Avatar of BurningCold


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current Went from 0 RPs to 4 in the span of 3 weeks. Nice.
2 mos ago
This just in: FINALLY fixed my bio up.



I like telling engaging stories with cool people :)

Collaboration and teamwork are very important to me when telling a story- I could write any genre as long as the group dynamic is healthy.

If you're chill and understand grammar we'll probably get along!


  • 22
  • Male
  • Filthy American
  • I like video games
  • Comics and novels
  • TTRPGs (mainly D&D and Fate but I'll try anything)
  • The natural world (especially the ocean)
  • Poetry
  • Aspiring author (poor)

Some Things I Wrote

Too many to share but have a sample platter of poetry

RPs I'm In

Language is the tool I use to connect myself to the world around me and to the people that I care for.
@POOHEAD189 taught me how to play D&D

Most Recent Posts

Dropping my character here after getting the OK from Vidar
I'm sorry to hear that, I've been caught up in quite a few things but was absolutely planning on making a character if the RP got some more traction. The only thing I can think of would be the requirement to use AI art, which while not being my preference is something I was able to look past because the concept seemed fun. However I know a lot of people are staunchly against it.
@vietmyke Looks good to me! Once you have the second approval from Vidar you'll be good to go
@Archazen Hell yeah you have my approval
@Estylwen By the way in your post did you miss/retcon Glutton teleporting the hostages in the lobby out of the vines or was that in reference to hostages vined up elsewhere in the bank?
<Snipped quote by Estylwen>

Not that easy. Silver Sentry was also a "technology" hero so just choosing another would be difficult.

Though it's looking like she'll already have something going with Glutton...I was thinking about doing it later but I was thinking that Guardian would see Glutton as a "What if". Like, had she decided to stay in New York all those years ago but get into worse habits like killing others more often rather than just info leaking.

Teach him how to be a true hero! Chuck is always happy to learn from other great super heroes like him!
He's not short, he's just built for speed!! >:[

Marty would somehow be offended if someone taller than him got teased for being short

Let me know if anything needs to be altered or expanded upon. I might still write up a vignette to detail more elements of his personality but otherwise I think the sheet is more or less complete

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