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@Sarcelle Renard I refrained from having Natalia ask Wyatt who the name was referring to so Kieran can do that.

Good plan, gives more reason for others to post
Urg, been a bit too caught up in other things to get up a post up that I'm satisfied with, but I should have one up by tomorrow!

No worries.
I'm going to post tomorrow since I have a day off.

Looking forward to it.

<Snipped quote by BrutalBx>

I believe he's a school teacher. This week is testing for a lot of school districts, so he might just be tied up with that.

I see. Makes sense.
It's all good
I'm fine with waiting but I'm also a smidgen impatient

I hope everything is okay on their end though

Yeah I know I'm sorry but like I said, if I hear nothing in next day or two then I'll just take matters into my own hands and move things along.
Still here just waiting for a Felix post ^.^

I'm sorry Panther. Jet has been online but hasn't posted in a while, I'm not sure what's going on there.
@Polaris North lol yeah our football games usually ended in fights, especially against our rival school Mayfield. There was always security there and whatnot, but I was never a fan of going to sports events anyways.

As for not letting us just hang around...

This isn't even all he did. By graduation, over half my class refused to walk the stage because no one wanted to shake his hand 🙃


Though all that does give me plenty of ideas for potential storylines...

OK so, with that post the Winchester Case is pretty much done. So we'll be heading back to the Domum for some down time and character development. Sorry about the feelings guys! lol

That said, it seems obvious to me now that we may have lost a fair few people which is very much a shame. I've posted a little bit for the Texas group to give you a kick start. Now with that in mind, if business does not pick up in the next couple of days, I will close that case myself as I really don't want it to cause the rp to slow down.

When the Texas case ends, I will re-shuffle the roster a little bit, as I said it seems we are down a few. This will mean potentially new partners and I may even do a little recruitment drive for new people to join as well.

A pair of poltergeists had arrived to distract them; the Sluagh knew it was in trouble and had called for aid. Emory glanced over at his teammates, each doing their best to end the horror that was going on in this house. Nickie was doing her best to keep the intruders at bay, Velvet was working hard to get the cat’s cradle trap ready and Zara was doing everything within her vast legilimency powers to keep Vespa calm throughout; hers was probably the toughest job. How do you calm a muggle child in the midst of chaos like this? Shrouded demons, violent spirits and fire engulfing the room and by extension the house itself. Things were spiralling quickly.

The hardest part was remembering the spells. Emory’s mind was filled with holes and blanks that he could not peer into. Memory eluded him when he needed it most. He thought back to his first encounter with the Sluagh several years ago, the spell that the leader of the Regulators used. It was Celtic, something used by the druids of yore. What were those words?! Letting go of Zara’s hand by necessity, the charms master forced the free fire to wrap around the other arm of the Sluagh. Sweat dripped from his forehead from stress and heat as he tried with all his might to find the words.

”Madra ar an fiach, ina gceangal mĂ© dhuit ag an fhuil a lorg agat” With the words spoken, the creature that was once Sarah Winchester began to shrink into the fire, blood curling screams bellowing throughout the corridors of the mystery house. In life, she had been a good woman, a fair woman. In fear of death and the tool of death that her family created, she made herself a monster to survive. The real evil of the world was the humans that called it home, both magical and non magical. As the Sluagh dissolved into a sphere of blackness, Emory motioned his hands and forced the darkness into Bunny’s trap.

”Zara, let her go!” Emory called as he flung the wand forward and forced the sphere into Vespa’s mouth.

”Madra ar an fiach, ina gceangal mĂ© dhuit ag an fhuil a lorg agat” He repeated as the black smoke filled the young girls lungs. At this point the house was awash with flames, the lost souls of the deceased bound by the flickering embers that surrounded them. A tear fell from his dark eye as he looked deep into Vespa’s young face. ”Avada Kedavra” A quick flash of green light flew from Emory’s wand and struck Vespa in the centre of her head. The tiny girl fell back to the floor, stiff like a wooden board. An exasperated sigh escaped his throat as he felt a great sadness wash over him.

”We have to go, now. Out the house, move!” Grabbing Zara by the hand and glancing back at the others, he lead them through the flames, through the winding corridors and finally out of the god forsaken Winchester House.

Blue. Texas

Interacting with: @Heretic@Sarcelle Renard

”Well, well. Natalia DeVito, my Puerto Rican princess, I heard y’all were coming down here
.ok well Caretaker called me and said you could do with some help” He climbed into the booth with the duo and a smile crept upon his bearded face. Wyatt Holden was the Regulator’s man in the south of America. Across the world there many witches and wizards whom although not recognised officially as Regulator, tended to help the ORO whenever it was required. Wyatt had been a long time associate, a man with his ears to the street, his eyes peeled and with everything you needed to know about the southern US of A. He was a country boy through and through but spent more time monster hunting than anything else. ”New partner is cute, very tasty. Anyway, you looking into the Candy Lady thing, I got a name for you. Clara Crane”

Room for a late entry?

If I need to change anything I can, I didn't see too much info on the shooter so if what I wrote doesn't fit I can tweak it.

I like it! Accepted. Feel free to move him to the character tab.
@BrutalBx I'm with Shadow on this one. Some help in speeding the case up is likely needed, but I would like to avoid skipping things entirely if possible.

OK then, if that's the case here's an idea, let me know what you guys think.

For the sake of moving things along, I can create a "one case character". Basically what this will entail is either a former regulator or Auror who lives in the area and will help the team for the duration of the mission, that way i can take control of things if needs be and we don't lose any more time on it.
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