Avatar of Dark Cloud


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2 mos ago
Current Clearly you all are wrong. Only real ones drink Mug Root Beer.
2 mos ago
Update: my doctor has told me to stop eating pencils.
1 like
2 mos ago
You are what you eat? Pfft yeah right, if that were true I'd have lead poisoning.
3 mos ago
my life has been rather complicated as of late
3 mos ago
To put this simply my devices were smashed. I had a big thing with my family and it's why I've been gone for so long so I apologize to the people I was writing with.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //

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Sed at odio sapien.
Curabitur sed mi id risus consequat aliquam.
Nam porttitor orci eget quam sollicitudin auctor.
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@Hyades I mean if this was happening just after the shattering it could be interesting to see how he progressively loses his mind. But I'd rather go fishing with the absolute Boi.
@xenon that would be cruel to everyone not just me.
Obviously the back
If That Actually Happened-

What Lillianna Thinks In The Heat Of The Moment: 'Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair! I am Lillianna, Queen of the Shelter!'

What Lillianna Actually Says, after seeing the others soaked the next day and feeling bad about it: "...I'll help build us a bigger one for everyone next time."


*Clive proceeding to laugh and point.*
Indeed, that is often times the case.
Thou arte playerless tarnished.
(I'll keep an eye on this.)

Question however, is Radahn insane? Or will he be his original self?

Wordage: 879 words (+2 points)
Experience: 4/10 EXP
Location: Sector 7 Slums
Tora's @Lugubrious, and Zenkichi's @MULTI_MEDIA_MAN

Partitio shook the critters ear-flap..Or arm-flap? Little guy had some stubby lookin' things on his body and some big ol' ear thingy's to boot. Well either way, the merchant was happier than a pig in mud.

His gloved hand offering the Nopon a firm but not too tight handshake "Well I'll be," a big grin spread across Partitio's face, and his business sense was a tingling when the little guy mentioned something of having a sense for the trade himself, and to boot he said he was somethin' like an inventor.

"You don't mean your one o'them folks who make fancy doohickies?" the man sounded absolutely fascinated by this, Partitio had only ever heard o' things like steam engines what were getting big in the east back home so everything here so far had flabbergasted a simple working man like him.

Before he got something of an answer from the fuzzy little guy, one of the other people in the gang spoke up to warn the merchant that this little expedition they were going on wasn't no walk through the park, and if that shook Partitio he didn't show nothing but an unwavering smile and a good-natured chuckle.

"Ain't no need to pardon the heavy words there mister," regarding Zenkichi with a glint other than the red gleam in them "Now I ain't no highfalutin merchant, I've seen ugly and it's this here whole city." everything from it's shiny uppermost crust to it's dingiest of bottoms, Midgar was ugly to the core and suffering cause of the bigwigs what only cared for themselves.

At the question of being able to offer more than a keen sense of business and a way of words, the merchant laughed heartily "Say there little fella I may look the merchant but I been traveling til the cocks cry in the morning," Partitio flipped a silver coin with his thumb with a tink before deftly catching it in the air with a gloved hand "Back where I'm from they called me the 'Wild Stallion', and if someone is askin' for a fight I'll give em one. With my fists, or a weapon in my mits."

Partitio slipped the coin back into the pocket of his overcoat, adjusting it over his shoulders once more before crossing both his arms and looking down at the Nopon "Now there friend, tell me bout that fancy lookin' metal lady you got dotein' on you." he was of course asking about Poppi, curious if she were some fancy doodad the Nopon made. Making a bit of smalltalk as they moseyed on with the others in the group.

Only heard of a crew working the yards from few and less people back in the slums, Partitio knew there was some money in their work but it was dangerous business however it was also mighty profitable.

"Howdy there friend," the merchant tipped his hat to Marshall as he spoke to Tora "Uh-huh, that we are mister. Where there's commerce to be had you can shake two whiskers and not shake the scent of opportunities what lay ahead o' us." it probably didn't make any sense to the man but the merchant simply chuckled and walked alongside Tora and helped the others get set, he didn't grab a helmet himself out of habit and unfamiliarity with the need for head protection.

But before they departed he made it a habit to barter with the Scrappers to spare some equipment in return for some money and to replace his shoddy bow and spear, the merchant offered the makeshift gear for free and explained he hadn't been in town long but he'd been working as hard as he could with what little he had.

He wasn't really expecting them to take the shoddy equipment and if nit just give them it as scrap to salvage. Seeing as they were salvagers he had a good hunch they'd have maybe a good set of armor or protective clothes laying around or a slightly less shoddy weapon laying around.

If they gave him asking price he said any haul he found he'd not keep for himself as his share and instead offer it back to them if they'd give him a decent bargain on equipment.

* * *

Riding in the weird metal contraptions was a bit of a new experience for the merchant having been one to simply use his two good legs to get around.

Moving without walking gave him a bit of vertigo, hanging on to his hat and whatever else he could hold as the vehicles rattled down the dirt road. Along the ride he'd introduced himself to most of the other Seekers, his so far impression of them being good folk trying to do something for the people of Midgar.

Once the trucks rattled to a grinding halt, the sight of the ruined mountains of former buildings that were probably once impressive structures made the merchants heart fall. Crumbling, left to fall apart far from the civilized parts of Midgar this place might have been a bustling and prosperous place. Whatever happened to it, it hadn't been pretty.

The merchant could only shake his head, a sad look in his eyes as rain fell on him. Looking down at the ground, and sighing.
Welcome o' one in yellow.
Blah, evening ruined. Jk
Why do we gotta ruin a pleasant evening with planning. Sheesh. 😠
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