Avatar of BurningCold


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2 mos ago
Current Went from 0 RPs to 4 in the span of 3 weeks. Nice.
2 mos ago
This just in: FINALLY fixed my bio up.



I like telling engaging stories with cool people :)

Collaboration and teamwork are very important to me when telling a story- I could write any genre as long as the group dynamic is healthy.

If you're chill and understand grammar we'll probably get along!


  • 22
  • Male
  • Filthy American
  • I like video games
  • Comics and novels
  • TTRPGs (mainly D&D and Fate but I'll try anything)
  • The natural world (especially the ocean)
  • Poetry
  • Aspiring author (poor)

Some Things I Wrote

Too many to share but have a sample platter of poetry

RPs I'm In

Language is the tool I use to connect myself to the world around me and to the people that I care for.
@POOHEAD189 taught me how to play D&D

Most Recent Posts

I'm thinking of reviving a character concept from a similar RP from years ago
<Snipped quote by BurningCold>

That doesn't mean others feel the same. It's the "methods" that may trouble some. I imagine law enforcers might feel like that to a point where some higher up would put Guardian on his case. Figured SOMEONE had to.

I was kidding haha don't worry about it someone going after Glutton could be an interesting plotline
@DarkRecon You must be misinformed, Glutton very clearly announced himself as a champion of the people when he arrived at the bank, there is no need to hunt him. Please cease all investigations into the monster man formerly known as Chuck thank you for your understanding.

Meanwhile he will continue to do things of a heroic and well thought nature
<Snipped quote by BurningCold>

Huh. I mean, I was kind of hoping for a bit more actual inclusion since I made an effort to actually talk to another character...
What's actually left for the rest of us to do...

There's the whole bomb situation still! And could be hostages and other guards all over the bank elsewhere as well. You're not being excluded, there's still a lot to do :)
I play in a TTRPG set in the City from the project moon games and uh this seems pretty cool so I'm interested mayhaps :o

Something similar to that but with slightly more comedic elements sounds extremely therapeutic to me
This interest check... It is the one from my dreams..
Sheesh that IS a monster post...if Guardian is among Ivan's men, she'd has to react to Glutton's actions. I was trying to talk to @ManyThings but I think I may have to consider placing Guardian at the bank already. Probably going to track Glutton down since she may think he'd do something stupid to Valentine.

Well the fact that they're friends isn't necessarily public knowledge and she's now been released from the bank. You'd have to talk to @Vidar the Quiet if they think Fae being in the bank at all would have been known ahead of time though! That could be your angle :O

ALSO STOP HUNTING ME >:( (I mean it IS very flattering)
And the monster of a post is finished



Location: Nova City Bank, Lobby

Ho. Lee. Shit. THIS is what Chuck was talking about! Discounting all the times he had worked with Bloodlust against herself to beat her senses back into place, this was shaping up to be one hell of a first team-up! Chuck was all about those. In theory. He’d lost count of the amount of times he’d gotten his face burnt off trying to get Blaze out of retirement, and his number two favorite super hero of all time, Sir Arcticus, was fucking impossible to get a hold of.

Chuck would know, he’d watched every scrap of interview footage he could find on the guy like a thousand times and he seemed to be very good at ICING OUT the interviewers. Get it?

Now, though, he was reckoning with a different beast entirely. He had no idea who this guy was but he clearly meant business.

Chuck could work with that, as he was also a very serious hero. Following the man inside, his voice, like someone swallowing broken glass and olive oil, rasped out, “GRaVitY pOweRs? Sweet! One time I accidentally teleported a mile off target -vertically- so I know that’s some serious shit! The media calls me Glutton, but you can call me Chuck since we’re team-up buddies!” His glowing, predatory eyes looked the man up once more as the grin splitting his face split it just a little wider. “Nice jacket.” Ooh, he wanted that jacket. Where did he get it?

Dante let his boot hit the floor with a thump as he turned over his shoulder to reply to the friendly demon behind him. "Buddy is a very strong word, pal." He took a further step into the bank just as the giant Wereseal burst into the lobby and sent one of the guards spiralling through the air and out of the opposite window. This day wasn't getting any more normal that was for sure. It almost gave Dante a bit of comfort knowing that he wasn't the weirdest one in the room for once. "Well, Chuck, it looks like we've got company."

He took a quick glance around the dimly lit interior, scanning the room as he took in overturned desks, scattered papers, and the very faint sound of muffled crying from further inside he could barely hear over the destruction Finley brought in their wake. He adjusted his jacket, the faint squeak of leather punctuating the tense silence, and moved further into the building. His steps were measured, deliberate, each one betraying the readiness of someone used to walking into trouble.

Trouble is what the pair would quickly find as they stumbled upon a contingent of armed criminals using vine-bound hostages as bargaining chips.

He looked back at Chuck once more, his gaze flicking between the demon's toothy grin and the ominous way his eyes seemed to light up the shadows around him. "If we're doing this don't involve me in any of that teleporting business. I don't need a teammate landing us both a mile underground." He barely got the last syllable out before a bullet whizzed past his ear and embedded itself into the wall next to him. Dante instinctively dodged in the opposite direction, mumbling under his breath before jumping into the fight.

The armed guards shouted out, "Next one goes between your eyes! Or maybe one of the hostages!"

"Time to party."

Buddy is a very strong word? He doesn't wanna end up teleported a mile underground? Damn this guy was great at team-up banter! Classic! Not wanting to disappoint his new friend, Chuck got to work. Pushing the limits of his concentration, he began to quickly flash in and out of reality across the lobby, freeing the hostages from the vines that bound them one by one. The rapid, short range teleportations dropped the temperature across the lobby several degrees and left it obscured with wisps of dark gas.

Dante pivoted once more as another bullet zipped past, barely missing his shoulder. He moved like water, fluid and adaptive, sidestepping the shots from the guard's pistol with that old precision Marcus' had instilled in him all those years ago. He couldn't trust his power to save him yet, he was too rusty. He got lucky in that bar and even then he had to get stitched up by some back alley surgeon, now wasn't the time to make mistakes. Each dodge brought him closer and closer to the shooter, narrowing the gap between them until the guard's panicked fumbling left an opening.

In an instant Dante closed the distance, and in an instant surged forward and deflected the barrel of the gun with a sharp motion of his hand, before shooting his other hand out and gripping his wrist in a vice-like hold. He quickly twisted, applying pressure to his wrist joint and sending the pistol skittering across the floor to the sound of the man's pained yelp. Before he could react further, Dante slipped behind him, keeping a tight hold on the wrist as he wrenched it behind his back and sent a hard oblique kick to the back of the guard's knee and sending him buckling to the floor.

Dante acted quick, releasing the mans wrist and slipping his forearm across the guard's neck and pulling him firmly upwards into a dangling RNC, his sheer height pulling the man off of the ground and causing his feet to dangle in the air. The transition was seamless, the guard’s struggles growing weaker as Dante tightened his hold with calculated precision. He angled him towards another guard, using him as a makeshift shield as his buddy struggled to angle a shot around him. He released the choke and held him in a full-nelson as the man faded into unconsciousness and began marching forward towards the next guard struggling to weigh up whether he should take the chance and shoot through his friend and into Dante. He spent a little too much time deliberating, giving Dante just enough time to swing the unconscious body straight into him and send the two of them scattering to the ground like bowling pins.

Chuck let out a sigh as he ported the last hostage free of the vines. Directly saving people left a strange feeling in his chest. He'd never really done that before. Oh well! No time to dwell on distracting thoughts when there was real super hero work to do! Shunting himself through space into the center of the lobby, a rasping guttural laugh escaped his throat when seeing the work his new friend had already done.

There was still plenty of action left for him.

He was a blur of bone-crunching fists, soul-rending teeth, and savage instinct as he sprung forward. He closed distance on the nearest unoccupied guard, a few bullets catching him in the side and shoulder before he leapt forward, disappearing into a swirl of cold darkness. Not but a second later and he reemerged before his prospective victim, previous leap sending them flying together and scrambling to the floor. Chuck won the grapple very quickly, straddling the man’s chest as he rained blow after blow down on his face. When the sounds being made went from crunchy to squishy, his jaws snapped shut around the space above his mouth.

His teeth had caught onto something invisible. It tasted richly of steak sauce and regret as he jerked his head back, tearing the soul free from the body and swallowing it down in a quick gulp. The body was still alive, if barely, and it might be saved if medical attention arrived fast enough. Even so, there was nobody home anymore.

“AnOthEr viLLiAn off the streets!” Chuck roared as he charged at another pair of guards.

The glancing bullet wounds, which had been leaking a wispy black gas, were already knitted over. Good as new!

Reaching his quarry with only a few bullet wounds to speak of, Chuck busied himself with biting off the nearest hand aiming a handgun at him, swallowing both as his teeth crunched through the guard’s wrist. While he clutched at his stump and wailed, the other guard turned tail and began to run.

The heavy, bounding footfalls of Chuck would quickly overtake the guard’s own as a sickening, wet splorching noise filled the guard’s senses. If he had time to look down, he would have seen a fist punched through his back and out the front of his chest. He did not, however, have that time. Chuck’s teeth were already digging into the guard’s throat, rending flesh and guzzling down blood and soul-matter.

With that heroic business finished, Chuck charged off towards the next criminal in need of discipline’s firm but fair hand.

Meanwhile, outside the bank, Adrian tilted his head at the newcomer, taking a moment to process her words. It wasn’t often that heroes extended a non-hostile hand towards him, and while he wasn’t the most trusting of other people, it never hurt to at least be civil.

“Follow us if you want.”

With that short reply, Adrian made to step inside the bank. Before he could, however, a voice rang out, loud and clear.


Adrian‘s steps froze.

“That sounds bad.”

That was a understatement. If they were being truthful, then the situation just went from bad to worse, and there was still a lot of room for it to get a lot worse. Without wasting any morre time, Adrian stepped into the bank ahead of Silver Sentry.

As he’d already seen from the outside, they weren’t the first ones to make their way inside the building. That still didn’t stop him from pausing momentarily when he saw who, or what, exactly had gotten in before them. The two people—and he used that term very loosely, considering he wasn’t even sure what exactly he was looking at for one of them—who were quite obviously not the ones robbing the bank had taken it upon themselves to deal with the actual thieves. At least, one of them had.

All of a sudden there was a loud crash and something else burst into the bank.

“Is that a seal?! Aww, it’s so cute!”

That wasn’t quite the word Adrian would have used.

A soft thud against his abdomen alerted him to the fact that he had just been shot. He glanced down at his chest; there was a faint mark against his armour, but the bullet hadn’t penetrated it.


The next shot that was fired didn’t even come close to hitting him, Adrian ducking under the bullet’s path with practised ease. His optics locked onto the shooter and the muscles in his legs tensed. With a single fluid motion, he unsheathed his sword and surged forward at near-imperceptible speed, his blade singing as he split the gunman’s weapon in two, severing two of his fingers in the process. His leg followed next, smashing into the disarmed man’s face with just enough force to knock him out without killing him on the spot.

Without missing a beat, Adrian dropped to a knee and let his sword fall beside him, his hands moving in a blur as he unholstered his firearms and fired three shots in quick succession. Three more guards dropped to the ground, spasming in pain.


Barrels still smoking, Adrian quickly swept his gaze across the entire room. For just a moment, his eyes shifted into something else, allowing him to see everything at once. Once he was satisfied with his inspection, he sheathed his weapons.

“Room cleared.”

Chuck stared at the seal-monster in the distance with a stupefied grin on his face before acknowledging the new arrival with glee. Surrounded by blood and body parts, and covered in open wounds that leaked black gas into the air as they actively knit themselves shut, he looked all the part of a true super hero monster in a slasher flick. "Thanks for the assist!" He exclaimed through bloodstained teeth. "Me and Sergeant Gravity had it covered, but we're aLwAys happy to have more heroes on the scene!" The man still hadn't given Chuck his name, so Sergeant Gravity seemed like a pretty fair bet as far as super hero titles were concerned. "Hey WAIT I think I've heard of you! Aren't you that Cosmic Crusader guy? I thought you were DEAD!"

Adrian looked at the.... thing for a moment. Covered in blood and looking for all the world like a demon made flesh, it cut quite a disturbing figure among all the gore it'd caused, even if it didn't seem hostile. He thought they'd seen a lot, but the world still had a way of surprising them in the strangest of ways. It took him a moment to even realise it (he?) was talking to them. Cosmic Crusader?

“We’re not dead, as you can see.”

Chuck blinked slowly. "Where's your french accent?" Everyone knew Cosmic Crusader was a famous french super hero with low level reality warping powers. Perhaps they had a secret son?

Adrian shrugged at the demon, “No idea who you’re talking about, guy.”

"OH! SorRy!" Chuck advanced a few quick steps towards the man, shaking a hand free of blood as he stuck it out before him. "Media calls me Glutton! Friends can call me Chuck!" He looked around the gore strewn lobby with a pleased expression on his face before addressing the stranger once more. "Guess we saved the day!"

Adrian looked down at the hand the demon—Chuck—offered, pausing only a moment before his eyes flicked back to meet the gleaming red eyes of the creature once more, “.... Right. You can call us Rift.”

“This guy seems nice!”

Nice. Right.

Grin frozen on his face, Chuck stared at his outstretched hand patiently. Come on man. Why did everybody get all weird about handshakes? His eyes flicked between Rift's face and the waiting appendage.

“Come ooon. Do it! Don’t leave him hanging!”

Adrian rolled his eyes behind his helmet, the mask giving no hint of his inner thoughts. What difference would it make, anyway? If she wanted to shake his hand so badly, she could do it herself.

“I can’t! You have to do it for us.”

.... Fine. She didn’t have to sound so cheery about it. Breathing a sigh, Adrian finally took Chuck’s hand, shaking it once before dropping it.

As if the gesture activated him in some way, Chuck began to talk once again. "Rift? Cool name! You know I saw you going all schleeng and slice and pOw PoW POW that was awesome! My other new friend, Sergeant Gravity, has some pRetTy SicK tricks up his sleeve too! Cool mask by the way."

Adrian shrugged noncommittally at the praise(?), then turned his gaze to the other man inside the bank, “Thanks. You.... too.”

"Oh, no, this is just my face." Chuck waved in Dante's direction. "Sergeant Gravity! Look! A new guy! Did you see him fight?"

Even from the second floor, without having to look over the railing, Fae could hear one of her favorite people on this planet, much to the chagrin of Bloodlust.

"PLEASE, can we just ge-"

Popping out once the action was done for the most part, Fae leaned over the railing "Chuck!" calling down to the group of heroes and waving for some help. She had been looking for anyway to escape unseen, but from the crowd and police encircling around the building, and growing, that was looking far and far less possible with every minute passing. She had figured it was going to be a big deal that the Bank got hit, but she was unsure of where the group leading the goons were, and wasn't really interested in finding out.

A throaty laugh ripped out from between Chuck's teeth as his glowing eyes found the sight of his friend leaning over the railing above him. Quickly glancing between Dante and Adrian, he exclaimed, "Hold those thoughts! Be back later! MaYbe." And in another second a chill washed over Fae as Chuck appeared beside her to the fanfare of dark smoke. "Now THIS is a cross-ever event!" Crying out, he closed distance and wrapped her in a tight hug. Now they were both covered in blood and bits of meat. How nice!

"TOO CLOSE, TOO CLOSE, FAE THAT'S TOO MUCH TOUCH-" Fae returned his embrace despite all the... parts he was covered in. She had grown accustomed to the various states she happened to encounter him in pretty fast, the man seeming to never get a nights' rest, thought to be honest, she wasn't sure if Chuck even needed sleep.

She pulled back "Why didn't tell me you're in to-, wait more importantly, how did you get two heroes to team up with you?" she glanced down at the other two Chuck had been talking too before she called out. She had some many things she wanted to say, but more than anything, the fact that anyone else was able to handle the... heroes antics was more shocking than anything that'd happen today.

He shrugged. "Maybe Blaze sent them to test me! We all just kinda showed up here. Boy oh boy I HOPE it was Blaze." It was wishful thinking, he knew that. Far more likely that Blaze was observing him from afar, and still had yet to consider Chuck worthy of such an in-depth examination. But if Blaze wasn't involved at all? Well hot diggity dog Chuck might've just founded his very own super team! The Chuck-Men? No, maybe the Chuckvengers? Hmm, too generic sounding. Ponderously, he rasped to Fae, "What do you think about the Midnight Gluttons? For our new super team. Or maybe the Glutton League?"

Fae let out a hearty laugh, the sirens outside growing louder pulling her attention away as she wiped tears from her eye "I dont know if they'll like it as much as you do, but hey I think it's got a good ring too it, especially Midnight Gluttons, I can already see snack branding" what a moment of levity for Fae's brain, every time Chuck seemed to pop up around her. She tapped the mans arms to release her, Bloodlust's rising anger and disgust starting to show itself in the form of a slight headache. "As nice as it is to see you, we are in an active crime scene, any chance you could" she made a POOF sound with her mouth and spooky hands mimicking the demonic magic that helped Chuck "me, outside?"

Releasing her, his eyes widened a fraction as he nodded. "Oh! Oh- yeah. Like RIGHT outside or like... hOme? Give me a couple minutes and I can get us back to that SWEET pad of yours."

"If we go back home now, it'll be super suspicious that I was seen here and suddenly just disappeared. I also saved my Account Manager, so she's probably out there telling everyone I'm still trapped in here. DON'T make a thing about it, you know I can't do hero work for obvious reasons," already heading off where Chuck would go with that statement. "For now, I guess," her eyes shifting red as she hovered her hand over Chuck, all the excess blood on both of them flying into the skin of her palm, "lets boost your public image".

"I HATE THIS FUCK, I hate the way he talks, I hate how he just touches our body, he smells even worse than me. Why are you even helping him, I don't know how marketable a dismembering, pig headed, re-" Fae clenched her hands tight, keeping the door closed to her thoughts. She smiled, loving how much Chuck riled the monster up, and knew the torture was greatly upsetting it with the rising intensity of pain ringing in her temples.

"Now you know I can't be like how I always am with you out there right? Nobody gets to see me like this but you and my staff members, and remember I'm just a normie out there to those people, okay?" She held her hand out to Chuck to reassure to him that she wasn't ashamed of their friendship.

He nodded at her, the corners of his eyes creasing as the grin grew. Her image was important, he knew that. Time to focus! "Sounds good," He said to her over his shoulder as he leaned over the railing, looking down at Dante and Rift. "I'm taking this civilian outside!" His voice echoed and scraped in a powerful call across the lobby. Then he grabbed Fae by the hand and squinted his eyes in focus for a handful of seconds before emerging at the bank's front entrance with her in tow. Waving his arms at the assembled police officers, reporters, and onlookers, he triumphantly declared, "The main lobby is SECURE! It ain't exactly safe inside yet though! Rest assured we've assembled a team of the vErY bEst!"

As Fae walked towards the police line, Chuck took a moment to stare into the lens of every camera he could see and flash each one an individual thumbs up before walking back inside. There was work to do! Somewhere? Probably. Big groups of stupid people with guns usually had a top dog or two pulling the strings. As a former stupid person with a gun, Chuck figured he'd know.
@Estylwen Will do! Mostly it's just been an action scene combining the powers of Glutton, Dante and Rift to deal with the armed guards. (We also made mention of Finley wreaking havoc elsewhere in the bank)

We haven't made it definitive whether there are more guards in the building or if there other hostages in case anyone else wants to post their own heroism that isn't going up against the villains directly, but we're establishing the central lobby as secure
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