Actor Details:
Name:- Dylan Martin
Nickname:- N/A
Age:- 28
Place of Origin:- Boston, Massachusettes
Relationship Status:- Married
Occupation:- Broker
Biography:- Dylan Martin was a local Boston boy who whilst still at school auditioned for a role on an upcoming television show called Edenridge. He was unsuccessful in getting a major role but was called back for the recurring role of Charlie Decker, a close friend of main character Logan. As the character of Logan matured and grew closer to the central gang, Charlie became less and less featured before finally disappearing and simply becoming a name mentioned. Dylan was brought back in the second series to play Charlie now in a relationship with Keisha Carter. The story was well received and by the start of the third season, Dylan had become a main cast member. However the idea took hold that something dramatic needed to happen within the show and Charlie’s struggles in life would finally come to a head in a dramatic school shooting. After being killed off of Edenridge, Dylan returned to school and eventually left for college, becoming a broker on Wall Street (this story was reflected in show with the character of Francis). Recently Dylan was approached to come back to Edenridge to play Charlie once again, this time as a guiding light to the characters whose lives he forever changed with his darkness. After much hesitancy, he accepted.
Character Details:
Name:- Charles Timothy Decker
Nickname:- Charlie
Age:- 18 (At Time of Death)
Place of Origin:- Edenridge, MA
Relationship Status:- Single
Occupation:- Student
Biography:The short and tragic life of Charlie Decker was never going to be an easy one.
Father James Winters ran Edenridge’s local church but lost everything in a fire, including several alter boys he failed to save. Falling into a deep depression, James lost his faith and broke most of vows whilst in this state. Amid this, he impregnated Rhonda Decker, a waitress on the wrong side of town. Eventually, James’ mental health deteriorated to the point where he eventually ended his own life via gunshot.
Growing up with a single mother, on the wrong side of the tracks and being the bastard son of a fallen priest who committed suicide meant that Charlie was looked down upon by some of Edenridge’s more notable residents. He grew up with the perpetual feeling of being an outsider and being alone. As caring and loving as his mother was, Charlie never could really get over the feeling of abandonment and isolation that had nestled in his heart. He tried his best to find friends, including one Logan Rivers whom he met one rough Halloween night. However; many wanted very little to do with the boy except for Logan and Ty Carter.
Entering into high school, Charlie and Logan initially struggled to fit in but soon it became apparent that the world of Edenridge was more willing to accept Logan into their ranks than they were willing to accept Charlie. As Logan drifted into a more popular scene, Charlie fell in with a local gang and was further swallowed by the darkness. He attempted to reconnect with Logan after a while and even found a girlfriend in Keisha Carter but the shadow was not done with Charlie. Having become a dealer for the southside gang, Charlie was indirectly responsible for the death of Winona Davies by selling her tainted drugs.
Everything truly came to a head for Charlie when he along with Logan and Keisha went to go collect some money from one of his customers. A fight ensued in which Charlie pulled a knife. This action resulted in the implosion of the young man’s world; he lost his best friend and his girlfriend in the span of one hour. That same night he took a savage beating from Ty and upon his return home, Charlie finally broke down.
A windfall of misfortune, substance abuse and a myriad of mental health issues finally broke down Charlie Decker. Getting hold of a gun, he was entranced by the notion of vengeance against a world that had wronged him. Charlie entered Edenridge North High with his .22 calibre and walked into Mrs Spencer’s classroom with a smile on his face. He fired a single bullet through Ty’s left eye before turning on his heel and rushing out the hallway. He found himself in the cafeteria where opened fire on a group of random students. In that onslaught he had killed Danny Boaz and wounded Kaitlin O’Connor. Mike Averstin was next in the line of fire along with a few other students before Charlie was confronted by Roddy Callahan in the gym. He shot Rod through the back before finally being shot himself by police.
Ten years on, the memory of Charlie Decker is a blight in the lives of Edenridge’s residents. A misunderstood and mentally unstable boy has become a horror story lost to time. People have tried to forget but no one will ever forget Charlie Decker.
Notes:- In a prophetic turn of events, the character of Charlie Decker was named after a character of the same name in Stephen King’s book, Rage which centres on a boy who takes a gun to school