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I'm interested in it, makes me think of our Heroes RP days ^^, But with this, still working on Shivers character to, I have not forgot that @Infamous Auror
Interested ^^

Miranda Burke

Location: Cafe
Interacting with:@NalloreJeanna Grayson

Miranda returned the soft smile of the agent, she seemed nice and polite enough and maybe was more passionate in dealing with this case than one might expect, after all, it was not very often one would see and FBI agent making their way to a small peaceful town like this. It was possible there were secrets to this town and often Miranda knew more than she let on. But the subject of Riley probably was not one of them. Taking the cup to go and sort out a refill Jeanna had motioned for the blonde to sit with her, she nodded but raised the cup first signalling her intent for the refill first.

Once making her way back with a fresh cup of coffee for the agent, Miranda hesitant looking over at her boss but then sat down at the table opposite the agent. Miranda probably had a few ideas of what this upcoming conversation was to be about… More like she knew exactly what it would be about and could not be avoided. She paused a moment looking down and fiddling with her hands as she thought about what to say before she looked up at the agent.

A small smile returned though when she thought about Riley. “Riley… what can I say, she is one of the most amazing kindest souls you will ever meet. Ri is the type of person that would be there for anyone without question or hesitation. She would always smile and be full of happiness, she is smart, beautiful and has a heart of gold.”

Miranda paused for a moment, thinking of Riley had her eyes begin to form tears. “Me and Riley grew up together… She is like a sister to me, I love her and she means the world to me, I can’t imagine anyone here wanted to harm such a lovely girl and it kills me every day knowing she is missing... I just want her to come home.” Miranda then finished, as she controlled herself of any emotional outburst or the urge to just run out there and look for Riley as she wiped away some tears that silently fell down the side of her face.

She kept listening and watching the agent as she then followed up with the next question, it hurt and made her heart sink more, she probably looked horrible right now, and was clearly upset but she soldiered on for the agent, anything could help. “Well, we both always went to the lake god knows how many times, we love watching the stars come out at night, it is so peaceful, I think even you would love the sight and calmness of it.” Miranda stopped in thought for a moment. “We have a couple of camping spots out there to, but it’s always been safe and often we are in a larger group of friends… Look I can’t think of anyone that would want to harm or take Riley away from here, this is a great town with good people, I can’t imagine her running away, her heart has always been here in red lake, if someone took her, then she wouldn’t go willingly.”

Miranda looked pleadingly at the agent. “I keep an eye for Riley every night, I go looking for her, I am sure many people here do, I can see it is effecting many here that one of our own is gone and missing… I just hope she is okay, Please Ma’am, I beg of you… Please find and bring Riley back home.” Moments after Miranda fell silent still upset as she wiped away some more tears that kinda ruined what little makeup she had on, she did her best to keep everything between the two and avoid making too much of a scene.
@NalloreI'm wirting my post right now ^^
@NalloreShould have a post up by tomorrow ^^
@NalloreMay I ask for an extension please! ^^ I 7 day counter ends on christmas day lol.

Miranda Burke

Location: Cafe
Interacting with:@NalloreJeanna Grayson

Miranda had not long started her shift, it was the later shift for her today which meant she missed speaking to Olivia or at least missed any tense moments between Oli and Fin, Miri often getting caught in the middles or nearby when those two don’t get on. It was pretty busy as many were getting lunch and generally talking about all sorts, normally was a good escape to stop thinking about Riley, but it was hard, the girl was like a sister to her and now she was missing which had the blonde teen often phasing out and being oblivious to what was going on around her, Miranda was not herself since the disappearance, she often stayed up late sitting outside hoping Ri would turn up, often she goes looking for her during the day when not working… But now was not the time.

Miranda was snapped out of her trance when she heard her boss call out. “Yes Sir.” Miranda would answer with a smile, even if it was fake. She looked around looking to see who needed any orders as her eyes stopped upon a woman sitting by herself with a laptop typing away, Miri remembered that it was the FBI agent that was looking in on the two cases, one a disappearance, the other being a murder.

She couldn’t recall if the agent had ever given her name out or not but Miranda did notice that her coffee mug next to her was empty. Despite it being her job, it was also a chance to see maybe any progress was made, she wanted Riley home. Making her way over to the table Miranda spoke up. “Excuse me ma’am… Would you like another refill?” She asked politely while smiling softly at the woman, it wouldn’t look good if she looked miserable while serving a customer right?
@NalloreI'll have a post up soon! :)
Finally got my Relations sheet done except for one active character :)
I am also working on my character to :) not forgotten this place.
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