Avatar of BurningCold


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Current Went from 0 RPs to 4 in the span of 3 weeks. Nice.
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I like telling engaging stories with cool people :)

Collaboration and teamwork are very important to me when telling a story- I could write any genre as long as the group dynamic is healthy.

If you're chill and understand grammar we'll probably get along!


  • 22
  • Male
  • Filthy American
  • I like video games
  • Comics and novels
  • TTRPGs (mainly D&D and Fate but I'll try anything)
  • The natural world (especially the ocean)
  • Poetry
  • Aspiring author (poor)

Some Things I Wrote

Too many to share but have a sample platter of poetry

RPs I'm In

Language is the tool I use to connect myself to the world around me and to the people that I care for.
@POOHEAD189 taught me how to play D&D

Most Recent Posts

It's Ele-Marty, My Dear Barbatos' Son

Location: Saniwa Family Estate

Marty maintained a gruff expression as he and his team combed through the house. Well, it was Armand’s team if you wanted to get technical, but, look- the guy was likely to keel over from a heart attack or suffer a manic break at any moment. Look at him. Point being, someone else was gonna be chief eventually, right? And that someone was Marty. You know, maybe. Probably. Just needed to earn this poor fucker’s respect before he turned into worm chow or retired. That should be easy though. He’d stuck to this job like a fly to shit for the past three years and if he knew anything, it was that excellence beat experience every time.

This whole Section was full of unrepentant criminals and lazy jackasses anyways. Marty actually wanted to be here. He was the son of the Beelzebub. No freaking yahweh was he gonna pass up the opportunity in front of him.

So to say Marty was on his A-game would be a disgusting understatement and you should feel bad for suggesting it. This was a AAA+ kind of game at the very least. A cursory glance suggested the markings outside the house were a product of sport or play. Not relevant to the yuck house of horrors inside.

And fuckity-fuck it was nasty.

See, that’s where the gruff expression came in. Maintain a look of carefully calculated and manly indifference with just a dash of soulful longing and nobody would know how completely skeeved out he was feeling in this place. In reality, he just looked vaguely constipated or perhaps as though he was suffering from a migraine. Moving through the house with his maybe needing-to-shit or maybe needing-an-ibuprofen expression, it was interesting to note that while most of the victims were piles of organic waste scattered throughout the absolute warzone the interior of the estate had apparently become, several corpses were “intact.”

Intact insofar as their bodies were largely in one piece, minus the heads, which had kindly made way for tasteful assortments of a semi-popular garden flower called the lantana. That was… sort of nice. If you ignored the everything else, anyways.

As the group came to a stop, Marty reached into his pockets, pulling out a comb as another hand flicked open the lid on a small mirror. He combed his antennae carefully as he took mental stock of the nasty, nasty nonsense this case was becoming.

Lotta dead scumbags turned into goop.

Some dead scumbags merely turned into plant pots.

All the plant-pot-people were found either hiding or fleeing. Most weren’t even armed, and the ones that were either never fired their weapons or never drew them to begin with.

And there was something else, something curious that Marty had picked up on from the drop. No animals, anywhere inside the estate. No hungry rats, no curious cats, no trails of ants or even a single stray mite. Nothing. He was the only fly in the ointment, as it were. Which didn’t make much sense. This place was a shithole, and he couldn’t imagine cleanliness was very important to these losers before they bit it either.

He wasn’t very sure what to do with that last piece of information, but it definitely held relevance.

“Well,” Marty began, his voice warbling from out his proboscis-like mouth with a buzzing undertone. He continued to comb himself in the mirror. “It looks to me like if you were brave, you got turned into head cheese, and if you weren’t, you got turned into a head flower instead.” He snapped the mirror shut as he moved to the center of the room, his head completely still as his compound eyes looked at everyone around him simultaneously. “All of our fragrant friends were either trying to hide or trying to run. None of their weapons were drawn, or if they were, they didn’t have the guts to use them before they each got the uh, big idea.”

He was starting to feel conscious of people’s attention on him as he let out a throaty buzzing noise that passed for a cough. “Fear is the mind killer, or something like that. Maybe literally. What we don’t know is whether the flowering was a side effect of something the victims were feeling in the perp’s presence, or if it was something that was done to them intentionally, and something about their fragile states of mind made them vulnerable to it.”

Holy shit- was he on a roll right now? It kinda felt like that. Suck it Barbatos.

Marty continued, trying to quash the nervous tremor that was creeping into his hair bristles. “What’s also incredibly weird is that we’re the only living things in this whole place- and let me finish.” Kittyan wouldn’t be able to tell, but he was paying him special attention as he said that. “There aren’t any animals here. No scavengers, big or small. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I could tell pretty much right away that this place wasn’t winning any awards in the cleanliness department. So, uh, I don’t really know what that means,” His shoulders shrugged emphatically. “But you’d expect some bugs at the least to be getting in on the all you can eat sausage buffet out there.”

He flashed four finger guns at Armand. “Am I on fire or what? Anyone else got something?” He peered at Barbatos as his voice took on a reedy, suspicious tone. "Any contradictory theories to share? Hm?" Fucking guy. Thought he was so cool. Well. It was the Marty show now! Eat it.

Tsukiyama Fujino, Leader of the Kurotori played by Vidar the Quiet
Michiko Orinatsu, Digital Wraith played by Vidar the Quiet
Ren Fujino, Nightmare of the Kurotori played by BurningCold
Akane, Raijin Shogun played by Sadu
Jackie Shkaev, Frost played by vietmyke
Kaito Fujimoto, Mumeiki played by Archazen
Shoshiku, First Trial played by TheMushroomLord
Enrique Hernandez, Juggernaut played by Fiber
@TheMushroomLord Looks good to me! You have approval 1. Once Vidar weighs in and has no issues you can post them up in the characters tab in the actual RP page.


Location: Imperial City Prisons

Veeza watched with mild interest as the Orsimer priest instructed one of the guards how to care for his newly attached finger. The man seemed to know his stuff; Veeza’d seen his fair share of severed digits reattached after mishaps in Kvatch’s arena. Fortunately for himself, no such injuries were sustained in the previous brawl. No, it would be more accurate to say that he had caused far more damage than he received. Every bit of it was justified too.

When all the violence and stupidity broke out, Veeza had done his very best to keep himself to himself. He sat there at the corner of the bar as all the boasting and posturing gave rise to conflict, slowly nursing his glass of Surilie’s and enjoying the feeling of a warm meal in his stomach after a fight well won. He’d smashed enough faces in today. He wasn’t in the mood. So he sat there, and he drank, and he ignored the growing chaos behind him until some moron tried to drag him out of his stool.

Then he bashed that same stool over the moron’s head. Which his friends didn’t like.

Regrettably, their cycle of vengeance was much more like a straight line that ended in Veeza’s fist and occasionally his tail. He’s pretty sure he collapsed a Khajiit’s windpipe when the guards barged in and put an end to the whole mess.

Veeza wasn’t entirely convinced that he belonged in this cell, but he had to admit that the fight ended up being a little fun.

Beside him, a Redguard woman, barely more than a girl really, occasionally threw a questioning comment his way. He tried to take up as little space as possible for her sake, seated between two titanic Argonians as she was. Azura willing, the poor girl wouldn’t end up suffocated. With the amount of rabble getting stuffed into this cell, it was becoming a real possibility.

So he tried to answer her questions calmly and politely as his gaze surveyed the others in the cell. The yammering Bosmer woman -at least Veeza was reasonably confident, although they could be a man- caught the bulk of his attention as a young Breton fellow tried to rally those near him into finding a way to pass the time. The panicked movements of the squat, tattoo covered Mer were infinitely more curious to Veeza than any game of cards, however. Was she alright? She certainly seemed a stranger to these lands at the least. From what Veeza knew of the culture of Valenwood, it could be vastly different from that of Cyrodilic tradition. The sound of clanging metal stole him from his musings when a massive Khajiit tore a prison door off its hinges and sent the guards into momentary chaos.

A Cathay-raht? Here?

Not only here in this prison, but soon to be here in the very same cell as the guards ushered him closer.

“Stendarr… Give me a break.” His voice scraped from his throat in a quiet whisper.

The disgruntled prayer, to Veeza’s chagrin, went unanswered as the oversized creature loped into the cell and gave an introduction. At least he seemed docile after getting what he wanted. Veeza wasn’t looking forward to the prospect of having to try his luck against a titan like that without his equipment. Although it would be an invigorating match, to be certain. Perhaps once they were released from this pit he could set up a bout with the Khajiit in the arena, or at least test his skills against the larger beastfolk in a friendly spar.

The blithering of the possibly insane Bosmer continued as she made a great deal of proclamations at the Cathay-raht, apparently named Kiffar, who didn’t seem to have the capacity or care to comprehend the confusing assertions being made of him. He knew better than to judge people by their eccentricities, yet couldn't quite scratch away the feeling that there were quieter cells he could be stuck in. His tail flicked from side to side in restless irritation behind him where he sat.

He let out a low, rasping sigh.

This was not worth five-hundred septims.

Next time one of the guards tried to shove another drunk, vagrant or buffoon in here, Veeza vowed to drag that guard in with them.


Location: Dorm Building Exterior, Merryweather Institute Interaction(s):@Chrys

At the sounding of the intercom, the gradual flow of students from the dorm building became something more like a torrent. Nestling himself firmly against the wall, Marko tried to make his substantial physique as small as possible. He just... needed a minute. Nursing his cigarette like it was his only friend in the world (it was), he took deep, even breaths with the smoke. In and out. Don't worry about the curious stares and the grimaces that often followed. Don't worry about your fingers not moving the way they used to, or not being able to stretch without making your arm tear its scars open in seven different spots. Don't worry about depth perception. Just you and the cigarette.


Hearts pump dust
through petrified veins
while stale air wheezes from our lungs;
one long heaving sigh
gently rattling the bonecage
as it escapes from between mummified lips
and out into the baleful yellow sky.

Dust gathers over our desiccated forms:
paper-thin skin-as-parchment stretched over
hollow skeletons: brittle, sallow creatures
clinging stubbornly to a concept
we have long since lost the capacity
to comprehend.

Gradually, he was able to turn himself over to carcinogenic absolution, and strife gave way to the far more preferable non-sensation of numbness.

"And here was me thinking that was against the rules."

The stub of the cigarette found itself hitting the back of Marko's throat as he sucked in a surprised breath, and quickly doubled over, retching. Who the hell? Hands on his knees, he stood there, retching the taste from his mouth as the stranger watched him. This is unfortunate. The plan was to avoid making an ass out of myself. Scolding himself, Marko finally felt able enough to speak, peering up at the girl through his good eye. "And I think... that you are very purple." What? Kill yourself now. Good Christ. He coughed, more from awkwardness this time than anything else. "Uhm. Well. Yes, cigarettes are against the rules." His lips pressed together into something that wasn't quite a smile. "My choice of vice was either smoking or narcissism. So." You're not funny. Stop trying to make jokes. They aren't funny. Is the punchline that you're a burn victim and therefore not attractive enough to be a narcissist?

Briefly, an expression flashed across Marko's face akin to that of a rat dropped into a cage with a snake, before dropping back into stilted neutrality. He raised his gloved hand skyward towards the student. "I'm Marko. Please don't tell anyone about the cigarettes." His voice rung out in hollow, tired notes. An instrument out of tune with itself, and possibly missing a few strings entirely.

As you can see I tend to play very different characters these days hahhaha

Also if anyone wants to establish character relations let me know here or on Discord!
As for your connections, tell me how comfortable you are with me controlling/making stuff up regarding them. Keep in mind, the more input/control you want for them, the more questions I'm going to ask you. If you have plot ideas (which would probably more come up when the IC is up), send those to me too.

Feel free to do anything you want with Marty's father or any of his siblings- he hasn't even met most of them anyways
@Sadu Absolutely! discord.gg/6DN4u9zGJR feel free to join the discord and chat about your character concept. Vidar should have the OOC up soon enough as well
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