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9 yrs ago
Sometimes, even an adventurer needs a backrub.


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Haruki looked down at Harvey. Some less well-traveled individuals might find this startling. However, being an alien from a galaxy where the names of planets included "Terrorist" and "Potato," having moved to a planet where giant monster forecasts came on the Weather Channel on the 4's, and sitting in an alternate universe, a talking fish wasn't that farfetched.

"Nah, I'm just seeing how many of them I can catch. It helps clear the mind."

When the ships passed overhead, the fisherman whistled and returned the lures to his hat. He tried to avoid laughing outright at the primitive vessels. WOODEN airships? It was like something out of one of Ikari's cartoons.

"Well, those aren't mine. My ship's in the garage back at Nebula House. You know, I'm still surprised the deck had parking for personal craft."

He poured the live catch bucket, cheep-cheeps included, back into the lake and collapsed his fishing pole. As he cleaned up and gathered his effects, he turned to Harvey and removed his hat

"You said some jerks were pushing someone around? Well... let's start by calling the cops I guess."

The alien produced a cell phone, seconds before realizing he had no reception OR idea what the local emergency number was. Sighing, he put it away, starting to walk up the hill.

"My name's Haruki. I'm a Valkian carpenter from Tokyo. What's your name?"

Down by the lake, a black-and-gold humanoid figure sat on a bucket full of bait. Certainly, this was a strange circumstance. Gone was the hustle-and-bustle of Japanese urban sprawl, replaced by a laconic town with a towering castle. Any normal person would be freaking out.

But Haruki was not a normal person.

Haruki knew that the ordinary reactions of someone in a strange situation against their will- mindless aggression, fear, panic, subjugation- would just be counterproductive. There was no reason to freak out, because there was every reason to freak out. Haruki knew that his situation should be approached as calmly as possible. And so, he sat in this strange world. And so, the laconic town on the hill behind him and the castle across the lake as far and as different as possible from the urban sprawl and seaside of the Japanese town he called home, Haruki was fishing.

Okay. Let's go from the top.

Haruki removed a lure from his hat and tied it to the rod.

This is not Japanese architecture. I'm not in Japan.

A skilled cast sent the lure hurtling towards the center of the lake.

The fish I can see are huge and bulbous. Red and green. Not what you'd see on Earth in this climate.

He reeled in another Cheep Cheep, placing it in the live catch bucket.

Some monsters can send you through time and space. Of course, the news didn't say anything about a kaiju attack on the Early Warning System this morning.

He cast again, still deep in thought.

Of course, there's the possibility of alternate dimensions. Ginga, Max, that Orb guy... yeah, alternate dimensions are TOTALLY a thing. I'm sure there's some kind of disturbance they can trace to find me. Best to just keep calm and not mess things up.

And so, the Valkyrian sat, in contemplation, rod in hand.
Name: Haruki
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Originates From: Ultraman X

Personality: Haruki is a very positive person. No matter what comes his way, he'll keep on trucking, making sure he's able to support his friends when needed. He's very hard to anger, but will easily freak out if something he cares about is in danger. Of course, him freaking out usually leads to turning giant and stepping on the source of the trouble.

Items They Are Carrying: A traditional fishing spear from his homeworld, carpenter's tools, a wallet (with 4500 yen, a driver's license with his picture on it, pictures of his two alien and one human roommates), a hat with fishing lures, a fishing rod geared for large fish like tuna, and a bucket full of fish bait.

Abilities: Haruki is exceptionally strong, having worked as both a fisherman on planet Valky and a construction worker on Earth. As a Valkian, he can fire painful bolts of energy from the small blue gem on his forehead and teleport short distances. As an alien in the Ultraman universe, Haruki can grow to tremendous size, breathe in space, and take on a human disguise. His disguise resembles a young but weathered Japanese carpenter.

Bio: As his ancestors before him, Haruki was a fisherman with dreams of something bigger. Tired of the fishing life, he decided to try conquering a planet of a weaker race. Thus, Haruki tried to take over Earth. Well, that didn't pan out, and he ended up living in Nebula House, sharing an apartment with other would-be conquerers Ikari the Icarusian and Naruki the Nacklanian. Staying on Earth really mellowed him out, his dreams of conquest replaced with a steady lifestyle, friendly roommates, and weekly neighborhood association meetings.

In order to ease their 15000 yen a month rent, Haruki and co. sought a fourth roommate, happening upon Isamu Kazama, an aspiring rugby player. Though he was surprised at first, the friendly aliens won him over, and he moved in to Nebula House alongside them.

One day, Haruki's pet- a sea creature native to his homeworld known as a "samekujira"- came to Earth in search of its owner, surviving a trip through hard vacuum at many times the speed of light, atmospheric entry, and the resulting impact. Though he was overjoyed at this reunion, it led to a sequence of events that meant facing the Dark Space Cluster crime syndicate to save Jolly from their Monster Weapons Program. In order to save his pet, Haruki challenged the syndicate to a rugby match, unaware that the syndicate leader Babalou was actually the former Space Rugby Champion. Pulling out a narrow win against the cheating criminals thanks to their human roommate's skill at the game, a valuable lesson was learned by human and alien alike that day. Haruki doesn't even bother with his human disguise when running errands now, having been accepted as "that nice carpenter in apartment C" by most in the neighborhood. He spends most of his off days fishing to give Jolly some fresh food.

Fun Facts: His pet baby sea monster is named "Jolly."
So here we go I guess.

Name: Haruki
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Originates From: Ultraman X

Personality: Haruki is a very positive person. No matter what comes his way, he'll keep on trucking, making sure he's able to support his friends when needed. He's very hard to anger, but will easily freak out if something he cares about is in danger. Of course, him freaking out usually leads to turning giant and stepping on the source of the trouble.

Items They Are Carrying: A traditional fishing spear from his homeworld, carpenter's tools, a wallet (with 4500 yen, a driver's license with his picture on it, pictures of his two alien and one human roommates), a hat with fishing lures, a fishing rod geared for large fish like tuna, and a bucket full of fish bait.

Abilities: Haruki is exceptionally strong, having worked as both a fisherman on planet Valky and a construction worker on Earth. As a Valkian, he can fire painful bolts of energy from the small blue gem on his forehead and teleport short distances. As an alien in the Ultraman universe, Haruki can grow to tremendous size, breathe in space, and take on a human disguise. His disguise resembles a young but weathered Japanese carpenter.

Bio: As his ancestors before him, Haruki was a fisherman with dreams of something bigger. Tired of the fishing life, he decided to try conquering a planet of a weaker race. Thus, Haruki tried to take over Earth. Well, that didn't pan out, and he ended up living in Nebula House, sharing an apartment with other would-be conquerers Ikari the Icarusian and Naruki the Nacklanian. Staying on Earth really mellowed him out, his dreams of conquest replaced with a steady lifestyle, friendly roommates, and weekly neighborhood association meetings.

In order to ease their 15000 yen a month rent, Haruki and co. sought a fourth roommate, happening upon Isamu Kazama, an aspiring rugby player. Though he was surprised at first, the friendly aliens won him over, and he moved in to Nebula House alongside them.

One day, Haruki's pet- a sea creature native to his homeworld known as a "samekujira"- came to Earth in search of its owner, surviving a trip through hard vacuum at many times the speed of light, atmospheric entry, and the resulting impact. Though he was overjoyed at this reunion, it led to a sequence of events that meant facing the Dark Space Cluster crime syndicate to save Jolly from their Monster Weapons Program. In order to save his pet, Haruki challenged the syndicate to a rugby match, unaware that the syndicate leader Babalou was actually the former Space Rugby Champion. Pulling out a narrow win against the cheating criminals thanks to their human roommate's skill at the game, a valuable lesson was learned by human and alien alike that day. Haruki doesn't even bother with his human disguise when running errands now, having been accepted as "that nice carpenter in apartment C" by most in the neighborhood. He spends most of his off days fishing to give Jolly some fresh food.

Fun Facts: His pet baby sea monster is named "Jolly."
While the man in the snake armor attacked the paper men, punching and kicking, he looked over the new arrivals. He yelled out to them in a raspy voice-

"Run! You're going to want to ssstay out of-"

And then Lance's belt called out. The armored man thought for a minute, shrugged, and chokeslammed the creature he was currently holding, causing the paper to fly apart, revealing the stone at its core.

"...Eh, I'll take it."


Following this cry from HIS belt- matching Lance's- a rattling noise came as one of his arms stretched out and wrapped around four of the paper men, lifting them skyward and squeezing harder and harder. As they burst into limp paper bodies, his arm returned to a normal length as he flexed his hand.

Of course, this left over a dozen of the paper men, turning their attention to Mathis and the other new arrivals. The lamp monster, meanwhile, looked around.

"Huh... Well, you know me, SNAKE. I'm all for a little soiree, but I'm not sure how I feel about uninv- wait, DRIFT?"

A maniacal grin formed as the ancient lamp that formed his head lifted, showing teeth like a cemetary as he began running towards Lance. Inhaling deeply, he exhaled a blast of smoke and embers from the spout of his "nose."

The abandoned city in the crater
Bruin had parked the Gouf outside, beginning his latest scavenging, looking at a road sign for some evidence of his location. He couldn't remember any city called Truth Or Consequences in Zeon territory. He must be farther out than he thought.

This grocery store was the twelfth store he'd raided today- a few electronics stores for spare parts for the leg cybernetics, drugstores for painkillers, aspirin, booze, and cigarettes. He'd also raided a bookstore. Shortly after, he made two disturbing discoveries: the first, the bookstore didn't stock Monkey Punch. The second, it had enough dirty mags in stock that he had to use several crates to get them back to the Gouf. Obviously, he dared not try anything using the girly mags. His cybernetics would rip him to pieces.

Just one more thing Rommel ruined for me, he thought as he tossed a shopping cart through the glass doors. Stepping through, he righted the cart and made his way around the aisles. Scooping canned and preserved foods into the cart, he grabbed the cash registers as well, just in case.
Bruin sat, chewing on some meat still on the bone. There were perishables in the store- fruits and meats of all kinds. Most of which were probably from Earth. Those would be the first things to eat, obviously. He needed the vitamins if he was going to survive out here.

We're talking away
I don't know what

Thankfully, the store sold charcoal and matches. Bruin was able to build a fire and cook some of the meat. It was the best meal he'd had in weeks, and the warmest he'd been.

I'm to say I'll say it anyway
Today's another day to find you

Plenty of bottled water. No telling how long it would last. He needed to find a base camp, and soon. Preferably one with watershed access. An abandoned city like this might have a river if he was lucky. One he could follow to civilization.

Shying away
I'll be coming for your love, okay?

He could swear he heard a familiar song. Probably a hallucination, though. Aside from the green robots, there didn't seem to be a lot going on in this city. Let alone the greatest vintage hit from A-Ha.

Take on me, (take on me)
Take me on, (take on me)

A realization dawned on him.

"That's the comms. Sweet mother Mary, that's the comms!" he shouted, running to the crouching Gouf's cockpit and scrambling to activate the receiver.

I'll be gone in a d-

"Yes! Hello, is someone there? This is Bruin Bellenheim- I'm lost in a city named... Truth Or Consequences? I'm the only one here, it seems. Do you require supplies or assistance?"

Bruin tightly held the mic, for once overcome with a sensation that wasn't burnt nerve endings and twitchy cybernetics. There was no telling whether or not this person would be friendly. But between the isolation and bland desert land surrounding him, he figured anyone in this hellscape would be in need of goods and services. If not, most crews would gladly trade the girly mags for information.
"Gooooooood morning! It's a beautiful day on Oomuri Island, with clear blue skies and a calm breeze making it perfect beach weather. We're going to start your day with a traffic report to make sure you have time to plan your route to some classic rock today. No accidents today, but there's been an upswing in traffic due to the road work at the quarry off South Hill Road- looks like they're bringing new equipment to the excavation. We've got some of those endangered crabs moving across the beach near the Globotronics office on Saburo Drive, so the transit authority is offering alternate routes until the migration finish. For those of you already running late, I won't tell your boss if you use those little crabs as an excuse. Moving right into our classic rock block, it's Ratt with In Your Direction. Drive safe, folks, and crabs- keep on truckin'."

The early morning radio was one of the constants of life on Oomuri Island, a little blot of land in the middle of the Pacific ocean. Once upon a time, it had been a smaller island, uninhabited and unimportant amid the dozens of other islands nearby. Then Globotronics came around. Moving their HQ off-shore as part of a publicity stunt, they assured the general public that this wouldn't harm the island. So far, they were good to their word. Even the artificial land the Globotronics company sank into the ground hadn't messed up the local environment- beyond a few new coral formations settling in. The natural chunk of the island means parks, greenspace, lovely white-sand beaches, and natural habitats for animals. The piles of asphalt and slag Globotronics used to expand the island, however, mean high-density housing, industrial complexes, and warehouses abandoned from the rapid construction and subsequent layoffs. All in all, a unique island, overlooked by the massive Globotronics HQ building. A low crime rate, ethnically diverse population, and ready supply of jobs- whether for Globotronics or local small businesses- make Oomuri Island a wonderful place to live.
Less wonderful, in the opinion of environmentalists, is the quarry just off-center of the island. The source of much of the stone used to build the residential districts, this quarry seemed utterly unnecessary and out of place. Nonetheless, it did provide jobs and much-needed stone, and the pools were home to unusual fish. Today, though, two outlandish figures stood overlooking the edge of the pit. One, a suit of armor looking like a typical green garden snake, took up a small sheet of seemingly ordinary paper emblazoned with the word "COBRA" and placed it in a slot on his waist. His helmet flared out into a hood, the armor shifting to a dark purple, and he began advancing. The other, a monster made of ancient oil lamps and smoke, held up several cards marked with the word "CRIME" before throwing them into a pile of rubble. Five letters appeared in the air above some of the stones, before dropping into them. An unseen voice called out: "T-O-A-D-Y! FOLLOW THE LEADER! MEATSHIELD!" as a dozen papery-looking men climbed down the rubble before rushing at the man in the cobra costume, screeching.

Meanwhile, across the city, the back of your bingo cards begin glowing- and pulling towards the quarry.

You still interested?

For the rest of you guys, the OP's getting posted today one way or another.
Right, CHESS, BURST, and DEITY are accepted. Sorry it took so long for me to get around to you.

@MysteriousFrog, @Braigo, @Vocab
Looking at this backstory... Out of curiosity, have you ever watched a Tokusatsu program? Power Rangers counts. That sort of backstory really goes in the face of the tone I'm looking for here.

I mean, maybe go for crossing the line twice- your character's friend was his partner on the police squad, who was two days from retirement so he could go be a better husband to his pregnant wife. But then he was tragically gunned down by a suit monster and you're seeking answers. Maybe paramedics responding to monster terrorism resulted in one's death. There's just not a lot of romance in what you've got there. I'm not looking for gritty, realistic tragedy so much as ham-fisted melodrama.
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