Avatar of BunniesOfDoom


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5 days ago
Current My kids hate my sleep schedule. I'm finally getting one online and they keep interrupting it. Last night it was 2am. The other night it was 4. Just let me sleepppp
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11 days ago
Can someone explain to this confused meat suit that joints are friends, not food. Or better yet, rid me of it completely. I'd like a factory reset please. Lately upgrade.
16 days ago
So they're saying we're looking at like 6 to 8 inches of snow here in Louisiana. Southern Louisiana. Like by the bottom. It's 60 degrees outside. Mother Nature, you good fam?
18 days ago
She probably can! My male cat terroizing my Great Pyranese mix on the daily! And he's like over 60 lbs. Don't get me wrong, he's a big cat but seeing maybe a 10 lb cat bully a 60 lb dog is sight
20 days ago
As a support main on everything I play, INCLUDING rivals. I hate people like that with a burning passion! I get it. It's a strat but just let me live!
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A roleplayer, a mom, a gamer, and a crafter. I like to make stuff, whether it be in writing or drawing or crochet, or paint, the list goes on. If it requires creativity, I can assure I have tried it at least once. If you want to see some of the stuff I make, feel free to ask. I do take commissions too though I hate my own art. Everyone else seems to love it and hey, sometimes you gotta take the money where you can get it, ya know?

It's a pleasure to meet you. Wanna rp with me, then just hit me up! I will for sure rp with you, no matter the plot!

Most Recent Posts

I can just see it now.

Poor Max is eventually just going to get so used to this he's going to go numb to it lol
Ohhh if your dude talks down to people around Iris, she is going to have a big problem.
I'm with Lemons on this one. Without the conflict of having to chase around the moon, Iris isn't nearly as much fun to play. Not to mention, I would have to rewrite part of her profile if we did stick with the whole barrier blocking out the need to transform bit lol.

I feel like the barrier shouldn't exist, but rather, something like for velvet, sunscreen that's fps 9,000,000

Nooo, we definitely need the barrier. We have a moth man. Merfolk who don't change to human and a gorgon who is part snake. We're supposed to be hiding here.
Iris wakes up in the workout room after a long night of full moon transformation to find her clothes in the locker missing again. "Goddamnit! Leave my shit alone or I'll leave this door open one of these nights and just tear this place apart!"
Personal opinion alert: I'd actually kind of prefer that particular factor of the barrier not being a thing. It turns off some fun character interactions with Iris and the moon, and Velvet and the sun (I think they're the only two with specific outside environmental restrictions?).

Agree. We already made kink jokes about Iris's little dungeon roon in her apartment! We can't back on that now! It's canon!
<Snipped quote by Dragonydas>
I just noticed something. won't iris not change during a full moon?

Well what fun is that?!
Another human to add to the pack with or without their willingness! Yes please!

Please move next to me! I'm aloneeee! I'll keep the growling to a minimum! I promise!
<Snipped quote by Expendable>

..................... Free-loader?

Heyyy I can get behind that!

Looking at the residents list now, I'm noticing that I'm the only one on the first floor of the second building. Now, I'm not usually one to get offended or anything but is it the fur? It's the fur isn't it? Damnit, I know it the fur!
<Snipped quote by Expendable>

Someone else made this mistake too, buuuuuut... Miyuki is not a priestess. Yumeiko is one though.

Hey hey! Don't go grouping everyone together like that! I made no such statement!

@Red Wizard
You must like red. I'm not sure what gave me that idea but red just seems to be a thing for you.

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