Avatar of BurningCold


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current Went from 0 RPs to 4 in the span of 3 weeks. Nice.
2 mos ago
This just in: FINALLY fixed my bio up.



I like telling engaging stories with cool people :)

Collaboration and teamwork are very important to me when telling a story- I could write any genre as long as the group dynamic is healthy.

If you're chill and understand grammar we'll probably get along!


  • 22
  • Male
  • Filthy American
  • I like video games
  • Comics and novels
  • TTRPGs (mainly D&D and Fate but I'll try anything)
  • The natural world (especially the ocean)
  • Poetry
  • Aspiring author (poor)

Some Things I Wrote

Too many to share but have a sample platter of poetry

RPs I'm In

Language is the tool I use to connect myself to the world around me and to the people that I care for.
@POOHEAD189 taught me how to play D&D

Most Recent Posts

Lots of things going on here. Not sure where to place Guardian here.

One thought was that she was assigned to catch Glutton, working that case, so she'd be at the last "crime scene" he caused where @ManyThings Sir Articus is. Thus possibly getting him involved a bit since she might decide to drive him there (standard police cruiser).

But considering the higher priority, she also might be already among @Scarifar Ivan's men already inside. With her pink body suit's inviz, she could either get the drop on one or more of the criminals trying to "talk" though that most likely will end badly since there's more than one target. Her powers could help in some way but those plant vines around the hostages themselves pose a problem.

Or get past them to the next floor to back up @Rhona WSilver Sentry. Her Meta Hack will most likely disable the bomb problem there but perhaps see some weird "purple strings" popping out of think air disabling the bomb will most likely...anger the bad guys since they're most likely smart enough to know a "stealth" power or tech.

Still, need to figure out what to do here so...any ideas?

Several of us are working on a collab that deals with the hostages and the criminals in the lobby. Just so you and everyone else knows!
A dirty bomb, you say? Looks like a situation where someone who could control EM radiation would come in handy. If only there were someone like that in the vicinity....

You deal with the bomb, and I'll eat the hostages do my part in the lobby
<Snipped quote by BurningCold>

Hmmmm I wonder if anyone could heal it. Like water and healing abilities tend to go together in fiction.

Lol maybe? I'm not sure if that's too out of the scope or not. I mean even in Avatar only special healing water blessed by spirits would have healed Zuko's eye, and as we saw when Katara eventually used it on Aang, it didn't heal his scars at all.
Kalowick of Green Paths

Interaction(s): Everyone Location: Olenta's Throne Room

Kalowick considered the others in the room thoughtfully. He was pleased to see Ame's resolute commitment to their cause, even if something about her attitude made his eyes narrow by half a measure. It's not that he felt cause to mistrust her, but still, something there deserved questioning. Perhaps she was simply nervous, or feeling out of place. If that was the case, he’d be happy to discuss the matter with her over a cup of soothing fungal tea.

As for Astlo- the man was brilliant and wise beyond his years, and a good friend, but Kalowick felt the doubt he voiced to be unnecessary. Valid as the concerns may be, they were oathbound to pursue any rumor, and hearsay, no matter how scant the chance was. There was simply no room in Kalowick’s heart for anything but utter certainty. Whether this rumor or the next, or the thousandth one after that, the heir would be safely found.

As he ruminated, Leia added her own thoughts to the mix of concerns and declarations being made. It gladdened his heart to see her here alongside Astlo. It seemed that even on the road the three of them would not miss their monthly tea appointment. He allowed himself a private smile at the thought. Leilana Suldevi was there on the fateful day that Kalowick’s entire life became uprooted, and it was thanks to her that something powerful and profound grew in the place his old self once stood.

He long struggled with memories of that horrid affair. During some nights, entrapped by sleep, he still does.

That was the first time Kalowick executed a traitor to the bloodline. Many followed in the days and years to come.

Fingers shifting, tightening their grip around his staff, he took a small breath and quieted his mind. Humming the songs of his people in his mind, soon his thoughts were once again full of light and calmness.

“There is no doubt imaginable that would cause me to renege on my oaths,” He stated with firm purpose. “Nor, I suspect, the oaths of the fine servants of the throne beside me. And besides,” He added, his tone lightening from undergrowth rumbling to rustling branches. “The petals upon my staff do not lie. We will find the heir before our task is done.” He surveyed each member of the newfound fellowship beside him in turn. Vincent was strong, and brave, with deep loyalty and impressive combat intelligence. Leia was experienced, with a breadth of capabilities and fearsome with her magic and blade. Astlo was a master of the arcane arts, capable of fulfilling many roles and inspiring others.

His solitary eye turned to Ame, and he flashed her a small smile.

The Champion-Apparent was thrust into an unfair situation, being here at all. The sudden loss of her sister, the even more drastic elevation of her previous station, and the heaps of undesired responsibilities suddenly thrust upon her. Many saw her elusive behavior and the apparently unearned status of her position. Kalowick liked to think he saw beyond that. She was here, and in the Alverian College she found a way to make some kind of peace with her own desires and with that of her burdens; a way to grow her talents and make her stay in Alveria somewhat more tolerable. Maybe she didn't want to be here.

Yet here she was.

Staring into her eyes for a moment, he eventually gave her a slight nod before turning his gaze once more upon the group as a whole.

"I have complete faith in each and every one of us. When do we depart?"
Wake the fuck up samurai we have yokai to slay
<Snipped quote by BurningCold>

LOL Think of these banners as a school photoshoot. Some hotshot photographer from an acclaimed magazine or whatever came to the school wanting to take photos of some of the students as part of some promotional material to humanize the perception of Primalists to the general public. Look at these totally normal students. They're just like you and me, blah blah blah. Theme, brick wall. LOL So they asked each student to pose in front of a brick wall and of course, this photographer knows how to capture the best version of you with really good lighting and perhaps a little photoshop and airbrushing pre-publication. LOL That's how I pictured it in my head anyways. This is what Marko looks like when a professional takes his photo. XD!

Mainly I was referring to the fact that the AI gives him two functioning eyes lol
I am already in quite a few RPs but I might have room for one or two more! This seems very cool
I am still keeping my eye on this for the record! I'm working on a character but was planning to take some cues from others before posting mine.
Figured I'd make some character banners people can put at the top of their posts. I like to use them, as it helps with immersion, but feel free to use it if you want, or not. LOL It was fun making them either way, so no biggie if its not your thing. Some are not as accurate as I'd like because Midjourney can be a bit of a prick. Some reference images work better for MJ than others. Cheers! 🐸

These are cool! Marko wishes he looked like that though lmfao

Will You Sign My Slowking?

Location: Pier Interaction(s): @Crimson Flame,@Yankee

Auggie stared at the apparently famous actor with an airy smile on his face. He didn’t really watch a lot of live action stuff. When André called out his choice of apparel, he said, “Uh… Yeah! Thanks. My mom gave them to me as a birthday present last year. She sewed them herse-” But the man had already shifted his attention to the others. Looking down at the mismatched pink and blue sneakers he wore, he wondered vaguely if he had just been made fun of. Probably, he thought, as his shoulders rose and fell in a slow shrug. Wouldn’t be the first time, wouldn’t be the last. So it goes, eh?

He watched passively for a few moments as what was initially a group interaction began to break up into smaller conversations, slowly finishing the rest of his poffin. André seemed to be, what was it called, schmoozing? Yeah, schmoozing towards Sophfey and one of the champions, who was apparently called Syl. Meanwhile the only guy yet to introduce himself was talking about some kind of Pokémon tactic or other with the guy with cool glasses. He said his name was Bat, which Auggie found to be sort of funny. It reminded him of zubats, but zubats were blind and wouldn’t ever need to wear glasses. He supposed they were still allowed to though.

There was also someone in a blue coat that Auggie recognized from a reaction gif that was made of him riding a gyarados towards some island. He lacked any and all context beyond that point but yeah, still pretty cool. Maybe he was some sort of water Pokémon trainer?

And there was that moody girl, still standing off to the side. Unconsciously, he found himself smiling softly at her with sympathy in his eyes before turning his focus elsewhere.

Softly, the breeze tousled his hair about and he briefly closed his eyes, taking in the dual sensations of warm sun and cool wind. He needed to take these moments when he found them.

Back to reality, he surveyed the pier once more with a dreamier tinge to his eyes.

All righty. You get one chance at making a good impression on Sophfey. Should be easy. He’d been watching her channel since before it blew up. Just be normal. Not too normal though! She liked normal types but they weren’t exactly her favorite either. And then he was walking over, a vaguely clueless expression on his face as his hand curled around a random pokéball in his pocket. Reaching her, he withdrew a premier ball and sighed with relief. Anything but the luxury ball would have been fine.

“Uh, hey,” He said in an even tone. He wasn’t nervous to talk to her. He just didn’t want to mess it up. “I’ve been a big fan of SuperSophfey for the longest time now. I, ah, it’s cool to meet the person behind the channel. I actually have a RotomTube channel too. AuggieInvestigates, same as my blog.” He cleared his throat, running a hand through his silvery hair. “Uh, check this out.” He clicked the release on the premier ball, his slowking materializing before them. “I saw you noticing my rotom earlier. Well, this guy isn’t a rare color but he can do something else, isn’t that right, my good sir?” Auggie gently reached up to pat the six foot tall slowking on the shoulder.

“Ein… stein?”

"Once more, with confidence my man! You're not just smart for a Pokémon, you're smart, period! Show SuperSophfey what you've got!"

The calm, vacant look in Einstein's eyes was quickly replaced with deep focus as it puffed its chest out with pride. It wasn't just some slowking! It was...


"YES!" Flashing jazz hands at Sophie, Auggie exclaimed, “See! He says his name!” He cleared his throat again. “Maybe we can get to know each other’s Pokémon more on this trip?” At Auggie's side, Einstein beamed with pride.

Nailed it.
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