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<Snipped quote by Crusader Lord>

I know I'm pretty late (given you just removed all the options lol), but #3 sounds interesting!

Thanks! And...sorry for the sudden edit there as well. I got a bit suddenly super self-concious while on break at work this evening/night, and then edited them out. Which is and was a me problem. Its been a long week and coming weekend yet to come. (T_T)

Idea Three, just to toss it back up here, is the one where the individual can control their own biology completely (down to the cellular level) and use it to basically become a horror monster in the field. Stuff like making tendrils of muscle tipped in kertain or bone that has been altered to be harder than steel. Can also regenerate, but it isn't passive at all and they have to actively focus on doing it. Physiology and body is extremedly redundant, and they can survive being reduced to something like a head or an equally large large enough pile of, er, flesh.

...Wait, didn't I try for something like this in that Worm RP?! XD

Ah, and at this stage Idea 2 with alterations (the energy powers and body swapped type thing) or Idea 3 are feeling more viable, as I think I overcomplicated trying to work out and explain #1 (alien wasp-thing bug guy who can make more of them and such) if nothing else. (@_@)

But I can write out the gist for the other two again if you or anyone else would like, er, I mean.
Clarissa Ryte

Camphor's Lab, Byjerfal City

"Clarissa, then? Duly no—"

"Guinea pigs, seriously?"

"Did you even bother reading about the job you were applying for or did you blindly sign up without even bothering to do any research?"

Then,, of course, naturally came an interruption. Not something she found less grating for the occasion, but enough to elicit a soft and quiet sigh from the girl after Richard seemed to back off from talking to her more. She wasn't trying to be rude, but it certainly was rude to interrupt people or call people guinea pigs for that matter either way, no matter how annoyed the one boy seemed and how excited the other boy was respectively about it all. However, it did at least get people to give more information about themselves and include the three trainers who were already there before the rest of them. So if nothing else, things were getting a bit...informative?


Even Sir Lopsalot would think such sentiments were a bit of a stretch to look at the positives there. But right now she needed to find some positives before figuring out the whole contest VIP pass situation. Not to mention the rest of it! She'd be traveling around to places, and there was a lot involved in that once she got past the first distraction she'd unwittingly been pushed into by the airport crowd. Not that they'd made her agree in the heat of the moment...ugh.

Before anyone else had much of a chance to greet or speak though, the set of doors behind the receptionist desk would slide open, and a very disheveled looking woman that couldn’t be taller than five feet walked out. Her Lab coat was hanging half off one of her shoulders, and her short red hair had been tied up in a loose, messy fashion.

“Alright, good everyone is here. I was starting to wonder if I was wasting my time.”

Yup. This was the Professor, Camphor herself, or at least the psychic girl assumed such between the verbal exasperation and exhausted look and messy attire alone. The woman's appearance reminded her of how her father had been sometimes back at the Orre Lab, which had at least seemingly mostly changed (even if not fully) for her father after he had started working in Eidda at least. Or perhaps it was just the beginning of his woes in his new workplace? Er, nothing she wanted to think too hard about right at least. Her mother would help him while she was out doing her work for the Professor at least.

Camphor seemed to be one apt for being amused, however, if poor Freida's Impidimp was of any indication in how the two interacted. Camphor and the Impidimp that is, not Freida. She got the impression Freida had to deal with a lot from that Impidimp, and Camphor, alike. But that was also a matter she didn't want to think too hard about right now either.

As they headed back further into the lab regardless, the psychic would silently take note of where they were going until they came across the Habitat.

. This place was much bigger than it looked on the outside, it seemed - but eventually they would see why. They’d soon come to what seemed to be some sort of observation deck.

And looking on within was a large, open green-house like area, though calling it a simple greenhouse was a disservice. It was more like a massive, indoor garden complete with trees. A large pond with a sandy beach, mock rivers, and even a small rocky area.

“Welcome to the Habitat.” Camphor said, pulling everyone into an elevator. “We use it to see how different pokemon adapt to different environments in real time and we have, well, an easy enough time making variations to it if we need to. Helps gather hands-on data the simulator doesn’t quite let us.

The girl would almost started walking over to the railing to watch from the observation edck, if not for the Professor pulling them all into the nearby elevator to go down to the actual Habitat itself. She didn't resist the change in location, and would watch on as the Professor spoke to the others about gooing to catch the starters she'd prepared for them. It was a curious thing, but was it normal in Eidda to do this? She'd heard rumors of other places just giving a new trainer a Pokemon already in a Pokeball, which sounded a little absurd to her mind, but as the others walked off to get their starting partners it seemed the professor would turn to her and the others who already had Pokemon to ask something else.

Hmm? Show off their partners to her? Well, it wouldn't be bad to introduce Sir Lopsalot and-

"Oh right!" she said. "This is Aster, she-" But before she could finish her sentence, Aster had already leapt off the girl's shoulder and ran off towards the nearest tree, scaling the trunk and making her way towards the top, likely searching for other Pokemon. "And there... she goes. Huh." Jill placed her hand on the back of her head and gave an apologetic grin to the professor. "Err, hold on a second, I'll go get her."

Did she just-, ah, never mind. Perhaps all Aipom were mischevious little gremlins, apparently, or at least this girl's seemed to be such if nothing else. Enough to run off into the Habitat and be more trouble in the meantime. The girl certainly seemed used to the Aipom's antics at least, though, even if the Professor seemed less than enthused about it. Perhaps it would get along with the Impidimp?

....Actually, perhaps that scenario was better left unimagined. For the good of the region and the lab alike for that matter.

"I’m glad to see your partners are well taken care of, so while the others are getting to know theirs let me say a few things.” The small woman would take a moment to swipe a mug of coffee that Frieda had somehow managed to pull out of somewhere.

“I’ll be frank…once you guys leave here, I don’t care if you actually pursue the whole assistant or habitat discovery stuff.” She’d say, taking a long sip on her coffee. “Ideally you would. You’d get paid and you’d help me out but ultimately since I’ll be tracking all of your pokedex progress and handling your PC boxes between all of you I’ll likely get enough data so no pressure. Just do what you want.”

That was certianly a very flexible manner to approach things, Clarissa supposed, even if it seemed somewhat lazy at the same time. But trying to get a bunch of random people to just cover things super formally and methodically who wanted to be trainers? That, that made the idea feel more plausible and kind than it would first feel like on paper to her mind. She had goals of her own in all of this, as likely did others, but getting to pursue those first on top of doing work along the way wasn't the worst possible thing. Itt was worth it to remember this was still a job, after all, even if it came with a lot of seeming flexivbility along the way.

It actually made her look a bit more forward to the journey to come, if nothing else, which likewise helped ease her nerves a little more to boot.

Even so...the Professor's words did bring something to mind.

"Pardon me, but if I may, Professor, on that note I am curious if you have any reccomendations for initial locations to go to or explore at the start. Or if there is a place or two of note that might be of extra interest to go to, perhaps, that would be relevant to your work."

As she spoke, the Buneary on her shoulder would begin to fidget a bit as he craned his little neck to look over at the Habitat. Such a big place down here, it was astonishing even to the little Pokemon himself! Yet adamantly trying to do this from his perch on Clarissa's right shoulder was certinaly not the best spot, nor was it convenient for her shoulder at the same time, and after moving a bit too close to the edge of his balance-


Buneary overboard! The curious little Sir Lopsalot let out a small yelp as he began to fall over, nearly hitting the floor before suddenly...stopping. A faint purple outline of energy seemed to stick to the little guy and shimmer at times, but soon the Buneary would begin moving back up as Clarissa now looked at him with a slightly stern glare of her eyebrows. For a moment, she even put a hand on her hip as she telekinetically moved the Buneary in front of her face for a moment. After a few seconds of silence, she telekinetically put him back on her right shoulder once more.

"Bun. Bun bun! Bun!"

Sir Lopsalot would protest somewhat, crossing his little bunny arms in mild frustration and a small pout, but would ultimately let out a small sigh and just sit down on his trainer's shoulder for the time being. In the meantime, Clarissa's eyes looked back at the Professor. A slightly apologetic and embarassed look in her eyes was there as she would begin to speak, though after finishing would return to her usual stoicism.

"My apologies, Professor, Sir Lopsalot is excited to see things out here. It's all very much new for the both of us here in Eidda still."

@Rune_Alchemist@Savo@Crimson Flame@Bartimaeus@VitaVitaAR
On that note, how's everyone doin' here? I've been eagerly awaiting more completed profiles as we approach the time for me to properly launch this RP!

For a heads-up, I'm planning to, at the very latest, launch the RP by the end of October; this means everyone here has roughly 2 weeks to work out their sheets and get then RP-ready! And if we can get them all done sooner, then I can see about kicking things off earlier as well, so hopefully that makes for some exciting incentive! Looking forward to seeing everyone's work soon :)

Doing ok! Life and internet both continue to be as busy as ever it seems on my end, but I have gotten my concepts down to the top three for a character at least (yay). The pain is deciding which one, indecisively, as has been my most common problem in RP'ing. (lol)

The sun was reaching up toward its zenith, having been clawing its way up higher and higher into the sky since daybreak, its hot rays cascading down across Valheim proper as people bustled about to and fro their business in the city's various shops and districts. A day like any other, perhaps, despite the looming shadow of war that was encroaching on it bit by bit from afar. It was in that sense a place the twin-element mage felt more comfortable with than she had back on the road, or worse so back in the Mazy Hillocks, but all the same she had her own business to try to go about in the meantime. Adam had made her aware of certain libraries out there the other night, and they had gone by the Academy to drop off the accursed cube not too long ago either, thus in particular Lillianna felt that it was about time for her to continue her personal education in some capacity by seeking out a library at the Academy.

Her magic couldn't be left to the wayside, especially if she and the others were to stay alive doing a gold-ranked mission despite being total newbies to all of this. They'd lost two members of the party back in the Hillocks alone, and she'd nearly died (again) to boot! It was worth looking into things, trying to get a better idea of them, putting what she could into practice and trianing, etc, to ensure that didn't happen again....at least on her part if she could help it. Not that anything could prepare her for getting stabbed in the torso by a cyborg ninja with a water blade, a thing in particular which and whom she still felt a new and lingering grudge against as well.

If nothing else, though, she hoped the visit would allow her to pursue some new literature and data that would assist her with regards to her magical capabilities in any capacity at all. That or at least get information that would be valuable for the Temple of Hades or the little 'pit stop' along the way she still needed to propose to the group at large later.

It was with this in mind that the mage, having donned her proper robes and carrying her staff once again in her hand, approached the front of the Academy as the clock was hitting noon.

Post coming tonight as well for me, aka somewhere in the next five hours. (@_@)
Still brainstorming on my end, working on listing out ideas, etc. Yes. (@_@)

Got a chance earlier than I had anticipated. Whew.

"Wh-whoa-huh!? You're telling me you guys could afford enchanted equipment? Wow... That's amazing, you all gotta come from wealthy families, huh?"

Wasn't that the sort of assumption that got people in trouble? The kind of rumor that, if it got going, would get them targeted by unsavory types more likely than not? In other words, if that was the first impression they somehow gave off it wasn't the best one. Yet before she could say anything herself, Sayu and Aria seemed to pick up on things faster than not. Or, well, at least one of them tried to give some kind of excuse first for it all.

"Actually, we found these clothes in a dungeon. We're not rich at all. Not in the slightest. In fact, we're pretty penniless right now, right guys?" She turned to the others to support her new lie.

"That's right," she added, nodding in agreement. "We're not rich at all. Just a stroke of luck finding these clothes, I guess."

"We didn't exactly have any other options, and now we can only use magic or such if we're wearing these things."

What, was she supposed to not play into the obvious attempt at a ruse? No, far from it in her mind. She was happy to toss her lot in with that if it meant keeping them a little safer whenever they made it to civilization. Maybe. Either way there was nothing but trouble to deal with in regards to all of this, and it didn't take her gut instinct to be able to see that as clear as day. Not that it was any bit 'normal' to have meddling otherwordly deities kidnap you and stick you in a stupid costume out of the blue...

...she was still trying to process that one. Likely would have to for a while yet as well. Executing a squirming wounded ratman wasn't exactly normal either for that matter.

"Umm... Did... Did you not intend to harvest its mana gem? It... It already looked dead to me."

"Wasn't dead yet."

A short but prompt response from the bunny-suited girl was all she bothered to give in this situation. It wasn't pretty by any means, but at least her spell had made use of an element this time that didn't cause extra unessecary suffering. Simple, to the point, and quick. Better than burning to death struggling against the fire and all. Besides, they needed to get out of this place, and it sounded as if this girl was now left short one quarry to be able to get her own payday as Laynea continued talking.

Such bloody work for someone around her age? Back home it'd be considered barbaric in some places of the world. In others it'd be as simple as butchering some home-grown chickens for food and they might not bat an eye. Whatever the case, if there was something useful about these ratmen, based on what the girl had said, then maybe they could-

"Mana gems…" She placed her hand on her chin. "Hey, guys, how about we give the gems on those ratmen we just killed to her? In exchange for her taking us to the city? If we hadn't destroyed them with our attacks anyway.."

"Sounds good to me, if there's any left."

-exchange anything left of value from these things for this girl's help.

Sayu was beating her to the punch on this one! It made her feel slightly more secure about the other girl having a 'head on her shoulders' as it were, at least compared to the others around them. Then again, no one else had been able to hear something or someone approaching before either. Hmm. Couldn't blame them for maybe being hesitant on that note, especially given the situation they were all in. Not that it still wasn't in hindsight prudent to take cover when she and Sayu ad done so regardless, since they'd gotten the chance to notice and do so.

“I’m not going to apologize for us defending ourselves. Considering that and the help you’ve given nonetheless, I think it would be fairer if we split the proceeds evenly between us and her,” she offered instead.

"Or we could take that route."

They were broke as well, after all, save for some hand-me-downs from a bored and easily-amused deity with far too much time on their hands.

Whatever the case, Charlotte just wanted to get out of the wilderness as soon as possible first and foremost. Then they could think some more about things.

@Xaltwind Will be posting sometime tomorrow afternoon/evening at latest, my timezone at least, due to having had to head into work today. (@_@)
Is this another Mintz superhero RP? Consider me....curious and interested.

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