Location: Queens, New York; Avengers Academy
"That will be fine, Jason. We'll have plenty of time to drop your armor off soon enough."
Affirmative. He would, though, for the moment remain sitting where he was on the ground. It was certianly a better spot than the hard floor of a cell, or his former living quarters even before that. Though perhaps in some respects....the suit was itself a sort of comfortable enough space for him as well for the moment. At least if he tried to think more on it. Sure its use kept him safer and better alive in a general sense, but he had become accustomed to it. What was the phrase, again? 'Being comfortable in your own skin'? Eh, perhaps it was close enough for the moment being.
More than that, the armored younger man would finally turn his head about to take a glance and look at the other 'students' around him.
It felt somewhat familiar in a vague sense, and yet at the same time the airs of the place and expressions of these fellow students were still abnormal to him. One girl's eyes seemed to be scanning over their Headmaster as if looking for weak points, even as she seemed to be in some sort of pleasant mood at least. There was also the other younger man closer to where he was while sittig on a bench. Seemed relaxed, if not from here frankly, to his eyes. Just was something he felt from the way the guy carried himself here, and how he didn't seem to be too bothered by things perhaps. There was also another girl who seemed to be also dressed rather 'normally', but seemed enthusiastic enough about things otherwise. Then came-
“How do you do, fellow kids?” She spoke with a flash of a smirk, enough of her black matte-covered lips parting to reveal the flash of her sharpened canines in amusement.
...Hmm. Nice bike, but the look in the eyes of the guy who was driving it certianly felt a bit too familiar to Jason's eyes. Somewhat too close to home for him, really, and the man seemed to slip away as soon as he could to boot. It was all he could do to get a passing glance to notice, but beyond that something or someone else was more notable to see here. Or rather, had just cheekily flashed a grin at them in a seemingly fanged sort of manner. Seemed to be taking this entire affair lightly enough and casually enough as it was, but he'd no idea what the others here had gone through frankly or how they'd ended up as they were now.
Not his favorite person, though, at least for a first impression and the particular vibes he got from her.
"If I have everyone's attention?" Giving a few patient moments to ensure everyone had their focus towards him, the Headmaster spoke once again. "If you all will follow me, I'll give you a tour of the Academy grounds alongside War Machine and Mr. Hogan here."
Noted. War Machine. Avenger. Suit originated from Tony Stark's technology. They had at the testing facility been giving some lessons where this individual was noted. Though Jason himself still wasn't seeing Mr. Wilson anywhere around this introduction. Hmm. Well, it wasn't as if everyone had to come greet the new students themselves. Would be peculiar and even more strange if they had made the teachers to such a thing. Deadpool was seemingly the eccentric one who had been kicked out by War Machine. A nuisance, and one seemingly with a running mouth to boot. Duly noted. Ah. But if they did run into Mrs. Stark, he would have to make his apologies. The individuals outside had advised such, at least, and were perhaps parents of one of the students too? Hmm. Though he hadn't known much of what else to say in the moment either.
However, at least the tour of the facilities was beginning.
While he found it at least somewhat strange still to not be given something akin to a combat briefing or the like, Jason still felt his eyes and ears keeping peeled and taking note. Advantageous roof positions. Certain rooms or other such spots in the hallways that could be used to ambush combatants. Placement of at leasy any potentially visible cameras or detectors or sensors he could tell were about. Windows under which might make for good cover if caught outside of his suit and had to return fire. Even potential bottlenecks for incoming enemy forces in which one could fortify to hold out stood out to him along the way as he and the others were led around the shop. But this was just a general assessment in the overall sense on his part. Just that.
Meanwhile the particular places they had noted to them were also something to take note of. First off, here was the Danger Room, a place for training and yet not without supervision. Locker rooms for changing for such occasions were also nearby. Good to know, but not very advantageous if he couldn't use free time to continue practice and drilling on his own for a time. Would there be a spot for that outside of the Danger Room? He would make sure to inquire about such later. Especially when it came to firearms training and such on his end, he needed the space. Still, the next location would be of more relavent import for the time being.
The Workshop is for the more technologically inclined students of the Academy. Here, you may find a variety of resources and tools to create and maintain whatever your mind can dream up! It's also designed to hold whatever inventions the students may design for safekeeping and quick access in case of emergencies. However, anything designed here has to get the all-clear from Jocasta and War Machine to ensure the device's safety measures.
Workbenches, materials, all assortments of tools, hoists, cables, lifts, if one could name it the thing seemed to be here in one form or another. It was in this vein that Jason felt a small bit of relief as he noticed a particular 'stand' of sorts to the right. It fit the dimensions of his suit, and he had been told beforehand the Academy would have a spot for storage of his suit. Well, and space to work on it and such it seemed. Sure he was no genius, but he had learned about how to care for and field repair his suit at the very least and had looked into it and general engineering more in his off-time (before, but especially after, coming into SHIELD custody). It would be something to do, at least when he wasn't taking time for his cooking training or the like otherwise. Having options was always a good thing in the general sense, he felt, when it came to matters of making use of one's personal time.
Walking over to the 'stand', though, he would initiate the pilot ejection process wordlessly as the suit began to whir and its parts moved and slid open. Looking at a small display the suit gave him, he took note of the 'energy reserves' storage to ensure it was in order before it dissapeared again. All systemms nominal. Reserves acceptable. Internal bio-energy levels at currently well within the 'safe' levels and proper threshold. If it weren't for the fact he reminded himself he was on a tour, the younger man felt himself wanting to just unconsiously move to do some systems tests and other normal post-flight routines. For now, though, he had to keep moving. It was in that vein that the muscular Jason stepped foward a few steps from his suit, stretched a little to ensure his arms and legs were in good order, and then nodded to the Hulk before returning to the other students and the rest of the tour. A skintight black short-sleeved shirt clung to his chest, part of his piloting uniform, though a pair of comfortable but not immodest shorts were on his legs as well. Took quite a lot of coldness to get him to not wear shorts in most weather, actually, though he wasn't going to simply announce such a thing out of the blue to people either.
The Infirmary was certianly another good location to take note of, in case of injuries on-campus or during training or the like, though to be severe enough his body couldn't handle it very well was usually a bad sign of things in the first place. Suitable medical equipment and hopefully staffing to boot, though he didn't feel quite comfortable calling it the 'Nurse's Office' either. Though heading into the office of "Happy" Hogan, the counselor's office of sorts, was at least something to take an at least cursory note of as well. Meanwhile the Cafeteria was certinaly something seemingly fit to feed may students and staff, and he would take especial note of it....and potential alternative entry points in case of emergencies. Beyond this, however, not much was of major note to take other than doing so to ensure he could make it to assigned classes and study as needed. Classrooms, the Headmaster's Office, the Library, and even the spacious Auditorium would be shown to them in turn, and from the loud girl's seeming aversion to the pool and other such things along the way the other students seemed to react to the tour in their own manner as well. Then came the final building they were brought to, that being the Dormitories.
Shared dorms? It was nothing he wasn't used to already, frankly, as they had all been test subjects and had an eye kept on them at all times of day and night. Sure sometimes fights and such broke out, but there had been little privacy. Apparently that was...'taboo' in the rest of the world? Well, perhaps so for non-supersoldier children in all likelihood, he supposed, and for the adults wanting to keep them in-line somehow? It was also standard in other militaries, including that of the US, to enough of an extent it seemed. But still-? Hmm. It felt awkward to try to think of the other angle, really, and so the stoic younger man would simply stare on silently as he had for the entire tour since dropping off his suit in the workshop. Besides, the rooms themselves were frankly a luxurious abode compared to anything he could still remember having lived in, though, and the kitchens in the dorms were of a special note to him. Yes, he could at least practice cooking and eat without having to make his way to the cafeteria on a cover mission to get a bite to eat if his body really needed it after hours.
"All that Stark money couldn't afford a few extra walls?" Her tone was teasing, but ultimately light-hearted.
"I suppose this might give us a chance to get to know each other and possibly collaborate during training sessions. I mean...that's the idea, isn't it?" she asked, her voice carrying a hint of uncertainty.
“A bed’s a bed even if the room is shared.” he spoke out for the first time, surprising even himself not being entirely sure where that had come from.
Hmm. Seemed his peers were taking issue, or perhaps joking, about the way they would be roomed? It was to be expected, perhaps, but it still felt awkward enough he didn't deign to quip about the matter or make a comment otherwise. Though he did glance at those who spoke breifly as they each spoke in turn, pairing what assessments of them he had already with this commentary in turn. Still, a chance to get his things and bring them to the room would be good to ensure he didn't misplace anything.