Avatar of Dark Cloud


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2 mos ago
Current Clearly you all are wrong. Only real ones drink Mug Root Beer.
2 mos ago
Update: my doctor has told me to stop eating pencils.
1 like
2 mos ago
You are what you eat? Pfft yeah right, if that were true I'd have lead poisoning.
3 mos ago
my life has been rather complicated as of late
3 mos ago
To put this simply my devices were smashed. I had a big thing with my family and it's why I've been gone for so long so I apologize to the people I was writing with.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //

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Sed at odio sapien.
Curabitur sed mi id risus consequat aliquam.
Nam porttitor orci eget quam sollicitudin auctor.
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Most Recent Posts

@Guardian Angel Haruki Chuckles is basically what my Pathfinder Goblin Druid was except more like an eco terrorist. If you cut down a tree he will gut you.
Down to play
@Guardian Angel Haruki Geneva convention shaneva convention

Wordage: 481 words (+1 points)
Experience: 1/10 EXP
Location: Sector 7 (Hostel Cafeteria)
Tora, Poppi, & Giovanna's @Lugubrious and Co.
(Partitio's Theme)

'All these good folk, just trying to make a life...' Partitio's heart weighed heavy on his breast, his thoughts clouded by a smoldering fire in his heart 'Their struggles, their woes, all their ails...' the merchant tilted his head to the side adjusting the brim of his pa's old hat, wiping a tear from his eye "Dang it all." he said under his breath, voice shaking with emotion.

He had set out on a journey to put an end to people's destitution and rid the world of the devil that is poverty, but the world wasn't so simple as he remembered it. It wouldn't stop him none though, he wasn't gonna give up not til he was dead in the dirt, not til he had done what he told his old man and everyone back home. And he'd be damned if he wasn't gonna do something for the folk of Sector 7.

He may have just been a new face in town but the folk his generosity and willingness to roll up his sleeves to help anyone out was rumor abound, they knew the stranger had a desire to do the work they couldn't.

A child ran up to him with a curious look on their face and when the little one spoke up it shook the merchant from his sorrow "Why are ya cryin' mister?" it was a little girl dressed in dirty clothes and equally wild hair, the merchant knelt and rustled her hair with one hand and flipped a silver coin with his thumb in the other hand "Nothin' that I can't fix little lady," and like hell he wouldn't try, he chuckled and smiled brightly to the girl before standing, yes sir he was gonna get some folk together and they were gonna fix things around here.

With his index and pointing finger, the merchant loosed a sharp whistle "Round up a crew, it's high time folk get these streets fixed." his voice rang out between the hovels along the dusty dirt road, stepping up onto a crate in the garbage of the street he had a hand holding his old overcoat over his shoulder.
Wo Long is getting slammed and jammed in the reviews
So, what are people's thoughts on the new Pokemon series? First main line season without Ash.

I'm so fucking pissed. Pokémon is not Pokémon without him. And no fuckwit siblings are gonna change that.
@Chris488 I will get to posting as soon as I can.

The wind rustled the leaves on the trees as it blew through the small winding passage of the river that pittered with the light droplets of rain falling from above as the clouds drifted invisibly through the dark abyss of the moonless night. But, something in the current was off. A slight current that had the tickle of a chill in the waters moving through the winding path of the river. It was difficult to place yet something felt odd about the waters feeling colder than usual...

Meanwhile a soft strum echoed against the cliffsides of the Zora River, peaceful as the night seemed a restlessness in the village had kept many it seems up late that night. In the shade of the cliffs face sat a lone figure wrapped in the garb of his people the Sheikah atop a rock settled between the riverbank. Impa had gathered both him and Orin that night with orders, the captain was to gather his men and scout the mountain while he was to make his way to the Domain of the Zora to discover exactly why they had shut off contact to their neighbors.

He usually came to the river to keep an eye on the villagers when they came to fetch water, often seen playing his instrument while children played and the adults worked or cleaned their clothes and such. Tonight his fingers met the strings of his harp idly as he contemplated Impa's orders. There was no knowing what the people of the river were doing sealing off outside contact but it was his mission to find out.
Added to sheets boss.
@Lugubrious I'd say Partitio is a bit more combat oriented than Benedict, but I do feel compelled to write!
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