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Current I'm so tired of this cold weather. I can't wait for the warmer months to come by.
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4 more hours until I'm out of work. Closing shifts are suffering.
18 days ago
The new Captain America movie is definitely flawed, but it wasn't trash cinema IMO.
26 days ago
Oh, yeah. I forgot it's Wednesday. Time to go watch the trailer.
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Cleaning out PMs and other test threads. It's amazing how much junk you can easily accumulate over time.


twenty-five x central standard time x open for roleplays

[ ] C U R R E N T R O L E P L A Y P R O J E C T S

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In Primality 7 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Ti Sorry to see you go. Just so you're aware, I'll have John become a NPC since he's already established in the RP.

@Scribe of Thoth@sovlereign@Aeolian@AWildSquirtle are all the remaining people I'm waiting on. That being said, for Reign and Squirtle, I'm going to presume they're no longer interested since they haven't logged in for weeks + left/are not in the Discord.
In Primality 7 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
This is a check-in post.

The roleplay is still active and alive, of course. But we've had some clear drops/ghosts and some people whose status is ambiguous in regards to this roleplay. So, if you're still here, please reply to this message below. I want to see if I need/want to bring more people into the fold to make up the numbers since I'll be working the inactives into NPCs if they don't show up and I don't want the roleplay to stall for posts if a chunk of the cast becomes NPCs.
In Hi! 10 days ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome to the guild, @Helena Strong.

Location: Ocean Pier -> Yacht
Timeframe: Morning

Interaction(s): Everyone
Previously: Click Here

Vitesse felt annoyed by her fellow attendees' interest over her Mantine. The excitement she would've once felt at such a challenge—to prove her own prowess against the man's Salamence—had long since dissipated. It reminded her of her fans; those who only showed interest in her skills and not her as a person.

The Machamp meanwhile ate the offered puff treat with eagerness, replying with a upbeat "Machamp!" as a thank you. It then reached downwards with each of its four arms, and picked up what luggage that the guests hadn't already brought aboard the ship. Despite the weight of the luggage, the Pokémon made light work of it as the luggage was carried up the ramp that linked the luxury yacht to the pier, almost as if it was making a show of its strength for the captain's guests.

"I'll try," Vitesse responded to André, shrugging her shoulders with indifference as the captain finished checking off his list. Sliding her hands into the pockets of her hoodie, she proceeded to follow him and his Machamp on board.

As she stepped on the yacht, Vitesse looked around the boat and took it all in. As expected, the ship was top-of-the-line, perfectly suitable for a group of rich, famous types. Fanciful, expensive furniture, made from the finest Pokémon-friendly materials available, decorated the yacht. There was even a sizeable bottle of Shuckle Juice, chilled in a ice bath, along with a helping of Tropius bananas, Lentali fluffruit and other such snacks for the guests to enjoy. Clearly, the Pokétopia Foundation pulled out all the stops to make the ride as enjoyable as they possibly could for their star attendees.

Yet for Vitesse, once you've seen all the stops pulled before, you've seen it all. One too many trips to Hotel Ionia, and all the excitement and magic doesn't seem as impressive as it once did.

"The guest rooms are down below." The captain announced the group, while the Machamp took a flight of stairs to the ship's quarters. "My partner will ensure your belongings are delivered to your quarters, so feel free to make yourself at home with our amenities. I'll be upstairs in the bridge if any of you need anything."

With that, the captain disappeared up top, leaving the group to do as they pleased.

Taking the lead, Vitesse was among the first to move from the crowd, and over to where the assorted snack trays had been delicately placed. She grabbed two of the fluffruit from the tray, and began to head back outside onto the yacht's deck.

"I'll be outside," Vitesse explained to no one in particular. She hadn't a strong urge to hang with any of her fellow attendees, nor take in all the fanciful offerings laid out for them to partake in. "I guess."
@Driving Park you can change your name yourself in your profile settings.
Tried giving Overwatch a try again with all the new updates they're adding to the game in an attempt to regain their player back from Rivals. Not a fan of the perk system after a few rounds, and besides if I wanted to play Paladins I'd go play Paladins. Probably just going to stick with Rivals in the long haul since I'm having more fun with MR than this last ditch attempt to save OW.

It's a shame, honestly. I love the world/art/characters/etc. of Overwatch, but the game just sucks now.
I agree that you should be assuming your fellow writers should be/are doing their best. However, it doesn't free you or anyone else from criticism (preferably constructive criticism). You and others are obviously entitled to your own opinions, which may or may not be positive in regards to the character/writing/etc. You may think something is dark, but another person might think it is just edgy. Killing an innocent witness, as mentioned in your example, could easily be taken as a "haha, look how evil my character is", hence the fine line I had spoke in my previous reply. Describing your character as an "asshole murder hobo" probably isn't helping your cause as well, given the context of the terminology used.
The actual issue is people saying they're up for something "dark" and then being suddenly taken aback when my character does something terrible (but in-character, like a mercenary assassin killing an innocent witness) or engages with mature themes like abuse and/or trauma. If you don't want that, sure, I won't force anything on you, but don't TELL me I can bring my asshole murder hobo in need of second chances to grow away from her past if you aren't actually willing to go there.

I think the main reason or complaint for this is that there is a fine line between "dark" and just "plain edgy" in regards to characters/storylines like this. People may see you teetering to the latter.
In Primality 16 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

i told you to stop spying
Location: Wolkwitz Auditorium, Merryweather Institute

"I don't think it'll be long. They probably just want to welcome us to the school."

Following the now-swarming crowd, Sarah continued to lead Elena, taking a staircase down to the bottom floor. She made no move to use the railing, her uncertainty and fear rising once again. Static was one thing, but the thought of a human barbeque was another. Metal was a strong conductor of electricity. Holding the railing, Sarah feared, without the slightest thought of how to control her powers, was sure to give everyone a good zap—or worse.

Not wanting to make a scene, however, Sarah continued her hastily hurry out of the building. She hoped Elena might brush it off; that she just didn't want to be late... and wasn't stuck on the thought of frying people to a crisp.

"If I remember correctly," Sarah began to explain, turning to Elena. Better to keep acting the part if she wanted Elena to think so. "The Wolkwitz auditorium should be right across this courtyard."

Taking the lead once more, Sarah walked across the stone-brick pathway, and towards the large auditorium building. As they entered, she immediately looked around the auditorium in a search for seats for herself and her roommate. Even though they had arrived early to the auditorium, it was clear that the building had been filling up fast with attendees. Finding their seats as soon as possible would help them stay out of the stampede of students that were now charging into the auditorium.

That's when Sarah spotted them—a purple-haired girl, legs propped up on the seats in front, and a towering giant, whose face appeared marked with scars. It seems she might've had more in common with her fellow students here than she originally thought.

"Do you mind if we sit with you?" Sarah politely asked, motioning to the empty seats beside the two of them.
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