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7 days ago
Current Welcome to the internet! Have a look around!
9 days ago
No, no, no. My cards know exactly what they're talking about unless the person they're reading is giving mixed signals but that's not really their fault, is it?
9 days ago
W-what did I just read? Please stop. You don't know what you're talking about. Please stop.
1 like
9 days ago
Okay, so maybe my tarrot card collection has gotten a little out of hand but I needed the Beetlejuice tarot deck! You can't not have it!
9 days ago
Well, if your partners are anything like me, they have the thread subbed so they get notifications when it's been replied to. Unless it's the first post and you didn't share the link. If so, shame!
1 like


A roleplayer, a mom, a gamer, and a crafter. I like to make stuff, whether it be in writing or drawing or crochet, or paint, the list goes on. If it requires creativity, I can assure I have tried it at least once. If you want to see some of the stuff I make, feel free to ask. I do take commissions too though I hate my own art. Everyone else seems to love it and hey, sometimes you gotta take the money where you can get it, ya know?

It's a pleasure to meet you. Wanna rp with me, then just hit me up! I will for sure rp with you, no matter the plot!

Most Recent Posts

Magic ideas and themes

Magic in this world is expansive and really incorporates anything you can think of, as long as it doesn't get out of hand. Obviously there is going to be fighting going on in this roleplay, so the basic rules still apply, no godmodding or powerplaying. If you have a question about whether a specific spell would counter another spell, feel free to ask.

It's safe to assume that most magic users can do basic things like barriers/shields, telekinetic stuff, and casting any kind of rituals as long as they have the ingredients needed to make the ritual. As for the big items, like fighting moves, I ask you keep those big flashy things down to a preference. Just because you're playing a demon possessed does not mean you need to control fire or something similar. It can be anything you want it to be but keep it kind of contained to that specific idea.

Example: An Angel born finds out she can control heavenly light. She can use the light to blind people, change the way people see her (if you want to get scientific about the way the human eye interprets light ect), and heals with it. She can also condense the light down to a beam to burn someone. There are a lot of options available to that person on how they want to interpret the use of the heavenly light. Get creative with it and have fun.

As for humans, they can use blessed/cursed items. They can use holy water, crystals, anything you can think of. They have access to heavenly powers through the prophets and angel born, so they wouldn't be left helpless with just simple mortal weapons. They would also have a vast knowledge of rituals as well and even though they may not be able to wield magic, they can use magical items to still cast the rituals.

    Character Sheets
    ||Name|| (Name here)
    ||Age|| (Age here)
    ||Race|| (Demon Possessed/Knight of the Veil/Angel Born/Prophet)
    ||Magic|| (Main magic preference, look below for ideas on magic)

    [hair color] (hair)
    [eye color] (eyes)
    [height] (height)
    [body build] (build)
    [weight] (weight)

    (Personality here)

    (History here)

    ||Current Alignment||
    (For those who may have strayed from their main purpose)

    (Anything more you would like to add that isn't covered)

Please send me your characters before you post them.
The Breaking Of The Seals

There is a secret war that has always been raging between good and evil, angels and demons. Every since Lucifer was cast into Hell and became the lord of lies, demons have been pushing about the seven seals to break free from their prison. For many eons the seals stood strong but the world changed and cults that worshiped Lucifer and the demons rose. They were never truly strong enough to break through the seal completely but as the years went on, the seals grew weaker and weaker.

God had one rule. They must have free will. No matter how much trouble the cults were being, it was the very rule of God that the humans be allowed to do as they wished. However, that rule quacked and almost snapped when the first seal began to whither. The seals were only meant to be released by God himself and now, the first was cracking and eventually it snapped. That was when the first demons began to claw their way out of hell and snatch human souls for themselves. At first, it was not much of a matter. It was only a soul here and a soul there. However, as those souls turned into demons themselves, only to claw their way out and repeat the process, it was turning into a very big deal. Soon the scales were off balanced and more souls were going to hell than they were going to Heaven. And those demons that found themselves in the human world managed to break a second seal, unleashing even more demonic and hellish powers into the world.

Gabriel had seen enough and even though he knew they couldn't rid people of their free will, he knew he had to do something. He gathered his warriors around him and with God's blessings, rebirthed them as mortals into the human world. Nephilim, or angel born, were brought into the world so that they may combat the demons that now swarmed over God's creation, corrupting it and casting it into shadow. Their main goal was to grow strong and protect the remainder of the seals. However, there was a price to pay. Angels are heaven born and their whole purpose is to follow God's rule and proclaim his glory. To be removed from Heaven in such a way and cast into mortal flesh, it was absolute agony for the first of the Nephilim. They went mad before they were even able to make a mark on the world. So Gabriel came up with a solution, erase their memory of Heaven all together and the glory that is their God. They would truly be born again, mortal and naïve to the biblical war and truths around them. However, this too rose a problem. If the angels did not remember who they were, how were they to fight the demons and bring the world back to balance?

Michael offered up a solution in the Prophets. Prophets were already down on the earth, spreading the word of their God and speaking his truths for all that would hear. Now, instead of focusing their skill on spreading the truth to the human race, they would use their gifts of sight and tongue to find the angel born and help raise them to the warriors that they needed to be. They would bless the Prophets with above average skills so that they could remain alive and keep their charges alive. It seemed like a good, solid plan. However, no plan lasts upon first contact with the enemy.

Once the demons found out that these angel born existed, it became their main goal to rid the world of them. It was almost like a game. The stronger the Nephilim they killed, the more points they would get and even more points for the Prophets. So the demons went out hunting and the search for weak, untrained Nephilim began. Prophets were now on a time clock and had to find these children before they fell to the demon race, for an angel lost on Earth in the mortal realm was an angel forever lost to the heavenly plain and unlike demons, who were growing their number with each soul they stole, there were a limited number of angels in heaven. So the Prophets asked for help and the Holy Roman Empire answered them.

Arise the Knight of Templar and later becoming the Knights of the Veil. These knights, though only human, pledged their lives to helping seek out these helpless angel born, to raise them, and to help them fight back the demon scourge. However, even though they are only human, they are not helpless. Knowledge of how to defeat the demons, exorcisms, weapons, all were passed down through the generations. They may be mortal but they are the best allies the Prophets could hope to have.

So the war for the Nephilim rages on and the fights over the seals of hell continue.

Which side would you be on?
@meri@Frog Dog@Dr Acula@Sadie@Squirrel98

I'll go ahead and make this into a rp since I think we have enough interest to get this thing rolling! I can't wait to see what yall come up with!
How easy would it be for a demon to pass themselves off as an Angel born? Like could you realistically infiltrate their ranks? Demons are eternal right - if one wanted, say, to play a strategy game rather than a straight up kurder game and rot the angel born amd knights from the inside out? Or even pose as a Knight to protect the charges only to turn on them in the field kind of thing? Or would the propehts etc be able to sense their demonic essence?

Also, is there any like... formal magic that the knights use? Like angelic script/runes for inspiring bullets etc?

I'm so sorry about the late response. For some reason I never got an alert about getting responses to my post here.

Anyways, to untrained Angel born, demons could easily pass themselves off as a fellow angel born or prophet but once they try to incorporate themselves into the main group, I can't imagine it would be possible. The prophets would probably sight them out within a few moments of them even trying. They probably could trick the humans and maybe if they somehow sealed their demonic side down like, completely, then maybe? But I can't imagine a demon possessed willingly dampening their demon side to insert themselves into enemy territory essentially defenseless but if you want to roleplay that, have at it!

As for the magic, yeah. You can use anything from any kind of religious lore like blessings, runes, scrolls, ect. Have fun with it. Just keep in mind that godmodding and powerplaying isn't allowed, as always.
Lucian watched her intently as she gave him a thousand yard stare. When her head cocked to the side, he couldn't help but feel the end of his lips twerk up in a smile at the sight. It reminded him of a puppy trying to learn something new. He wondered what was going through her head at that moment. When her eyes focused again and she looked back at him, he quirked an eyebrow. When she said she may have found a phone, his other eyebrow rose to meet the other in surprise. “Oh?” He asked. When she asked if he knew the number, he nodded fiercely. “Yeah, by heart.” He had made that call countless times before he was snatched. Jessie was definitely the one who had his back even in the roughest of his days. He wondered what she had been doing since he was taken. Did she think him dead? He bit his lower lip in an anxious way before he situated and sat up properly. He wasn't sure how this call was going to go, but they needed help.

Lucian gave a small chuckle as she reached out to poke his forehead, swatting her hand away in a playful manner. When she said she would like it for him to rest, he couldn't help but agree. Resting sounded so great right about now. He could barely keep his eyes open. At least he could get more than a few words out without having a coughing fit. He assumed his angelic blood had some kind of healing ability behind it, not an instantaneous healing as he would like but he was at least feeling better than he was before, if only more exhausted than before. “Yeah, rest. Shouldn't be a problem.”

When she went to rise to her feet, Lucian saw her wince in pain and his hand shot out to grab her wrist. A look of concern crossed his face as he gently tugged her close to him. “You're hurt. I'm sorry. We've been dealing with me so for long, I haven't even thought to look at you.” He watched her hand rise up to her side and he looked up at her eyes, concern flaring behind his green irises. “May I?” He asked, as he gently raised a hand up to her side. He didn't move anymore than that. He didn't want to cross any kind of boundaries than he already has.
Welcome! Its awesome seeing another world builder here! Hope you find a nice niche for you
Lucian accepted the clothes from Aneira with a sad smile. “Sorry,” he said quietly. “I know I've been kind of man-handling you a lot as of late. I'm kind of running on instincts right now.” He set the clothes on the ground next to him, leaned his head back against the wall and let his eyes close. This was really the first moment of rest he was able to get for a while and he found himself struggling to even keep his eyes open, let alone move his body enough to really get dressed properly.

Eventually, he groaned and sat up enough to tug the shirt on at least. It took much longer than he liked and he hissed loudly when he raised his arms too high to put them through the sleeves, resorting to sliding them in one at a time at shoulder height. The shirt clung to his wet form and was hard for him to pull all the way down but he eventually managed it before collapsing back against the wall, letting his eyes close again. Man, he hurt everywhere.

When she spoke about food, he gave a small laugh. He wasn't hungry at all. He was just exhausted, absolutely exhausted but she was right. They needed some kind of help. They needed someone. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at her. “I may know someone who can help. But we need a phone.” He had made a lot of strong connections in his NA group and a lot of those people have seen some really rough days, especially his closest friend, Jessie. She told him time and time again that if he ever needed her, just to call her and she would be there, no questions asked. It also worked out that she was a nurse too. If they could get their hands on any kind of phone, they could give her a call and get some kind of help.

He groaned lightly which resulted in him releasing a bout of loud coughs before he settled against the wall again. “We're screwed aren't we?” He locked his eyes on hers, a sincere smile on his face. “At least we got out.”
Just checking to see if you're still taking part in the roleplay. If you need me to change my post at all, feel free to tell me. I'll change it up for you.
AS they slowly moved down the fire escape, Lucian came to stare at the broken window with dread. His wings had to accommodate his large form and so they were very large and he couldn't imagine there was any way he was going to get them through that window without retracting them back into his body and reverting back to his human form.

He slowly pulled himself away from Aneira and grabbed a hold of the railing next to him for support. "One sec." He said as he concentrated. He wasn't completely sure how he would be able to do this. He imagined his body as it was before he had the huge wingspan and markings that crawled up along his chest and arms. He felt a burning in his back as his wings began to dissolve and the feathers fell down to the ground below him, each one disintegrating into wispy white smoke. The angelic markings that decorated his arms and chest crept along his form, condensing down to three little spots, one in the middle of his chest just above his sternum and two on each palm, before those marks disappeared completely as well. Even a length of his hair fell off and dissolved into the same wispy smoke until it was at the short level it was before he took on his angelic form.

He released a low sigh or relief before he allowed himself to be guiding through the window and into the apartment complex. He followed her lead down the hall, listening intently as he tried to keep as quiet as possible. He wasn't quite sure where they were or how on earth she found a place they could stay in an occupied apartment complex but he wasn't going to let a good thing go bad but they needed to go quickly, or as quickly as his weakened form would allow them. He was half nude, barefoot, with only pants on soaking wet and Aneira was stark nude and almost just as wet. They were quite the sight to see for anyone who might peak into the hallway.

As they approached door 408, Lucian reached for the door handle, just as he heard someone else's door open down the hall. Before he knew what he was doing, he had grabbed Aneira and ripped the door open. He shoved her in, none too gracefully and pulled the door closed before anyone could see a totally nude woman standing next to him. He whirled around and braced himself on the door frame and crossed his arms over the nastiest looking part of his chest. He gave a small nod to the man that eyed him as he walked pass. He waited until the man walked out of sight before he slowly slipped into the apartment, almost collapsing down on the ground just in the door.

"Close one."
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