Avatar of BunniesOfDoom


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7 days ago
Current Welcome to the internet! Have a look around!
9 days ago
No, no, no. My cards know exactly what they're talking about unless the person they're reading is giving mixed signals but that's not really their fault, is it?
9 days ago
W-what did I just read? Please stop. You don't know what you're talking about. Please stop.
1 like
9 days ago
Okay, so maybe my tarrot card collection has gotten a little out of hand but I needed the Beetlejuice tarot deck! You can't not have it!
9 days ago
Well, if your partners are anything like me, they have the thread subbed so they get notifications when it's been replied to. Unless it's the first post and you didn't share the link. If so, shame!
1 like


A roleplayer, a mom, a gamer, and a crafter. I like to make stuff, whether it be in writing or drawing or crochet, or paint, the list goes on. If it requires creativity, I can assure I have tried it at least once. If you want to see some of the stuff I make, feel free to ask. I do take commissions too though I hate my own art. Everyone else seems to love it and hey, sometimes you gotta take the money where you can get it, ya know?

It's a pleasure to meet you. Wanna rp with me, then just hit me up! I will for sure rp with you, no matter the plot!

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Did-did your character just jack my charge?!
I called the cops.

lol I see that. Just what we needed. Mortals getting in the middle of this mess.
@meri It's a thing most people aren't aware of. It's kind of like today's knowledge. People claim demons are a thing but most people don't believe it
@Frog Dog
I've added your prophet to the list. You're more than welcome to start posting with him if you want.
Everything happened so quickly. One moment Rufus was beating on the demon girl and getting his shit beat in just the same then the next, he was staring down the barrel of his own gun. It was like time stood still as his whole body froze. Well damn. He cursed himself at the sight. Knights know better than to let their weapon get away from them and instead of focusing on getting it back, he focused on trying to put the demon down as quickly as possible. Now he stared his mistake in the face, the metal, round, and deadly face. A loud crack of death and Rufus fell onto a heap on the ground, his head a bloody mess of unrecognizable gore.

Jasmine was trapped within her vision, getting far more information than she needed, that was until the crack of a gun shot rang out and her eyes snapped open. She was in a mid phase, still trapped somewhere between vision and recognition of the world around her. It was disorienting and she could still feel the weight of the angels' hands on her shoulders. They tried to continue the vision but she struggled to pull from it, looking around herself. She didn't see Rufus anymore, dread quickly piling in her chest at the thought of what could have happened. Her eyes quickly scanned the area, skimming over the other knight, the demon, and then a blinding presence there on the ground at the entrance of the alleyway. For a moment, even the weight of the angels lessened as realization dawned on what she was seeing. Angel born!

More information was thrust into Jasmine's mind from the angels that now understood the situation far more than she could hope to. Aliana. The angel born they had just been instructing her about had arrived and exposed herself to the demon. They needed to protect her from the demon. The demon that was just now turning towards the girl, carefully stepping over Rufus as she did so.

Jasmine turned her eyes towards the demon possessed, a wind kicking up around her. She had to protect this child and keep her safe at all costs. This was her purpose in life. This was why she was given visions. This was why the angels spoke to her and why she blinded herself all those years ago. The wind picked up, her hair swirling around her as if she was trapped in a gale. She gave a whistle command and Bruno ran off away from her to go plant himself against a wall of the nearest building.

She cut her hand through the air in front of her and a wave of wind followed it's path, cutting through the air like a knife and heading directly towards the demon. She continued the assault as she waved her hands back and forth, up and down, sending cut after cut of wind knives directly towards the demon. With each new move of her hands, she took a step towards the angel born. The angels remained on her shoulders, filling her in on her path, telling her if there was any debris along the way, instructing her of anything that may stop her from protecting the angel born.

Being stuck in this half vision form was painful. She could feel the back of her head on fire like back of her brain was combusting but she knew that this information they were giving her was essentially in this battle. Rufus was dead, she wasn't sure how skilled the other knight was going to be, and this angel born was not ready to fight. Jasmine could not see the damage she had done to the area around her but the angels had instructed her and she understood. Aliana was a strong nephilim but she had no control. She would need to be sealed and slowly released as she gained control before her powers destroyed her from the inside out. But first, Jasmine had to make sure they all got out of this alive, or at least the few that were left alive anyways. Mourning would have to wait.
I feel that in my soulll

I've made an plot update post here.

If yall can think of anything that I should cover before we get to page two, feel free to tell me and I'll add it above somewhere.
When the girl introduced herself, Jasmine quickly got to work on her phone. With a few gestures, she set her phone to record and tucked it into her pocket. “Well Cherry, if you know of me than you know of my reputation and the mistake you and your little demon friend made.” When she started on a little rant about how God was probably too busy to speak to her directly, Jasmine let a sneer cross her face. This wasn't the first demon that brought up the far too busy for you ploy. It's not as if Jasmine had not pondered it in her life a few times. Everyone does but when you literally get visions from angels and magical gifts from God, you can't exactly deny him. Yes, he may not directly answer her but his angels do and that's proof enough for her.

When the girl grew silent, Jasmine saw a shift in their aura. The girl's aura reduced even more in size and the demonic one swelled to almost incorporate the body's whole form. In that instance, Jasmine understood that it was the demon in control now and not the girl and when the demon spoke about her releasing Bruno because he was innocent and wasn't deserving of harm, she allowed her eyebrows to rise in surprise. It's not every day you found a demon that still cared about such things as innocence or worthiness. However, before she could answer the demon, Rufus spoke up first.

“Did he just call me a dog?” Rufus asked Jasmine without taking his eyes off the demon. Jasmine felt her lips quirk up in a hint of a smile, reaching down to give Bruno a gentle pat on the top of his head.

“I believe he was talking about Bruno.”

“No, I think he was talking about me. It's rude calling people a dog, you know,” Rufus said as he addressed the demon once more.

Jasmine turned to face Rufus, her lips perched together like she just tasted something sour. “Why would he call you a dog?”

“Cause I'm deviously handsome and free of sin, you know, the usual.”

Jasmine rolled her eyes before locking them once more on the demon in front of them. “No one is free of sin, Rufus.”

“The dog is.” Rufus said as he nodded his head towards Bruno.

Jasmine pinched the bridge of her nose and gave a deep sigh. “Then he had to have been talking about the dog, yeah?”

Rufus narrowed his eyes on the demon as he pondered what she said before he responded. “Touche.” Jasmine shook her head deeply. Sometimes she just couldn't with these people. Maybe if she asked the demon nice enough, it would dispatch her right then and there. However, before she could say anything more, another came barreling into the alleyway. Jasmine could hear the footsteps as the girl came around the corner and her eyes locked on the girl who appeared. Her aura was alone, so not demon possessed. She could see small flickers of magic coming from something on her hip and from the shape of it, it looked like a sword. So a knight, possibly. Someone came to their aid and quickly as well. Jasmine gave a pleased nod before she turned her eyes back to the demon. Now her odds were much better. They could do this.

Except that right at that moment, she felt a presence on her shoulders and she shuttered. Her grip on Bruno's harness tightened until her knuckles were white. No. Not now, damnit. Her eyes fluttered closed and her body stiffened as a vision flashed behind her eyes. She saw the angel born, convulsing on the ground, blood flowing from her nose. She watched as the girl who had just joined them had dragged her out of public view and blessed her before running to them. Voices sung to her, spoke to her about the trials of the girl, about her troubles and how she needed them right at that moment.

Rufus peered back at her for a moment before he stepped more in front of her to block the demon's sight of her. “I'm afraid you're going to have to go through us if you want to get to her.” He could tell that Jasmine was having a rather intense vision at that moment. It wasn't unheard of for prophets to get visions at inconvenient times but to get one right before a fight and for it to be so intense, the angels usually knew better than that. It did no one any good if the prophet was killed in mid vision because they couldn't defend themselves while receiving the message. It must be pretty important for her to be getting it right now.
Sorry I misread. Serves me right for rping instead of sleeping lol
@Varshanka Are those demons that snatched you?
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