Avatar of BunniesOfDoom


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7 days ago
Current Welcome to the internet! Have a look around!
9 days ago
No, no, no. My cards know exactly what they're talking about unless the person they're reading is giving mixed signals but that's not really their fault, is it?
9 days ago
W-what did I just read? Please stop. You don't know what you're talking about. Please stop.
1 like
9 days ago
Okay, so maybe my tarrot card collection has gotten a little out of hand but I needed the Beetlejuice tarot deck! You can't not have it!
9 days ago
Well, if your partners are anything like me, they have the thread subbed so they get notifications when it's been replied to. Unless it's the first post and you didn't share the link. If so, shame!
1 like


A roleplayer, a mom, a gamer, and a crafter. I like to make stuff, whether it be in writing or drawing or crochet, or paint, the list goes on. If it requires creativity, I can assure I have tried it at least once. If you want to see some of the stuff I make, feel free to ask. I do take commissions too though I hate my own art. Everyone else seems to love it and hey, sometimes you gotta take the money where you can get it, ya know?

It's a pleasure to meet you. Wanna rp with me, then just hit me up! I will for sure rp with you, no matter the plot!

Most Recent Posts

Rufus was a large guy. It was obvious he spent his time working out in the gym on a regular basis. Today, he was wearing a loose t-shirt with some long blue jeans and a black leather jacket. He had military grade boots on and a concealed carry strapped just so on his right hip. He had been Jasmine's escort for the past three months with nothing of importance happening. Routine spawn complacency and he wasn't as alert as he honestly should have.

When the girl walked up and tapped on Jasmine's shoulder, he could feel her get stiff next to her. He looked back to see the young girl standing there and a frown crossed his face at the sight of her. It was the look of panic that crossed Jasmine's face when she glanced over her shoulder that had him reached down and unclasped his gun at his hip.

Bruno picked up on his master's sudden mood change and stood up quickly, turning to face the new woman behind them. Jasmine slowly pulled the ear buds put of her ears and put them in the case with controlled patience, as if she had all the time in the world before she finally turned to face the girl behind them.

She could see the demonic aura compressing down on the girl's own aura. It was as if the demonic one was trying it's best to consume the human one. It had been awhile since she had seen one.

She reached down to grab Bruno's harness handle before she gave Rufus's arm a gentle pat. “It would seem, we have some catching up to do.” Rufus simply looked down at her before he lead the way out of the Cafe and towards the back of the building where there would be far less people to get in the way or hurt.

Jasmine knew this wasn't going to end well but the less people they could get involved in the mess, the better it was going to be for everyone involved. It was their fault for getting comfortable enough to not notice her before she literally walked right up to them and tapped her on her shoulder.

As they walked to the back of the store, Jasmine released Bruno's harness and slipped her hand into her bag until she felt her second phone. She slid her fingers along the screen in the well rehearsed pattern before sliding her fingers along like she was trying to draw something. She had long ago programmed gestures into the phone so she could use it in this very manner.

Within moments, an alert went out providing her location and asking for assistance from anyone nearby. She wasn't sure if anyone would be close enough to give them any kind of help but she hoped that they could hold out till back up arrived somehow.

When they finally were behind the building, Rufus released Jasmine and pulled his gun, stepping in front of her like a human shield. “What do you want? We all know it's not to just talk.” Jasmine extended her cane to it's full length and prepared for whatever might happen. She was in an unknown area now with the only information that she knew being the location of the demon possessed, Rufus, and her dog.
The day started like any other day. Jasmine awoke from a nightmare. You know, some people in today's day and age would tell her that she really needed to go see a therapist for all the nightmares and stress she deals with but honestly, she couldn't take the time to do that. She had been doing this job for around ten years now and frankly, if she can handle it this long, she can continue to handle it another year more.

Jasmine slowly sat up in her bed, rubbing her eyes of sleep and gave Bruno, her seeing eye dog, a loving pat on the head before she kicked her feet out from the bed. Bruno gave a deep 'woof' before he lazily stretched and rolled out of bed. Jasmine stood and reached for her cane that she kept folded up on her bedside table. She didn't need it when she was roaming her home but she always kept it nearby just in case she needed some kind of weapon. The knights had long ago made her a better suited stainless steel cane that she could use to defend and attack if she ever found herself in the need for it, so she kept it at her side always.

With Bruno by her side, she got dressed and picked up her cellphone. “Hey Google,” she said as she strapped the walking harness onto Bruno. “Read my messages for me.” She pulled a small case out of her coat pocket and slipped an earbud into her ear. Her phone began to go over the many messages she had received through the night. She got alerts about possible new angel born and demonic sightings. She used the google interface and her ear bud to respond to some as well.

She grabbed her keys and opened her front door, seeing a large man leaning against the doorframe. She paused for only a moment as a smile crossed her face. His aura was a deep royal purple with a hint of blue sparks that danced around his shoulders. “Good morning Rufus.” She said as her knight escort bend down to give Bruno a good pat on the head.

“Morning,” he said before he turned to offer her his arm. Her smile turned soft as she tucked her hand into the crook of his arm as he lead the way down the stairs. “What are our plans for today?” He asked as they turned down the street with Bruno happily leading the way.

“I need a cup of coffee before I really get started on anything.” She said and Rufus gave a laugh.

“I see that ear bud. You can't lie to me. You've already started. You need coffee so you don't go out killing demons yourself.” She gave a harsh laugh and a shake of her head. He was right, to a degree but they both knew she couldn't go out in the field anymore. She was lucky the knights even let her live out of the headquarters building but she refused to live in their compound. She needed a release from her work in some way and being able to go to her own home, turn off the phone, and snuggle Bruno at the end of the day helped her keep her sanity. She knew if she lived in the compound with many of the knights, she would never get a break. It would be work at all times and she would have lost her mind already. But of course, she does have a backup set up.

She has a second phone that is used only in emergencies and she knows that if that phone were to ever ring, she had to answer it, no matter where she was. That one remained in her purse and was taken with her everywhere.

Bruno knew where to go and lead the way on their fifteen minute walk to the coffee shop. It was his favorite place to be. They have a special whipped cream just for dogs and he always got his own little cup of it as a reward. When they arrived, his name was announced in excitement and Jasmine gave a shake of her head as her lips quirked up in a slight smile. He had his own fan club, this pup of hers.

There were a few people in the coffee shop and Rufus lead the way to the long line. Jasmine looked around the room. Even though she was blind and couldn't see anything around them, all the people in the building lit up in her sight like beacons. It was a habit she developed from her years out in the field. It's hard for demons to catch you by surprise if you see them coming. None of the people in the store looked to be demon possessed though, so she decided to to get some work done.

The store was louder than she liked, so released Bruno's harness to grab her second earbud and tuck it into her free ear. She instructed her phone to open her email as Bruno laid down by her feet. She kept her other hand planted firmly in the crook of Rufus’s arm as they waited. It was going to be a little while before they got to the counter. Might as well get some work done while they waited.
When Aneira gave him permission to check with those gentle little taps on his hand, he slowly lifted up her shirt to see just what kind of damage was done under there. He didn't take his eyes off from hers until her side was revealed and only then did he finally look down to see what they were working with. There was a hole in her side, about the size of a dime. It looked scabbed over but the scab was thick like it kept trying to heal over the hole time and time again, growing thicker with each new session of healing. It was obvious her body was trying to push out whatever was in her side and when she shifted, a small bit of blood trickled down her side.

He frowned at the sight and reached up to gently feel along by the scab, feeling it flake off and peel away under his gentle touch. “That doesn't look great.” he said as he looked closer. He could see that there were black lines of something extending out from the small hole just below her skin, almost like ink spreading along a white page. “I think-” he said as he thought over what he was looking at, “your body is trying to push out whatever is under there.” He gave a little push on her side where the dark lines began and a new little flow of blood came from the hole.

“Shit.” He exclaimed as he covered the hole with his hand to stop the blood from getting on the carpet. Only then did he notice was it was tinted black against his tan skin. He moved his hand in front of his face before his eyes locked on hers, his face very serious. “I think we need to get this thing out of you. I think it's poisoning you. Maybe if I push,” he reached out and pushed lightly on the same spot he had pushed before and more blood came out of the hole but he felt movement under his finger, like a big splinter moving just a little bit closer to the surface. He took the pants she had given him and used them to cover her side, blocking the blood flow. All the new blood that was coming out of her side was just as black and tainted as the bit that was on his hand.

He looked at her, a fire and intensity dancing within them. “I can get this out.” He wasn't completely sure but he knew she needed it out and he wasn't going to talk in maybes or I thinks. He was going to talk to her confidently and like he knew exactly what he was doing, which he didn't. “Your body is pushing it out already. I just need to help it along but it's going to hurt like a bitch. But once we get it out, I bet you'll feel way better. Will you let me?”
Alright guys, seeing as how we have a nice little collection of people so far, feel free to start posting. I'll see if I can get an angel born to join in the meantime.

Let the war begin!

Character Sheets
||Name|| Jasmin Anabell Rhodes/ Jazz
||Age|| 32
||Race|| Prophet, coordinator for the southern branch of the Knights of the Veil
||Magic|| Along with her incredible ability to sense auras and souls, she can control and channel wind

[hair color] Mid back length, curly, and black
[eye color] Crystal Blue
[height] 5'11
[body build] Athletic
[weight] 178

Jasmine is not the most patient person. Her personality is not one that a lot of people would get along with. She can be impatient, short fused, hot headed, and can be quite brash if she feels she needs to be. She had learned that being nice and sweet might get things done but being brash and fierce gets them done faster. Her role as the coordinator for the southern branch of the Knights of the Veil means that she is always on the go and always working on something. When things start to step away from the plan she had set, she is quick to slap that foot back into line. It does not mean she is purposely cruel. She just understands what is at stake and what would happen if more seals were to be broken. So she tends to be more stern that what the matter may call for.

Jasmine was always a devout believer ever since a young age. She was raised Catholic and after her confirmation, she began to get visions. They began as images of things she didn't understand at first but as she grew older, they developed to full blown visions and, most the time, they were quite gruesome. The visions were always of angel born who were out in the world in need of guidance and of those who didn't get that guidance in time before the demons got to them. She understood that it was her job to go seeking these children out but she barely understood her own powers, let alone have the ability to go and train another in theirs. So, one day in her late teens, when she was in a particularly bad depressive episode that was brought on by the visions, she poured drain cleaner into her eyes. It worked, to make her blind. It did nothing for her visions. Eventually she had to simply accept that she had a job to do, so she started praying.

After a year or two of communing with the angels and getting a hang of life as a blind person, she graduated high school and began her life as a Prophet. Eventually the angels led her to the Knights of the Veil and she organized with them to seek out as many angel born as possible. With her incredible ability to see the demonic souls in a person, she was very useful in clearing areas of demon possessed but it was quickly becoming obvious that it was growing too danger for her to be out in the field. So, she eventually retired from the field to work in coordinating the knights instead, following her visions and the words of the angels to get knights and prophets where they would need to be. She's incredibly good at her job but sometimes, she just needs to get out of the walls of the knights headquarters. So you may find her roaming around from time to time with Bruno, her seeing eye dog, and a knightly escort. She is rarely alone anymore.

||Current Alignment||
Prophet helping coordinate the knights

Jasmine is completely blind. She uses a white cane to get around and uses a seeing eye dog. His name is Bruno. He's a mutt that she rescued from a shelter and raised from a young pup. He's very protective and has been trained to help her in fights if she needs help.

Because Jasmine is blind, her ability to sense auras and people's magical trademarks is far superior than those of other prophets. It's one of the ways she knows who is in front of her. Everyone's aura has it's own little markings, kind of like a printer and a sheet of paper. After she has meet a person a time or two, she can determine who they are just by their aura and voice. It makes her exceptionally good at spotting demon possessed as well but she doesn't go out into the field as much anymore, sticking to teaching angel born and knights in her free time.
Can't wait to see what you come up with
I think you have the newest scion from an ancient family line of Kinghts entering your ranks :)

Love it! Can't wait to see your character!
The state of the seals

First seal- broken
Second seal-broken
Third seal- sealed
Fourth seal- sealed
Fifth seal- sealed
Sixth seal- sealed
Seventh seal- sealed

Seal locations
First seal- New York City, under the statue of liberty
Second seal- New Orleans, before St. Peter's Cathedral
Third seal- Unknown
Fourth seal- Unknown
Fifth seal- Unknown
Sixth seal- Unknown
Seventh seal- Unknown

I'll be keeping this updated as the roleplay goes on and we figure out where the other seals are located.
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