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There's a reason no one talks about ORO and the Aurors get all the credit. People die and they do all the things that other people aren't willing to do.
Aww, another death. Poor Zara.

Nobody ever said being a Regulator was easy :)
Just something to digest guys:

I've decided to make things a little interesting. Upon the end of these two cases, I will pick one of you at random to be the new co-gm for the next case (like how Shadow is Gm for Candy Lady). It is up to whomever the co-gm is to design the next case. Unlike what we're doing currently, we will not run two cases at once, so the gm will have to decide which characters they want on that team. Those that aren't chosen will be doing their own thing at the Domum or whatever they want really, that way there will be a little more interaction between characters.

Obviously I'll be heavily involved in the planning but that does not necessarily mean that Emory will be on the case.

”There’s something dark here, this feeling…it’s definitely not natural. The walls seem to soak up anything negative that happens, a form of sentience...” Before Emory could say any more, the laboured breaths of Zara caught his attention. He turned to look at her and watched as her beautiful face contorted to one of panic and terror. She collapsed to the floor in anguish and agony from the thoughts she was tapped in too. Emory dropped to his knees and cradled the New Zealander girl in his arms in a vain attempt to steady her surroundings. He gripped her tightly and for moment he was transported back a year, to a graveyard in Haiti. Shaking off the memory of days gone past, the Charms master looked down at Zara as she finally came out of her trance.

”The father” She said.

Emory moved his gaze over to Nickie who stood off to the side. ”Wands at the ready” The Welshman drew his pine wand and surveyed the room for any change. A strong smell of clover began to fill the wide room as the door behind them slammed shut. ”What is that? Clover? The hell is going on in this place” Helping Zara to her feet, Emory moved off to look around the room. Over his years as a Regulator, the young man had developed a talent for deduction and finding things that should not be present. Daisy was the true detective though, the woman had a brain like a supercomputer. Her ability to process information was second to none.

Around the Regulators, the walls began to shift as if there was something slithering beneath the paper. The west facing window which was once illuminated by the California sunlight was soon blocked out by darkness. Peering outside, Emory noted that now all he could see was a wall. ”The room moved. Merlin’s beard…”He spoke in a slight state of bemusement. This case was getting more and more interesting by the minute. As if on cue, the door burst open and in ran the young girl, Vespa Barr whom immediately ducked under a table, the fear emanating from her tiny frame palpable in the dimply lit room.

”Vespa! Baby?” Tina Barr called out into the darkness of the corridor in search of her lost child. She herself felt like she had been walking for hours in spite of it only being a few minutes. She had only ever walked these disturbing corridors once as a child herself…the only visit she ever paid to the house her family owned. She was told she was a direct descendent of Sarah Winchester, though this fact was often criticised by historians. Tina had very little care for the Winchester legacy until the house fell into her ownership. She wanted to keep it open, preserve what was here but Henry, he wanted it gone, he wanted the money for himself, she knew that. In her heart of hearts, with every step she took Tina could feel the darkness growing. ”Vespa! Where are you honey?”

Happening into a bathroom, she glanced into the mirror and her skin paled at the sight of the cloaked image staring back at her. Tina unleashed a blood stirring scream before spinning on her heels and sprinting out of the room. The featureless figure burst forth from the mirror in pursuit, it’s dark robe fluttering behind it. Moving as quickly as her body would allow, Tina hurried towards a winding staircase, darting up its old wooden steps as soon as she reached it. She came to a sudden halt at the top, grabbing the railing in fear as she looked down upon the impossible; an endless drop, that was impossible! She turned again only to be greeted by her pursuer and forced off of the platform. Her body fell for an eternity until finally it hit the kitchen floor hard. Tina’s skull broke open at the back, the blood and brain matter spreading across the floor in an almighty pool of fluid.

Now wouldn't it just be damn hilarious if Katilin's son and Elaine and Roddy's daughter would become best of friends somehow when they get to school? Or maybe even lovers in the far future.

Would force the two to make up or hide their animosity for each other.


On another note, I told you I would be coming back. When Midterms was over and I got my priorities straight, my muse came back unexpectedly. So if you would take me back, I'd like to continue playing with you all.

- Insert me grovelling at your feet as I say this -

You are more than welcome to come back :)
Trying to work on Bunny's reaction to things but as I know so many will rush headlong into the obvious action I was going to have her step back and work on a little necromancy to detect any wandering spirits and perhaps even engage them in conversation, Etheral Snitches.

This is a good plan!

I also posted a CS for Daisy, just for shits and giggles

@Shadow007Don't worry yourself, RL needs to come first!
When the suspense of waiting for Isa to get the case moving is just driving you crazy.


If Shadow doesn't post in the next day or so, I'll give you guys a little push.

@Sailorsadie I can only imagine the feeling, Zara being connected to the father when he died. Good god.
Oh shit. A death.

Damn right.
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