Finally got an app done! If you get the time to look at it and find any little things for me to fix, then I'd welcome that as well! Whatever needs fixing will be fixed and so forth! :D
The world sometimes feels like a stage…we’ll never always know what part we might play in the grand scheme, what role we will place ourselves in, or where we’ll ultimately end up after it all I think. Nothing is certain in that sense.
But in the end, we must all face it until our own curtain call whenever it comes…and I find that poetic.
…Besides, my mother always did like going to the theater when she got the chance
Name: Seraphilla Alyriana Laevataenia Omphalonius
Age: 18
Gender: Female
A physically matured younger woman who stands with confidence as she walks or moves about. She further has the same silvery hair of her mother, but also the silvery eyes of her paternal great-grandmother, both of which alongside her general looks has drawn the gaze of some of her peers as she’s grown up. Her build overall remains relatively fit and slim, something she had worked with personal exercise (offscreen at least) to maintain in turn over the years after some advice from her mother noted years ago that: ‘health in body is also health in the mind and leads to better excellence in magic’.
As for her uniform? It has been modified to an extent, maintaining that ‘formal look and etiquette’ as well as a small waist-cape and a back-cape having been attached for flair whilst still maintaining the ‘formal’ type of look to it. The doublet has been simply adjusted to wear comfortably without any sort of bagginess or such to it, though ultimately the belts and leggings were frankly a more notable modification to it on her part. She likewise wears the boots (ignore the shoes) that came with the uniform as part of it without any modifications to them. Outside of the ‘formal yet fashionable’ modifications to her uniform, she hasn’t done anything to the cloak and keeps it for use when she needs it in turn. (In other words, hey I am part using her appearance pic as a general-ish reference for her uniform because it works! I think. Hopefully.)
A relaxed yet studious younger woman, Seraphilla is someone who will push herself hard to get work done and learn the things she has a desire to learn. She is the sort of person who takes charge of group projects at times, or chides a peer for not putting in the effort and complaining about the result they got. At the same time, Sera is also someone who will on occasion overwork or push herself too far if she gets too wound up about something mentally or emotionally (rather than lash out with it visibly). She is also someone who is willing to listen to others if they need it, though feels bad about having someone listen to her in return if they ever extended her the favor. Seraphilla also has a general interest in the history of the very territory the Republic exists upon, spurred in perhaps some small part by her family’s own long history and the pride they have had in that history in turn.
When it comes to personal habits she will at times tinker with tiny little projects, like making a little golem to fly or run around her room. She can also be the sort to crack open a book or tome to read if it catches her fancy. There is also doing things like seeking out some fancier food to eat on certain occasions (sometimes stress related ones), taking long and drawn-out hot baths with flowers floating on the surface, or even opening the window or sitting outside at night to feel the cool night air on her face and just relax. In short, in that vein she is a ‘stop and smell the roses’ type of person if it is relaxing to her or even a bit silly and yet still relaxing to her she'll still do it.
Seraphilla was born as the third of four children to the current head of the Omphalonius family, himself an enterprising and merit-driven Prefect in the midwest of the modern Magister’s Republic of Cresvald who had been more outgoing and active in things than his more reserved father before him. Though with the changes in generations ever moving onward, such differences in the heads of the family were seen as nothing much to the Omphalonius in general. In fact, as a rather old if not ancient line they had seen and been through quite a lot of things over the myriad centuries indeed.
From a young age, Seraphilla was raised with a general education and learned general things about magic just like her 3 other siblings were. Though while in the end only those who achieved noesis could take up the mantle of running the family as its head, even those without the boon of magic (as few and rare among the Omphalonius line as such had eventually become) would have places and roles in which to help or assist the family as a whole without ill treatment. This was also admittedly done in some part for fear of retaliation or other issues arising from such individuals, but for Seraphilla and her siblings that would manage to not be a matter of such concerns as they all achieved noesis at various points in their lives. Her older brother achieved noesis at the age of 12, her older sister at the age of 11, and her younger brother in final would eventually achieve his at the age of 13. All of these ages were generally standard times to achieve noesis within the long and generations-bred line of magi, though slightly younger and slightly older ages were not unexpected or unforeseen points to achieve noesis either.
She, meanwhile, stood out as an oddity in the family when her noesis triggered at the ripe and abnormal age of 9. It was certainly something that astonished her parents and relatives without a doubt, the youngest in about three or four generations to achieve it so young, but the occasion was also something unexpected that came both without warning but with consequences at the time. Long had Seraphilla been a playful and rambunctious child, and with her siblings or parents or caretakers she had often made a habit of hiding and waiting to be found, making playful mischief, or even just curiously going about the family estate to learn about things. On the day of her noesis, she had been hiding in the family’s backyard under some cover in the pouring rain (as a hired servant tried to find her in turn) and passing out due to the event. It did, however, cause the servant to finally and quickly locate her and rush her in after finding her almost half-drowning in a puddle she’d been sitting next to at the time. One sickly round of pneumonia later on her part, as well as a scolding from a admittedly frightened father and mother, and she would finally begin her preliminary magical education in earnest with them as her older siblings had before her.
When it came to an area of interest for her preliminary magical studies, thhough, hers would by one of the family’s various business pursuits: Mining. In particular, through being exposed to it somewhat, she found herself admiring geomancy and somewhat hydromancy, and on top of this had a growing curiosity about transmutation. It would be from this that her initial magical education would be shaped and formed around her, at least at the start of it.
But only one year later, at the age of ten, ‘The War’ would start...and with it things would begin to crumble around them.
Living where they were within the central provinces, it all began with several neighbors turning to the rebel side and trying to convince and then ultimately coerce the Omphalonius to join them. This would lead to a number of attacks on their estate as things escalated, until eventually proper skirmishes were occurring around where they lived. Despite the bringing in of many disaffected citizens to their estate for protection, magical and non-magical alike, it would only bloat the worsening situation as the warpath of Anedor and his forces began to come down toward them. Seraphilla and her remaining siblings (as her older brother was off getting an education at another magical school at the time elsewhere), meanwhile, were secreted off to the city of Akarith on the west coast with a relative living there for safety when word of Anedor’s forces marching south came along. It would also be a desperate flight to safety, however, that would see several of their escorts dying along the way to boot.
Despite her initial magical education being continued in the large coastal city of Akarith and under the careful guard of a member of their own house, after their arrival Sera and her siblings would look for news of their parents and siblings each day with baited breath as it came with merchants and news-bringers and refugees to boot. Would they be alive? Would the estate and everything be gone? What little they first heard was of their parents and large family estate having become a pocket of fierce pro-Magisterium resistance against Anedor and his hordes, with nearby magisterium forces in that area having been pushed to their estate as her family gave them refuge and in turn got help to fortify the place further. Beyond that, however, word became scarce as the focus turned mostly toward fighting back against the insurrectionists. At the same time, Seraphilla would ultimately throw herself into her preliminary magic education as she hoped to be able to get back home one day...even if she had to learn the magic to fight her way back home herself! Learning and playing and going about town or to the beach with her father's uncle and his guards was all she was much allowed to do in those days at any rate, all to try to keep her and her siblings busy, but even so the hope she’d make her parents and family proud by learning more as they fought on was there to help her mentally for the time being at least. In regards to magic it eventually become something the magic-educated siblings would be able to practice around each other during those years, at times in play, at other times competing against each other or their father's uncle's youngest two children, at times making life a little more difficult for the servants of the estate and the relative who had taken them in, and otherwise as they tried to make the best of a situation they had no real control over. Even so, in the end the paternal relative who had taken them in, Rhadegus Siegrend Alberic Omphalonius, would certainly treat them like family and even at times get in on the fun himself with a jolly laugh. Yet while he was a gracious and kind host, the mercantile-oriented mage would also likewise impress their line's value of treating family well along the way at the same time as they lived upon his personal estate within the city walls.
The city of Akarith was certinaly not a minute place either, having myriad sights and smells and goods and so forth of the large middle coastal city that supplied many goods from the sea directly to the central provinces (including being a notable mercantile location in moving goods by sea along the Republic's western coast from north to south and vice-versa by sea) as well as a place that acted as a hub of sea trade with places abroad. It was certainly a place Sera and her siblings had never seen before, with wide open beaches nearby to boot that proved fun to play upon over the years, and it was likewise during these years that Seraphilla would learn how to swim in the ocean after her first exposure to its beautiful and comfortable yet also dangerous waters as well (these being far from her common expeirences in swimming in the rather large lake connected to her family's estate back home). However, even this very place that gave them refuge likewise became a place of refugees in part as the tide of those fleeing the war would arrive and set up within or (mostly in this latter case) around/outside of the city walls. With them would trickle in further news of terrors, deaths, and destruction caused by both rebel guerillas and Anedor's forces alike, and it would cause the local Prefect to institute a number of measures such as nightly lockdowns, expelling a number of the initial refugees from within the city walls and swelling the ranks of local guards to send patrols through the forming refugee suburbs. Even Rhadegus would take Sera and her siblings with escort when they left anywhere, 'just in case' as he would always tell them, and small incidents like thieves and the occasional guerillas who had snuck into the refugee suburbs to wreak havoc certainly felt like justification for a number of the measures despite the discontent of those refugees who wanted to live within the already-packed city walls.
Midway into the war a number of more iterant and discontent refugees, despite attempts to send wagons of supplies as well into the refugee area beyoond the walls by the local Prefect to try to help keep them compliant, would attempt to storm the city gates to force their way inside after a number of guerilla attacks and incidents within this area...leading to what is even now remembered post-war as 'The Akarith Incident'. City guards and local mages assigned to the defense of the city would try to generally scatter the crowd and disperse them, until a guerilla cell who had infiltrated the mob that day tossed several spells back at the front gate and guards manning it. The gate became set ablaze by magical fire, and a number of those living inside panicked under the assumption the city was being put under siege (a real fear in the city in those days) in turn. Attempts to stop the panic inside and the raw violence developing outside finally erupted into a force led by the local Prefect personally engaging in an unavoidably bloody massacre of the mob members and most of the guerillas that had been concealed within (the rest being captured as prisoners). This in turn would lead to smaller incidents being incited by this as word was spread in twisted rumors of 'the Prefect murdering innocent refugees' and so forth, though the Prefect would consolidate a more formal authority over the space beyond the city walls with the deployment of further guard patrols and mages as well as the building-up of more permanent guard stations throughout these new refugee-wrought suburbs at the time. No more of such incidents could be tolerated, much less allowed, and the Prefect would ensure that with a fist of iron. At the same time, a number of refugees would leave after the major incident and smaller ones, with their own complains and fears about being 'purged' and otherwise due to guerilla actions that would incite further smaller 'incidents' as the local rebels would be hunted down and outed bit by bit. Even the siblings would not be exempt from what few issues managed to make their way within the city walls, Sera receiving scarring burns on her back from a rebel who tried to attack her with a torch after she snuck out once night to see the ocean again despite her uncle's myriad stern warnings.
In time the suburbs would be fully secured by the Prefect, chasing out the guerillas in final and stopping their ambushes on guard patrols and so forth, as well as better organizxe and build up these informal suburbs. Forging formal roads, altering the spacing of guard posts to more effectively distribute the manpower and reduce the former excess of guard posts, create boundaries for markets and so forth to be set up, and even better formalizing neighborhoods so things could be tidied up with the patrols and so forth. This made a good case inthe minds of many refugees, who in turn settled down to stay otherwise after losing everything where they had once lived before (and other reasons, etc, that people might find to stay by that point) by the time the war ended. At the end of the war, then, all it took was formalizing things on paper in the aftermath with the Republic and the Prefect would frankly incorporate the suburbs into the city proper before beginning construction of further outer suburb-protecting walls. This as the original city walls would be kept to protect the 'inner city' or 'old city' of Akarith and act as a boundary line. It would also be around this same time of initial celebration in Akarith (one was held to celebrate the incorporation and end of the war at the same time) that, with the arrival of some familiar messengers, Sera and her siblings would finally be brought back home on safer roads than they'd fled upon to reach greater safety years prior. The losses her family and many others incurred by the end of the war, as they would soon learn, had been notable in and of themselves, losing about half of the extended relatives and so forth that had been living on their bloodline's primary estate proper...their own mother being among those. She had died valiantly, succimbing to magic and wounds as she'd been protecting a number of injured who were being cared for in their main room (a makeshift 'hospital' at the time) from attacking rebels and waves of undead. It was a time of grief for Seraphilla, her father, and her siblings, but at the same time they found a vital source of comfort in each other in the days to come.
Rebuilding wasn’t easy at first, but the Omphalonius had been through much before and survived perhaps even worse times than this. The family would rebuild, some would remarry, and their estate would be marked by permanent outer walls and other magical defenses surrounding it after this point to boot. Her father’s prefecture would gradually begin to rebuild as well, and for the first time in years the estate was home again...and while it felt different at first it began to finally feel like such to them again over time. Despite promises and an open invitation from their father's uncle that they could visit again at any time they wished, though, the continuation of herself and her siblings' magical education back at home (rather than with their relative) would see Seraphilla looking toward where she wished to go to get a higher grade of magical training due to her age in particular. Her older sister, meanwhile, would be heading off to go to another school their father had been to, as well as try to catch up due to the effects of the war on her own magical learning before she could get a chance to go off to another magical school as well. As for Sera herself, she would be suddnly one night called into her father's meeting room upstairs about the matter.
Said room was a major place in their own home where he talked business with others, family or otherwise, but usually not his children. In that sense it was an odd place to call her up to simply to talk to her in this case, but even so she went. The two would speak together for some time on her personal motives and desires to further her magical education and learning. Then, after ascertaining what he seemed to feel like was enough about his own daughter in greater depth, her father would softly yet bittersweetly smile and withdraw a sealed letter of reccomendation from his drawer to hand to her. As it had turned out, her mother was an alumni of Glynwood itself and had expressed the idea years ago of sending Seraphilla and her younger brother there to learn. Her mother, an accomplished mage, was fond of her alma mater and had hoped to allow at least one or two of her children the same experience. This conversation had occurred about a year before the war started, but after Sera's own noesis. Ultimately, after all that had happened, her father had simply wanted to see her resolve to learn before giving her a letter of recommendation to the school itself as a way to honor her mother's wishes.
Safe to say, it was a time of some tears and joyous celebration with her family the night before she left for Glynwood.
Attunement: Tellurian
Her aura looks like she is surrounded by a shining (and suspended in the air) field of gemstone-shaped various metals, ones which are constantly changing into different distinct gemstone-like shapes, which glint with light and the wet cool of water droplets sitting upon them as if they had just passed under a fresh spring rain. To the touch the aura feels cool indeed, and yet at the same time moving into or through it gives others a sticky sensation like one is touching wet clay. Her feet are likewise seemingly surrounded by a smooth floor of incredibly smooth muddy clay, which is constantly swirling around her at the center and rippling with little waves that rise up as if it was part of an ocean or she is standing in the eye of a storm. On occasion a metallic sheen will pop through the swirling floor of muddy clay torrent round her feet, which comes up to her heels at most, like something hidden that was concealed underneath has risen up for a glimpse only to disappear again under the depths once more.
Transmutation - Most often used to: transmute earthen materials into metal for her use in terms of daily or general use, transmute earthen materials into minerals for use in fortifying her mud spells or so forth, tweak little things like the color of her clothes or food, purify water and metal and other materials or such things, and so forth along those general lines. She is rather interested in expanding these skill far and wide, however, even whilst keeping to its uses in her daily life or in tandem with her magic in a general sense.
Mud/Clay Magic (Geomancy/Hydromancy) - An art whose components are geomancy and hydromancy, it involves the creation, conjuring, and manipulation/use of mud/clay. She often employs it to the end of creating simple golems to do her bidding or carry things or grab things for her, create little platforms of shaped clay/mud to move over dangerous or inconvenient terrain, to make a place or spot as slick and slippery as possible to slip up others, and can do things like make defensive mud barriers and dense/blunt (due to mud/clay’s very nature) projectiles formed from dense mud/clay to boot.
Likewise due to her education in this area, she has some more general geomancy and hydromancy capabilities by virtue of necessity for her craft, and hopes to supplement these far more with an education, using them to do things such as (but not limited to): clean herself or other things of general of dirt and grime, dry her body more quickly after a bath or shower or after swimming, remove dirt and earthen materials from a rug or bed or such things, and even conjure and manipulate rocks to use as projectiles or barrier.
Metal Magic - Also known as ‘Métallomancy’, it is a more niche area of Geomancy that involves the conjuration, manipulation, shaping, and use/control of metals, ranging from metal spikes to thin metal wires and barriers and so forth. It is often used to protect her from things like rain and weather (and things such as falling objects), create a mirror to examine herself when getting dressed or so forth, create little tools for her work without having to buy them (at least in the more basic cases), and reinforce or add metal components/parts to her golem constructs. She could create metal projectiles and barriers and such with this, at least of a basic or personal-use sort.
Artifice - Mostly used in the daily sense by her in the creation of golem constructs of a simpler sort, or in making little trinkets of a most basic sense to make something easier. In that vein she has much room to expand or augment her capabilities in this area to be sure.
Divination - A magic she has put to more common daily use in things such as (but not limited to): Finding missing items or locating things she is seeking out, looking at other rooms or places from afar to see if someone is there, looking at the basic past history of older or historical items to see what happened to them or where they were, and alert her of something out of her sight like a falling rock from the top of a cliff or stampeding steed blitzing around the corner of the street that could hit her. Like with Artifice, she has much room to expand and develop her skills further in this area (and is interested in doing so both for this magic and in regards to Artifice).
Arcane Items:
Pocket Memory Tome - Kept safe in a little snug leather pouch on her left hip, it stores her memories and any information she has learned automatically if it is within a certain distance from her so she can look back at them later. Can even allow her to re-experience her stored memories to boot. Prefect for the young or even very old mage on the go, or who wishes to review the past and what they’ve learned later on! An expensive but rather resilient and durable little piece of artifice her older siblings purchased for her before she left, with a little help from their father, as a gift. Also helpful for mages who can be more forgetful, such as her younger brother, who also got one of these at the same time as she did back at home.
Usually this artifice only stores memories from the time of receiving it onward, as adding the capability for storing older memories in it costs extra. Her father paid for this extra functionality however, so she’d have full functionality of the item…though admittedly there are certain points in time she does not look back at or such in the book for personal reasons as well.
Staff of Luwen - A fancy magical staff passed on to her by her family, an heirloom of some age which has been lovingly cared for and also enchanted in depth to maintain its good condition despite its further usage over the centuries. It is a proper mage’s staff and high-quality magical tool with some family history and quality preservation/durability protecting measures added to it, to put it simply.
Ring of Alert - Like a little alarm clock worn on her right hand, she can set it using a simple spell to ‘go off’ at a certain time to wake her up each day or wake her up from a nap or such. Has had it for years, as it was a gift from her mother to help her wake up for her initial preliminary studies in the first year she began to learn magic. Still keeps it and uses it to this day as a nice little tool.
On the map Thoth made, their estate would be a dot right in the middle between where the capital of Pontaion is and where Glynwood is.
Her family, the rather ancient Omphalonius line, is a line of mages that originates back far before the pre-Republic times, which has made them something of a ‘historical artifact’ in that sense of the word. Their family vault, a thing kept under their vast home compound and estate, is said to hold within it a number of familial ancient items and relics and so forth from ages long gone. Said vault is a veritable treasure trove of the past, with some things even the family by current times does not have all the information about still, and by modern times the vault’s contents have been increasingly kept under layers of enchantments and spells and doors and barriers and so forth to keep them within the family’s hands and as safe as mortally possible. Some have made jests at their excessively protective nature of said vault even going into current times, though others have mostly shrugged at them and gone on with life due to them not making trouble for anyone about it save for potential or attempted thieves. It has, however, lent a mythical air and slightly ‘ancient’ sort of mystique to the Omphalonius bloodline all the same.
At the same time, however, beyond jokes about their very old bloodline the Omphalonius have long adapted to and weathered the ages through their efforts. In ways they have remained the same in their line’s overall acceptance of the trials of life and the passage of time, comparable to a great mountain remaining still standing resolute despite the changing of the world around it. On the other hand, they have kept with the ruling politics of the time and likewise adapted with the changing of local culture and ideas. ‘Flexible’ would be a word that could be applied to the bloodline in a general sense, bending and flexing without destroying themselves…or taking up means to strengthen themselves or rebuild before the erosion of the changing tides can wear them away.
It would be this bloodline that ‘Sera’ (as she insists only friends or family can ever call her) was born into what amounted to great opulence and wealth, managed, wrought, and accumulated over the generations as they’ve expanded into a modestly large house of sorts without trying to ‘reach for the stars’ in the eyes of their neighbors.
Her middle two names are taken from female ancestors of hers, who were each themselves notable magi in their day. In fact, the Omphalonius Family have long used these long, winding names for their children as a way to remember their history and pay some respects to their ancestors in turn. A local family myth even holds that the spirits of those whose names one is given will help watch over them in times of need.
Likes the rain and swimming, she’s also enjoyed swimming and has become a great swimmer at that over the years. Sometimes has even gone off to swim in the last two years just to just help clear her head a bit, or done so to get out some stress and energy. Can hold her breath underwater pretty well to boot!
The ninja started running, as did MacKensie. From her position closer to the wizard, she ran to cut off the new enemy, leapt into his path and sweeped into a low slash at his leg, aiming for the knee where his armor seemed weakest.
Zigmund looked to his left as MacKensie swooped in, then changed speed instantly. He slowed almost to a stop so he could crouch down at the last second, grabbing the Ranger by the wrist before her dagger could land. He yanked her up as he stood up straight and punched her in the stomach, then tossed her aside. His sight turned back onto Lillianna and he was heading towards her once more.
"Hand it over, woman."
Her throat tried to cry out to the Frenchwoman with her name, but all that emerged was a tiny squeaky croak at the very most. It was like her throat was shut up, unable to vocalize the words her mouth was trying to move to say. Like it wasn't just her limbs freezing up, but her very body itself. Even so, she was at least out of her stupor for the moment being despite her inability to answer the murderous enemy's demand of her.
"Oi, if you want that cube your gonna have to go through me." Removing the blue jacket of his kimono, throwing it on the ground. He stood his ground now getting into a fighting stance, but strangely not pulling out his sword. "Your pretty good with that sword of yours, but let's see how good you are with your fists."
"Gladly," was Zigmund's cold response as he ran and jumped straight into a martial stance, testing the giant man with double jab.
Once again, Zigmund felt a tinge of admiration. Joji managed to keep up with a rapid exchange of punches between the two, although Zigmund was merely feeling him out and now caught the Japanese man's fist, steel-dressed fingers with vice-like grip. He yanked the man off balance, at the same time as launching a power right-
"Ahh!" was Zigmund's exclamation of surprise when the talons of Fenna's falcon familiar started tearing at neck and helmet. The falcon's damage was merely cosmetic but enough to annoy and interrupt the ninja from knocking Joji out. What did actually hurt was the following aerial attack from the other Ranger. "Ugh!"
Joji! Fenna! Her falcon! They were desperately trying to stop this thing from getting the cube, and getting to her, but something in Lillianna's gut simply knew one fact for certain: They couldn't stop this thing. But they were trying anyway, because that was all they could do. It was all they could do to try to stay alive, though-
Zigmund turned into a roundhouse kick aimed at Fenna to keep her at bay, then hopped backwards to reset himself. Although he didn't get a chance as Arthur came charging with a swinging anchor and a war cry. Zigmund didn't have time to move, but the anchor crashed through nothing but water.
Zigmund's body had turned completely to water, and after the anchor went through him, the body of water splashed onto the ground.
Arthur couldn't do it. Fenna had a roundhouse kick made at her to try to toss her aside. Joji hadn't even been able to stop him. MacKensie had been gut-punched and tossed aside like a ragdoll.
No matter how hard her body tried to scream her lips couldn't do anything but silently move and shake. Not a single noise could escape the paralyzing terror and fear, not even as she watched the group members trying to defend her be tossed aside or thrown away or ignored like they were almost nothing in the end. Nothing but a speed bump to the enemy as it continued to return to its charge in her direction with clearly murderous intent over and over again.
That wasn't a man or beast, that was some...some thing!
It was some abomination born of the craft of the Witch Queen and her minions, made for a singular purpose to kill anything in its path. It was something well above them in power, that wasn't hard to perceive, which had been sent to kill them all and return the core to its original home like they were nothing but a little fart being dissipated in the wind. She'd hoped something wouldn't catch up to them like this before they got to Valheim, though she'd still feared it all the same still, and now it had appeared out of the blue and the terror began to unfold right before her very eyes.
The puddle did not soak into the ground - it slid over the dirt and rock at speed, away from the attackers to a position behind the wizards. After that, Zigmund's body reformed so fast, it looked like he jumped out of the ground, his physical plate-steel form taking the place of the water once fully formed.
Relentless in his mission, Zigmund once more zoned in on Lillianna and rushed towards her, but now he was angry. Water magic materialized his aqua-blade fist once again, and tried to run the magical blade right through the white-haired woman.
She barely could move her body to turn around in time, placing her pack with the cube in it behind her and away from the ninja charging at her in the process. Even so, the enemy had moved behind them. No one was in between her and the enemy now, and he seemed to be more than simply charging for her...anger. Perhaps that was the right feeling she got from it. Just moving behind her and taking up more directly lethal measures to just get it all over with.
She couldn't get out of the way in tim-
A soft squeak came from her now-loosening vocal chords as she was impaled by the water blade in her mid-torso, below her heart for sure (she was still for the moment after all) but above her stomach and not piecing through her pack where the cube was sitting in (at least). The perfect spot to literally knock the air out of her, really, as the body behind the blow likewise crashed into her from behind the stab. It wasn't enough to knock her over, though it was enough to put her body in contact with the murderous enemy who had come after the cube all the same, her hands even grasping his forearms as her staff fell simply to the ground with a smaller 'thud' in the heat of the moment as her hands lost their physical strength from the impact.
And time seemed to slow down, at least to her perception.
Cold water impaling her torso, piercing into organs and twisting slightly on impact with her body, a strange sensation akin to the cool feeling of metal on a cold summer's night before the raw adrenaline numbed the pain away in a heartbeat. At the same time, however, she could still feel the much blood. But just the warm of it. It was her own lifeblood, which as a warm feeling began to spread from the affected area began pouring out in a spreading warm tide around the blade hilt and over her clothes and onto the ground and their feet as the end of the sword stuck clearly out of her mid-back. Her lungs burned as they tried to scramble for air to breathe in, even as she came to unconsciously realize a lung had been punctured to boot by the attack...or at least hit by it somehow. There wasn't really any time to think about it even in the best case scenario (which this was definitely not).
And yet-
Lightning Boooooooolt!!!
Without a word or sound being made, but looking Zigmund directly in his singular cybernetic eye with deadly determination as blood began to trickle from out of corners of the white-haired girl's mouth as well, the hands and body of the mage coursed with raw electrical lightning being pushed out of itself as quickly and plentifully as it could be. She was attempting to pass it all into the water-capable body of the murderous yet loyal Zigmund from their myriad points of physical contact, or heck keep pushing to discharge it from herself if he tried to back away at least.
As for her death? She'd died once already. She could recall everything before it went black, and she'd never be able to forget it. She'd never see her uncle's home again. She'd maybe even die right now within these forsaken wilds in a new world without getting a chance to live a new life here or something. A tragedy at best...perhaps being a pathetic second existence at worst.
She wanted to scream. She wanted to cry. She wanted to rage. She wanted to do so many things in that moment, and in so many other moments. But if there was one consolation to her in this, it was that this fool of an overpowered enemy had made one crucial mistake in all of this as it passed through her mind quietly in the very moment before the lightning:
'You should have gone for the heart or the head, you idiot!'
If her attack succeeded, Lillianna wouldn't stop doing so until she would drain herself of all the magical energy her body could muster or take in or carry...whatever the case was in that situation. If it succeeded, as she would push electricity into the enemy and likewise end up shocking herself at the same time in such a case, the group would hear the vocal chords of the mage compulsively shrieking in a terrible yet mighty scream of incredible pain out into the open air around them. Crackling white lightning coursing over her body and that of the enemy's would be highly visible if she succeeded in her attack, creating a proper light show and cooking any moisture or grass and such on the ground below their feet at the same time due to the heat produced by it all.
Meanwhile the mage's brain would only drive with one intent, one goal, one thought she was still capable of doing even under these circumstances...'more'. More of what, one may ask? More Lightning, until the point she could push out no more of it..
Once Zeroth gets something out for us trying to get the fire going, Lazash will suggest something called 'cauterizing'. Not push for it, but certainly suggest the idea.
(She'd introduce herself after your character did, but I can include that in a mini-flashback when I post again after the GM post at least.)
@Crusader Lord You FOOL, your lack of desire for the Desire Sensor guarantees you will have it! Every MonHun player knows that to get the carves you must cease to want them! Only through this enlightenment can you complete your armor set!
Also Orcs can eat stuff raw about the same as any wild animal can, but whether they like the taste is up to preference. Are they more likely to get sick, maybe so, but they're also far more adapted to it than the modern "jaws can't even hold all our teeth" human is.
I am sorry, sensei, for not believing in your enlightened words. A shamefur dispray. (T_T)
And thanks! Was honestly curious about that sort of thing, and what it might play some small part in for the stories of other races. Like "IT BIT OFF THE HEAD AND DRANK ITS BLOOD LIKE A JUICE BOX" when they recount witnessing orcs hunt or something equally as horrifying to civilized ears.
Once a week-ish. I say "ish" because everyone knows "strict weekly posting schedule" devolves into "eh, when you feel like it" about two months into RPs here anyway.
Fair enough! Does this place still have some room, or are you full?