Also introducing our first creature: the Geminiraptor.

A small theropod, Geminiraptor are generally skittish and flighty creatures. However, this goes out the window during breeding season, when packs of these animals will form to take down larger prey. While their diet includes leaves, ferns, and berries, their saliva contains proteins that act as anticoagulants. This adaptation allows them to take down larger prey by causing them to bleed to death, allowing them to eat their prey at their leisure.
Height: 2ft (0.61m)
Length: 5 ft (1.52m)
Diet: Omnivorous; will usually target small animals such as rodents, birds, reptiles, and insects, and supplement with plant material; will occasionally hunt larger prey

A small theropod, Geminiraptor are generally skittish and flighty creatures. However, this goes out the window during breeding season, when packs of these animals will form to take down larger prey. While their diet includes leaves, ferns, and berries, their saliva contains proteins that act as anticoagulants. This adaptation allows them to take down larger prey by causing them to bleed to death, allowing them to eat their prey at their leisure.
Height: 2ft (0.61m)
Length: 5 ft (1.52m)
Diet: Omnivorous; will usually target small animals such as rodents, birds, reptiles, and insects, and supplement with plant material; will occasionally hunt larger prey