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@Nallorei'll have my post up by tomorrow ^^
Sorry for holding you guys up, still ill but not as bad now as on meds. ^^

Miranda Burke

Location: café Interacting with: Heather Ali @Kirah, Robin Marshall@McHaggis,Olivia Johnson@Nallore:

Miranda went quiet for a moment while Olivia responded to Robin, if anything she was in her own little world for a moment before her bestie had started asking questions to Robin, the one that caught her attention the most however was ‘going to the creepy old house’, by now unless living under the world biggest rock, there was another murder that happened there and with her interest into the supernatural, it would not Surprise Miri with what’s come to light over the last five days if something like that was responsible, but what?

It was at that moment when Miri saw and watch a rather drowned Heather come into the café, seemed it was her day of two, it was quite cool when more than one of them were off, it was nice to hang out without having the added work load, plus Miri got on really well with the young woman, especially when she since confided and put her trust in Miri she came back to Red Lake, her smile to see her though did soon turn to a little bit of worry, Heather had not even dressed for the weather! For a moment Miri stood up and took her own jacket of and offered it to Heather. “Jesus Heather, put this on please, you’ll catch a cold or something.”

And then the creepy house was mentioned again, Miranda was feeling a bit apprehensive about the idea, but it sounded like the rest were set on going, plus if it helped in anyway in finding Riley, then she would do it, even if her gut was saying otherwise not to. At least Robin felt super happy about the idea. “Could never keep you away from a mystery.” She replied looking at him for a moment. At this point Miranda quickly ordered an Orange juice, always got to have you’re one a day before investigating creepy ass houses she guessed, plus it seemed Oli invited Dec and Finley, well this just got interesting but Oli had a point. “I have a bad feeling about it, But I’ll go for Riley… Plus it be safer if we go in numbers and stay close together.”
Aaliyah Cruz

Location:Hydraulic Hearth Restaurant & Brewery.
Interacting With:

Aaliyah had turned her attention to the officer who startled her from her thoughts, she felt more at ease when the officer her his badge and was quite obviously an officer by appearance of his uniform. Looking around for a moment seeing the two guys being taken away also made her feel a lot better about the situation as it meant they couldn’t harm anyone now. “It’s okay, I am just glad you’re here.” She spoke back with a bit of relief in her tone.

She took a few moments to gather her thoughts of what happened and try her best to explain the situation to the officer. “It all start when I over there by that table serving a customer his order.” Aaliyah started while pointing over to the table in question she was at. “Then that stupid bald guy pushed into me from behind knocking me awkwardly over the table, I didn’t realise it was him at first so I spun round and told him to watch what he was doing… He immediately went offensive towards me verbally, being provocative towards me and trying intimidate me.”

Aaliyah sighed for a moment before continuing. “I would not back down and was telling him to leave or the police would be called, sure I was not polite about it but at this point he was being physical towards me shoving me and still being provocative… When I made it clear I was not backing off and wanted him to leave, he reaches round behind himself like he was grabbing something, I felt threatened and immediately reacted by kicking him in the balls Sir. He ended up dropping that gun there.” She pointed it out to the officer.

“Well to say he fell to the floor screaming like a little girl, his buddy came at me from the table he was at, I used his own weight and momentum against him and deflect him over myself onto that table, didn’t think his fat ass would break it mind you… But he did drop that knife from his hand there.” Again she pointed out his weapon. “I picked them up carefully using a napkin to make sure if they able, that they were out of their reach officer.” She finished explaining to the officer what had happened and why from her understanding. “Look I didn’t expect anything like this, it’s a bit overwhelming.”

Miranda Burke

Location: café Interacting with: Samantha wildes @infamous Auror, Robin Marshall@McHaggis,Olivia Johnson@Nallore:

Miranda remained silent after she said her piece, it was a downer for sure but it was not Robins fault, he was not to know how it was effecting people without asking, weather it was a good, bad or silly question, it was still the best way to gauge the feelings of people, better to ask than guess, sure enough her best girlie answered to, short truthful and hit the point across, it was clear in Miri’s mind that everyone was in one way or another and to be honest, despite the weather she was kind of itching to go look for her again just because of this conversation alone, she jumped a little when her phone went off in her pocket and quickly pulled it out to read it, It was from the new girl Samantha, to whom she rent the spare room to.

Hey Sam, looking at it I don’t think it will anytime soon, where you thinking of heading? – Miri.
To: Samantha Wilde.

Miranda soon placed her phone on the tablet instead of her pocket in case her phone went off again, her mind was certainly elsewhere thinking of anywhere they may have missed when looking for Riley, the raining was still drumming against the window when she heard the door opening, she didn’t think much of it until she heard Oli called out Declan’s name. Miri actually perked up at the sound of his name being called out and looked towards the door where she noticed him looking back at her. It was hard to tear her look away seeing him have a smile creeping onto his features, Miri blushed a little momentarily looking at the table before looking back at him with a smile, she did nothing more than that though considering he was hanging out with Finley.

Miri was snapped out of it and her attention brought back to the two at the table with her, thankfully she was not full blown staring at Declan, that would have been funny and probably awkward. She listened to Robin. “You don’t need to be sorry for anything Robin, you weren’t to know unless you asked... Besides stick around long enough and you’ll see how close this community is.” Miranda managed to keep her smile this time, and at least the blushing had stopped because she was thinking of Riley more than anyone else once again. Miri smiled at Oli. “Looks like we got an extra for the Scooby doo gang and honestly, I think just and extra pair of eyes and hands will help out a lot.” Miranda replied sounding a bit chirpier.

Aaliyah Cruz

Location:Hydraulic Hearth Restaurant & Brewery.
Interacting With:

It seemed to be over as quick as it started, the first guy really did fall like a sack of potatoes while letting out a very sweet sound of the guy’s voice going high pitch, to Aaliyah it was like he was squealing like a five-year-old, it was very satisfying to hear considering how tough the guy was before, how would he explain getting reduced to a heap on the floor by a 5ft woman? It was fortunate that she acted though as the guy dropped a handgun, reminding her how dangerous the situation was and how stupid she was being.

Funnily enough weather it was down to her new found strength or the guys own weight, the second guy went through the table, breaking the dam thing in half, she was probably going to get a lot of shit about that from the boss no doubt. A knife clattered on the floor by her foot where she looked at it for longer than one probably should as the room fell silent. So she was almost shot and stabbed because decided to be a hard ass of her own and not back down from these two idiots, after a few moments she looked up and around herself to see people looking at her, to be honest it was kind of intimidating and embarrassing at the same time.

Suddenly everyone in the restaurant started cheering at her, it actually made her jump at the sudden eruption and the chocked showed on her face for a moment as the experience was a little overwhelming as she stood there taking it in, maybe she could do this, be something more? No, no, can’t think like that, it’s not Marvel and she was no Captain America. Bringing herself back to her senses, Aaliyah couldn’t help but smile and even lightly laugh a little at the response as she mouthed the words thank you, she then came to realise people had recorded this and that made her worried she be on the news or even all over YouTube or something.

Snapping out of the moment once more, Aaliyah quickly grabbing a napkin before grabbing the knife away from the guy in the broken table carefully to make sure if he was still able, that he didn’t pick it up for round two. Before grabbing another spare napkin to pick up the handgun with carefully, and to make sure there was none of her fingerprints on it either and walking as casual as she could over to the bar while people were still cheering and placing the two weapons onto the side but not near her co-workers. She noticed one was in the process of phoning the police, she gave them a slight nod, she knew they had no choice even if she didn’t want them to, she had been recorded defending herself by people with their phones, it’s not as if she could suddenly run and hide away at home. Instead she settled for resting her head in her hands leaning against the bar, she didn’t know if she wanted to laugh or cry in all honesty.

Aaliyah Cruz

Location:Hydraulic Hearth Restaurant & Brewery.
Interacting With:

The guy took another step towards Aaliyah, Of course why would he listen to a person half his size, if she was any other normal person this guy would snap her like a twig, hell it was even possible she would not be standing her ground as much if it wasn’t for this strange situation she had found herself in, and not the current one at work but the bigger issue of what is wrong with herself and the accidental discovery she had made about herself since becoming ill.

This guy’s breath totally stunk of booze and halitosis to boot. With that hygiene, he was certainly not someone you want to be making out with anytime soon, but god was the sight of his teeth gross… again he had called her girlie as he once again shoved her back pretty hard to the point she went back a few feet, ‘just one punch and it be over’ was the one thing that kept popping up in her mind, one punch and this dude would be out cold and embarrassed in front of all of his friends, which of course was being amused by this idiot trying to act all badass by picking on a 5ft girl.

Then it just happened in a moment, like as if it was an instinctive reaction to the bald headed guy coming at her with another step and reaching for something. Aaliyah had instinctively reacted by taking a step back before going for the good old fashion kick to the family jewels, she did it without hesitation or thinking, it was bad enough for any guy to get hit there by a woman, let alone one with super strength, he probably wouldn’t be having any or anymore kids in a hurry that’s for sure.

It seemed that at the precise moment Aaliyah had done this, one of the guys mates didn’t take kindly to what she did. The young woman really didn’t get the chance to actually register what she just did to the aggressive drunk guy that was coming at her, but soon enough another one was coming at Aaliyah and attempting to grab her. Using some basic self-defence Aali briefly picked up.

Aaliyah used the other guy’s momentum against himself, that and along with her super strength ended up in a pretty cool awesome if brief moment where she redirected his arm and used his weight and own momentum against him to throw him round and into the table next to her. It all happened so fast that Aaliyah stood there overlooking the guy annoyed before realizing what she had done and moved away. “Oh shit.” She said under her breath, looking abit shocked at what she just did.

Miranda Burke

Location: café Interacting with: Robin Marshall@McHaggis,Olivia Johnson@Nallore:

Miranda face lit up a little more when her bestie patted the seat next to her and winked at Miri, Olivia and herself had always gotten on so well even way before the former had told her what she was, it was strange that Olivia and Declan were werewolves, she knew where there was one there be more, but did not expect it be people so close to her heart. But if anything it made her trust and respect for them even stronger, she would to go hell and back for them. “Thanks Girl” taking her jacket of Miri sat down next to Oli.

Miranda noticed that the manager had come out, she still felt he was an ass even if she did calm down, she still wasn’t the same, how could anyone be, sure you had to get on with it but it didn’t mean one could just forget about it, if there is one thing to know about Miranda is that she cared deeply for those that she considers close and it is how the blonde has managed to get on with so many in Red Lake. He had told Finley she could go, she seemed to be waiting around though, maybe for someone and even for a moment thought about inviting Fin over but thought better of it.

Miranda’s smile faded and demeanour changed a little when Robin pried in and asked how they were holding up over the Riley situation and the other shit, that said shit being a mauled Mayor. Miri looked down at the table for a moment before looking up over at Olivia and then back to Robin, honestly the whole thing hit her hard, same for everyone of course, maybe more than others. “Honestly, some days I do okay, others not so much… But this shit should'nt be happening here, this is Red lake, sure not many liked the Mayor but getting murdered is not right… I miss Riley though, I know she is out there somewhere, she has to be and I won’t give up on her.”

Miranda paused for a moment to keep her herself calm and voice down, she didn’t want to blast what she was saying all over the café after all and probably was not a great topic to talk about. “She means a lot to many, me and her were always inseparable, It’s her family I feel sorry for and worry about the most, I can never imagine or understand what they must be going through… Just hope the sheriff and the FBI and find her and soon.”

Miranda Burke

Location: café Interacting with: Robin Marshall@McHaggis,Olivia Johnson@Nallore:

Miranda had the engine ticking over for a few moments while she sorted herself out in the car, the weather was still crap so she quickly grabbed her jacket once she turned everything off and climbed the car swinging her jacket over her head as she locked the vehicle up. A smile spread across her features when she noticed Oli was in the café waving through the window.
It got her attention and Miranda for a moment waved back before she quickly ran inside the café to get back into a dry environment. She noticed that a guy was sitting with her at table, both with drinks, wait… Was that Robin? God it has been a while since she last saw him around town, it was quite surprising sight to see as she walked over to the table they were at.

“Robin?... No way, it’s certainly been a while.” Miri began saying as she looked over to Oli. “Got room for your girl come sit with?” She asked not wanting to be rude in just jumping into a seat at the table in case they were having a conversation already. She wondered brought Robin back into town? Although it was not uncommon for him to come and go.

My post will be up very soon ^^
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