Avatar of Dark Cloud


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17 hrs ago
Current Another year of writing for ye, and a happy birthday πŸ₯‚
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20 hrs ago
Awww when's the wedding?
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1 day ago
Sir, this is a Denny's.
2 days ago
Nah don't feel bad, you lost something important to you and that sucks.
2 days ago
Finally I am one with the PC


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //

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Vestibulum iaculis urna vel risus rhoncus, et aliquam leo sagittis.
Sed at odio sapien.
Curabitur sed mi id risus consequat aliquam.
Nam porttitor orci eget quam sollicitudin auctor.
Quisque et quam sed justo interdum efficitur nec non magna.
Donec tristique mi nisi, commodo pulvinar elit sollicitudin et.

Most Recent Posts

Alright well I got it up earlier than I anticipated. Hopefully the weekend brings some more interest.

Here is the link to the somewhat new interest check πŸ˜‚.

If you're still interested, here's the new interest check and I think I have a better direction to swing this. It will start in Kakariko Village where everyone most likely went after what happened in the city, or people found their way there eventually. It makes setting this up easier and start off smaller in scope.

Despair of the Golden Goddess

It is said that in a time of great turmoil a hero would step forward to fight back the darkness with the sword of evils bane in hand, and restore the light to all Hylia's children across the land in order to bring peace to the nations.

Yet the darkness fell upon the land, no hero stepped forth to fight it with holy blade in hand and all of Hylia's dear children fell to despair. For no hero had come to save them and it was in that despair the hearts of others were inspired to fight for the light in protection of their once peaceful lands.

Yet others saw this as reason to take advantage of those weaker than themselves in favor of the dark power that whispered sweet temptations to those who would do it's bidding for something in return...

It has been one year since the Gerudo King Ganondorf usurped the throne of Hyrule's royal family. You and everyone else have hoped and prayed that the fabled hero would step forward yet to the disappointment of many their hopes were replaced with anger and despair. Despite losing hope some felt compelled to action in hopes of saving themselves and others from the tyranny of Ganondorf, but some decided to bend a knee to the usurper and serve him as a slave to the dark powers he wields...

You, live in this age of darkness and despair. Praying for a hero that never came, trying to survive in this dark parody of the world before. Monsters creep at the edges of villages, closer than they did in the age before. You may have come from Kakariko or fled there on a night you will never forget. Or do you look back to the past, and wish you had the power to do something? Or to have had the courage to persevere?

Nay, you may have been wiser and saw that there was no point to fight. You ran and hid, waiting to come out of hiding when the dust settled. You could see there was something to be gained in this day and age, you are perceptive or rather that is what you call yourself. In your opinion, you are wise while others cannot see beyond their perceptions.

  • 1.) Relax. We're all here to chill and unwind.
  • 2.) Leave room for growth in your character. Nobody's going to start as their "maximum version" or whatever.
  • 2a.) Don't forget those standard RP rules. No Marys or Garys, no godmodding, puppetting, etc.
  • 3.) Get people involved in your original post before you post again.
  • 4.) Posting requirements aren't too strict, the minimum effort required is at least a few paragraphs. Write as much as you want, just don't post one-liners or one paragraphs.
  • 5.) Please don't ghost, if you need to drop than tell me or just say you do. Communication is key you know.
  • 5a.) If you don't post for a week, I'm going to assume your MIA and quietly usher your character to the side. But if you disappear mid action, especially in a fight or a life and death situation. Well you're dead, and that's your fault.
  • 6.) To ensure you've read all of this please write the following at the top of your application: Hey Listen!
@Dragonfly 9 potentially yes.
@TGM my goal this year is to try to beat it or get at least one ending.
@Ranvena I'm more a Pathfinder 1e man. I have no love for 2e but wouldn't be against learning to like it. Also it would be such a nice change of pace cause nobody has run Pathfinder here in years and years.

Yes, I am making an Elden Ring thread. Why? I dunno, maybe cause I need to talk about my builds or the current meta. But the video-game thread is too broad for this cause I just want to talk Elden Ring or just souls games in general. Anyway, I think I'll slap a fancy multiplayer password any schmuck can use in the title so ya goofs can play together or some shit. Or invade people, it makes no difference to me. Lol
@DClassified that's good to hear. Hopefully more people echo that sentiment. I'll get an interest check up sometime this evening or in the next couple days.
@Ranvena never too late to try.
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