Name: Drake Halsey
Age: 24
Appearance: Drake stands just shy of 5'8", and is of an average build. He has different scars on his body from dinosaur attacks, as well as one particular scar on his back from a stab wound.
Backstory: Drake was a teenager during the Fold, and grew up learning about the new world alongside his mother, who taught him how to hunt and fish. He studied the dinosaurs whenever he could, observing their behavior and learning what makes them tick. Unfortunately his mother caught an illness five years ago, and passed away. Since then, he's been keeping himself emotionally distant from people.
Equipment: Sword, spear, shotgun (as ammo is scarce, he saves it for emergencies)
Other information: Works as a guide, helping people travel from settlement to settlement; has a "tame" (more or less) Nasutoceratops named Titus who helps carry belongings and the occasional passenger