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"Remember to look at the stars not down at your feet." Inspired me ever since. Rest in peace Professor Hawking
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@Periodity Thank you! Yeah I remember watching Ratatouille when I was smaller too, and loved that song. Now that I'm older and actually read what the lyrics mean, it fits my guy quite well I'd say.
Well, that's a long post for me to read lol. Will try to get to it tomorrow. I'll try to move David along this weekend.
No need lol, I finished it anyway. 2 hours of public transit a day gives me a lot of time to write stuffs.
Let me know if the idea's incompatible or if there's anything I need to change.

Steffen Gravinir

Plans do tend to fail, especially when one gets punched in the face.

It was somewhat what Steffen was trying to bait his opponent into. A counter-attack to be counter-counter-attacked, leading to both of them stunlocking each other and the axe. The punch was stronger than he expected though, landing on his cheek bone and veiling his vision with a blur. Nevertheless, with several stumbles backward, he kept himself upright again, maintained alertness with both hands in front of him for any follow-ups. If his sights weren’t working, he’d have to hear it.

But the axe man did not come. Steffen wondered why, but he did not sense anything else. He was seemingly a big target, dazed and seemingly confused, but there was no follow ups.

Ultimately, he took a moment to regain his senses. Seeing that the Barukstaedian had directed his fury over to Steffen’s two brothers-in-arms, he wasted no time charging back into the fray. No more assessment, he had to act quickly. He’d have to make sure that axe never makes contact with a solid surface again.

When the Barukstaedian turned back around, he’d see a huge silhouette coming at him with no signs of stopping. While the runic armor would perhaps give him the ease of mind, the Ingvarr's intentions were clearer when he was close enough. He’d attempt to ram shoulder-first into his opponent. If that were to make contact, and whether that actually managed to tackle the axe man or not onto the ground, one or both his hands would shoot out to try and hold tightly onto the man’s gauntlet. Once again, it would open him to more of the Barukstaedian attacks if his opponent could manage to, but he was ready to quickly counter the easier ones, or take them all head on. All Steffen wanted was buy precious moments for his two knights to attack.
@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin@Creative Chaos
Well, still here for it. Though might not make it for Thursday IC since an opening just popped the day before. I will try to get mine in by at latest Friday though.
@Blizz Oh same I was gonna go for artificer. But my idea is fairly specific so I think it’s possible to not overlap it.
May I also join? I have a species I kinda wanna try my hands on.

And it didn't take very long until they encountered what their captain had been warning them about: mobs of vengeful citizens on Chinese innocents. The pilots noticed the commotion outside the store that had been battered, almost destroyed by the bombing run a few days earlier, now also vandalized with various degree of damage. A broken signage in mandarin told them pretty much all they needed to know. While the others attempted to ignore the commotion, the only blonde man in the group walked forward quietly but very firmly, as if a spirit had possessed him. And his partner, upon seeing him going, decided to follow along into the fray.

And there, they witnessed a Chinese man, bloodied and with terror in his eyes as he ran out to the door, pursued by a rough-looking man with a knife in his hand. But that was intercepted by a tall lady in uniforms, as she stared him down into defusion. However, it did not escape the pilots what that man did to her, so when the man was trying to run away in fear, he found himself being dragged back in the collar by the Russian.

"Oh no no, you don't get to walk away after that." Nikolay angrily declared as he pulled the man back, giving the man another staredown. "You better prepare to rot in jail you pig."

"Stand down Lieutenant. We don't have jurisdiction." His partner addressed him sternly, but took the man and handed him over to one of the soldiers standing around. The others were trying to gather up the others, grouping them with the mob to be dispersed, but Cuong stood firm.

"Vietnam's People Air Force." He stated, looking over to the tall lady who just stopped this whole mess, and down at the bloody knife. "Are you alright, ma'am? We can take you to our airbase."

Steffen Gravinir

Seems like the bait didn't work. The Barukstaedian was not as aggressive as he expected. And credits where its due, it was a smart move. Cooling down and not getting overly aggressive, even in what could be seen as a taunt, took certain mindsets to be drilled into them. But that left Steffen with having to break his usual fighting style and be aggressive. Normally, it wouldn't be too big of a deal, but his opponent was wearing this mystical runic armor of unknown properties. And he's also Barukstaedian...

"Hmmm." Steffen returned the nod with a faint smirk, acknowledging the return message, before his head tilted slightly. Despite the disadvantages that he had over the enemy, he still had several ideas, and he could test some of them right now.

The Ingvarr kept his distance from the axe man for a moment, clearly trying to wait for his moment. And when it came, he moved swiftly, trying to close the distance and get close enough so that the lengthy axe began to work against the warrior, delivering a flurry of straight punches, with occasional punches rounding from the sides, mostly aiming towards his exposed face. Any clashes colliding with the axe or the armor produced an earth-shattering sound. If the armor hadn't been runic, it likely would have been dented. But the commitment to attacking the upper half section of his opponent left Steffen somewhat open to being hit back.

@Rune_Alchemist@Creative Chaos@Crimson Paladin
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