Avatar of Dark Cloud


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3 days ago
Current Another year of writing for ye, and a happy birthday πŸ₯‚
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3 days ago
Awww when's the wedding?
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3 days ago
Sir, this is a Denny's.
4 days ago
Nah don't feel bad, you lost something important to you and that sucks.
4 days ago
Finally I am one with the PC


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //

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Most Recent Posts

You guys are fast with your posts lol, I'll do my best to keep up

Edit: I posted! I hope you all enjoy it.

fastest in the west partner
@xenon there ya go parnd'ner, mosey on over to the IC to see my post.

"Well I'll be darned," after coughing and waving a hand to clear the dust as it flew through the air, a broad-shouldered man stepped out from the weird looking coffin he woke up in, dusting off his trousers with a bit of a confused look in his eyes beneath the wide-brimmed straw hat upon his head "This ain't Austin is it?" he looked between the stone sarcophogi then the wide-mouthed expressions on the faces of the people slowly gathering, they sure were dressed oddly.

"This wouldn't be one o'them Renaissance fairs would it?" the southern man asked, hefting the shovel laying next to him over his large shoulders and picking the familiar shape of a bag from the ground with the other. Clive didn't know he'd fallen asleep with his shovel, he guffawed to himself with a shake of his head not believing this all wasn't just some kind of fancy prank being pulled on him.

After all he was just a simple man, last he remembered he was out working the field on a hot day. Heat was dang well sweltering then he just blacked out, it just wasn't adding up.
Working on post rn, dibs on the sarcophagus in center square!
@xenon Sounds gucci.
I once played a halfling barbarian, funniest shit I've ever played. Pikachu on roids, just grappling shit activating rage then turning into a mass of electricity and angry midgetness. Had a AC of 18 without armor, just a shield and this was all level 1.
Can my boy Clive already be out his coffin?
@XxFellsingxX so like... "Look see, I got fists see. I'll clock ya if ya don't understand capiche ya fazoo"?
I'll get to posting after a lil' gamin' there partner. Need me some Elden Ring.
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