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Cleo D'Nile

Location: Dorm room – Courtyard.

Well what a week, it was the only way to describe this place that Cleo had found herself in, it was like non-stop medicals, physical and tours for the most part but today was her first day and to be honest it felt like such a relief to have some sort of normality while not get poked and prodded. Some classes went better than others sure, but now she had the rest of the day of in what was supposed to be a chance in getting to know people around her, something she had not massively gone out of her way to do with so many new people around her, sure her Roommate was a little different and she came to talk with her more than anyone else.

So Cleo had found herself back in her dorm room where she was planning to relax in or at the pool, just something that was simple enough for her not to get into some mischief as the dark blonde girl had to be doing something, it was the frustrating part of classes having to side on one’s backside for a length of time. This unusually quite side of her was interrupted by a sudden loud crash erupting from outside which scared the living crap out of the girl. “Just what in the bloody hell is happening this time?” the girl thought as she instinctively made her way over to the window before opening and poking her head out to get a good look.

It was not hard to miss of course, a big ass dust cloud that once was clearing showed a crater with a pair of her classmates in it one down and the other standing over him. Cleo remembered the later as Isaac? She had to think a moment but was sure it was him. Oh yeah she could remember him alright, he was being a jerk the other day which she didn’t take kindly to and ended up playing some pranks on him, invisibility certain had its fun sides, that was a fun time indeed which brought a smile to her face in amusement. Anyway she was getting distracted in her own thoughts and concentrated back on what was going on. “Aww brilliant, a tussle”

She was wishing for popcorn right now as she watched events unfold, of course it would cause a crowd to emerge, it would be impossible not to feel that, but soon enough other students had turned up but more surprisingly got involved, obviously to try and help the downed kid. “Oh boy now it’s turned into a groupie tussle!” maybe she sounded a little too excited but she needed to go down there and get a better view. Suddenly she was running out her room like a hamster on coffee only having to slide to halt to go back and lock her room, and then set back of back down the myriad of corridors.

When arriving to the stairs it was like a traffic jam. ‘Why do people have to stop and chat on the dam stairs’ she shouted in her mind as she came about half way, she couldn’t afford any further delays in seeing the ultimate warrior series going on outside and so vaulted over the railing to the other stairs, sure it annoyed some people along the way but she was able to make the run down the rest of the stairs to ground level to make her way to the front of the central building and bursting out of the doors into the courtyard, taking a second to gather her bearings she made her way round the corner. “Oh come on, why do I have to miss the juicy bits” she said coming to a stop.

She was unaware of course if there were any serious injuries. That was until she saw the lad go for the redhead girl, all the while clocking Pierce going towards them like freaking J.I Joe. The only thing Cleo could do was watch with eyes wide as a shock wave then sent the aggressor packing, if anything she looked a bit bewildered from it feeling a slight gust of wind of the effect of whatever the hell the girl just did. Watching Pierce attend to the girl, Cleo actually felt bad for wanting to come watch a fight and even worried for the student, Moments later she snapped out of it seeing Peirce come towards her with the girl in his arms, she rushes back towards the door’s and opens them for him as he dashed past, it was the least she could do, she then went and sat on one of the benches in the courtyard wondering... No hoping the redhead would be okay.

@BoyMom69035 I think I distracted him with Cleo xD
@ShieldsOfWar I tried and it did not work for me, might need a new invite link :)
@BoyMom69035 Thank you! ^^
Is it okay to get a invite to the discord?, I have read up on the posts and loving the interactions thus far, be cool to chat you with guys while im making a character while on standby to join up when space allows :)
@ShieldsOfWar Thats okay, is it okay to work on a character in the mean time? :)
Hey i know this is not the Interest check, but i was wondering if there is still space in here for the RP? Need to get my X-men fix :)

Miranda Burke

Location: Miranda’s Home. Interacting with: Olivia:

Miranda had stood up after Oli did, taking and walking over to put the glasses into the sink, she could wash them up later when she got back as there was a bit of a schedule to keep, she avoided making thinks more awkward between by keeping of the subject of blushing. Taking a moment to stretch out a little while her friend was using her phone before making her way to the door like her friend would.

It be better to just take the car now to save doing an extra trip, plus I have the fuel.” Miranda smiled picking up her keys to the house and the car before taking a jacket of the hook near her door, could never be careful if it got a bit nippy during the evening or late at night, depending on how long they might be out for. “Okay, ready to go” The blonde smiled before opening the and walking out before letting her friend walk also before she looked up the house.

Afterwards, Miranda walked over to her car and unlocked it so the pair could get in, slinging her jacket onto the back seat. Miri then got comfortable before belting up, even if it was around the corner, you would never know what could happen, once everything was sorted, Miranda would pull out and drive towards her friend’s house.
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