Avatar of Chronic


Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Current I’ll get my magnificent flamethrower so we can go hunt the shit out of this man
1 like
5 mos ago
I’m fucking dying m.youtube.com/watch?v=dttfe… Pun intended because I needed to lighten the mood
5 mos ago
The more you weigh, the harder you are to kidnap. Stay safe. Eat cake.
5 mos ago
Theoretically you could just hire a hit man to kill both your parents and then inherit their money and their house and buy a bat house and become Batman
1 like
5 mos ago
The HOA literally said that I can’t have two cars when literally everyone in the neighborhood has two cars


I had a one night stand with your mother and now I’m your father and I don’t wanna pay child support

“All you have in comedy, in general, is just going with your instincts. You can only hope that other people think that what you think is funny is funny. I don't have an answer but I just try to plough straight ahead”-Will Ferrell

Also here’s the story of my life:

Me currently:

Also me:

Anyway if you want know stuff about me here’s some thangs: well for one I fuckin love horror rps, mystery, hell I might even be down for a Scooby Doo rp,

2: I love slasher flims and horror games and I LOVE comedy shows and movies.

3: I am 29 years old yeah I know you thought I was like 14, I’m down for role playing with teenagers but not like kid teenagers well it ranges from 16 to fuckin 40 something BUT NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SMUT cuz that shits disgusting I MEAN THIS IS A WEBSITE.

Also if you disrespect my dog Cleo I will come to you house and shit in your cereal and then murder your entire family. But seriously if you talk shit about him I will completely disregard guild rules and make you wish you never came out the womb.

Also I’m very serious about rping but not so serious outside of that

AND I’m a extremely big fan of Smii7Y since he’s the fucking “goat”

Also I’m gay for Rick grimes and Andrew Lincoln BUT STRICTLY STRAIGHT

Anyway that’s all you absolute clowns

Most Recent Posts

Alrighty@Rhona W

I've added this to the first post - but FYI, we now also have a space on Letter Bee's Discord server for discussion of the RP, lore, character creation, and other such things. Please feel free to join us there -

That took longer than I expected but whatever. Also I won’t be able to join the discord since I do not have discord.
<Snipped quote by Chronic>

The picture is fine, thank you for changing it. Sometimes google image results are confusing.

In terms of the modifications, I can see you made some changes and they're pretty good, but may I make the following suggestions:

  • Upgraded avionics; modern radar and flight instruments fitted, including integration with modern weaponry
  • Internal weapons bay refitted to accommodate modern missiles along with permanent fit of M61 Vulcan cannon; such as AIM-9 Sidewinders and AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missiles, guided bombs, and other ordnance.
  • Wing hardpoints refitted to accommodate weapons as well as drop tanks
  • Newer, more modern single-piece canopy fitted for increased view
  • Improved performance via new, modern engine; giving maximum of Mach 3 performance
  • Modernised IRSTS fitted
  • Red-and-black colour scheme

Also while your characters' background and such are fine in content, it is a little difficult to read. Could you please review it for punctuation a little bit and also underline and/or bold the section headings? i.e. "Appearance"

Thank you!

Alright thanks.
So my char is accepted right?
The strange brigade Often called The primitive knives is a special forces unit whose mission is simple: Destroy, or capture abnormal objects(supernatural, extraterrestrial, bio-hazardous, occult, among other terms). Human life above all, nothing else matters..

It works with many intelligence agencies around the world, and stays out of the spotlight.

The Brigade is quite secretive, as they work to keep anomalous items away from the public, they wish to keep the human-race safe and oblivious to the objects that can either kill them or mutate them.. Some of the objects, ones that can benefit human life (curing stuff, healing, fixing, etc) are either, replicated and sold as a medication to the public pharmaceutical industry-after extensive testings that is-, if it's some sort of technology/machine, it's pushed to one company going by the name 'Ridge Technologies', and then sold on the public market while being heavily monitored, if it's a replicateable weapon, it is given to their own private security firm 'Eclipse Security'.

Anything that is humanoid-With the classification of Charlie or beta- is to be kept locked away and treated with the UTMOST respect and care... From here on refereed to as abominations 'AB' for short/listing, their levels are as follows:

Alpha; awaiting classification

Beta;Contained/no threat level

Charlie; Contained, possible threat, proceed with caution, pending termination approval/denial

Delta; Contained, threat level high, find a way to terminate after extensive testing

Gamma; Contained/uncontanable, threat level high, find a way to terminate ASAP.

Futile; Threat level is severely high, object impossible to destroy, if the object can be contained it is to remain contained and to be destroyed as soon as possible with no delay.

Terminated/Neutralized; Object is presumably destroyed, does not perceive a threat to humanity

X-ray; reserved for humanoid objects that prove useful at helping the Brigade.

There are monsters to called terror dogs or TDs. The big ones are referred to as kingpins. The medium sized ones are called Repals. The little ones are called runners.

the year is 2043, There is a Secret really big base in Washington DC on a mountain top where no one can see.

is based off Halo and cod advanced warfare etc.
Is that better?-@Rhona W
Let me put that image in there
Thought it was I just googled F-106
Is that ok?-@Rhona W
Bell Thompson


Appearance: imgur.com/a/e82NBTf , has a scar on right hand, some bandages on face, Well defined physique, pale ish skin, grayish blue eyes, 6 foot 2.

Personality: childish but the good kind, funny, chaotic, can kind of stay calm in really really bad situations, Has but one goal: to destroy the Anti-N/UNs terror in honor of his brother who got shot down like a animal, has a lot of pain built up over the years, but he desperately tries to mask it.

History: was a normal family in Brooklyn New York before the Heavenfall hit and when it did his mother protected both of the Thompson brothers and became respected ish in the N/UN, mother eventually died of natural causes and him and his brother were both accepted into a foster home, he never knew his biological father since he died before he was born, met a girl in the school system, Vicky Alister ,fell in love, she eventually became a pilot in Australia but not in shattered steel they broke up and hated each other because he “cheated” which he did not do,

couldn’t move on, joined a military flight program out of desperation for closure at age 20, Has a medical condition that makes him almost die from coughing if he doesn’t have medication called Nevio, Is a extremely good pilot, has gotten shot down by an enemy and crashed into a building killing 5 innocent civilians, he blames himself for not being able to have control of the aircraft because he froze, has a alcohol and smoking problem, he doesn’t have hand to hand combat training but is very good at it because he’s been in lots and lots of fights since he was 14, has been a pilot since 8 years, usually when he gets into HTH combat he lets the rage out and usually wins the fight.

Personal Gear: flight helmet with sticker that says hasta la vista baby, a old lighter, a couple of cigars, picture of lover, small metal container of Nevio, Small notebook with pen, and a colt python 357 Magnum 6 inch stainless steel.

Aircraft: F-106, imgur.com/a/sI23Qeu

Aircraft modifications: Upgraded avionics; modern radar and flight instruments fitted, including integration with modern weaponry
Internal weapons bay refitted to accommodate modern missiles along with permanent fit of M61 Vulcan cannon; such as AIM-9 Sidewinders and AIM-120 AMRAAM
Wing hardpoints refitted to accommodate weapons as well as drop tanks.
Newer, more modern single-piece canopy fitted for increased view
Improved performance via new, modern engine; giving maximum of Mach 4.7 performance,
Modernised IRSTS fitted
Red-and-black colour scheme.

Anything else: m.youtube.com/watch?v=K5U7b_E14cE
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