematic aspects of both BattleStar Galactica and Guardians of the Galaxy to create my Billy Batson space opera.
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