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Aaliyah Cruz

Location:Hydraulic Hearth Restaurant & Brewery.
Interacting With:

So what? Was this guy some kind of gangbanger? He was at her guess about a foot taller than her and had several piercings all over his face it seemed. For whatever reason Aaliyah did not step back from him though when he came towards her, she was not normal anyway, she could do shit this guy could not even if she wasn’t a fighter. Aaliyah stood her ground looking up at the guy, if she was any other normal gal, this guy would K.O her without even a thought.

A smile slowly crept on her features as she actually stepped a little towards him, she signalled covertly to her co-workers to keep back, she knew the one would phone the cops if shit got real, part of Aaliyah was kind of wondering what she could do while the other half was worried about what this dude could actually do to her. “First of, don’t cool me girlie. And secondly, I strongly suggest you leave right now, so how about you move your bald headed ass before the cops get here.” And there she went speaking before thinking.
I'll be posting tonight ^^
Aaliyah Cruz

Location:Hydraulic Hearth Restaurant & Brewery.
Interacting With:

Aaliyah smiled back at the man as he spoke and told her nothing else was needed, with that all she had to do was take his food order to the counter and then see if anyone else needed serving or table cleared. Alas that was not going to happen unknown to Aaliyah another customer had gotten up to leave their table just as she finished up serving her current customer.

As the man started using his phone, Aaliyah did not even have the chance to turn and leave the table before she felt some one bump into her from behind, the knock along with being caught by surprise made her stumble forward and lose her balance, she ended up onto the man table in a rather awkward position to say the least as she also knocked the man drink she had given him earlier was now spilled over him despite her best efforts to stop the glass from going over.

Aaliyah froze for a moment processing what just happened to her as her eyes widened as she looked up at the man that just had his drink spilled over him and she was still on the table. Thoughts immediately raced through her mind as she scrambled to get off the table. “Oh my god, I am so sorry Sir… Someone just bumped into me” Aaliyah said as she went about giving the man something to wipe himself with before she would go and get more to properly help.

God she was probably in so much trouble now, she told him that she would quickly get some bits to help clean him up, her face with worry. Aaliyah began to spin round to see what idiot decided to bump into her and caused all of this mess. “Why don’t you look where you are going you…” she trailed off from what she was going to finish the sentence of with as she stopped and looked at the guy… Well more like having to slowly look up to the guy, he was tall, like very tall and littered with muscles and tattoos on his arms. Aaliyah just ended up just standing there looking at the guy, but she was not scared of him, why would she be? She could probably knock him out with her pinkie, not that she had ever tried or thought of something like that.

Miranda Burke

Location: Heading to café Interacting with:

It had been five days since the disappearance of Riley and the murder of the mayor, time seemed to go by pretty quick but she was able to help Declan a bit he had stayed over a few nights after Jenna had asked him if he was responsible, in honesty Miri did not believe for a second that Dec could have done it, he was in control of himself, she came to this belief mainly from the simply reason of him not having mauled her or any other of his friends. Olivia and Taylor popped round to her place a couple of times to see him but other than that no one else came round.

In the last few days though, Oli admitted to the blonde that she was a werewolf as well, this did surprise Miri quite a bit but she took it calmly considering she already knew what Dec was. Miri came to respect Olivia more because of it as it meant her bestie trusted her enough to know, now where there was one wolf, there were bound to be others, like a pack for example, Miri had become quite knowledgeable of the creatures and now that two people close to her were, she now wondered how many others there maybe?

Today was her day off from work, she had been helping out Riley’s mother at the B&B a few times in the last few days, she wanted to try and help out in any way she could, she just wished she could find the girl and bring her home. She often spent time out on the porch of her home looking at the stars lost in thought, thinking of Riley and the murder, even if it was peaceful and enjoyable for her, she always ended up worrying about her other friends in town.

The weather is crap today, not even lunch time and it was raining which sucked as Miranda decided to dodge the morning jog she tended to do sometimes, already half of her ideas had been buggered because of it but she was not about to let a little bit of water stop her from going out and catching up with people. Jenna was one of them as the blonde teen had not the chance to talk to her since hearing from Declan what she had said.

She had since got ready, had breakfast, grabbing a coat before heading out and driving in towards the center of town towards the café, she aimed to get herself a fresh cuppa before going planning to head over to check on the B&B, thinking of the café… Miri then remembered Finley was on shift at the moment, the two never seemed to get on, Miri had nothing against the girl but maybe it was just a personality clash or something, Soon Miri was pulling up to the café.

I'll have a post up tonight or after work tomorrow! it will be done ^^
I'll have a post up tonight or after work tomorrow! it will be done ^^
Aaliyah Cruz

Location:Hydraulic Hearth Restaurant & Brewery.
Interacting With:

Aaliyah waited for a moment as the man thanked her and went back to looking at the menu, It did not take long for him to point out to her what it was he would like to have and with pad and pen ready she took a closer look at what it was he was pointing at as he made his order. It took merely second to jot down what it was the customer had ordered. “Okay so that is the hot wings and fries, is there anything else you would like sir?” She politely asked him.

While waiting a moment Aaliyah quickly nodded at her colleagues, it was nice they were concerned and that they were friends of hers, a friendship that was built over the time she had been working there, still some things she would not tell them, who would believe she had super strength anyway?

Miranda Burke

Location: heading home/ At Miranda’s home.Interacting with: Declan @infamous Auror, Olivia via text @nallore

The day was pretty much setting as Miranda carried on talking with Declan, she was making sure she was there for him and reassuring her believe to him that Jenna was wrong about the possibility of him murdering the Mayor, she understood the girl was trying to eliminate possible suspects and it may have been how she simply spoke to him that made him upset with her, still it was one hell of a heavy accusation to make and one even she was pretty angry about. She went off to get a couple more drinks when her phone went on again in her pocket while she was in the kitchen, Oli had texted her again and how it was written, she seemed worried.

Text to Oli: “Hey hun, sorry I have not replied, it’s been a long day. Yeah I am fine though, you holding up okay? Yes… Declan is here with me, but don’t worry he is doing okay hun, Miri xx”

Miranda hesitated a few moments before sending the text to Olivia, part of her didn’t want to say where Declan was in case people wanting to come rushing to her home to check up on him or something, she felt he needed some space from a crowd, otherwise he would not have come to her and in all honesty she was glad he did. Placing the cell away, Miri grabbed a couple of bottles again and went back and sat with Declan to continue talking about anything he wanted to speak about or more off, maybe even about Jenna and what she did to him over the phone. He asked her if he could stay the night which made her heart skip a moment, she didn’t expect him to ask, but he didn’t have to. Of course though, Miranda softly smiled at him and didn’t hesitate in telling him he could with her the night at her place, he needed some well-deserved rest after all.

Aaliyah Cruz

Location:Hydraulic Hearth Restaurant & Brewery.
Interacting With:

Aaliyah smiled as the man made an order for a drink, a beer to be precise. “Of course Sir, I can get that for you” She headed off to make her way to the bar to pour the customer a drink when she couldn’t help but notice that some of her colleagues were looking at her, probably seemed likely that the one that caught her running to the bathroom was concerned enough to say something which was not at all surprising, even busy it was hard to go unnoticed when running out back, Aaliyah only hoped no one knew of her conversation, although she was 'only' speaking to her doctor.

Giving a friendly smile back to them, Aaliyah began pouring the beer into a glass as she responded to the question from one of them. “I’m feeling okay, just had a bit of a dizzy spell earlier, but honestly I am fine now guy’s” It was all she could put in her answer as she finished pouring the beer and gave them another reassuring smile before heading of back towards the table the customer was sitting at. Once making it back to the table Aaliyah carefully placed the beer onto the table. “Here you go Sir, one fresh beer.” She gave a friendly smile as she noticed the weather improving and even the place quietening down a bit.

Miranda Burke

Location: heading home/ At Miranda’s home.Interacting with: Declan @infamous Auror

Once Declan had sat down with Miranda, she took a couple of sips from her drink, head titled to the side slightly, watching him with her soft gaze as he was hunched over after having a bit of his own drink. It was clear as day that something was really on top of him this time round, she noticed the burns earlier when he came in and so knew this was not one of your typical shit days a normal person might have from a non-paranormal life, after a moment of silence between the two he finally began to speak.

He stops as quick as he started, at the name Jenna, Miranda only heard of that conversation with his girlfriend… Were they even still together now, Miranda didn’t to mention it right now while he was explaining it, but from what he was saying to whatever he was being told, it didn’t take a private investigator to know that it sounded like Jenna was playing away, heartless bitch. Soon he began starting off with explaining that they both know of what he is and that he had no choice as he showed her his burnt hand, looking not so burnt anymore, he was healing nicely, In the moment his hand was held out to her she shuffled over a little to look at it better, she hesitated in taking her hand into his and holding for fear it would irritate what was left of the burns despite wanting to reassure him.

He then went on to explain how the situation had come about and what lead to him having no choice but to tell them, Gwen she felt could keep a secret, she was like herself in a way speaking their minds but were loyal to those closest to them, Fin, Miranda was not sure about, they didn’t get on or probably trust on another, so Miranda really wouldn’t know how the other would have taken hit but did expect as possible freak out from the pair.

He was trying to save Gwen from the mine with Fin, made sense really... he was close to both and Dec was the kind of guy that would go to help others at his own expense, it made her heart ache a little, he knows he couldn’t go in there but did anyway, it was what made him so amazing and unique and in a way thankful that Finley was with him at the time to help. It also sounded right that Gwen would grill him with a lot of questions… So the pair didn’t bolt and leave which was something and was even wanting to take him to the hospital, which probably not been a good idea.

But then he growled at the mention of Gwen, it did give pause for thought as it was his wolf side that was letting this growl out, he needed to calm down as she didn’t not want him to run away, not like this. He then dropped the bombshell that even caught Miranda by surprise, Gwen or Jenna, which ever name some had come to know or call her by, was quite the looker in Miranda’s eyes, had actually asked if Dec was responsible for the death of the mayor and even if a valid question possibly from someone else that didn’t know him, personally she should’ve know Declan better than that and wondered why she would ask him. Did she generally think he was capable of such a thing? or simply trying to remove him out as a possible suspect?

When he fell silent and short of his sentence, Miri knew that what Gwen did had really hurt him and hit close to home and it did totally suck seeing him like this but Miranda knew him better than anyone, they grew up together and always had each other’s back and total trust. There was no way Declan would have murdered someone, he was in control, if he wasn’t she would’ve been on menu long ago and being what he is, he was still that kind, loving Declan that put others before himself, he was still the same guy inside.

Placing her drink on the table in front of herself, Miranda placed one arms around Declan, pulling him closer to herself as she placed the other hand on top his own that was still holding the drink she gave him earlier. She looked at him carefully as if trying to read his thoughts, which of course she couldn’t. Right now priority was being there for Declan, then at some time she would go and have a ‘word’ with Gwen herself. “Dec…. It’s Gwen we are talking about; it was probably her way of removing you as a suspect.”She began softly. “But to be honest she should you better than that; And I myself do not believe for one second that you could do that to anyone, you may be a werewolf Dec, but that doesn't mean you are some mindless animal.”

Miranda then placed a hand on his chest roughly where his heart is “You have a kind loving heart Declan and nothing will ever change that, all this has not changed the person that you are and it shows because you are hurting over what Gwen said… Look I will go and have a talk with Gwen when I get a chance to see her. She cares, so don’t give up on her yet okay, just give her some time and she’ll come round.” Sure Miri was fuming at the accusation but going out there now and angered won’t solve nothing, god it wasn’t fun to be stuck between two people that you really like, after a moment she removed her hand, grabbing her bottle of cider.

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