"For a beach episode, nobody’s doing a lot of beach stuff.”
— Suki Oyama
Suki had seated herself on the edge of the giant rock. She kicked her legs in the air, her eyes not really focusing on anything. Tsubomi was probably still behind the van, and the other two were probably making out underwater or something. That, or Nyxia was hunting miseria while Roche, in a strangely subservient manner, just quietly followed like the training wheels on a unicycle. Since Roche was as flexible with her leadership position as stale cheese, the former was far more likely to be what they were doing.
You know what? Screw this! If Roche and Nyx think they could have sexytimes while she and Tsubomi set up for their queen, they had another think coming! She had pranked everyone on the beach, it was time she pranked the sea.
With a stern face, Suki marched into the ocean. Her summer dress swayed in the sea breeze as the water crept up her ankles.
Tsubomi’s sudden revival caused everyone around her to hop backwards. They asked her if she was alright, the stud even apologized, but she ignored them. That included when they asked what had been scribbled all over her face.
Nyx and Roche had not returned. The only visible member of her party was Suki. Or was she technically Oros now? Hard to say. She was clearly in magical girl form, but the red dress and sun hat made her look like an entirely different magical girl. But Tsubomi was too familiar with her to ever mistake those dull red eyes for anyone else.
But Suki wasn’t going to get to the ocean. At least, not before something else reached her. A pink and silver bolt screeched through the air as it closed in on Suki. Unlike Tsubomi, she was aware enough to turn and face the incoming threat. She stepped off to the side just as the bolt “unfolded” and swung one of its shields. The ground detonated, making a splash and throwing wet sand in every direction. Suki rolled across the beach before standing up and looking at her attacker. She froze.
”Awe yas! Fighty time now!”
— The Magnificent Morganite
Morganite laughed. ”Das right, red head!” She placed her hands on her hips. ”You juz got rolled by the magnificent- She stopped when Suki made a mad sprint for the ocean. ”Oy! I waz talkin’ to yah!” The armored gremlin took off after her.
The chase would not last long.
As terrifying (yet clean) as the creature was, it was only a little bit faster than its pursuers. A squid could move at speeds faster than an olympic runner, but magical girls were not limited by things like physics and even causality. It also didn’t have any real defense mechanisms other than threatening to call the “bobbies” as it surged on.
Nobody knew the exact depth they were at, but there was just enough light to see a silhouette of something in the distance. At first it looked like a squid, then it looked like a girl. But as they drew closer they realized it was a squid girl.
A squid girl in a diving suit with a crazy number of gauges. It seemed pointless to have so many references for pressure, but magical girl outfits weren’t known for their practicality. That said, she had two oxygen tanks, weights, too many carabiners, flood lights on both shoulders (they were off), but the funny thing was she had no helmet. The deep diving getup went right to her neck, and then she had an eerie visor that she wore above her eyes and her rebreather rested below her neck. Though instead of legs, she had a slew of tentacles. So the idea of a sea creature needing diving equipment at all was a little silly.
The small squid creature floated up beside her and appeared to communicate with her. She looked at the newly arrived magical girls with some interest, and nodded back at her underling.
”My queen is willing to surface and have a conversation with you.” the squid-like creature was hiding behind the squid-girl while it “spoke” to them. ”But you must not harm me. I am not miseria, and you will gain nothing from killing me.”