Avatar of Cleveraptor


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42 min ago
Current Apparently I'm more afraid of someone metaphorically reenacting the KALI MA scene from Temple of Doom on me than of dying alone.
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4 hrs ago
Anyone know a good DnD character creator? I want to create a 5e character sheet for my Pathfinder 2e character.
21 hrs ago
Could be worse. You could be trapped within the Steven Universe fandom.
24 hrs ago
Reminder: you are not immune to alcoholic cougars.
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2 days ago
If you're dropping by my profile more than once, at least leave some anime thighs for me to enjoy.
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Most Recent Posts

Displeased with this; currently being reworked offline.
The eyes shifted back and forth between the humans before the sound of sniffing came from the bush. "You're all some of the funniest smelling Digimon I've ever met," came a voice. It was somewhat childlike, but something told Yui that its owner was anything but.

"We're not Digimon," she said. "We're humans. We were brought here by someone named Yggdrasil. And some angels." The eyes cocked to one side in an almost birdlike fashion.

"Humans aren't real. They're just stories that bored Digimon came up with to pass the time."

"Well to me Digimon sound like some kind of kid's toy, so I guess we're in the same boat." The eyes blinked, as if surprised. Then came the sound of laughter, and the creature came out of the bushes. It looked like a small dinosaur, maybe slightly over a meter tall. Its skin was black in color, with red stripes adorning it. Its body proportions reminded Yui of a puppy, of all things-- large head and limbs, a short, stumpy tail, a thick body.

The creature's lips spread into an amused smile. "Well, that's a weird thought. But maybe T.A. was right about humans being real." It examined the humans each in turn. "My name is Agumon. Or BlackAgumon X. It's a bit of a mouthful, isn't it?"

Yui nodded in agreement. "It would be nice if it was short and sweet. Like 'Kuro' or something."
Okay. I'll work on hammering it out after work.
After a very difficult event in my life, I'm looking to ease back into RP. I want to keep RPs a little more lowkey, though I have a few ideas that are slightly less lowkey and would involve a little bit of world-building, namely an idea for a dinosaur apocalypse setting that involves timey-wimey shenanigans.
Sorry for the delay. Things have been… difficult IRL.

Specifically, are not-Super Sentai/not-Power Rangers series a thing? That's sort of the angle I was going for.
Sorry for the delay. The idea that I had is entirely dependent on one thing: have kaiju and mecha genres been a thing in the timeline?
Happy New Year, everyone! I'll likely add a couple plot ideas to the original post soon.
@Stern Algorithm I'd appreciate that. Hope your New Year's Eve goes well.
I keep hitting a wall when it comes to writing. I have a general idea of a backstory, but I'm not sure if it would work.
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