► reputation
To a certain niche group of people, Romi is the coolest girl in the room. Being the daughter of legendary pro wrestler and certified first ballot hall of famer, Mileena and her husband, the creative mastermind behind some of wrestling’s hottest angles JP Carling, as well as the granddaughter of well known heel the Faceless, to a select few, she is considered royalty. To everyone else, Romi is just a super chill, free spirited girl who blows everyone out of the water in gym class without even breaking a sweat. She doesn’t seem to take life too seriously, at least at school and is always willing to shoot the shit. She always seems busy which can make it hard for those that wish to get close to her but it’s obvious that she tries her hardest to make friends and be a good person.
► current dilemma
One of the biggest issues that Romi faces during her daily life is juggling her time. She craves the life of a regular teen, being able to hang around with her friends, date, do her schoolwork but her commitment to her wrestling and spending much of her weekend working independent shows, training and travelling she is finding it increasingly more difficult to just enjoy herself. Add the fact she is keeping much of her private life secret from her mother, who is incredibly disapproving of her daughter wrestling before she turns eighteen then that adds a whole new level to her stress.
► social media handles
@RomiRaeCarling - X, Discord and Instagram
@ToxicTekkers - Romi’s wrestling account which she uses In Character on X and Instagram as Gumiho.
@ToxicTekkers - Romi’s wrestling account which she uses In Character on X and Instagram as Gumiho.
► style
Romi has a very reactive style of dress. When looking for comfort or when deep in training, pretty much all the time, she will walk around in leggings, skin tight shorts and an assortment of wrestling or band shirts usually cut off to show off her incredible mid riff and physique. When she wants to make an effort; Romi can have quite the sophisticated style with short pencil skirts and blazers.
► ride & everyday items
Romi rides a Ducati Streetfighter V4 which she was gifted for her sweet sixteen. She always has her wrestling boots and mask somewhere nearby because you never know when you’ll get the call to work. Her mother taught her that.
► occupation
Part time Pro Wrestler
► extracurricular activities
Romi is a very active person outside of school, she attends gymnastics, ballroom dance (she loves to salsa and tango), tutors, hikes and rock climbs as well as wrestling when she can, the fact she can fit any personal time with friends into her schedule is amazing.
Friends would describe me as _______.
"I don’t know? Cool, aloof, zen. Crazy fit? A cardiovascular machine. What else? I’m a badass, yeah that's for definite. Probably they’d say I’m a bit of an adrenaline junkie, I mean, tell me when they’re telling lies. I’d like to think they’d say I’m a good friend, that I’m fun and that no matter how busy I get, I always make time for them. Then again they might not say that, time is a construct for me right now."
In my free time I like to _______.
"Free time? What’s that? LOL. No but in all seriousness there’s a few things I really enjoy doing. I love the outdoors, so going for long hikes, climbing and swimming are always a treat. Dance is fun, I love to get my tangl on. I love the gym, heading down to the Performance Center with Mom and Dad and seeing the new recruits. It’s exciting to see so much talent and try and gleam even a little bit of knowledge from them.”
I would like to learn _______ in the next year.
"I’d like to maybe do a crash course in Anatomy or something. Learn a little more about the body so that I can sell better in the ring and make moves and holds look that much more real.”
This is how I define success and failure:
"Championships. Gold. Trophies. It’s really not rocket science.”
I'm inspired by _______.
"My Mom, obviously. She is the coolest person I know, if not a little uptight. She’s my hero. Dad’s cool too but sometimes he’s a bit chaotic but he can’t help that he’s neurospicy. I’ve got a lot of influences in the ring, too many to count but I’d really say I’m a student of the game. Zack Sabre Jr is my fucking guy though, Liquid Tekkers.”
These songs are the soundtrack to my life:
- The Midnight - Crocketts Revenge
- Gunship - Pink Mist
- All the Damn Vampires - Break My Back
- FM-84, Ollie Wilde - Running in the Night
- Lionface, Gunship - No Hope State
- The G - Wanderers
- Grimes - Genesis
My fondest memory as a child was _______.
"Watching my Mom win her first women’s world title. I remember being backstage and watching all these big sweaty meaty men, all the guys that when your watching on tv that you’re told to hate, the heels. Watching them cry and tell my Mom she deserved it was something else, honestly. Plus the look on my Dads face, no man has ever been more in love I swear to God.”
If I could tell my younger self something, I would say:
"Don’t take life too seriously, you’ll never get out alive.”
The things that make me smile are _______.
"Oooh what a question. Let me think. Wrestling, obviously. Pushing my limits through physical medium. Good tv and music. An orgasm. And big dogs. I love big fucking floofers.”
My whole life story in one sentence:
"The daughter of a witch and her crazy energizer bunny slave whose about to become the next big thing in the biz.”
► extra information
- Romi’s wrestling alter ego is that of Gumiho, the Toxic Idol. She is gaining a lot of recognition on the East Coast independent scene for her technical wrestling prowess and stand out style. She is alternatively sometimes known as the Mistress of the Backbreaker.
- Her Parents are JP Carling and Mileena Winslow (AKA MORGANA) - (FC’s, Randall Park and Dita Von Teese).
- She is of Korean descent and speaks the language fluently when visiting her grandparents.
- When questioned at school about her cuts and bruises from the ring, she tells people it’s from climbing.


(FC: NILES FITCH; Dialogue: 83BF00)
► reputation
Around school, Zay is known as an affable if not passionate young man that might be wound just a little too tight. He is considered to be one of the nicest students at BHHS though beneath his eloquence belies the fiery heart of an activist who is not afraid to get his point across in a vicious diatribe. He is often found on the quad or around the hallways with some new petition or cause that he will unrelentingly fight for. Zay is not afraid of confrontation and will give as good as he gets. He is also extremely proud of his heritage and wears his roots on his sleeve.
In spite of his political leanings, Zay is also known as a great athlete on campus, with his lengthy frame allowing him to make some big waves on the basketball team.
Isaiah was also noted to have the best smile of his class.
In spite of his political leanings, Zay is also known as a great athlete on campus, with his lengthy frame allowing him to make some big waves on the basketball team.
Isaiah was also noted to have the best smile of his class.
► current dilemma
Isaiah’s biggest challenge going forward is truly identifying himself and who he is. As the black adopted son of two gay white men, Zay has only recently begun to understand that he truly isn’t like everyone else and as the twilight of his school career looms, he is beginning to wonder just who he was or more appropriately who he could be.
► social media handles
@Zay4TC on X and Instagram
► style
Zay’s style is a perfect mixture of his academic pursuits and south Compton roots. He often wears Ralph Lauren sweaters and polo’s which he then garnishes with a Bricks and Wood hoody. If he wants to be comfy, then a MIZIZI or NWA tee, sweats and Jordan’s are his go to.
► ride & everyday items
Isaiah drives a moss green Lincoln Nautilus (yes it’s electric).
Zay always has a mini library on his person at all times with the boot of his car filled with various political, activism and social justice texts as well as newspapers.
Zay always has a mini library on his person at all times with the boot of his car filled with various political, activism and social justice texts as well as newspapers.
► occupation
Works part time in fathers furniture factory on the production line.
► extracurricular activities
"I’m always crazy busy, I volunteer a lot at various charities, I teach an ASL class, I attend rallies on the regular. I’m on the basketball team. I’ve got the newspaper, there’s the rap battles. I guess I do a lot really, can’t stop, won’t stop.”
Friends would describe me as _______.
"I like to think my friends would describe me as loyal, give a shirt off of your back type of guy. Passionate about my beliefs. Clever. Erm, I mean I’d like to think all those things but you never really know what other people know, you know? I think a few would probably say I’m way too serious but to get ahead in this life you gotta play the game before it plays you. Ya feel me? Yeah you know what I’m talking about.”
In my free time I like to _______.
"Well I like to help out people where I can. Lots of volunteering down at the shelter for animals, soup kitchen, I run a safe rides program at school and teach an ASL class on weekends! I’ve always got a rally or some protest to go to and that takes up a lot of time.. Oh you mean for fun? Well I like to hang out with friends, play a little ball, whittle… yeah I like to whittle. It’s calming. And some days I head downtown and do a little rapping, ain’t no big thing it’s just…a thing”
I would like to learn _______ in the next year.
"I'd like to learn as much as I can about everything I can but mostly I’d like to uncover who I really am beneath my conscious thought. Like really deep dive. I've been studying a lot of philosophy lately and I’d really like to settle on and create one of my own. I think that’d be kinda neat.”
This is how I define success and failure:
"To me, the greatest definition of success is to make a difference in even just one persons life. To take them from something that was hurting or harming them and showing them that there’s something else out there. Failure is not an option, so I don’t think about it.”
I'm inspired by _______.
"Wow there’s so many. Doctor King for sure. Malcolm X is my hero. James Baldwin. Roy Wilkins. Bayard Rustin. Muhammad Ali. Sam Cooke. Bob Marley, Tupac. Biggie. I mean you’re getting the gist here right? Oh and Denzel Washington. I will watch that man in anything.”
These songs are the soundtrack to my life:
- Ghetto Gospel - 2pac & Elton John
- California Love - 2Pac
- A Change Gonna Come - Sam Cooke
- One Love - Bob Marley
- Straight Outta Compton - NWA
- Out of Time - The Weeknd
My fondest memory as a child was _______.
"My Dads, bless em, they’ve always tried to allow me to do things at my own pace. You know this whole thing was just as new for them as it was for me and they never forced me to pretend to be something I wasn’t. I remember being, ten, eleven maybe and I had this furious thirst to meet someone, anyone from my birth family so my Dads put the word out and one hot, humid fucking day we drove our Cadillac down to West Bennett Street and I met Granny Hobbs. She fucking hated the name that they had given me but she was so cordial and polite to my Dads and she showed me baby pictures and talked about my actual parents so willingly. When we came out of her house, the cars hood ornament had been stolen, it was pretty funny actually. I still go down there to see her but I just take the bus nowadays.”
If I could tell my younger self something, I would say:
"Don’t be afraid of who you are and the people who are gonna judge you for it. Embrace you power and help foster the change. Also don’t play with matches and burn dads rug in third grade, it’s not worth it.”
The things that make me smile are _______.
"Good vibes, good people, good food. Justice done right and not used against us. Basketball. Lots of other stuff too but I guess that’s the basics.”
My whole life story in one sentence:
"I’m a Nigerian prince adopted by two very very white gay men (aka I’m Straight Outta Compton) and I’m seeking my identity.”
► extra information
- Zay is a shooting guard for the basketball team and raps on weekends under the guise of Zay X.
- His birth name is Demetrius Hobbs and he has never met his actual birth parents. Only his grandmother.
- He was adopted as a toddler by Richie Gualtieri (FC: Bobby Cannavale) and his husband Tony Strickland (FC: Nathan Fillion). As a family they own and operate a bespoke furniture business.
- Through Tony’s first marriage to a woman, Zay also has a sister named Peri (FC: Margaret Qualley).


(FC: SOPHIE THATCHER; Dialogue: C1473E)
► reputation
Addie is known for several things, her insatiable sexual appetite and flirtatious energy being only the tip of the iceberg. She is also known for her chaotic gremlin energy as well as her skill at growing and modifying her own weed. She is known to be quite harmless, which is why most tolerate her copious amounts of shenanigans. Beneath this however, there are a few who see Addie as an incredibly kind and caring young girl who just wants to make people happy. She always lends an ear, a shoulder, a joint or a set of lips to those in need.
► current dilemma
Addie usually is not someone who allows herself to become bogged down by problems. She is adaptable and tends to roll with the punches but lately she’s been struggling to comprehend a future outside of high school. She has always known that she wanted to earn her doctorate in botany but with graduation on the horizon she has only now begun to understand that even with her near genius IQ, her ADHD has made attaining passing grades a lofty hill to climb.
► social media handles
@AddiePD&J on Insta, X, Reddit and Discord
► style
Addie’s style completely contradicts her near childlike temperament and manic pixie energy. She dresses predominantly in a grunge aesthetic with lots of unremarkable tees, denim, fishnets, a leather bomber jacket all accompanied by her Doc Martens and signature bleached blonde hair. She has also been known to wear vintage lolita style dresses with a messy Addie style twist.
► ride & everyday items
Addie currently has a licence but no car (for reasons she’d rather not get into) so she rides her bicycle to get around most days or bums a lift from one of her stepsisters on the back of their mopeds.
► occupation
Officially none but she does grow her own weed which she then sells to local dealers, mostly those that attend her high school.
► extracurricular activities
Addie is part of the Soccer team.
Friends would describe me as _______.
"The best, around, nothings gonna ever keep ya down, you're the best, around…I can’t remember the rest of the song. People love Addie, Addie is the bees knees man, the cats pyjamas, the cream of the crop, ooooh yeah dig it! Snap into a slim Jim!”
In my free time I like to _______.
"Touch butts, smush faces, smoke weed and avoid scary doors. They’re fucking evil man, they let the monsters in and Addie ain’t fucking with no bad juju. Just open a window and climb on through, it’s a far more interesting way to go about the world.”
I would like to learn _______ in the next year.
"What more people look like naked?”
This is how I define success and failure:
"There’s no such thing as either. What’chu talking ‘bout Willis? Seriously what were we talking about I’m so blazed right now?”
I'm inspired by _______.
"My parents are cool I guess. My big sister Dallas is a fucking super genius. My Gamma Pippa, she ma bestie. That girl that was in here just before me had a real honky tonk badonkadonk. No, stop it Addie. You’re trying to get better about that. Carl Linnaeus, George Washington Carver…oh and Dave Grohl. I fucking love Dave Grohl. AND AND I’M LOOKING TO THE SKY TO SAVE ME! LOOKING FOR A SIGN OF LIFE!”
These songs are the soundtrack to my life:
- Learn to Fly - Foo Fighters
- Black hole Sun - Soundgarden
- Alive - Pearl Jam
- Would? - Alice in Chains
- Come as You Are - Nirvana
- Wish you were Here - Incubus
My fondest memory as a child was _______.
"We were visiting Gamma Pippa and Grandpa Colm in Boston and I may have accidentally maybe sort of possibly smashed my cousin Alison’s big cheerleading trophy thing. It was just sitting there all shiny and tall and I was like SILENCE GLADYS! DO NOT MOCK ADDIE’S SHORT ASS! Anyway, I was grounded and stuck at the house and that’s when I saw Gamma in the garden planting some shit. Before that day I had nooo interest in plants but after a few hours in the sun with her, it became an obsession. Still is. My thumbs green as fuck. I love spending time with Gamma, she gave me my passion. Plus if I look that good when I’m her age? Bish imma get myself a harem.”
If I could tell my younger self something, I would say:
"That girl Devika was a sure thing. Get your face and smush it between her legs you idiot.”
The things that make me smile are _______.
"Girls. Girls. Girls. Girls. Plants. Girls. Daddies. Music. Girls. Family."
My whole life story in one sentence:
"All about the butts, bout the butts, no trouble.”
► extra information
- Her parents are Wednesday Davies (FC: Elisha Cuthbert), a world renowned surgeon and Paul Madison (FC: Josh Hartnett), a security contractor for the US Government. Her parents divorced several years ago and her Mom remarried Jocelyn Jones (FC: Susan Kelechi Watson), a veterinarian through whom Addie and her sister Dallas (FC: Olivia Scott Welch) gained three stepsisters in the form of DJ, PJ and JJ.
- She has an intense fear of doors and will spend most of her time entering and exiting rooms via the window.
- She worships her grandparents Colm and Pippa (FC’s: JK Simmons and Gillian Anderson) and considers her grandma her best friend.

Tallulah Venetia Stratton

(FC: Gigi Dolin; Dialogue: FF8B00)
► reputation
As part of the Toxic Twins along with her sister Lex, Tally is very well known around school for various things including but not limited to, selling drugs in the parking lot, selling her body on OnlyFans, killing it on the court, destroying anyone and everyone that gets in her way and looking like absolute dynamite whilst doing it. Unlike her cousin Theo, Tally does not try to hide her heel persona and openly commands the attention of a room, be it in a positive or negative light.
She strongly leans into her open sexuality and uses it to her advantage constantly. Known to be vindictive, petty and vile, Tally is the modern equivalent to a siren or succubus of lore, a harlet born of the fires of hell itself that neither men nor women can deny. Many are afraid of her, more are probably in love with her.
One way or another, Tally Stratton’s name is an addictive taste stained on lips. It’s up to you whether that taste is sweet or sour.
She strongly leans into her open sexuality and uses it to her advantage constantly. Known to be vindictive, petty and vile, Tally is the modern equivalent to a siren or succubus of lore, a harlet born of the fires of hell itself that neither men nor women can deny. Many are afraid of her, more are probably in love with her.
One way or another, Tally Stratton’s name is an addictive taste stained on lips. It’s up to you whether that taste is sweet or sour.
► current dilemma
With the arrival of Savannah and her building of the PLC, Tally and her sister Lex have been dethroned as the Queens of the drug scene. Of course the twins will not allow this to stand and will bring war games down upon the crew with unbridled fury and glorious anger, collateral damage be damned. However amongst the chaos, Tally is beginning to question whether she actually wants the throne as her heart is pulled towards another direction.
► social media handles
- X - @Tally_HO
- Instagram - @TallyStratton
- Facebook - @TallulahVStratton
- Discord - @GypsyinHell
- OnlyFans @TallyStratton
► style
If Jessica Rabbit fucked Tony Hawk, you’d find Tally’s style somewhere in the middle. Forgoing the usual upper class style of the rest of her family, Tallulah wears lots of skate brand gear like Element or Baker. Her shirts are usually low cut and cropped to show off her curves and her skirts and shorts are usually tiny because Tally is thicc and boy does she know it. She is never without a choker necklace and her face is adorned in several piercings. Her hair is a shocking orange and she proudly displays the tattoos she got illegally.
The girl is hot, what more does she need to say?
1, 2, 3
The girl is hot, what more does she need to say?
1, 2, 3
► ride & everyday items
Tallulah drives a 2023 Jeep Wrangler and always has her skate and surf boards stashed in the back.
► occupation
Model, Drug Dealer, Aspiring Chef.
► extracurricular activities
Outside of school, much like inside, Tally can be found reading hell with her twin sister. She sells drugs, sure, skates and models. She also spends a lot of the time in the kitchen, cooking up new recipes and experimenting.
Friends would describe me as _______.
”the devils hottest daughter and the inspiration behind that Billie whatsherface song”
In my free time I like to _______.
”set it all on fire and watch the world burn”
I would like to learn _______ in the next year.
”why we live in this box canyon?”
This is how I define success and failure:
”look at me, look at you, see the difference? there’s your definition right there”
I'm inspired by _______.
”Gramps. Julia Child. Mary Berry. Nigella Lawson. Rodney Mullen. Stacy Peralta. Your Mom.”
These songs are the soundtrack to my life:
- All Souls Day - Ataris
- Scotty Doesn’t Know - Lustra
- Tell Me Your Sorry - Real Friends
- The Hills - The Weeknd
- Rhiannon - Fleetwood Mac
- Running with the Devil - Van Halen
- Bad Guy - Violet Orlandi
My fondest memory as a child was _______.
”Mine. It’s none of your business.”
If I could tell my younger self something, I would say:
”Chin up, tits out and watch for the shoe.”
The things that make me smile are _______.
”What is this? Why am I even answering these questions? My time is worth more than this shit.”
My whole life story in one sentence:
”Pick a day, I’m your wet dream or your perfect nightmare.”
► extra information
- Tally is the younger of the Stratton twins.
- She is cousins with Theo and Bronwyn Van Cise. She is very close with both and would die to protect baby Bronwyn.
- It is rumoured that she is sleeping with or has slept with a teacher.
- Tally’s goal in life is to own her own restaurant.
- She doesn’t need the money she gets from slinging drugs and posing for OnlyFans, she does it for shits and giggles.

(FC: Kit Connor; Dialogue: E7C142)
► reputation
Theo is arguably one of the most well known students at BHHS. He is a highly decorated athlete for both the football and baseball team and is sometimes referred to as “The Franchise” (mostly by himself). He is also a member of the debate team. Theo to most comes across as a confident and charismatic boy with a lot of privilege to his name. He is quite the jovial person and can be easy to talk to, with his boyish face sucking one in. IF he’s in a good mood, Theo can make someone feel really comfortable around him very quickly, as easy as breathing air.
Those rare few who have seen beneath the mask of sanity however, consider Theo nothing short of vile. He is known to be aggressive and volatile and many students around the school are actually scared of him. He is not afraid to get physical with others and has gotten in trouble in the past for his violent tendencies but he has always managed to talk his way out of it. Theo is disrespectful, entitled and toxic, with very antiquated views on things. Everything one would want in a future leader of the country.
Even with his vast talents and opportunities, it is quite obvious that Theo doesn’t care about anything or anyone around him, they’re simply dolls and puppets to entertain his whimsy. The only known thing that he does have any genuine feeling for is his younger sister (he put a guy in hospital for accidentally scratching her car last year). Like a devil on your shoulder, people are aware that Theo has a cottonmouth and the ability to get into one’s head with his words. He plays people like a fiddle and the cost of doing business doesn’t matter as long as Theo gets what he wants out of the situation…and Theo always gets what he wants.
Those rare few who have seen beneath the mask of sanity however, consider Theo nothing short of vile. He is known to be aggressive and volatile and many students around the school are actually scared of him. He is not afraid to get physical with others and has gotten in trouble in the past for his violent tendencies but he has always managed to talk his way out of it. Theo is disrespectful, entitled and toxic, with very antiquated views on things. Everything one would want in a future leader of the country.
Even with his vast talents and opportunities, it is quite obvious that Theo doesn’t care about anything or anyone around him, they’re simply dolls and puppets to entertain his whimsy. The only known thing that he does have any genuine feeling for is his younger sister (he put a guy in hospital for accidentally scratching her car last year). Like a devil on your shoulder, people are aware that Theo has a cottonmouth and the ability to get into one’s head with his words. He plays people like a fiddle and the cost of doing business doesn’t matter as long as Theo gets what he wants out of the situation…and Theo always gets what he wants.
► current dilemma
Boredom. Theo is looking for something or someone to occupy his time. Having spent his summer “recovering” from a breakup, He is now looking to his future and his last year at the top of the BHHS food chain. He has his pick of colleges and is in no rush to settle on anything just yet. He still has a few months left and Theo has already decided that he won’t go quietly into the night, he’s going out with a bang.
There are some issues at home that he doesn’t really and probably won’t talk about. Let’s just leave that there.
There are some issues at home that he doesn’t really and probably won’t talk about. Let’s just leave that there.
► social media handles
Franchise23 on Insta and X
► style
Theo has a very preppy style of dress and usually wears items from Ralph Lauren, Lacoste and Burberry.
► ride & everyday items
Theo drives a classic 1969 Chevrolet Stingray
► occupation
The Franchise Player.
► extracurricular activities
Theo plays Middle Linebacker for the Football Team. He is also on the baseball and debate teams. He is a big partier and often holds rages at his family beach house which are known to be quite legendary.
Friends would describe me as _______.
In my free time I like to _______.
"Party, hit the gym, have a great time and run the fucking world.”
I would like to learn _______ in the next year.
"Where the big red button is.”
This is how I define success and failure:
"I am success, living and breathing. I’ve never failed a thing in my life and I never will. I’m the Franchise baby.”
I'm inspired by _______.
"My gorgeous reflection in the trophy case. And my Dad I guess.”
These songs are the soundtrack to my life:
- Bleed American - Jimmy Eat World
- Master of Puppets - Metallica
- Blurry - Puddle of Mud
- Numb - Linkin Park
- My Way - Limp Bizkit
- Downfall - Trust Company
- Bodies - Drowning Pool
My fondest memory as a child was _______.
"Next question.”
If I could tell my younger self something, I would say:
"Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing that matters. Do whatever you have to do to survive and if anyone tries to stop you, take them down. This is the jungle and you are King fucking Kong.”
The things that make me smile are _______.
"All the good stuff, my friends, my girls, the game. What more do you need to know? I’m not a complicated guy.”
My whole life story in one sentence:
"The Franchise Player in all your lives.”
► extra information
- Theo’s father is legendary basketball star, Christopher “Kip” Van Cise (FC: James Lafferty) and his mother is Bobbie (FC: Bethany Joy Lenz) whom divorced when he was a child. He also has a sister, Bronwyn (FC: Mary Mouser) who is one year younger and is quite possibly the only person Theo truly cares for.
- He is a highly touted athlete and holds the record for the amount of sacks in a football game in the state.
- May become President one day, God help us all.

Adam Thomas Omasta

(FC: TANNER BUCHANAN; Dialogue: 82A989)
► reputation
Adam is one of Beverly Hills High’s greatest mysteries.
To the common eye, he is a lackadaisical skater boy who barely speaks more than five words at a time. He rarely seems to try at anything, especially in school and if he’s not in the quad taking pictures or recording the world around him on his camera, he’s probably taking a nap. He is considered kind, gentle and quite a cheery soul. He refrains from swearing around women and younger students and Adam has a tendency to lend people a hand whenever anyone asks or offers his help when they need it.
The truth of the matter is that Adam is extremely disciplined and almost obsessively regimented. He is barely able to function without a routine to find his centre and if anyone ever watched his daily practices they would think that it borders self harm. He has various techniques which he uses throughout the day to hold the line and stay in his happy place and for the most part, they tend to work but sometimes, when he is triggered Adam morphs into something quite terrifying.
To the common eye, he is a lackadaisical skater boy who barely speaks more than five words at a time. He rarely seems to try at anything, especially in school and if he’s not in the quad taking pictures or recording the world around him on his camera, he’s probably taking a nap. He is considered kind, gentle and quite a cheery soul. He refrains from swearing around women and younger students and Adam has a tendency to lend people a hand whenever anyone asks or offers his help when they need it.
The truth of the matter is that Adam is extremely disciplined and almost obsessively regimented. He is barely able to function without a routine to find his centre and if anyone ever watched his daily practices they would think that it borders self harm. He has various techniques which he uses throughout the day to hold the line and stay in his happy place and for the most part, they tend to work but sometimes, when he is triggered Adam morphs into something quite terrifying.
► current dilemma
Adam has some problems at home which he’d rather not discuss but his biggest “dilemma” is currently feeling unfulfilled and unchallenged. He is ranked number one in the country in martial arts tournaments and has been undefeated for the last five years. He wants to find someone to really test himself and his skills against and the mopes that Theo and his gang throw his way just aren’t cutting it. Plus, working for “The Franchise” isn’t something Adam sees himself doing for much longer.
► social media handles
X - @bestboutmachine
Discord - A_Omasta
Instagram - Masta*O*None
Discord - A_Omasta
Instagram - Masta*O*None
► style
Adam isn’t one for fashion and simply wears comfortable clothing, lots of baggy joggers and hoodies. When he wants to smarten it up a bit, Adam tends to slip into a pair of jeans and a nice jacket.
► ride & everyday items
Adam drives a Ford Ranger.
► occupation
Martial Artist
► extracurricular activities
He is a student sensei at his dojo. He also fights illegally in unsanctioned events. He likes to hang out with the PLC and skate crews and is part of the Adventure Club.
Friends would describe me as _______.
”I don’t care”
In my free time I like to _______.
”Write whatever you want.”
I would like to learn _______ in the next year.
This is how I define success and failure:
”insert something cool here”
I'm inspired by _______.
”Bruce Lee.”
These songs are the soundtrack to my life:
- Jane - Jefferson Starship
- Where is my Mind? - Pixies
- Feeling a Moment - Feeder
- Buddy Holly - Weezer
- If You Leave - Nada Surf
- Walk the Line - Johnny Cash
- Angel Flying Too Close to the Ground - Willie Nelson
My fondest memory as a child was _______.
If I could tell my younger self something, I would say:
”Strike first, strike hard, the rest of it all doesn’t matter.”
The things that make me smile are _______.
”Things. Stuff.”
My whole life story in one sentence:
”I do stuff sometimes.”
► extra information
- Black Belt in Kyokushin Karate.
- Always carries a video camera.
- His father is famous Hollywood stuntman and cowboy Bill Casey (Cole Hauser) and his mother is Gwen Omasta (Drew Barrymore), a high profile defence lawyer.
- He is undefeated in a combat tournament setting.

Antonio Tiziano Osso

(FC: Joseph Quinn; Dialogue: c0f9fd)
► reputation
Oz, for all intents and purposes can be considered a spokesperson for the nerds and outcasts of the school. He is an extremely vocal defender of anyone who does not conform to society's norms and is more than happy to thrash anyone who questions his weird and wonderful brethren. He is a chaotic presence with few truly knowing just exactly what he could do next but he has an undeniably magnetic aura, almost cult-like in its curiosity.
Accepting of all natures, Ozzy does not hold a grudge, so even if people who once wronged him were to fall from grace, he would be the first to welcome them into the dregs of society and give them the shirt off of his back. More than once, Oz has taken the blame for something he didn’t do, just to protect someone whom he knew had a good heart and had just made a bad decision. Behind his intense headbanger vibe, Ozzy is a bit of a soft boi. He helps grandma’s cross the street, is the first to cheer up a sad peer, and enjoys a good chick flick or two with his smoking hottie girlfriend. A huge DnD player, Oz and his cult of geeks play a regular campaign in the basement of the school every Thursday. In his role as a dungeon master and in life in general, one might find Oz a bit intense but in reality he’s just devoted to showing the world that society is at its best when the freaks come out at night.
Raised in a devout Italian-Catholic household, Ozzy does hold some belief in a higher power but whether it be a Christian God or something else, he doesn’t really know but to die would be an awfully great adventure and it would be sure something to find out what was on the other side. He doesn’t have a death wish but he’s never gonna shy away from taking a risk because that’s so not metal, man.
Accepting of all natures, Ozzy does not hold a grudge, so even if people who once wronged him were to fall from grace, he would be the first to welcome them into the dregs of society and give them the shirt off of his back. More than once, Oz has taken the blame for something he didn’t do, just to protect someone whom he knew had a good heart and had just made a bad decision. Behind his intense headbanger vibe, Ozzy is a bit of a soft boi. He helps grandma’s cross the street, is the first to cheer up a sad peer, and enjoys a good chick flick or two with his smoking hottie girlfriend. A huge DnD player, Oz and his cult of geeks play a regular campaign in the basement of the school every Thursday. In his role as a dungeon master and in life in general, one might find Oz a bit intense but in reality he’s just devoted to showing the world that society is at its best when the freaks come out at night.
Raised in a devout Italian-Catholic household, Ozzy does hold some belief in a higher power but whether it be a Christian God or something else, he doesn’t really know but to die would be an awfully great adventure and it would be sure something to find out what was on the other side. He doesn’t have a death wish but he’s never gonna shy away from taking a risk because that’s so not metal, man.
► current dilemma
Oz literally has no plan post high school. He knows that most everyone he knows will head off to college and take steps into becoming who they want to be but he isn’t really sure who that is for himself yet. He could easily go work for his father but Ozzy does not really see himself wearing a suit and tie for a living. Ties aren’t metal bro.
► social media handles
Ozzy doesn’t have any social media because he will not lower himself to conform to society's construct of communication and media consumption. You want to get a hold of him? Just text him.
► style
The heavy metal hero could give two flying fucks about fashion and tends to look like he just stepped out of 1987. He wears what works for him which is usually a pair of jeans, a band t-shirt and his denim or leather jackets with multiple sown on music patches. There’s a collectors item jacket that he wears regularly since it was a gift from Kim and he adores it. He wears a lot of hot topic jewellery and Oz’s wild mane of brown hair is always perfectly messy and smells divine.
► ride & everyday items
Oz rides a Harley Davidson Heritage Classic. He always carries on his person a blood red D20 and often he can be found with his 1983 Rich Warlock guitar strapped to his back.
► occupation
► extracurricular activities
Ozzy is not officially part of any club but he sometimes pops by the music room and have a bit of a jam session with the folk in there or help with their equipment. He has a knack for instruments. He does bits with the metalworkers and he personally hosts a DnD campaign for anyone interested or who literally just needs to escape from reality for a few hours.
Friends would describe me as _______.
”Fucking metal, man. Enough said.”
In my free time I like to _______.
”Thrash, shred, play DnD, go and watch musicals. Listen up, you turd, my girlfriend loves them and I love her. Plus those guys can seriously wail man! The pipes you gotta have to sing like that? Totally badass.”
I would like to learn _______ in the next year.
”Kim’s favorite song on my guitar…and then make it fucking rock.”
This is how I define success and failure:
”If I don’t feel it in my bones, it doesn’t really mean shit does it?”
I'm inspired by _______.
”Too many to list but let’s just say anyone brave enough to pick up a guitar and throw it fucking down man.”
These songs are the soundtrack to my life:
- Metallica - Seek and Destroy
- Alexisonfire - This Could Be Anywhere in the World
- Guns and Roses - You Could Be Mine
- Fightstar - Days I Recall Being Wonderful
- Black Sabbath - War Pigs
- Slayer - South of Heaven
My fondest memory as a child was _______.
”I have like five siblings. I probably have a moment with all of them but honestly who really cares? Let’s just keep moving forward you know?”
If I could tell my younger self something, I would say:
”Keep it metal, little dude!
The things that make me smile are _______.
”Great fucking music. My hot ass girlfriend and her stupid beautiful smile. Reading her stuff, she’s so talented. DnD with my guys; man. I’m just happy as dicks.”
My whole life story in one sentence:
”For those about to rock, we salute you.”
► extra information
- He is the fourth of five children. He has three older siblings in Bobby (Roberto), Clari (Clarissa) and Sissy (Sienna). As well as one younger brother, Ricky (Ricardo) who is a Sophomore. The family owns a beagle called Nduja.
- Oz has several tattoos, obtained illegally of course which he enjoys showing off.
- When not going by Oz, he goes by Anthony, a romanised version of his given name Antonio. He doesn’t want to sound like a gangster. His middle name, Tiziano, comes from his fathers best friend and coincidentally the father of one Mrs Caterina Belmonte.
- He plays an Orc Berserker in DnD called Killmister the WarHog.


(FC: DEVERY JACOBS; Dialogue: BB986B)
► reputation
Mitena is a recent transfer to Beverly Hills having just joined her aunt Jadyn who is the Economics teacher for her senior year.
At her previous schools, Tena was known for being a free spirited and confident girl who was comfortable in her own skin. She seems to have the world truly wired and knows how just about everything works. Tena had been called many things, wise beyond her years, an old soul, enigmatic and cooler than the other side of the pillow. She presents herself as a spiritual bohemian, quick to offer a wise word and a helping hand to everyone and anyone that needs it. She can be somewhat passionate and intense, forming bonds quicker and deeper than most and throwing herself into these relationships with absolute reckless abandon. Tena is flirty, tactile, loving and above all else proud of her identity and who she is. She is a green thumb and loves to garden and has plans to work with animals in the future.
At her previous schools, Tena was known for being a free spirited and confident girl who was comfortable in her own skin. She seems to have the world truly wired and knows how just about everything works. Tena had been called many things, wise beyond her years, an old soul, enigmatic and cooler than the other side of the pillow. She presents herself as a spiritual bohemian, quick to offer a wise word and a helping hand to everyone and anyone that needs it. She can be somewhat passionate and intense, forming bonds quicker and deeper than most and throwing herself into these relationships with absolute reckless abandon. Tena is flirty, tactile, loving and above all else proud of her identity and who she is. She is a green thumb and loves to garden and has plans to work with animals in the future.
► current dilemma
As free as she considers herself Mitena immensely misses the reservation and her friends. She’s all for making a brand new tribe in Beverly Hills but her heart is still lost somewhere amongst the dust trails of her home.
► social media handles
@TenaStrongBow on Instagram
► style
Much of what Mitena wears is handmade by she and her aunties back on the reservation. Since her recent move to BH she has begun shopping at family owned stores in an effort to support small businesses. Stylistically, she dresses very boho, with lots of browns and animal prints, short shorts or dresses, denim and lots of flowing things so she can get her Stevie Nicks spin on. She is known for her seductive eye make up and has several tattoos and piercings. Girl also loves big hats.
► ride & everyday items
Tena currently rides her bicycle to school, since she had to sell her actual bike to fund the move to LA.
► occupation
Barista at Plouf
► extracurricular activities
Tena has not currently signed up to any clubs yet as she has just arrived but is interested in joining the gardening club and adventure club. She works at the coffee shop currently but on her free time can be found exploring her new home, probably smoking some herb or dropping some tabs. Free your mind, guys.
Friends would describe me as _______.
”Wife material. But seriously, I don’t know, man. You’d have to ask them that. I try not to worry about what people think; all it does is breed self doubt and anxiety.”
In my free time I like to _______.
”Just experience the world, the good, the bad, especially the weird. I just take it as it comes. Life is just more exciting that way.”
I would like to learn _______ in the next year.
”Why we live in this boxed canyon?”
This is how I define success and failure:
”I’m not particularly phased by success or failure. The journey is what’s more important.
I'm inspired by _______.
”Everything. Everyone. The world around us is all inspiration and should be treated as such.”
These songs are the soundtrack to my life:
- Seven Wonders - Fleetwood Mac
- Roadhouse Blues - The Doors
- Bohemian Rhapsody- Queen
- The River - Daisy Jones and the Six
- The Game of Love - Michelle Branch
- Seperate Ways - Journey
- Paint the Silence - South
- Dice - Finley Quay
My fondest memory as a child was _______.
”The first time I ever met Charlie Jay. Charlie’s my half brother. Same Dad, different Moms. He’s so cool. He gave me his leather jacket before I moved out here. He has this unrivalled knowledge of literature, and he’s so talented. Just watch, one day my big brother is gonna publish the next great American novel and I’ll be the first one in line to buy it.”
If I could tell my younger self something, I would say:
”Mvto. Just keep being you, you make me proud. Also don’t be a shitass.”
The things that make me smile are _______.
”Oh lots of stuff. Good food, good music, good herb, good vibes,good people. Your nose ring; that’s hot. I’m just as happy as Larry, whoever that is.”
My whole life story in one sentence:
”A fucking Rez dog for life.”
► extra information
- Tena is a member of the Mohawk tribe.
- She has multiple tattoos which include the word “Respect” written in Kanyen'kéha on her inner left bicep. “There is a tide, in the affairs of men.” Written in her brother's handwriting on her ribcage, a poppy on her inner left wrist and a bear paw print behind her right ear.
- In her former life, Tena was a track and field star as well as a decorated gymnast.
- Her older brother Charlie is the same age as her, so they identify as twins despite their status as only half siblings. Charlie was also friends with the Gravette crew which included Decky and Sin.
- Mitena’s parents passed away several years ago and she has been floating between homes until her aunt decided to take her in.