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7 yrs ago
Current Sorry for my lack of posts lately. I've just... been struggling to get the energy to write something up. I'm trying some new meds through so hopefully that will change soon.


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Seems kinda small, compared to some of our entries... Oh well. Still gotta find my pic.

I confess that I'm interested in seeing how our characters interact with each other Yummy. Considering Nadalia and Grindan are both Ganondorf loyalists, it should be interesting.

As for Hilda... If you want to expand your CS for her slightly, she could have born witness to a part of Grindan's 'court' in the Hyrule Castle Town Square... which is more or less a monster run witch trial. Monsters and Ganondorf loyalists gathering captured towns folk who didn't escape in time being forced to either prove their loyalty to the new regime or be forced to confess their crimes of harboring loyalties to the old Hyrule royal family and put to death. If these confessions happen to be forced out via torturous methods, who cares? Anyone who objects is clearly a traitor to the new king and needs to die painfully.
@Dark Cloud

Thank you.
@Dark Cloud

I'm well aware that it's only been a year of Ganondorf's direct rule. But there was a life before he took over and at least one war in the years leading up to the relatively peaceful existence Link stumbled out of the forest into.

@Dark Cloud

Okay, Hyrule Castle Town is filled with the undead and everyone who made it out booked it to whatever safe havens they could find. That's the first two weeks/month, if that. Has Ganondorf actually been doing anything else in that time or has he just been remodeling his new castle and just leaving the realm to its own devices?
@Dark Cloud

I guess I should ask. What's been agreed upon/what events have happened in Hyrule since the change in leadership?

EDIT: I mean, you did say it's been a year. I doubt things have been static since the King was killed and the Lord of Darkness as moved into the castle.
I'll get working on a character sheet soonish. If I get started now I won't get any sleep and I would like to give this some proper attention and focus.
On just about any other day, Droka would have just left things well enough alone. He had to pick up some stuff for mum, that jerk Seifer had only noticed him in relation to insulting Vivi before hitting 'em again for being in pain... He could have just kept going walking and not only would anyone have been none the wiser, but he would likely have a rather productive day of all things.

But today... something made him stop. While Vivi had stopped hanging out with him in order to follow Seifer around a few years ago, there was still a part of him that held him close as a friend. To listen to that brain rotted brute insult him and beat him down again and again... the natural urge to avoid conflict and the fear of drawing the bully's full ire was being overpowered by a flame that had been sparked by irritation and a desire not to see or hear one of his friends in pain.

Turning around and walking back towards the 'sparring' ring, Droka noticed that some more kids had come and Seifer seemed to be focusing his attention of Zack. That was good. It allowed him to walk up to Vivi freely and offer him a hand up without interference. Wen he spoke there was a softness to his words that were clearly meant for Vivi... but they were said loud enough that everyone nearby would easily be able to hear them. "Hey man. Good endurance training but... maybe you should take a break and we can find you someone who can get past their own ego enough to actually teach someone else how to fight?"

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