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Naota Nara

The midgets were parading through the doors.

Herded like cats, and with arguably even less of an attention span, the academy students straggled from out of their classes. As they did, one head would pop up from among the crowd, briefly appearing amid anxious glances before slipping back down to the ground. Another moment and then his head would pop up again, as the child literally hopped up and down, his head seemingly on a swivel as the boy seemed to be looking desperately for something.

The Jounin had returned to the village? Was it true? Did that mean that the war was over?

Did that mean that Shikato had come back as well?

Try as he might, Naota could not see any indication that his brother was anywhere to be found. Even still, he never stopped looking for him. Anxious and fidgeting as he stood around the school yard, largely oblivious to the snippets of conversation that passed over his head or between his friends. There was talk of the war.

There was always talk of the war.

So what was different now? At last, roused from his own wistful thinking, the raven-haired youth slowly warmed to the realization that something was wrong.

"You're actually taking kids? To the front lines? That girl literally has a PUPPY to defend herself, and you want to send her in? What about that kid, the one there the Uchiha brat eh? He looks like he would die if I stared at him too long!"

Turning his head up, the faun-eyed Naota found himself observing a one-sided exchange between a pair of older ninja. The look on the face of the one who had spoken conveyed volumes more than words alone.
Got room for another speedster? I had been stalking this for so long and I wanna roll with Bart Allen.

Or any kid hero.

Right now, Billy is the sole kid hero.

Please bring more to the game.

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

[ Theme ]

As above, so below… Since the time of the Great Flood, when the Empire of Atlantis was shattered and the continent of Poseidonis plunged beneath the sea, peace has long been the solace of the deep. The sundering was followed by dark ages in which some adapted, others evolved, or regressed. As the waters drained from out of the Sahara, an entire culture was wiped from the face of the Earth. But the periods of enlightenment that followed ensured that the developing undersea nations followed a different path than their counterparts on the surface. While war shaped human history, it was peace that defined the city-states of Poseidonis.

New frontiers were explored. Some cities were lost to them, while new ones sprang up to take their place. To the far south, to the Antarctic Circle, the city of Tha-Korr rose up as the capital of the Antarctic Nations. Atlantis survived, its pride intact even if its influence was diminished. The former prison colony of Xebel shook off its chains. The Kingdom of Fishermen flourished into the Holy See of Tritonis. To the vast Pacific, Venturia became the Sparta of the sea, while its sister city of Auriana was their Athens. And the city of Shayeris, home to the mageocracy that had served as the scholars and advisors of Ancient Atlantis became a vassal kingdom to the throne of Atlantis.

All of that changed when Venturia claimed an attack by the surface dwellers. The Council of the Twelve Nations has broken and, with it, so too has the long-lasting peace of the eternal deep. In the face of flaccid diplomacy, King Orm of Atlantis and Queen Clea of Venturia take up arms against the other, dividing up their neighbors for conquest in an unprecedented undersea world war. Both would use the present conflict to their own ends, uniting the undersea nations under a single banner once again.

Return to a history both familiar and new, a world unlike any seen before. A world beneath our very oceans. The saga of the undersea war. The curse of the Trench. Our cast will have to navigate these and other challenges, and they are confronted by political aspirations and ambitions of people who each believe that they are acting for the common good. There are no heroes. There are no villains. Merely victory and tragedy, which too often go hand in hand.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

A modern Greek epic, “A Song of Garth and Fire” will tell a multitude of stories in overlapping detail. It’s not the story of any single character, but for Season 2 will be divided among the point of view of a variety of characters integral to the overarching narrative, with the named four (Garth, Tula, Mar, and Vulko) being the main cast.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

The Twelve Kingdoms of Poseidonis:
The Kingdom of Atlantis (Sea of Atlas, Moroccan Coast)
The Antarctic Nations (Capital: Tha-Korr; Southern Arctic Region)
The City-State of Xebel (Bermuda Triangle)
The Holy See of Tritonis (Fisherman Kingdom; Greek Archipelago)
The Kingdom of the Brine* (Northern Arctic Region)
The Kingdom of Venturia (Pacific Ocean/Hawaiian Islands)
The City-State of Auriana (Pacific, shared border with Venturia)
The Kingdom of Lemuria (Great Barrier Reef)
The Deserter Kingdom (Sahara, extinct)
The Lost Kingdom of the Trench (Marianas Trench)
The United Kingdom of Shayeris and Crastinus (The Idyllist Kingdom; aka The Hidden Valley)
The Lost City of Thierna na Oge (Ireland/Wales)

• His Royal Highness Belgarth Melicertes Triton, Heir to the Throne of the United Kingdom of Shayeris and Crastinus, Apprentice to the Third Circle of Mysteries, the Prince of Idylls. Otherwise known simply as Garth, the only son of King Thar of Shayeris. Because he has not yet come of age, he continues to hold the title Prince of Idylls rather than King of Idylls.

Vulko, Keeper of the Sacred Chalice of Mommur, the Steward of Shayeris. Serves as the de jure head of state for the nation of Shayeris until Prince Garth comes of age. Leads the Circle of Knowledge, Shayeris’ magocratic republic council.

Mar of the Brine. A Plodex youth, presented as an egg to King Thar by the Brine on the occasion of Garth’s birth. He serves as Gar’s page, attendant, and friend.

• Her Grace, Tula Leucothea Adrasteia of Atlantis, the Duchess of Tlapallan. A young, teenaged girl who came to Shayeris as a child bride betrothed to the infant prince by the command of her uncle, King Orvax of Atlantis.

Clea, Queen of Venturia. First to seek the title of Ocean Master, so that she might lead a war against the surface world for their pollution of the sea. Lemuria, the Antarctic Nations, and a conquered Auriana form the basis for her claim.

Orm Marius, the current reigning King of Atlantis, ascending upon the death of Orvax Marius. Orm seeks to dissolve the Council of Nations so that a resurgent Empire of Atlantis can emerge. He is supported by Xebel and, begrudgingly, by an occupied Shayeris. The invasion of Shayeris serves as political clout to try and force the cooperation of the Holy See of Tritonis and the Brine.

Rogue’s Gallery: Black Manta, Hagan, The Unforgiven Dead, Bres, Devilfish, the Trench

• *Note: In Absolute Bounceverse, “Brine” is a common term used to describe the Plodex people.

S A M P L E P O S T:


R I C H A R D G R A Y S O N T O Y B O Y B L U D H A V E N B A T - F A M I L Y
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

Old Man Grayson
Fifty years ago, Dick Grayson's world ended in the murder of his parents, disguised to appear as a circus accident. He met a man named Bruce Wayne, who not only took him under his wing but entrusted him with the secret of the Batman. For over a decade, Dick fought at Bruce's side as Robin, the Boy Wonder, before a falling out between the two in 1980 prompted Dick to step out from the Batman's shadow. He moved from Gotham City to Bludhaven, got serious with his education, and got a job as a cop. But old habits die hard, and Dick was soon living a double life as Nightwing. But the demands of his job grew with each promotion and age started to sap away at Dick's ability to be what Bludhaven needed him to be. Today, he's Commissioner Dick Grayson of the Bludhaven Police Department.

A mechanical automaton constructed by the Toyman to serve as both a surrogate son and henchman, Toyboy is a literal Pinocchio -- a puppet without strings. Using stolen patents, Toyboy replicates the work of Dr. Phineas Horton. Originally classified as a robot or android, modern scientific nomenclature describes him as a synthetic human or synthezoid. Powered by a Horton Cell battery, Toyboy has been studied by S.T.A.R. Labs since the death of his creator in 1990, where he is overseen by Dr. Sarah Charles.

The Premise
A series of child abductions was already frustrating Commission Grayson, but the disappearance of an entire school bus makes Dick seek out measures beyond the law. Too old to be the Nightwing that Bludhaven needs him to be, Dick turns to a former adversary to do what he cannot.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Writing a cosmic entity, I wanted a character who could be a dedicated Earth hero, on more of a Teen Titans or street level. Primarily, the Old Man Grayson / Robin dynamic is intended as a foil to Wraith's Old Man Bruce / Terry dynamic. It's a parallel story of an aged, embittered vigilante discovering the limits of his own mortality and living vicariously through their chosen proxies. This allows me to slowly tell Dick Grayson's story in addition to Toyboy's own road to Terminator 2-esque redemption.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Winslow Schott: A brilliant engineer, Schott's work with the Army during the Korean Conflict brought him into contact with Horton Cells, which may have had a role in damaging his psyche. His later attempts at operating a toy company, like his attempts at a family, failed and in his later years he became the villain known to Gotham as the Toyman. Schott died in 1994 in Ryker's Island.

Anton Schott: The son of the Toyman, the abuse that he suffered at his father's hands resulted in his civil commitment to psychiatric hospitals for most of his life.

The Street Demonz gang, led by Quince Cullen, extends the Black Cullens' influence toward Gotham.

Cissy Chambers: A BPD cop.

The Leviathan Organization, led by Doctor Dedalus.

Colin Wilkes: A young orphan at St. Mary's Home for Boys.

S A M P L E P O S T:

P O S T C A T L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.

Southern France | September 14th, 1944

The intelligence on Baron Alrecht Krieger was more guess work than anything else.

At the start of the war, his name had never come up. The first mention had popped up in British field reports coming out in Libya in 1942. The SAS used a codename in case the intelligence was intercepted. They called him Hauptmann Nazi.

Who was he? No one had come up with a good answer for that question. Instead, the assumption that he was just another fanatical upstart among a sea of power brokers vying for Hitler’s favor seemed to carry the day.

Was he Schutzstaffel or Wehrmacht? Again, no one knew. Instead, the agents in the field seemed to be making assumptions. In one mention, he was described as being part of the Waffen-SS. The next listed him as a member of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt.

Whatever the case, the descriptions provided seemed to more aptly depict the heroics of Wonder Woman or Captain America. The summaries each contained narratives that described actions that few, if any, people could have pulled off. Let alone believed. Hence the nickname as Captain Nazi. As for what he was up to now? The Allies had been searching for information, but with Rommel in retreat and the emphasis on the European Front, the SAS had lost track of Krieger after 1943.

Then, a month ago, the French Resistance had picked up Albrecht’s trail. They’d reported that he was up in the Vosges Mountains, preparing to move north toward Berlin. If that was true, then that would have allowed Diana or Steve to tackle whatever threat that this so-called Captain Nazi posed to the Allies.

The intelligence turned out to be wrong.

Albrecht Krieger had gone south. A push from the German’s to try and make up for lost territory in the Cote d’Azure region.

Billy had a reputation for being faster than a locomotive. Krieger was faster. To this point, the Captain Marvel of the newspapers had gotten by through raw strength. When he faced a challenge, he overcame because he just overpowered whatever it was. A few of the GIs had taught him boxing, but it had been made out as a joke. Why would Captain Marvel need to know boxing? He could just flick a bad guy with his pinky finger and send him flying across the room.

Billy might have been stronger than Krieger. Who could say? The fact was, Billy couldn’t lay a finger on Captain Nazi. Instead, Krieger was literally beating Billy in the streets, as the last vestiges of the German Army rallied for a comeback against the Allied force that had been rolling over them for the last month.

Pile-driving the child-sized hero into the American tank, the German supersoldier rolled from off of the warped and twisted metal. Yanking the boy free of the wreckage, the man skipped the boy’s skull across the cobblestones like a skipping stone for the better part of a city block.

Billy’s torn and battered form just lay in the middle of the street.


A young medic scrambled out from the alleyways, sprinting under a spattering of machine gun fire until he was crouching down before the boy’s small body. “Shit,” the man swore, looking over Billy’s bruised form as he rolled the child over. Slapping the side of the boy’s face, the medic peered into the blue eyes as they fluttered open. “You okay?”

Billy gave a nod. He tried to take a deep breath, but stopped short as pain lanced through his side. Clutching at his ribs, the young Marvel pulled himself back to his feet. “Never better,” the boy managed, between clenched teeth. Then, with a sigh, started jogging back toward where Krieger was presently dismantling another tank unit with his bare hands.

Round two lasted about two-point-eight seconds. After which Billy, now stuffed inside the barrel of the tank’s main gun, came rolling down the street, stopping only when the bend in the road cause the barrel to jump the curb and smash into the front of what used to be a bakery.

“God... fuck!” the medic swore, at first diving out of the way and then sprinting over to where a pair of legs were sticking out of the barrel.

The acrid odor of bile rose up from the grease and soot encrusted child that was pulled from out of the wreckage. Lines of clean skin stood out on the boy’s face, carved out by the tears that had run down through the dirt. “I threw up,” Billy confessed, his hair disheveled and his eyes confused as he emerged discombobulated and off-balance.

Holding the boy by the shoulders, the medic sat him up. The medic’s grip tightened as Billy doubled over and heaved a second time. “I won’t tell anyone,” the soldier offered softly.

Rolling forward, Billy crawled on all fours away from the wreckage. Gulping in air, he winced as he pushed up to his feet. He staggered forward, before dropping back onto one knee. His shoulders bowed, he labored to catch his breath as the medic’s hand landed on his shoulder.

“Kid..." the soldier began, pausing a moment before asking, “Why do you keep getting up?”

Reaching across his body, the young Baton gently eased the medic’s hand from his shoulder before slowing rising back to his feet. Catching his breath, Billy winced and wondered that same question silently to himself.

“Because someone fucking has to,” he said finally.


Present Day

Terrax the Pants-less was strong.

Stronger than Billy, that had become clear. In quick order, the fight on Toleria was starting to feel a lot like France. No, there were no warm, summer breezes. No French wine or cheese. But the curb-stomp ass-kickings were particularly beautiful this time of year.

Billy lashed out with a punch aimed at Terrax’s head, but his reach was too short. Terrax’s longer arm snapped in a block. Twisting in mid-air, Billy kicked the man’s arm aside.

Only to be grabbed by Terrax’s free hand and tossed aside like a discarded Kleenex.

For a moment, Billy felt as though he had been stuffed back inside that tank barrel, rolling down the street, as the world spun while he was thrown through the air. Twisting against the direction of the spin, Billy got his bearings as he halted his ascent in the air. Striking his gauntlets against each other, the boy triggered an explosion of energy as he thrust his arms out toward the ground below.

The impact of the blast sent shockwaves rippling through the planet, as liquefaction momentarily transformed the soil.

From out of the dust cloud, two hunks of rock sailed outward with supersonic speed and lethal precision, slamming into Billy’s small form to knock him from out of the sky. He only just begun to process what had even happened then, before he crashed down onto the scorched sands.

Rolling several times, the form of the young boy popped up to his feet. Kicking his head to one side, sand was slung from out of his head as he blinked through the grime clinging to his face and found himself peering up at the towering form of Terrax standing over him.


As the man stretched his hands out, Billy became aware of a tremor that was starting to grow into an earthquake.

A big earthquake.

A REALLY BIG earthquake.

Could Terrax really be intending to tear the planet apart? Billy didn’t know. But, he also wasn’t going to take any chances. Which meant, he needed to get Terrax off this planet. Like, now.

“Noted,” the boy said, pulling a hand back.

Then he snapped forward. There was another explosion of energy, before Terrax went flying through the air with enough force as to hopefully break orbit.

Could Terrax even survive out in space? Part of him hoped that he could.

Part of him really wouldn’t mind if he couldn’t.
Just the vultures at the gate wanting to pick my legacy apart.

First rule of any rpg: always, always, always remember to loot the corpse.
Sorry for the unexpected hiatus.

We are back with Marvelous Mondays.

The Andromeda Galaxy

Contrary to what people might think, there was no user manual or even a how to guide on how to hero. Instead, from the very moment that Billy had come into possession of powers and abilities beyond his comprehension, it had been a journey filled with mistakes and happenstance victories as he’d just figured it out for himself.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, Billy had learned to move faster than a speeding bullet. Because it had been a full-blown world war and the bullets had filled the air like a terror of locusts, carving out no man’s land between entrenched positions of soldiers who slowly suffered through a war of attrition, marking time, waiting for either death or victory.

That was before he knew that he could fly. Before he’d ever broken the sound barrier or traveled faster-than-light.

These days, a guy armed with a pole-ax had no chance.

Arcs of lightning sparked from off the child’s body, as the young Batson casually side-stepped out of the path of the falling axe blade. The polearm froze in the air, the blade mere inches from impacting the ground.

A look of confusion passed over Terrax the Pants-less’ face, as it was another moment before the man realized that the boy had snapped a hand up and seized hold of the polearm’s shaft. The weapon seemed to radiate in place, as the boy and the self-described dictator each tested the strength of the other.

Then, slowly, Billy started to feel the pole-axe pull away from his grip.

Terrax the Pants-less had some serious strength going on.

“FOOL!” the shale-skinned man boomed, boasting “I wield the Power Cos--MUAH!”

As Terrax’s pull strengthened, Billy simply released his hold on the shaft. The sudden loss of tension caused the man to lose his balance, stumbling about as he struggled to find his footing, slipping down on one knee as his boots dug and shifted in the loose sand.

“I’m sorry. Were you monologuing?” Billy asked, feigning innocence, as the youth simply stood there with his hands now tucked into the pockets of the jacket that he wore. Pulling a hand free, he gestured up toward his head as he remarked, “Two-second attention span. I’ll need you to keep it short. Sound bites, not whole sentences. That sort of thing.”

Rising back to his feet, the shale-skinned, towering Goliath adjusted his grip on the pole-axe. “You dare mock Terrax!?” the man bellowed, thrusting the butt of the polearm deep into the ground, like a conquistador planting their flag.

Billy just kicked his head to one side as he seemed to let that statement pass. Then, with his other hand, gestured toward Terrax as he said, “Okay, first of all, if you’re gonna make yourself dictator-for-life of a planet you kinda have to be prepared to live with the consequences of being a public figure. And, yeah, it sucks. Been there. I know.” Didn’t these absolute power types know this? Probably not, owing to the whole absolute power schtick. “But second and most of all, the dude not wearing pants is just going to get what he gets.”

Strong. And fast.

There was a brilliant flash, the energy crackling along Billy’s frame as Terrax came barreling forward. With preternatural grace, the young Batson neatly stepped out and around, watching as the gigantic figure went flying past.

There was a loud crack of thunder as Terrax slid to a halt, realizing that Billy now stood behind him. “Seriously, it’s like the future out here. We can get you a good set of trousers.”

Terrax was obviously a man who had trained for this.

That was okay. Billy had never set out to train to fight anyone, but he’d had to learn. Some folks in the Army had taught him about boxing. The Kymelians had a style of combat that they referred to as kyav zaga. The Majesdane’s trained their Light Brigade in tor’su’fan. And the Galadorians just picked up a sword and kicked some ass.

The Skrulls? God only knew what they called their fighting styles. Billy had seen a few. And he’d been doing this now for a long ass time.

Raising his arm overhead, Billy blocked the overhead swing that slammed down with the force of several metric tonnes of force. The ground shook with the impact, even as Terrax following up with a kick aimed at catching Billy in the side.

Instead, Billy took two steps back and felt the rush of air as the man’s leg swept just an inch away from his face.

A pair of hands came at him, as the boy stretched forward and found himself grappling with a pair of hands that were each about the size of his head.

“For your insolence, I will find your people and bring about the end of your pla...”

An explosion ripped from out of Billy’s body, as a wave of kinetic energy radiated outward in a sudden release, catching Terrax and lifting him up as he was tossed a short distance away.

And there, standing amid the smoldering glass that surrounded the scorched earth at his feet, Billy just quipped, “Hey, man, I’m not even about to let you do that to these people I never even met before today. And you want to talk about Earth?

Unzipping his jacket, the boy shrugged his way out of the red and blue top, allowing it to drop onto the ground. A pair of dog tags hung from his neck, as the boy stepped forward, pounding one fist into the palm of his open hand as he paused to ask, “...how well do you think that’s going to go for you?”
Billy post delayed 24 hours.

Picked up a case of food poisoning this weekend. I'm hoping to have it together again tomorrow.
I dare you to find a list of more eclectic shit than this.

Billy Batson - What's Up, Danger?
Kofi Whitemane - The Touch
Aelfyre Whitemane - Rasputin (alt. Daddy Cool, which is how Aelfyre dances when he thinks no one watches)
Smartship Friday - Black Betty
(OC) Alora - Sun in Our Eyes
(OC) Warlord G'Kar - Bodies
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