Avatar of Cleveraptor


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7 hrs ago
Current Feeling kinda bleh today.
2 days ago
My therapist says I should do something nice for myself every day. What should I do for myself tonight...?
2 days ago
The urge to find someone to write with who has your exact same hyperfixation. 😭
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3 days ago
3 days ago
As a Monster Hunter 4U player, I'm so incredibly proud to see Little Miss Forge all grown up in Monster Hunter WIlds.


Most Recent Posts

Name: Drake Halsey
Age: 24
Appearance: Drake stands just shy of 5'8", and is of an average build. He has different scars on his body from dinosaur attacks, as well as one particular scar on his back from a stab wound.
Backstory: Drake was a teenager during the Fold, and grew up learning about the new world alongside his mother, who taught him how to hunt and fish. He studied the dinosaurs whenever he could, observing their behavior and learning what makes them tick. Unfortunately his mother caught an illness five years ago, and passed away. Since then, he's been keeping himself emotionally distant from people.
Equipment: Sword, spear, shotgun (as ammo is scarce, he saves it for emergencies)
Other information: Works as a guide, helping people travel from settlement to settlement; has a "tame" (more or less) Nasutoceratops named Titus who helps carry belongings and the occasional passenger
Reserved for field guide.

In the year 20XX, the fabric of space and time folded in on itself, bringing prehistoric creatures and parts of their world into the present. While these were initially easy to contain, the creatures brought with them ancient diseases that mankind was unprepared for. The prehistoric viruses and bacteria whittled away at mankind until only small pockets of civilization remained. Those who live outside the safety of settlement walls are considered eccentric. But those who need help have no choice but to turn to them for help...
In wsg 1 yr ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
@qiao Enjoy the forum ^^
Oh hi, Mark.
Added a new plot idea.

Displeased with this; currently being reworked offline.
The eyes shifted back and forth between the humans before the sound of sniffing came from the bush. "You're all some of the funniest smelling Digimon I've ever met," came a voice. It was somewhat childlike, but something told Yui that its owner was anything but.

"We're not Digimon," she said. "We're humans. We were brought here by someone named Yggdrasil. And some angels." The eyes cocked to one side in an almost birdlike fashion.

"Humans aren't real. They're just stories that bored Digimon came up with to pass the time."

"Well to me Digimon sound like some kind of kid's toy, so I guess we're in the same boat." The eyes blinked, as if surprised. Then came the sound of laughter, and the creature came out of the bushes. It looked like a small dinosaur, maybe slightly over a meter tall. Its skin was black in color, with red stripes adorning it. Its body proportions reminded Yui of a puppy, of all things-- large head and limbs, a short, stumpy tail, a thick body.

The creature's lips spread into an amused smile. "Well, that's a weird thought. But maybe T.A. was right about humans being real." It examined the humans each in turn. "My name is Agumon. Or BlackAgumon X. It's a bit of a mouthful, isn't it?"

Yui nodded in agreement. "It would be nice if it was short and sweet. Like 'Kuro' or something."
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