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Miranda Burke

Location:Abandoned House Interacting with: Heather Ali @Kirah, Robin Marshall@McHaggis,Olivia Johnson@Nallore, Finley Alestair@FantasyChic:

Miranda barely made it through the door before the PI had made his way out of the front door of the house, luckily she sidestepped him quick enough as he went pass not to get knocked over on her ass as the guy headed straight over to Finley and began speaking her and showing the injury on his leg, so the house was unstable and dangerous… Great, now what were they supposed to do? She wanted to go in for Riley, but what if one fell through a floorboard or something?

It looked as though Heather was not sure on going in and even the horse riding Declan was heading into the basement with Oli and Fin, which just left Miri going in by herself or hoping Robin or Heather would join her in the house, but she would never force them or think bad of them deciding not to, even she was having second thoughts. Robin speaking up on taking the house kind of helped ease the second thoughts however and gave her a second wind in deciding to chance it in the house.

Despite the PI’s warning of the house everyone seemed to thank him and go on, almost felt like as if the warning was being ignored, Miranda wanted to thank him, hell even offer to drive him to the clinic herself as she felt bad just letting the injured guy go on in his own car and drive off, he was only trying to help, maybe she’ll thank him at a later time if she got the chance and apologize for not getting the chance to offer help before he took off. But that trail of thought was gone when Olivia had made her way over to Miri and gave the blonde a hug, one that really felt like it took longer than it did but Miri returned the smile. “I know; you be careful down there okay.”

With that in mind Miranda watched the others head of towards the basement before turning her attention back to the front of the house, this was probably a bad idea, even stupid… but if it gave a chance to find Riley it was worth it, she just hoped none of them would get hurt. ‘Okay Miri you can do this’ She thought aloud in her mind as she took a deep breath and made her way through the door, thankfully and what also put a smile on her face was the fact that Heather decided to join herself and Robin to check out the inside of the house, Miranda gently rested a hand on Heathers shoulder. “It’s okay, I’ll take the lead, you mind if I borrow that?” Miri softly smiled as she motioned at the flashlight.
Interested ^.^
Aaliyah Cruz

Location:Hydraulic Hearth Restaurant & Brewery.
Interacting With:

Aaliyah still kept her distance from him when he walked into the room further and took a seat, it left her the perfect opportunity to leave while she could but then would he simply still follow her if she still didn’t hear him out? Alas she watched him carefully as he apologized and then went on to talk to her, well more like question her about the very things she had been experiencing and it made her thoughts race for a moment, how could he know so well?

However, it only took a few moments before she snorted in her attempt to refrain from laughing, looking a bit bemused at the man, Aaliyah covered her mouth a little as she could help but smile and cleared her throat and moved her hand away before she would answer him. "What do you mean by weird dreams? everyone has weird dreams, and other than yourself I saw one of the four horseman in my bathroom last night."

She continued to look amused at him as her smile remained as she notices him pull out a card, joking aside Aaliyah managed to calm a little, still weary of the man to keep her distance. "Look, I Don't know what you’re talking about, but I am going to have to ask you to leave, you’re not supposed to be back here." She pauses watching him, taking a more serious tone. "Oh and next time you get close to me like that I'm calling the cops and suing your ass for stalking."

Miranda Burke

Location:Abandoned House Interacting with: Heather Ali @Kirah, Robin Marshall@McHaggis,Olivia Johnson@Nallore, Finley Alestair@FantasyChic:

Miranda did manage a smile while looking at the house, Robin did come out with something amusing, or at least something to try and lighten the mood for what they were about to do, fortunately it looked like the cops were not around which was great, just had this PI to deal with. Soon enough Declan had returned with a horse which made Miri raise an eyebrow that would have made The Rock proud, did he really go of just to get a horse and arrive in some style? Would’ve been quicker using the car if in all honesty as it was very quiet having just Finely for company.

Soon Oli spoke up about going into the heart of where the murder happened, the basement, true it made sense but would they really need six people to go into a basement? Splitting up into two groups of either size was probably best, it would give them a chance to check out more of the insides quicker and maybe see if the PI had managed to find anything that could be of use, although this really wasn’t her job like him, but she wanted to do something. So Finley and Oli were going to head for the basement it seemed they were dead set on that. “Okay, I’ll head into the house and check it out, hopefully we can still find something as there is no telling how long the PI has been here.” In truth she was hoping he hadn't found anything yet. But With that, Miri sighed and took a deep breath she approached the front door cautiously before she would creep the door open to look before stepping inside.
Aaliyah Cruz

Location:Hydraulic Hearth Restaurant & Brewery.
Interacting With:

When Aaliyah came in to grab her stuff, she gave a soft smile to the cook that was there on break and gave a friendly wave back, it was a nice distraction from everything that has been going on, probably the only normal thing left that will happen today. When the guy went back to his phone, Aaliyah began gathering up her things and grabbing her coat as the guy left as his break had finished. Unfortunately for her, the peace and quiet of being alone lasted mere seconds.

The creepy guy that had been staring at her out the front was suddenly at the staff door; how did he even get there without being noticed or stopped? It didn’t matter though as not he had blocked the door and again was sending alarm bells ringing in Aaliyah’s head. He did initially startle her with his sudden appearance as it was certainly not expected, but the woman never took her eyes of the man, she was keeping her distance while being weary of what he was doing.

The guy spoke to her, raising his arms up, as if that would make her think the guy meant no harm, looks could be deceiving, soon enough the guy introduced himself. “I don’t care who you are, you should not be back here, doesn’t help your giving of a rather creepy stalker vibe right now.” Aaliyah spoke back, of course she is a little freaked at the predicament she found herself in, Sure she could simply overpower the guy and leave but then that leaves someone knowing something they shouldn’t. “Well I don’t have much of a choice considering your blocking the doorway. So talk quick, what does an alleged geneticist want with simple waitress?” Aaliyah enquired, she was not about to tell him who she was and still kept her distance from him, still a little on edge by his presence.

Miranda Burke

Location:Abandoned House Interacting with: Heather Ali @Kirah, Robin Marshall@McHaggis,Olivia Johnson@Nallore, Finley Alestair@FantasyChic:

Miranda didn’t really waste much time once Finley had gotten into her car and buckled in, she already had the engine ticking over while the others were sorting themselves out at the dancing queen. Soon enough Miranda reversed the car out of the parking spot and made her way out onto the road ahead of the van as Miri knew where to go anyway and the drive would be short and sweet as she took to the dirt road leading to the house as the rain seemed to clear up

As Miri was pulling her car up to the house she noticed that there was a car already there. “I guess we were not the only ones to have the same idea.” She mentioned softly Finley as she stopped the car close to the house and securing the vehicle into park so it wouldn’t roll of or anything, turning the car of and unbuckling herself from the seat, Miri got out of her car looking over at the car once more.

Closing her door and giving Finely a chance to get out of the vehicle before she locked it, she went towards the car in question that was already there and she recognized who it belonged to from her time going to help Riley’s mom at the B&B. “I recognize this car, I think this is the PI’s car, He must have already gone into the house.” Miri said aloud to the group and she turned at looked back at the creepy house, Great just what they needed.

Aaliyah Cruz

Location:Hydraulic Hearth Restaurant & Brewery.
Interacting With:

Aaliyah smiled towards her boss. “Thank you sir, I’ll be okay though, not really feeling hungry right now anyway, I just going to get my things and go home and unwind.” When he went on ordering the others to start the clean-up of the restaurant, her friends and co-workers went off to just that leaving Aaliyah to her own thoughts for a moment but if anything the situation still had her on edge and out from the corner of her eye, she noticed this guy in the corner looking like he was watching her or something, maybe she was just being paranoid.

If anything she couldn’t help but glance over at the guy, giving him a once over. From what she could tell he was wearing a tan trench coat and a suit and had her wondering if this guy was a detective or something else, it didn’t matter as it made her uncomfortable with the way he was watching her. She found it hard not to glance at him a couple more times before she headed of out the back into the staff area to get her things, and hope by taking her time, that whoever that guy is, would be gone or waiting in the corner still. Either way she decided she take her time, much longer than normal to get her stuff and she hanged out back, remembering she still h ad the officer card on her.

Miranda Burke

Location: café Interacting with: Heather Ali @Kirah, Robin Marshall@McHaggis,Olivia Johnson@Nallore, Finley Alestair@FantasyChic:

“Anytime Oli” Miranda smiled at her bestie and so it seemed the who is going with who was sorted. Oli and Heather were to go with Robin while Dec and Finley were to ride in her car if they so choose to, it was kind of an interesting dynamic to have them two in her car, if anything Miranda could never remember a time of thinking or offering Finley a lift anywhere and with Dec in the car to, could make things awkward to, but she would be all of that aside to help find Riley.

Moments later Miri had her jacket handed back to her by Heather, she smiled at the young woman and gave her thanking nod for giving it back, especially considering her car keys where in the pocket of her jacket, putting it on quick she left out of the café along with Oli who went over to Robins dancing queen. She motioned for Finley to follow if she wanted a lift in her car as to her surprise, Dec had pretty much bolted on his own after saying something to Fin. Miri was in two minds to ask, but decided against it, she went over and unlocked it before quickly jumping in and getting herself ready to go by putting the seatbelt on and starting the engine up before waited on the others.

Miranda Burke

Location: café Interacting with: Heather Ali @Kirah, Robin Marshall@McHaggis,Olivia Johnson@Nallore, Finley Alestair@FantasyChic:

Now things seemed to be picking up in pace, what was what three people? And now turned into a small army to go to this one house, it seemed Dec and Fin were coming to, Oli might as well invite the whole town at this point but still the numbers in a small area meant searching it in safer numbers and… a hell of a lot quicker, she was doing this for Riley but it didn’t mean that in the back of her mind this was a bad idea, knowing about werewolves now meant there was more out there and a haunted house was now a more serious deal.

Miri was mostly listening to the conversation on her own table that she didn’t realize the Dec and fin had come over and Oli asked to get a ride in the mystery van, it no doubt had plenty of space, but it was probably full of his things he was gone for so long, was it brave or crazy that had him dive head first right in with the gang like he was never gone? Miri decided to chip in while Oli was paying for everyone’s meals, frankly Miri didn’t even think to order anything to eat or drink.

When Fin chirped in with her own thoughts, it was strange to say it but Miranda agreed with her co-worker, they were wasting time with chilling and jokes while thinking of going to this place. But the trail could be already gone, but there was always a small chance of finding something. “Finley is right, we need to get moving if we are to find anything.” She paused a moment looking at Finley as she let that sink in, well Miranda was known for just coming out with it and right now she was in agreement with Fin’s statement.

Looking back at the others. “I doubt robin has infinite space in his van, So I’ll be coming along in my car, I can take four peeps so the van isn’t so crowded but the sooner we go the better.” Miranda finished looking more serious now looking around at the others as she stood up from the table.
Aaliyah Cruz

Location:Hydraulic Hearth Restaurant & Brewery.
Interacting With:

Aaliyah managed a slight but soft smile back at the officer, honestly she would rather hide where no one would see or bother her, but in this day in age, she doubted this would happen. She took the officers card when he offered it to her and she slipped it into her trouser pocket so she was not to lose it. “Thankyou officer, I will if anything pops up.” She then watched as the officer started speaking with other witnesses while took a moment to gather her thought once more.

Aaliyah felt like she jumped a mile when her boos tapped her shoulder, fortunately she did not let out any embarrassing or audible yelp in the process. She did calm herself when her boss complimented on how she handled the situation and offered her the rest of the day off. “I would love to sir… But what about the clean-up and damage?” She asked a little worried. But to be honest, she was more than happy and looking forward to just getting home and locking herself in.

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