Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Haven't forgotten about this :) character still in the works
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Krusader
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Is this another Mintz superhero RP? Consider me....curious and interested.

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Ezekiel
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hi! Interested in playing, mostly wrote up a sheet for Laura Kinney, just working on the sample post!
Includes some stuff for Logan though so thought I'd share now just for visibility on that.

⭙ The Wolverine ⭙

⭙ The Best At What She Does ⭙

"I'm not X-23, I'm not your property. You are the last person who will ever think they can own me. No one owns me! I'm not a thing. I'm Laura Kinney! I'm the Daughter of Sarah. I'm the daughter of Logan. I'm Wolverine!"

Real Name: Laura Kinney

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Alias/Nicknames: Wolverine, Previously X-23.

Appearance: Much like her genetic father, Laura Kinney is not particularly tall, standing at 5'1, she is never the less somewhat closer to average height, relatively, than Logan. In most other hereditary aspects she resembles her mother, sporting the same green eyes and a striking facial resemblance. Despite being raised as a brutal weapon, and many such dramatic events from a young age, Laura has maintains long black hair with surprisingly gentle care, one of the few 'normal' activities she shared with her mother carrying on into her life as a whole. Throughout her childhood and early to mid adolescence Laura has been wiry, almost lanky (despite her height) in build, little more than the muscle required for her designed role as a living weapon. Whether a planned part of her 'progamming,' her natural development, the fact she quite commonly pushes into five digits with her daily calorie intake or a combination of all of the above, Laura has quite dramatically developed into a shapely, if athletic, young woman over the last year and a half. Having a bit of a reputation for being a 'weird goth child' the sudden glow up is something no doubt noted by other students, to which the young woman herself remains oblivious, uncaring, or both.

Personality: While Logan had little to do with Laura's early life, one could be forgiven for thinking otherwise. Much like her father, Laura is brash, prone to anger and possess a grim sense of humour. A matter of debate, but it may seem she has even less patience than the famous firebrand that is the original Wolverine. Despite this, Laura takes considerable effort to attempt to control her more violent urges, tying into her great loathing of feeling like the weapon she was created to be. She may not be a hugely popular or social person, but those she does care about she does so intensely, easily willing and able to put aside her own feelings on matters to enjoy things on another's behalf. Most of all, she is driven to prove she is worthy of her father's legacy, and worthy of being considered a person rather than simply the assassin she was forged to be.

History: Laura Kinney, codenamed X-23, was born in a secret laboratory hidden deep within the heart of the Weapon X program. The facility was dedicated to the sinister purpose of creating genetically enhanced super-soldiers. Since the only genetic sample from Weapon X was damaged, Sarah Kinney, the lead geneticist on the project, was unable to salvage the Y chromosome. Kinney proposed the creation of a female genetic twin. Her request was initially denied. After 22 failed attempts at reconstituting the DNA using a duplicate X chromosome, the 23rd sample yielded a viable sample to combine with an embryo. Although Kinney was allowed to proceed, she was force to act as the surrogate mother of the specimen. For nine months, Kinney's every move was monitored. Finally, she gave birth to "X-23." It was Sarah who gave 'the experiment' her name, Laura. While heavily monitored and forced into a childhood program that focused on raising her to fight and kill, Sarah tried to provide a more humane approach where she could. While this was ultimately futile in preventing the conditioning, it did mean that Laura bonded with Sarah.

The worst treatments were to come once Laura reached her seventh birthday. Not willing to wait for Laura's mutant gifts to manifest during the usual time frame of early adolescence, the Weapon X program exposed her to radiation poisoning to activate her healing factor. Once this was successful, the true horror began, with Laura's claws, having developed two hand-claws and a single foot spike, being removed, coated with adamantium and surgically reattached. Having learned from previous experiments that applying the full adamantium skeleton on a growing child with a healing factor ended in disaster, the program developed a bio-metallic weave of adamantium, secretly based on technology gathered from the remains of the Ultron project, and applied this to Laura's skeleton instead. While still creating great suffering in the process of growth, it would no longer restrict the skeleton from growing and allowing Laura to reach maturity. The finally element of Laura's conditioning was the teaching of a 'trigger scent' a specific chemical combination which would send X-23 into a violent rage upon encountering it, honing in on the source as a target.

As soon as Laura had recovered from the harrowing surgical procedures, she was put into the field, at not even 10 years old being hired out as the premium method of assassination and other wetwork missions. Laura's already violent upbringing only escalated, and increasingly what humanity she had began to slip away. Unbeknownst to Laura, and even Sarah to an extent, a power struggle was brewing within the Weapon-X program. The project lead, Doctor Sutter, against the man who had been his protege, Doctor Rice.

During this time, Sarah's niece Megan was abducted by a serial killer; she smuggled X-23 out of the facility to rescue her. X-23 tracked the abductor to his apartment, killed him, and freed Megan. Sarah was fired when she returned and was escorted off the base. Shortly thereafter, Rice assigned X-23 to eliminate Sutter and his family. He ordered her to keep it secret. X-23 revealed to Sarah that Rice was responsible for the murders. Before Sarah left, Rice revealed a chamber containing the incubation pods for subjects X-24 through X-50.

Sarah drafted a letter to her daughter, assigning her a final mission: destroy the pods and kill Rice. X-23 succeeded and met her mother, and they prepared to flee. However, prior to his death, Rice exposed Sarah to the trigger scent. X-23 went into a murderous frenzy and killed her mother. As she lay dying, Sarah told X-23 that her name was Laura and that she loved her, and handed her the letter and pictures of Charles Xavier, Wolverine, and the Xavier Institute.

During her attempts to reach the Xavier Institute, Laura had to evade pursuit on multiple fronts. While she had succeeded in destroying (at least her facility) the Weapon X program, many of its financial backers became aware of her part and her existence, seeking to reclaim her as a part of their investment. At the same time, SHIELD had become aware of her role in various murders during her time acting on behalf of the program, and so both, for very different reasons, looked to capture her. This ultimately resulted in a stand off outside the Xavier Institute, as so close to her end goal she was cornered. The X-Men themselves may not have acted, were it not for Logan immediately identifying Laura's healing factor and claws as hallmarks of his own genetics, and no doubt another survivor of the Weapon-X program. With her mutant identity confirmed, the X-Men stepped in, declaring the young woman to be under their protection. While this did much to prevent the more nefarious elements from acting on that day, SHEILD was not so easily placated, and the process of proving that Laura was as much a victim of foul forces as her targets had been were lengthy.

The willingness of Charles Xavier to play along with the politics of the situation was a key factor in Logan eventually leaving the X-Men to temporarily join the Avengers, and similarly placed Laura in a twilight zone of loyalties. She well understands the plight of her fellow mutants and the need for the X-Men, but nevertheless understands the Avengers weariness towards them. When the Avengers Academy was founded, Logan approached his daughter to be one of a number of mutants that would instead take part in that program as an effort to further integrate mutant superheroes with their human and metahuman counterparts, and even beyond their growing familial bond, she was keen to agree.

Having taken her first steps as a now publicly known hero, and with Logan taking on a mentor role, Laura has begun to use the name 'Wolverine' a title passed on by Logan in recognition of his faith in her.


  • Regenerative Healing Factor - Laura's primary mutant power is her healing factor, derived from Logan's genetic code. Just as powerful as her father's, Laura is able to fully heal massive damage, even able to reattach or regrow limbs. It has yet to be tested if she can fully regrow from as little surviving material as Logan, but there is so far no reason to suggest otherwise. Her healing factor, somewhat differently to Logan, seems to fluctuate with her mental state.
  • Accute Senses - Laura has far greater vision, hearing and sense of smell than a baseline human, being comparable to various predatory animals. The most notable improvement is her ability to track scents, being so advanced that she can smell high cholesterol in blood samples, or detect previously undiagnosed illnesses, much akin to some service canines.
  • Superhuman agility/reflexes - A combination of extensive training and her increased abilities, Laura is far more agile and with much faster reflexes than even a highly trained human.
  • Claws/Skeleton - Laura possess four sets of claws, double claws on her hands and single claws on her feet. These are coated entirely in adamantium as well as naturally being hardier and sharper than human bone. Each use of them creates punctures in her skin, but these are quickly healed. Similar, but not identically, to Logan, Laura's skeleton is covered in a semi-biological weave of adamantium, formed by the same construction process as the biomechanical skinweave of Ultron. This makes her incredibly hardy, as well as heavy.
  • Psychic Defences - Whether a result of her healing factor or intensive conditioning, Laura is remarkably resistant to psychic attacks, probes and control. Far from a true immunity, it simply takes even powerful telepaths a concerted effort to read or control her.


  • Wolverine Suit - Laura now wears a suit of similar design to her father's iconic Wolverine suit. It is highly resistant to damage, heat and cold (if not quite as much as the woman who wears it) as well as being largely porous in order to not restrict her movements and keen senses.


  • Anger/Impatience: Laura was raised to be a killer, to put the mission above all else. While she has worked hard to break down the conditioning placed upon her, this still manifests as a heightened sense of aggression and impatience to 'get the job done' whatever that task might be.
  • Kill Scent: The kill scent that was used by the Weapon X program to control Laura is still very much 'out there' and so far even mind control will not prevent Laura from aggressively seeking to kill the source, her body working entirely independently of her mind to complete the programming.
  • Heavy: While not always a true weakness, Laura is incredibly dense, the adamantium across her bones and claws causing her to weigh far more than her frame might suggest. Swimming is almost impossible beyond a few brief moments, along with other tasks which require bouyancy/a lack of weight.

Sample Post

"Whole lot of nothing out here." A rock wasn't a particularly comfy seat either, but it would suffice, as Laura looked over the surrounding area. A great swathe of Nevada stretched out before her, and as commented, not much else. Not much else beyond the burned-out shell of a structure behind her, built into the rocky slope.

"Wouldn't be much of a secret rogue installation if they built it in a mall." Logan drew close enough to offer comment, which given the two mutants in question, was still a fair distance, their enhanced senses more than making up for the span of meters. Logan dropped the now empty fuel can he had been carrying, casting it aside as he drew closer to the young woman waiting for him in the baking desert heat.

"I get that, but what if you get bored of evil facility cafeteria food? Can't even grab a bit of doordash?" Laura grinned just a little as she stood up and stretched, working the tension out of muscles that were still feeling her hardwired propensity to violence. Even after the pair had just 'overseen' the shutting down of another sleeper-cell facility of the project which had, in different decades, shaped both of their lives, her altered physiology called for more violence. It proved useful in the next moment, however, as she caught a projectile aimed straight for her face. A projectile which turned out to be a Rocky road bar. Shortly unwrapped and the first bite taken, Laura never the less furnished Logan with a raised eyebrow.

"You joke about food when you're hungry, which is most of the time." The man replied with a grunt, taken up a seat on the rock Laura had only just vacated.

"Screw you old man." She retorted between bites, yet still leant towards him, one hand atop his shoulder as she used Logan as a stand for balance, studying again the whole load of nothing which made up this particular isolated valley of Nevada.

In countless previous exchanges Logan would have reposted in similar kind, but on this occassion he was silent, studying Laura for a few moments before nodding, with the ghost of a smile. "Suppose I am getting on a bit."

The sudden bought of severity, even of a warm kind, caught her off guard, and she couldn’t quite hide or shrug off the sudden frown of concentration across her features. [color=gold]”What’s eating you then?”[/color=gold] While not obviously warm, there was no true harshness to her.

”This is the last facility we have a lead on, might even be the actual end of the project.” The pair of them rarely said the actual words, rarely gave the infamous Weapon-X program the validation of their recognition, but it had defined both of their lives. As the pair had began to drift from the Xavier Institute, they had refocused on putting a stop to the myriad of sleeper cells and successor programs that had cropped up in the years since the last major attempt to resurrect the weapon program. In the twisted manner of Logan and Laura’s lives, this was something close to the father and daughter bonding that the circumstances of their lives had robbed them of.

“Heads of the Hydra.” She mused with a pessimistic tone, but it did not betray true fear or regret for that. For all the importance of eradicating the program, she had enjoyed the simplicity of the last few months, and the chance to spend time with her gene-father without the wider moralizing of Xavier.

“Maybe, but this isn’t the way to find who you are, to be the best person you could be.” Logan’s tone held a rare hint of hope, a belief in a future that could be. “The Stark foundation are setting up an Academy, training the next generation of those who might make a difference. They’ve asked me to teach, but I’ve said they can stick the job if they don’t take you into the program.” He drew closer as he spoke, placing one hand on her shoulder, the claws of his hand retreating within the sheathe of his own skin. “And if I’m retiring to some cushy tenure, I want you to have this.” His other hand moved to the prongs of his cowl, pulling it free to hold over the yellow and black mask of his suit.

A thousand and one comments passed through her mind, silly jokes and retorts to diffuse the chance of true emotion, but instead she pulled her arms around him, hugging close to the man she had once cursed the name of. ”Thank you Logan,”

“You’re welcome, Wolverine.”

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

My favourite hero is Spider Man sooooo you know I had to have her had a good relationship with him xD (even if he's not necessarily a part of this).
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by strawbsandsugar
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Not quite finished but I thought the world might want to meet her ♡

♡ ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴄʟɪᴄᴋ ᴀʟʟ ʏᴇʟʟᴏᴡ ʟɪɴᴋꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ᴠɪꜱᴜᴀʟꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴀᴢɪᴇ'ꜱ ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ ♡

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

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1x Like Like 5x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Still brainstorming on my end, working on listing out ideas, etc. Yes. (@_@)
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Mintz
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

My favourite hero is Spider Man sooooo you know I had to have her had a good relationship with him xD (even if he's not necessarily a part of this).

I like it! There's only one thing I need edited prior to fully accepting this sheet; at the start of the RP, this will be the first time Avengers Academy is opening its doors, and thus, the first time anyone will be there. As such, Mia shouldn't have any prior experiences in the Academy yet. This also probably extends to most of her relationships (barring Peter ofc lol)
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Qia>

I like it! There's only one thing I need edited prior to fully accepting this sheet; at the start of the RP, this will be the first time Avengers Academy is opening its doors, and thus, the first time anyone will be there. As such, Mia shouldn't have any prior experiences in the Academy yet. This also probably extends to most of her relationships (barring Peter ofc lol)

Fixed :)
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by strawbsandsugar
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I am sorry that it seems I may have copied you being with the color red and a motorcycle, but I was just late to posting my profile, @mintz @memekingdave @akayaofthemoon @alphathepaladin and I have been working on our character concepts for a few weeks before it was posted on RolePlayerGuild and it seems that great minds think alike.

Hopefully all it means is that we'll have a really cool biker gang at the Academy ♡

(a side note after reading your profile too, modern street bikes can go up to speeds of 185 miles per hour and most cop cars can almost reach 200 mph, so you may want your hover bike to beat the fastest police cars if you're a real renegade :3)
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Mintz
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Whoops, left this for longer than I planned; yup, the changes are lookin' good. Feel free to bring her in, and welcome to Avengers Academy!
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Mintz
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

On that note, how's everyone doin' here? I've been eagerly awaiting more completed profiles as we approach the time for me to properly launch this RP!

For a heads-up, I'm planning to, at the very latest, launch the RP by the end of October; this means everyone here has roughly 2 weeks to work out their sheets and get then RP-ready! And if we can get them all done sooner, then I can see about kicking things off earlier as well, so hopefully that makes for some exciting incentive! Looking forward to seeing everyone's work soon :)
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 1 day ago


<Snipped quote by Blizz>

I am sorry that it seems I may have copied you being with the color red and a motorcycle, but I was just late to posting my profile, @mintz @memekingdave @akayaofthemoon @alphathepaladin and I have been working on our character concepts for a few weeks before it was posted on RolePlayerGuild and it seems that great minds think alike.

Hopefully all it means is that we'll have a really cool biker gang at the Academy ♡

(a side note after reading your profile too, modern street bikes can go up to speeds of 185 miles per hour and most cop cars can almost reach 200 mph, so you may want your hover bike to beat the fastest police cars if you're a real renegade :3)

Sure I'll consider that lol. @Mintz thoughts on that or should I just save that for later for when Hazel gets to fuck around with whatever the avengers let her play with


On that note, how's everyone doin' here? I've been eagerly awaiting more completed profiles as we approach the time for me to properly launch this RP!

For a heads-up, I'm planning to, at the very latest, launch the RP by the end of October; this means everyone here has roughly 2 weeks to work out their sheets and get then RP-ready! And if we can get them all done sooner, then I can see about kicking things off earlier as well, so hopefully that makes for some exciting incentive! Looking forward to seeing everyone's work soon :)

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Mintz
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

I'd say you're fine holding off; it makes sense that it's not quite as fast as those, given that it's both 1: Made from scrap metal and a dream practically, and 2: Also a hover-bike, so in exchange for not being directly as fast, it literally gets to avoid most problems normal bikes would have to experience lol
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 1 day ago


Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MemeKingDave
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

On that note, how's everyone doin' here? I've been eagerly awaiting more completed profiles as we approach the time for me to properly launch this RP!

For a heads-up, I'm planning to, at the very latest, launch the RP by the end of October; this means everyone here has roughly 2 weeks to work out their sheets and get then RP-ready! And if we can get them all done sooner, then I can see about kicking things off earlier as well, so hopefully that makes for some exciting incentive! Looking forward to seeing everyone's work soon :)

Honestly, I'm doing well. Already been looking at some songs he may be listening to, and thinking on ideas for what he would do with the teachers. Also the funny moment when his might as well be aunt is a teacher.

But awesome to hear. Can't wait to get started.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

On that note, how's everyone doin' here? I've been eagerly awaiting more completed profiles as we approach the time for me to properly launch this RP!

For a heads-up, I'm planning to, at the very latest, launch the RP by the end of October; this means everyone here has roughly 2 weeks to work out their sheets and get then RP-ready! And if we can get them all done sooner, then I can see about kicking things off earlier as well, so hopefully that makes for some exciting incentive! Looking forward to seeing everyone's work soon :)

Doing ok! Life and internet both continue to be as busy as ever it seems on my end, but I have gotten my concepts down to the top three for a character at least (yay). The pain is deciding which one, indecisively, as has been my most common problem in RP'ing. (lol)
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 32 min ago

This looks interesting! I think I might dust off an old character of mine for this. She's a character that temporarily gets a weakened version of the powers of people she touches. The upside is unlike Rogue, she can stack them.
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