Iris Madril
Location: Building 1, restaurant
Iris had been completely lost in thought as she allowed her legs to take her wherever they felt she needed to go. She was contemplating hard what she could do to get money so she could buy a new phone. She wasn't good out in public. Here in the apartments, she was comfortable being herself because everyone in here was like her, a monster or supernatural being. But out in public, those were humans who, if all the youtube videos about Karens were true, didn't know how to mind their own business and being a person of color, yeah, Iris was just better off not interacting with the general human population. All she would need is for one Karen constantly yelling at her about a simple thing that wouldn't matter in the average person's eyes and she would wolf out and probably get herself killed if not hunted. She could definitely do without that.
So a general job outside of the apartments was a no go. Perhaps she could ask the residents to see if they needed anything done. She couldn't imagine those jobs would pay well but even if she got a twenty for each job, it would eventually stack up, right? But damn, she would need so many jobs to make up the money she needed to pay for a new phone. Those things are like a thousand a piece. She grumbled lightly to herself about letting the wolf get a hold of it. She'll really have to figure out a better idea.
When Iris's name was spoken, her head popped up and she looked around. Her eyes fell on the mothman and she flashed him a bright smile.
“Oh hey, Alphonse! Sorry, I was just lost in my- thoughts.” She took a moment to look around, realizing that she had indeed walked to the restaurant for food but instead of going to the main one in her own building, she had found herself at building one's instead.
“Huh.” She turned her attention back to the mothman before the smile returned back to her face, if only with a hint of confusion behind it. Was it just aimless wandering or had something or someone guided her to that very spot? She wasn't really sure. But no matter, food was food.
“Looking to get something to eat?” She asked as she slipped her hands out of her jean pockets before opening the door for the insect man.
“I'm hoping they've got some good stew or soup on the menu tonight. I could make do with something hot.” After Alphonse stepped through the threshold did Iris step in behind him. Her eyes scanned the Cafeteria, going from one face to the other. She lingered a moment on a few faces, one being the shoggoth therapist, another being Velvet off at the serving window. A pit formed in her stomach at the sight of the vampire. She would have to go apologize to her for what had happened and make sure she understood that she never really meant for it to get that out of control.
She slid her fingers through her hair with a soft huff. This wasn't going to be as quiet of a dinner as she had thought. It seemed like everyone was arriving at the restaurant to eat. There were two other places to get food. Did everyone have to come to this one in particular?