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Miranda Burke

Location:Abandoned House Interacting with: Heather Ali @Kirah, Robin Marshall@McHaggis, :

‘Possible Vessels’ What could that possible mean, yet more mysteries, Although Miri was kind of getting a feeling this was something supernatural but beyond her own limited knowledge on the matter. Just like Heather, Miri frowned at the idea of what that could possibly mean, and if that was something connected to Riley then… well she didn’t want to think about and just hoped the others in the basement found something or even her.

The conversation of squatting had come up, she shuddered at the idea of people having to be forced to squat in a place like this, it was rotten, old and certainly in desperate need of major repairs, squatting here would make one very ill very fast, maybe the perfect place of a murderer or kidnapper, again that fought alone sent chills down her spine. “I rather rent you my room then have you homeless on the streets Heather.” Miri added after the pair had finished speaking. “No tents or mouldy houses, okay.” She smiled as she followed the pair carefully up the stairs, it made her a little nervous as the creaked and bent a little but the trio safely made it up.

When she got to the top of the stairs, Miri saw three rooms, all in a similar state as the others, Heather was right there might be more to find in a master bedroom but the three could clear the three rooms quicker if the split up for this and then get the hell out. “Okay I’ll take this one.” Miranda stated going to one of the other room making it to the door way, slowly opening the door to have a look, only to be stopped by sudden rumbling of the floor which if in all honesty scared the shit out of her.

Miranda instinctively remained with the door from like one would in an earthquake, although it was not as violent as she expects but enough to kick up some dust which made her cough a few times and wave her hand around in front of her face to clear the dust away from her face, whatever it was, it was from below, did the basement give in on the others down there? Fin, Oli and Dec could be trapped, but they needed to find evidence. Miranda looked at Heather and the Robin, as she looked at him, a bit frightened still braced in the doorway slightly. “My god, the others… What do we do?” Miri asked him, she wanted to help them, but would they be pissed they stopped looking for evidence?
@MoroseSorry I was meant to do this last night after my post in another RP, but i fell asleep at the computer.

-- Edit--

Updated the Relations. :)
Aaliyah Cruz

Location:Hydraulic Hearth Restaurant & Brewery.
Interacting With:

Aaliyah had a huge sigh of relief when she finally sat down in her car, resting her head on the steering wheel for a moment before getting ready to drive before starting up the engine, looking out the window she saw the two idiots that tried to attack her being hauled of into the ambulance before it left the scene of her work place. What a bloody day she has had thus far. It took a while to merge into traffic but eventually she did and began making her way home.

There was quite a bit of traffic around, which was no surprise to her at all, it’s can often be a very common scene. Aaliyah did notice a young looking guy looking over and smiled at her, looking back she returned a soft smile for a moment before concentrating back on the road ahead of her as the drive would take a while longer before she managed to find a parking space at her home and wasting no time locking it up and making her way up and indoor to her apartment. She carefully flung her shoes of across the floor and took her jacket of before hanging it up and placing her bag on the living room table and switching on the TV, before she sat down though she made herself a hot cuppa before sitting down and putting her feet up, relaxing into the sofa.

Miranda Burke

Location:Abandoned House Interacting with: Heather Ali @Kirah, Robin Marshall@McHaggis, :

What did she really expect when going into an old abandoned house suffering from the effect time and rain? Miranda noticed straight of, maybe the other did to but didn’t react in the same way as she did. The place, the air itself smelt and musty that she did let out a small initial caught but was fine after she covered her nose and mouth for a second adjusting before along with the other treaded carefully deeper into the house, she was being careful and cautious with her footstep while noticing the damage to the ceiling above them, she couldn’t imagine anyone being able to save this place.

The floorboards creaking as they walked was kind of creepy, Miranda wouldn’t lie about that, and although she may have looked calm, the house was giving her a bad vibe deep inside. She noticed the picture just like Heather did as her friend wen and picked it up, the name she mentioned didn’t ring any bells, but her family was here for a several generations, so maybe someone else in her family might know? “Do we really want to know what they might be re-enacting?” She said quietly in response to Heather, either way Miranda took her phone out and took a photo of the picture with the name on it when her friend placed it back down, it could be something useful after all.

Miranda took a moment to look into a room that they were right near, it appeared to be the living room considering the covered up furniture that seemed to still be here. It made her think that maybe someone was still using this place and that it’s possible the person that got murdered here disturbed them? Kind of making Miri wish she didn’t come in here now, but no point on dwelling on the decision now. Pointing the torch over to where she noticed the damaged floor board, it looked like where the P.I had injured himself just prior to their arrival. Carefully Miri made her way towards it, she knelt down near it, not to close so her weight would make her fall in or anything and had a good look. Miranda did notice one thing though, a box that was open next to it, it must have been under the floorboard which the P.I accidently broke… Great he might have actually found something, if only they got here sooner.

Again Miranda used her phone to take om photos of the broken floorboard and of the open wooden box, it’s contents were missing and it didn’t look like she would be able to tell just what was in there. Afterwards Miri stood up carefully not to make any additional holes in the floor, and turned her head to look at the other two, hair blonde hair swaying over her shoulder as she did so. “Looks like the P.I found something.” She pointed at the broken floor and the small wooden box near her. She sighed in frustration in just missing out on something. “We should keep looking further into the or maybe upstairs if they are still around, it’s possible he couldn’t look elsewhere because of his injury." Miri said as she took a further look around the room to see if there was anything else she might of missed before coming into the room.
@Morose I have sorted out my miscalculation on age/birthdate. And tweaked the parkour skill to where it's needed. :)
@MoroseWill sort those out tonight after work ^^
Aaliyah Cruz

Location:Hydraulic Hearth Restaurant & Brewery.
Interacting With:

Aaliyah waited for what felt like eternity for some kind of reaction from the guy, although it was really only a few moments that had passed them by, he didn’t look like he was phased by how she reacted to him or the threat to get the police onto him if he continued to harass her. If anything though and to her surprise, Trevor simply remained calm and professional to the point of calling her miss Cruz, she never told him her name or anything about herself which was what sent alarm bells ringing once more, how the hell did he know her?

Either Aaliyah seemed to tense up a little when he got up and leaving, not before placing his card on the table. Aaliyah just stood there for a few good moments just waiting, not sure he was just waiting for her to move and then come back in, but he didn’t and eventually Aaliyah sat down on a nearby seat at the table where he put his card. Her head was in her hands staring at it for a few moments, she just wanted the day to be over, hell it was tempting to just break down in tears but she managed to refrain from doing so.

That is what she did for like a good ten minutes before picking up the card and placing it in her bag, whatever the reasons, it could be useful information… even if she didn’t know what to do with it right now. Straightening herself out, Aaliyah eventually left her work place, she was paranoid enough to keep looking around, she hoped that guy was not around before she got to her car and began making her way home.
Had to edit what i was doing at the end as Kirah posted while i was writing mine up ^^

It's like 3am in the morning for me so hope its okay, as im tired as all hell lol.
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