While it's not a pet peeve of mine, I would like to chime in on the use of the word "dark" as a descriptor for an RP.
Symphony on High is a dark RP that I'm running. The good guys are facing overwhelming odds where just surviving an engagement is worth celebrating. Often, they are only able to partially achieve their goals or end up settling for a Pyrrhic victory. Even setting aside the cruel and cunning foes they need to fight, they have to engage in all kinds of moral quandaries where they are forced to live with choices that they had to make and often under less than ideal situations. One of the characters slew a monster that was assaulting their dreams, but in doing so he orphaned a child who will want revenge. The entire premise of the RP is built upon a problem that has no clear cut solution and that the individual players are powerless to affect in a meaningful way. It's a despair simulator, effectively.
Tsundere Gekido is also a dark RP that I run. Most, if not all of the characters had pretty messed up pasts and have very selfish ambitions. But it doesn't go as far as the other RP does. As selfish as the cast is most of them don't want to screw anyone over. The players fight tough battles, but there's no moral dilemma most of the time. It's possible for everyone to complete their goals, and most problems can be solved by beating someone up or using the power of friendship to bridge a divide. Someone who thinks Tsundere Gekido is "peak dark RP" would run away screaming at the sight of Symphony on High.
And then of course there's people who think dark just means dealing with tabboo or adult topics. That works too I guess.
Dark is just too broad a word to use as a descriptor anymore. There's a reason my interest checks are so verbose, and it's always because I want potential players to know what they are getting into. It's a spectrum, with edgy/grimderp on one side and babycool on the other.
It's easy to forget that the forum sees a lot of visitors, and your status updates are visible to a lot more than just a small circle of people. People should be allowed to grow and change over time, but I feel like rampant cancel culture has made everyone afraid of their own mistakes. Even I have posted about things I'm less than proud of. The upside is that most people aren't going to remember your status update in a day or two. Just keep it to a minimum (or completely stop) and you'll have nothing to worry about.
Symphony on High is a dark RP that I'm running. The good guys are facing overwhelming odds where just surviving an engagement is worth celebrating. Often, they are only able to partially achieve their goals or end up settling for a Pyrrhic victory. Even setting aside the cruel and cunning foes they need to fight, they have to engage in all kinds of moral quandaries where they are forced to live with choices that they had to make and often under less than ideal situations. One of the characters slew a monster that was assaulting their dreams, but in doing so he orphaned a child who will want revenge. The entire premise of the RP is built upon a problem that has no clear cut solution and that the individual players are powerless to affect in a meaningful way. It's a despair simulator, effectively.
Tsundere Gekido is also a dark RP that I run. Most, if not all of the characters had pretty messed up pasts and have very selfish ambitions. But it doesn't go as far as the other RP does. As selfish as the cast is most of them don't want to screw anyone over. The players fight tough battles, but there's no moral dilemma most of the time. It's possible for everyone to complete their goals, and most problems can be solved by beating someone up or using the power of friendship to bridge a divide. Someone who thinks Tsundere Gekido is "peak dark RP" would run away screaming at the sight of Symphony on High.
And then of course there's people who think dark just means dealing with tabboo or adult topics. That works too I guess.
Dark is just too broad a word to use as a descriptor anymore. There's a reason my interest checks are so verbose, and it's always because I want potential players to know what they are getting into. It's a spectrum, with edgy/grimderp on one side and babycool on the other.
As someone who's gone to the status bar more than once? This actually has me engaging in some needed reflection... -_-U
It's easy to forget that the forum sees a lot of visitors, and your status updates are visible to a lot more than just a small circle of people. People should be allowed to grow and change over time, but I feel like rampant cancel culture has made everyone afraid of their own mistakes. Even I have posted about things I'm less than proud of. The upside is that most people aren't going to remember your status update in a day or two. Just keep it to a minimum (or completely stop) and you'll have nothing to worry about.