Somewhere in America….“Where the hell is he with our pizza?!” Cole exclaimed, pounding another beer and throwing it into the nearby trash can.
Pippa entered the den from the kitchen with a tray of snacks, natcho’s, dip, popcorn and all other manner of tasty treats. She sat down next to Cole and their friend Elsa, grabbing her PS4 controller from the table as she did so. “I’m sure he won’t be long” #
As if on cue, Jason entered through the outside door, a stack of pizzas in his hand and a bag of beer hanging from the other. “Hope y’all didn’t miss me too much!” As quickly as his legs would take him, he handed out the pizzas and the requested booze and took his seat next to the sofa. “OK so, Elsa if you indeed wish to be friends with us then you must go through our initiation. Starting from the moment the lovely Pippa presses play, you will be subjected to three days of heartache, laughs, drama and the best character ever on television, Mr Beau. Do you think you can handle it?”
“Jason, shut the fuck up” Pippa spoke in a giggle. “Listen, Els we do this every year. Edenridge is our favourite show and with the first episode of the revival coming out in like two or three weeks, we’re gonna binge it this weekend. You’re in for a bit of a ride”
Elsa took a sip from her beer and smiled “Well go on and press play then!”
Sirens fill the night air as two boys sit on the roof of their garage, we see them silhouetted by street light.
One is small, with a shaved head and an uneasy look on his face.
The other had long dark hair and a chiselled face. Despite the radical differences in their general expression, the two shared similar facial structures and the striking blue eyes that would steal the hearts of many for generation to come. They were the Callahan brothers, little Roddy and big Francis.
“First day of high school tomorrow dweeber, you nervous?” Francis looked at his baby brother who did not say anything and simply gave him a look. “Jesus Rod, fourteen years and I still don’t know how you do that. Are you sure you’re not psychic? It’s like you don’t even need to speak you just put your thoughts in people’s heads.” He noticed a shift in the little one’s face and Fran put his hand on his brother’s arm. “Roddy?”
“What if the other kids are mean, Fran? Mom messed up my hair, shaved the entire thing. I’ve got goofy teeth, I’m tiny. You’re my brother, every knows you and everybody loves you. How can I compare to that?” Rod looked at the speeding police car as it drove through their neighbourhood. Boston was a decent place but it did have a dark underbelly and Edenridge was just on the edge of it.
Francis put his arm around the kid and smiled. “You don’t. Don’t try to compare to me, Rod. Don’t be Francis Callahan and don’t be Francis Callahan’s little brother. Be Roddy Callahan, the uber smart, super cool and damn good person that I know, people will love. Life isn’t easy Rod, it never has been, never will be. When I started Edenridge High, you forget I was just like you, still am. Only difference is, I’m a mathlete and gay and I’m comfortable with that. The minute you become comfortable with yourself, is the minute that everyone else becomes comfortable too. You understand?” Rod nodded his head as his older brother got to his feet. “Now I gotta go, I’ve got to party to get to with Ty. Keep your mouth shut or I’ll pound you” Francis winked jumping off the roof and into the garden.
- Sam Severn
- Russell Bell
- Nancy Mortenson
- Charlotte Graves
- Vincent & Ashley Westerian
- Getrude Maillard
- Destiny Pierce
- Izabella Wellington
- Franchesca Caradona
- Aisik Shomer
- Emilia Carter
- Jude Aspers
- Sidney Henri as Mr Beau